Eternal Existence

Chapter 5368 Huge Benefits

"Perhaps my Devouring Technique can become stronger." Although Chen Feng controls the origin of the vortex, there are also things suppressed in the origin of the vortex, unless the power of the vortex origin can be truly integrated with the Devouring Avenue.

Chen Feng still has great ambitions, but he can't do it now.

Chen Feng then remembered that he had been constantly fighting everywhere. Although he had practiced in the wild universe for a period of time before, he was far behind compared to other practitioners.

Above other Hunyuan, even Hunyuan Golden Immortal spent many calamities practicing, but Chen Feng's training time was not even a fraction of theirs.

No matter how talented Chen Feng is, he still needs a little bit of practice, not to mention that Chen Feng has opened up so many avenues and practiced other magical powers, not to mention that anyone who can cultivate to the Hunyuan realm is not an extremely talented person.

"Who has the deception power?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.



Several Hunyuan superiors spoke at the same time.

In fact, almost all practitioners know the art of deception, but it is difficult to hide it from Guixu's detection.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

Dozens of Hunyuan superiors used deception methods, and then Chen Feng led everyone forward quickly, while the God of Nothingness guarded the surroundings, ready to fight at any time.


Suddenly the God of Nothingness spoke.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was a little nervous and prepared to fight.

"We may have discovered something good." God of Nothingness said.

"Good thing? Could it be that the origin was concealed?" These were the first things that Chen Feng thought of.

"It doesn't seem to be the case, but it seems to be, it's a little strange, go here." Niwushen walked forward.

But Chen Feng couldn't see anything. He only felt that there was a vast area in front of him. Apart from the chaotic energy, the space seemed stable.

But things soon changed. As the God of Nothingness continued to advance, the space in front of him became sticky.

There are countless cracks in the viscosity.

"Space crack."

Chen Feng maximized his perception and finally captured something from the cracks.

"It's indeed a bit weird." Chen Feng said.

"It's confirmed, there should be a broken origin, but the origin here is a bit weird." The second generation also saw some clues.

"You'll know just by looking at it." Chen Feng couldn't make an accurate judgment for a while, but his power was of a very high level and was very pure.

As the God of Nothingness continues to advance, although there are some obstacles, it cannot stop the pace of God of Nothingness.

"There is more than one origin here." God of Nothingness said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng still couldn't figure it out.

"After being covered by Guixu, these Origins gathered together to fight against Guixu. Later, they used methods to deceive Guixu. It was not necessarily blinding, but they were able to resist Guixu's invasion to a greater extent. The reason for their success was that, in addition to Origin In addition to its own power, there are other powers, but this time they all took advantage of us." The void god said that the space in front of him was torn apart abruptly, and he entered an energy storm.

"What a strong energy storm. It is composed of the core power of Origin. It seems to be to resist Guixu." Chen Feng said.

"Perhaps it's been too long, and Guixu has forgotten this place." Niuwu Shen said and stretched out his hand to grab it, and the energy rolled into his palm.

The value of the power that allows Gui Xu to take the initiative to collect it can be imagined.

"The scale is not small, enough to divide it up." Chen Feng also took action and directly used the Devouring Technique. He also absorbed some during the plundering process. As expected, he could quickly replenish the mana he had consumed before.

With so many people taking action together, it actually took some time to absorb all the energy, which surprised and delighted Chen Feng.

The benefits gained just now can be compared to dividing the origin of one party.

And even though the energy has been absorbed completely, there is still energy being emitted continuously.

As long as there is enough time, the previous energy storm will reappear here.

At this time, Chen Feng also saw the existence of one origin. It should be said that it was a special origin where multiple origins overlapped and merged together.

"It's like a multiverse, but these origins seem to have taken root, and the place where these roots are located is a bit special." Chen Feng released his perception and detected more things.

"It really needs to be investigated carefully." The God of Nothingness became more and more interested and explored the surrounding areas as quickly as possible.

Chen Feng continued to draw more inferences.

"It turns out that the reason why the origins here can be maintained until now is that in addition to uniting, they are also constantly devouring the power of Guixu. It is somewhat interesting, but these origins still retain their spirituality. I wonder if we can succeed so easily? " Chen Feng said this.

"The previous energy storms have been divided up by us. Even if these origins are somewhat special, they are actually just constantly weakening in the struggle with Guixu. They are far from the original strength. Moreover, the reason why these origins can persist until now, except In addition to the reasons you just mentioned, there is also the existence of special energy here that does not belong to the origin, or even to Guixu. This is the resource we are looking for." The God of Nothingness stopped.

Chen Feng knew that the God of Nothingness had discovered something, and hurriedly came to the God of Nothingness. Only then did he see what looked like a root system formed by countless laws of power fused with a shadow, as if it was drawing energy from the shadow.

At first Chen Feng thought this was plundering Guixu's power, but upon closer inspection, he discovered that this phantom did not seem to have the same origin as Guixu.

And in other areas, these origins are indeed absorbing the power of Guixu.

There are six origins in total, all with different attributes, and all of them are super-large. They were invaded by Guixu and had no choice but to join forces to fight against Guixu.

They did persist for a long time. Under normal circumstances, even if they joined forces to fight, they must be refined bit by bit sooner or later and then integrated into Guixu.

However, these six origins underwent some changes in the process of fusion, condensed new power, and can in turn devour the power of Guixu to replenish themselves.

Another point is that they found a special power, with the help of this power, they stabilized here.

It is hard to say whether this special power comes from the rules. It is like a cancer in Guixu that can suppress the power of Guixu.

But no matter what, for adventurers like Chen Feng, these are all good things.

If you can eat these things in front of you, the benefits you get are simply unimaginable.

Even the hundreds of Hunyuan on the scene can eat it.

"Even I feel a little excited. This is the first time I have seen such a scene. If this action can go smoothly, then my strength will be greatly improved." Void God said.

Chen Feng nodded: "Indeed, I can also strengthen the avenue, open up new avenues, and complete the broken origins I got before, but I am still a little worried. Such a great benefit must be watched by us."

"The situation is different. In fact, Guixu also wants to solve these mutated origins, or wants to solve this cancer. What we do is also helping Guixu. So taking away the power that originally belonged to Guixu can make Guixu even more powerful." Void God said.

"That's reasonable, but I'm still worried that Guixu will intervene." Chen Feng said.

"Knowing that Guixu will intervene, should we still take action?" Void God said with a smile.

"Even if there are more crises waiting here, we have to take action. Good things must be taken first. Even if we risk our lives, we can't miss such a good opportunity." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The fact is that entering Guixu to take risks is to confront Guixu head-on. Now it's just snatching food from the tiger's mouth. In fact, there is no difference.

During the conversation, the two were not idle, but were always using their own methods to collect energy here.

As for the phantom, it must be a special place, just like a source of power.

Maybe this is the most important place, but there is no rush now, just divide these origins first.

"Fellow Daoists, you still need to be careful. After all, it is a combination of multiple origins. They can persist in Guixu for such a long time. In addition to having relatively complete laws, they must have some spirituality, and maybe they have already produced life." Chen Feng reminded everyone.

This time, so many good things were found. The Hunyuan Above present could not be described as eager to move. If it were not for Chen Feng's suppression, they would have rushed up to grab them frantically.

After receiving Chen Feng's order, these Hunyuan Above rushed up at the first time. In Chen Feng's view, it was not a problem for hundreds of Hunyuan Above to divide the origins covered by Guixu.

Even if it was a fused origin or a mutated origin, what could it do? But Chen Feng still reminded everyone to be careful.

After all, they must have some means to fight against Guixu for such a long time.

The next moment, the light flashed, and all the Hunyuan Above who rushed up were bounced back, including the Second World.

The White Mirror Swordsman even drew his sword, and the sword energy also cut a hole, but that was all.

"What a strong defense. If there is such a defense, why is it still releasing energy? It can be completely preserved in the origin." The White Mirror Swordsman was a little surprised.

"Maybe the origin here is uncontrollable, or maybe it's for other reasons, but the situation just now made me see something." Chen Feng laughed.

"Yes, the mutant origin in front of us is stronger than expected. This is a good thing, which shows that we can get enough benefits." The Void God also laughed, and didn't think that it would be impossible to divide this mutant origin.

"And the counterattack of this origin seems very strong, but it is actually mainly defensive, so continue to attack." Chen Feng said and began to assign tasks. Some of them went to Hunyuan to cut off the connection between the origin and the phantom, some went to Hunyuan to attack, and the other part was waiting in the rest.

As for Chen Feng and the Void God, they chose to wait and see.

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