Eternal Existence

Chapter 5369 Everyone is satisfied

The phantom almost condensed into substance, and affected the surrounding area, with cracks spreading all around. This was the impact of a powerful force.

Not only the area of ​​the origin of the mutation, but also Guixu could not resist this force.

"The noise is getting bigger and bigger. Guixu will not mobilize its power to snatch it from us." Chen Feng was a little worried.

"So we need to fight quickly." The God of Nothingness continued to attack. Although he was impacted and resisted by the source of power, he was not a real life after all, and was at a disadvantage in fighting.

Chen Feng used the Devouring Technique to plunder, and as expected, Chen Feng's eyes showed a look of surprise.

It was indeed a power beyond the origin.

So Chen Feng connected the Devouring Technique with the Origin of the Vortex and the Origin Furnace in his heart.

In this way, Chen Feng's Devouring Technique was directly doubled, and the speed of plundering power exceeded that of the God of Nothingness.

Seeing this scene, the God of Nothingness couldn't help shaking his head, but he had known Chen Feng's methods for a long time, so the God of Nothingness didn't say much, but just a little emotional.

"After getting the power this time, I will find a place to open up my own origin. Once the origin is successfully opened up, I will no longer be the bottom existence in the realm of the emperor." The God of Nothingness said.

"Since you need to open up your own origin, you need more resources and power, especially some broken origins. Even some fragments of origin can play a big role, at least it can reduce your long years. Otherwise, it will take too long to make your own origin grow." Chen Feng said.

"Of course I understand this. Fortunately, I have gained something during this period of time. And we are in Guixu now. The power here is endless." The God of Nothingness said with a smile.

"Then I hope you can succeed. If you lack energy resources, I can also provide some." Chen Feng said.

You must know that the origin that Chen Feng controls also suppresses some of the above Hunyuan, and even the body of the emperor has not been refined.

Of course, Chen Feng also needs these things, but if the God of Nothingness is more anxious, Chen Feng will naturally not be stingy.

After all, he got these resources, and the God of Nothingness himself also contributed to it.

"Don't worry, if that's the case, I won't be polite." said the God of Nothingness.

Chen Feng nodded and said no more, but released some clones to attack the origin.

Chen Feng's avenue clone had fallen before, and it took a period of adjustment. Although it is still possible to condense avenue clones, for Chen Feng, his own stability is the most important.

So Chen Feng released the clones that were trained by magic weapons.

Natural origin-level magic weapons, so these clones also have strong combat power.

In addition to wanting to quickly break the mutation origin, Chen Feng also wanted to divide some things when he released the clones.

After all, Chen Feng couldn't get away. Once the origin was broken, hundreds of Hunyuan rushed up, and it would be difficult for him to rob at that time.

The first place that the origin broke through was not the area that Chen Feng had imagined before, but a situation caused by a change in the situation.

The power of Guixu penetrated in, directly causing the origin to bear unprecedented pressure.

The second generation took the opportunity to break through the obstruction and entered the origin, and Chen Feng's clone naturally followed in.

Soon, hundreds of Hunyuan completely entered the origin.

"There shouldn't be any problem, right?" Chen Feng was still quite careful.

"It's definitely not that easy. If there is any danger, it's not that serious." The God of Nothingness said without looking back.

Compared with the origin of mutation, the energy source in front of him is the most important.

Chen Feng also understood this. Even if he released his clone to plunder, Chen Feng himself still did not stop.

Moreover, Chen Feng believed that even if the power source in front of him was relatively deep, it would not stop him from being separated from the God of Nothingness for too long.

However, the amount of power obtained was still beyond Chen Feng's expectations, because as time went by, Chen Feng felt that the phantom in front of him was still unfathomable.

"After all, it can exist in Guixu for such a long time, and it also supports the origin of mutation and the confrontation with Guixu. This is not a simple source of power. Maybe it can also strip the power of Guixu to strengthen itself." The God of Nothingness said.

"It can continue to grow a cancer." Chen Feng nodded.

The two naturally hoped that there would be as much power as possible here, but as the noise they made here grew louder, Guixu's attention was gradually attracted.

Moreover, Chen Feng noticed that the Origin of Mutation began to emit energy again, and this time the energy emitted was no longer gathered into an energy storm like before, but was mainly taken away by Guixu.

Chen Feng had seen this scene before.

In other words, Guixu also got involved, which was not a good sign.

Originally, the Origin of Mutation could fight against Guixu, but now because of Chen Feng and others, the strength of the Origin of Mutation was affected, and it was normal for such a change to occur.

Moreover, the current situation could not be solved by a quick battle. In addition, Chen Feng was also worried about other changes. If more energy had to be mobilized, or some people had to be mobilized to cause damage, it would be even more depressing.

After all, Chen Feng did not want to share the benefits in front of him.

"I hope it will go smoothly." Chen Feng pushed the Devouring Technique to the extreme, and so did the Void God.

At that time, there is no need to think about refining on the spot, but to collect the resources first.

Chen Feng did not encounter any waves when collecting the source of power, but those above the Hunyuan were not so smooth in the origin.

There is no Hunyuan above in the mutant origin, but the origin itself is full of spirituality.

Or it can be said that there is the will of the origin. After everyone came in, they were attacked. Chen Feng's clones were also trapped in a difficult situation. It was difficult to find the origin and divide it as imagined before.

The second generation was the same. Although they entered the origin, they did not make much noise.

Similarly, they did not encounter any danger, but it was not so easy to do something under the suppression of the origin.

This takes time.

Chen Feng was a little speechless after knowing this.

Hundreds of above the Hunyuan are also a considerable force, who knew that they were trapped in the mutant origin.

If I had known this earlier, it would be better to break through from the outer area little by little at the beginning.

"We can only take action after we have collected all these forces." Chen Feng thought so.

"Things seem to be beyond our previous judgment. It seems that the good things here cannot be taken away in a short time." Chen Feng also said this suddenly.

Chen Feng then noticed that the power absorbed by his devouring technique was constantly decreasing. He thought that the source of power was about to be divided up, but after exploring it, he found that it was not the case.

The source in front of him still contained vast power, but now the other party was constantly resisting, or had means to block the plunder of foreign invaders.

"It's really a bit tricky." Chen Feng repeatedly performed the devouring technique, but in the end, not only did he not plunder any power, but he felt the suction from the depths of Guixu.

"For the time being, I don't have a good way, unless we enter it." The God of Nothingness thought for a while and said.

"Will this delay a long time?" Chen Feng asked.

"It will definitely delay some time." The God of Nothingness said.

"Otherwise, let's solve the origin here first." Chen Feng suggested.

The God of Nothingness hesitated. Although the origin of mutation was not bad, it was still not as good as this mysterious source of power.

And the origin of mutation also takes time.

At this time, the power from Guixu became stronger, and the origin of mutation began to compress a little bit, so the pressure on the Hunyuan above was strong enough.

"Trouble, let's divide the origin first, otherwise, I'm always worried that Guixu will send masters." Chen Feng rushed to the origin after he finished speaking.

After hesitating for a while, the God of Nothingness also rushed to the origin.

Although the source of power is more precious, the origin of mutation is not much different. The God of Nothingness wants to open up his own origin, so he needs the power of the origin to supplement it, especially the origin of mutation, which may be more effective.

Sure enough, when the God of Nothingness rushed into the origin of mutation, he also found out more things, and some surprises appeared in his eyes.

"This piece of mutation origin is much stronger than what I explored before. If it is not in Guixu, it may be able to revive again. At least it is a large-scale complete origin. Moreover, after the fusion mutation, some of the laws here and the structures similar to the avenue have become different. I really underestimated such a situation." The God of Nothingness said while rushing forward quickly.

Compared with other Hunyuan, the impact on the God of Nothingness is much smaller, or the impact is the same, but the God of Nothingness is stronger.

So it seems that the God of Nothingness is not affected.

Seeing the God of Nothingness rushing in like this, Chen Feng hesitated, but after thinking about it, he decided to start from the outside little by little.

Chen Feng directly released the Origin of No Return and the Origin of Fierce Wind, and then eroded forward step by step.

This seems slow, but as long as Chen Feng's strength is sufficient, it is actually the fastest.

Theoretically, if Chen Feng's strength is strong enough and the two origins he controls are complete, then he can directly cover the Mutation Origin like Guixu.

Although the effect is not as easy as invading other origins, it is at least much greater than the results of other Hunyuan.

The speed is slow, Chen Feng is not in a hurry, just take it slowly.

Once the God of Nothingness and others find the core area of ​​the origin and cause turbulence in the origin of mutation, then Chen Feng will become more relaxed.

However, Chen Feng is still worried about Guixu, so he also divides his perception to pay attention to the situation on the Guixu side, and is ready to respond at any time.

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