Eternal Existence

Chapter 5367 Special Area

"However, there are still many ways to exist. I think we should not underestimate the real emperor. You were exiled to one of the origins before, and so was I. In other words, the real emperor has already laid a trap in Guixu, so Since the origin of the fragmentation can be found, why doesn't the True Emperor refine and absorb it himself? Or is it that the True Emperor does not lack these things at all, or there are other fragmentary origins?" Nihility God analyzed it this way.

"If this is the case, it is really possible that the real emperor will recover in a short period of time, and then he will come to trouble us." Chen Feng couldn't help but shake his head when he said this.

Existences of this level are too troublesome and really difficult to kill.

"Don't forget to be careful about other emperors besides the real emperor. I'm really curious that you have so many powerful opponents, and it's really lucky that you can survive until now." God of Nothingness said with a smile.

"There are also old men in the spirit realm and other great emperors. Hey, I was thinking about breaking through before, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to deal with these great emperors." Chen Feng said with a bitter smile.

The God of Nothingness looked at Chen Feng strangely, and waited until Chen Feng felt uncomfortable before saying: "You guys are really perverted. If you wait for a breakthrough, you might really be able to resist the emperor, but since you leave If you embark on this spiritual path, I still suggest you wait. It won’t be too late to make a breakthrough when your savings reach its peak. If you can persist for so long, don’t be discouraged.”

"I think so too, but if it really comes to a critical moment and I need to fight hard, I will definitely do this, and there will be existences like you to shock the emperor, otherwise I will not have the courage to participate in the battle of origin from time to time. "Zhonglai, even if he participates, he must avoid the emperor," Chen Feng said.

After the two exchanged words, Hunyuan, who was present, also controlled his own injuries.

After carving up a part of the real power, some people also made breakthroughs.

Speaking of which, all the Hunyuans present have been practicing longer than Chen Feng, and their savings are much deeper than Chen Feng. After gaining the power of the Great Emperor, they will naturally have some insights.

Especially the second generation, the aura on his body is constantly fluctuating, and there are signs of a breakthrough at any time.

"It's not bad, but it takes time." Chen Feng had a clear insight. If the Hunyuan masters present could stay in seclusion for some time, their strength would be greatly improved.

"It's a pity that we didn't really kill the opponent." The White Mirror Swordsman came up and said.

"It's not that easy. It's pretty good to be able to achieve such results. It's difficult to kill the emperor in a real sense. Even if you can kill the opponent's original body, the opponent's clones left in other places may replace him." II Said so.

"If you cultivate the power of cause and effect to a certain level, can you destroy all the clones of the opponent in one fell swoop?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Theoretically, it is possible, but no one should reach this point. After all, there are different origins and different cultivation methods, unless the power of cause and effect can surpass all origins." The second said.

"The power beyond the origin?" Chen Feng's eyes flickered. He had mastered several powers of this level.

Chen Feng admitted that this power was very strong, and he had been studying it and trying to master it, but he was unable to exert its true power.

Chen Feng has also seen some powerful Hunyuan masters use this kind of power. The power exerted in their hands exceeded his own, but it still did not reach the limit.

"Where do these powers come from? It's not like they are above the origin. But then again, the power I control beyond the origin does not have the power of cause and effect."

"It seems that I need to analyze this level of power a little bit, and then create a stronger causal power myself."

Chen Feng found a way to jump, but it was a jump that was impossible to succeed at all.

"Take your time." Chen Feng shook his head, but he also knew that taking his time might not necessarily lead to success, and in the face of danger, taking his time was not enough.

"What should we do next? Do we still want to continue to find the origin?" Someone asked at this time.

Although they used to bully the few before, they finally defeated the real emperor, and some people began to become full of confidence.

"There is no longer the hidden danger of the real emperor, but don't forget that our strongest and biggest opponent is Guixu." Chen Feng said.


Chen Feng changed the topic: "Naturally, we have to find more origins and other resources besides the origins. We need to go deeper into the ruins."

He had strong soldiers and horses, and the Emperor of Nothingness was following him. He had defeated the Real Emperor before, and even Chen Feng was full of confidence.

Although they still have not established contact with the Gate of Origin, they have even lost contact with the long river of time.

"Hey, I should have brought the Gate of Time and Space with them. With the four major portals blocked, the real emperor can't escape." Chen Feng shook his head with some regret.

In addition to those portals, there are also some killing weapons, but some of them are suppressing them in the free space, and some are doing other things under the arrangement of the Gate of Origin, and are not with Chen Feng.

After experiencing a series of fights, Chen Feng still had some ideas. If they followed, they would be able to kill the emperor even if they encountered him.

"I hope I can find other resources." God of Nothingness is also looking forward to it.

"I have an idea. Guixu has invaded so many origins, so it can be considered inclusive of everything. If these powers can be stripped out again." Chen Feng was a little excited when he said this. Isn't he practicing Wan Dao? Requires the power of various attributes.

"It can't be that easy. It has been digested by Gui Xu a long time ago. You have the means to strip it away, so why not just strip it away from the original power of Gui Xu." The God of Nihility shook his head, thinking that Chen Feng's words were unrealistic.

"Gui Xu must have more than one origin, and Gui Xu is so powerful. Even if we find the origin of Gui Xu, we will die." Chen Feng said.

"That's true, but Guixu is indeed powerful, but in order to maintain the boundless area, it also consumes a lot of money. Otherwise, they would not be unable to deal with the Gate of Origin and they would not be able to watch us wandering around." Nihility God said.

In fact, when he first came to Guixu, Chen Feng used this method to plunder Guixu's power.

If Chen Feng was simply practicing, then absorbing a little bit of Guixu's power would be good for Chen Feng, and it would also help Chen Feng open up a new avenue.

But now there is not so much time, what Chen Feng needs is better and stronger power.

"Perhaps my Devouring Technique can become stronger." Although Chen Feng controls the origin of the vortex, there are also things suppressed in the origin of the vortex, unless the power of the vortex origin can be truly integrated with the Devouring Avenue.

Chen Feng still has great ambitions, but he can't do it now.

Chen Feng then remembered that he had been constantly fighting everywhere. Although he had practiced in the wild universe for a period of time before, he was far behind compared to other practitioners.

Above other Hunyuan, even Hunyuan Golden Immortal spent many calamities practicing, but Chen Feng's training time was not even a fraction of theirs.

No matter how talented Chen Feng is, he still needs a little bit of practice, not to mention that Chen Feng has opened up so many avenues and practiced other magical powers, not to mention that anyone who can cultivate to the Hunyuan realm is not an extremely talented person.

"Who has the deception power?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.



Several Hunyuan superiors spoke at the same time.

In fact, almost all practitioners know the art of deception, but it is difficult to hide it from Guixu's detection.

A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor.

Dozens of Hunyuan superiors used deception methods, and then Chen Feng led everyone forward quickly, while the God of Nothingness guarded the surroundings, ready to fight at any time.


Suddenly the God of Nothingness spoke.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was a little nervous and prepared to fight.

"We may have discovered something good." God of Nothingness said.

"Good thing? Could it be that the origin was concealed?" These were the first things that Chen Feng thought of.

"It doesn't seem to be the case, but it seems to be, it's a little strange, go here." Niwushen walked forward.

But Chen Feng couldn't see anything. He only felt that there was a vast area in front of him. Apart from the chaotic energy, the space seemed stable.

But things soon changed. As the God of Nothingness continued to advance, the space in front of him became sticky.

There are countless cracks in the viscosity.

"Space crack."

Chen Feng maximized his perception and finally captured something from the cracks.

"It's indeed a bit weird." Chen Feng said.

"It's confirmed, there should be a broken origin, but the origin here is a bit weird." The second generation also saw some clues.

"You'll know just by looking at it." Chen Feng couldn't make an accurate judgment for a while, but his power was of a very high level and was very pure.

As the God of Nothingness continues to advance, although there are some obstacles, it cannot stop the pace of God of Nothingness.

"There is more than one origin here." God of Nothingness said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng still couldn't figure it out.

"After being covered by Guixu, these Origins gathered together to fight against Guixu. Later, they used methods to deceive Guixu. It was not necessarily blinding, but they were able to resist Guixu's invasion to a greater extent. The reason for their success was that, in addition to Origin In addition to its own power, there are other powers, but this time they all took advantage of us." The void god said that the space in front of him was torn apart abruptly, and he entered an energy storm.

"What a strong energy storm. It is composed of the core power of Origin. It seems to be to resist Guixu." Chen Feng said.

"Perhaps it's been too long, and Guixu has forgotten this place." Niuwu Shen said and stretched out his hand to grab it, and the energy rolled into his palm.

The value of the power that allows Gui Xu to take the initiative to collect it can be imagined.

"The scale is not small, enough to divide it up." Chen Feng also took action and directly used the Devouring Technique. He also absorbed some during the plundering process. As expected, he could quickly replenish the mana he had consumed before.

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