Eternal Existence

Chapter 5349: Fusion of the Second Life Clone

"Even if there is the Soul Emperor, the situation cannot be changed. After all, there are too many opponents." Chen Feng said so.

"It seems so, but since we can find the Soul Emperor, we can definitely find other helpers, so you don't have to worry about anything." Void God said so.

Besides, even if Chen Feng is worried, what can he do?

Things will not change because of his will, and he is even in danger in this fight.

It is luck that he can repel so many invaders.

"The Gate of Origin is not simple, giving people a sense of unfathomable. I think the other party should still be prepared." Void God said.

Then Chen Feng did not say anything more, just fighting with the other party, trying to solve these opponents as much as possible.

However, even with the help of Void God, the two sides have not won much so far.

And as time goes by, it is hard to say what will happen next.

Maybe the other party will have more helpers. Even if there are no helpers, other invaders coming here can also be considered helpers.

However, although it is very dangerous, Chen Feng also wants to help the Gate of Origin absorb more firepower.

Even if he is at a disadvantage, he still has some means of self-protection.

It's just that once these invaders have a chance, they will not entangle outside, but will choose to enter the free space directly.

If it were Chen Feng, he would do the same.

"We still need to find a helper." Chen Feng knew that there was not much hope in the current situation, and he could only rely on some changes.

At this time, Chen Feng received some news from the free space, and his face suddenly changed.

One of Chen Feng's second-generation clones was in danger, and it was also Chen Feng's first second-generation clone.

He had been practicing in the free space and had reached a very high level, but this time because there were too many invaders, he was affected, and the life area where he was located had been affected by the war. Although Chen Feng's second-generation clone was not bad, it was not good enough in front of the invaders. If he was not rescued in time, he would die soon.

He had no choice but to ask Chen Feng for help.

Chen Feng could actually notify the Time River to take the person away, but after thinking about it, Chen Feng changed his mind again.

"Maybe we can try some things in advance." Chen Feng searched for a new idea during the fight, but he was hit by his opponent as soon as he was distracted.

Chen Feng didn't care, as a slight injury would not affect him at all.

Chen Feng still communicated with the long river of time, or borrowed part of the power of the long river of time.

Then a road extended out, extending directly into the free space along the long river of time.

In the vast game space, there is a large-scale life area. Although there is no Hunyuan above sitting here, there are many Hunyuan Jinxians practicing here.

At this time, almost all the Hunyuan Jinxians here went out, either forming a battle formation or launching suppression, and united to deal with an invader.

Although there was only one invader, the other party was in the realm of Hunyuan above, and under normal circumstances, it could destroy a life area.

Chen Feng's second-generation clone was among them, and he also formed a battle formation with other companions.

Here, Chen Feng's second-generation clone was not the strongest, and it could be said that it was not very eye-catching. He could only transfer his mana to make the formation work.

In fact, it is already amazing that Chen Feng's second-generation clone can cultivate to this level in such a short time.

In addition to a good foundation, there are also resources provided by Chen Feng.

However, even if all these resources are used up now, it is useless. After all, the opponent is above Hunyuan. Chen Feng's second-generation clone is just a Golden Immortal who has just broken through to Hunyuan Golden Immortal. The strength is too different. Haven't you seen that those above Hunyuan who have cultivated for several kalpas are joining forces?

However, although they are joining forces, they are still no match for the above Hunyuan. Soon, a large formation was broken and several Hunyuan Golden Immortals were seriously injured.

The situation began to collapse. If it continued, these Hunyuan Golden Immortals would die, this area of ​​life would perish, and billions of lives would turn into ashes.


Someone made a choice.

"Can't escape."

"If you don't escape, will you stay and wait to die?"

Just as everyone was arguing, suddenly a beam of time came through, directly broke through the blockade of the above Hunyuan, and rushed directly to Chen Feng's second-generation clone.

"Hey, what's going on, Taoist Changsheng." Someone saw Chen Feng's clone wrapped in light and couldn't help but worry, thinking it was an attack from the opponent.

"I'm fine!"

Chen Feng's second-generation clone spoke.

This is not just time, it also contains a road of Chen Feng.

This is the first time that Chen Feng has extended the road to such a long distance, especially in the fight. If it weren't for the help of the long river of time, Chen Feng really couldn't do this.

A clone of the road came out and merged with Chen Feng's second-generation clone.

This is different from Chen Feng's previous plan, but now Chen Feng has changed his mind and wants to try it in advance.

After the two different clones merged, strange changes immediately occurred, and this change even affected Chen Feng himself who was fighting.

"Not bad." Chen Feng's soul will was trembling. Although the fluctuation was not large, it was enough to surprise Chen Feng. After all, the two clones that merged were not very strong.

The second life practice method will become stronger after the fusion of the second life clone. In addition to surpassing one plus one, there are other changes that are not comparable to ordinary clones. Just think about the price Chen Feng paid when he condensed the second life clone.


After Chen Feng's clone merged with the second life clone, the aura on his body was a little chaotic, but it continued to rise in the chaos.

In a short time, a new clone was formed.

"Above Hunyuan!"

"Not bad."

Chen Feng's clone said slowly, stretched out his palm and grabbed, and several Hunyuan Jinxians who had just collapsed returned to their previous positions. As waves of strange law power swept, the power of the Hunyuan above was also constantly disappearing.

"Changsheng, you have broken through." Someone said incredulously.

It is indeed incredible. Everyone still knows that Chen Feng's second life clone is indeed talented, but he has not been in Hunyuan Jinxian for a long time. However, even if it is a breakthrough, it should not become so strong, and it can compete with Hunyuan above.

"Power blessing, you are not the original body, you are the clone, your original body is Hunyuan Above." The vision of the Hunyuan Above was still high, and he immediately saw the problem.

But it didn't matter.

But the next moment, Chen Feng's clone left the team and came to the front of the Hunyuan Above.


Chen Feng's clone sighed a little, just an ordinary Hunyuan Above, if the original body was here, he could be blown up with one punch.

Now, it's just a good time to verify my own strength. Now the changes are still there, and I need to fight to run in.

"Join hands, don't panic."

Seeing Chen Feng go forward to fight, the remaining Hunyuan Golden Immortals have confidence, and they form a war again to cooperate with Chen Feng to fight.

However, Chen Feng and his opponent fought fiercely, and these Hunyuan Golden Immortals seemed to be unable to get close, and forcing them to go forward would be bad.

But after seeing that the two sides were fighting evenly, everyone was relieved again.


Chen Feng suddenly spread out his divine wings, and saw that the divine wings continued to extend. Suddenly, he pulled all the Hunyuan Jinxian present into the wings.

Due to the sudden change, these Hunyuan Jinxian wanted to struggle, but they could not get rid of the space-time constraints of the divine wings.

"Just provide me with mana." Chen Feng said, and the miniature version of the fortune array extended, and these Hunyuan Jinxians entered it one after another.

As time went by, Chen Feng's strength became stronger and stronger, and later he suppressed his opponent.

This Hunyuan Above didn't care at first, even if he was at a disadvantage, he still stayed. Just like that, when he really felt the danger and wanted to leave, he couldn't leave.

This is the situation of boiling a frog in warm water.

"It's too late to leave now." Chen Feng's fighting power became stronger and stronger. After mobilizing the mana of those Hunyuan Jinxians, it was even higher, and he directly injured his opponent.

But this Hunyuan Above took the opportunity to escape.

Chen Feng's divine wings just flapped once, and he caught up with the opponent, as if there was no time and space.

The face of this person above the primordial changed, and he stopped running away, and stopped to continue fighting.

After several rounds, this person above the primordial was hit again.

However, this person above the primordial laughed. Chen Feng's current strength is indeed very strong, but the grade of the weapon in his hand is not enough.

Chen Feng also thought of this, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The power of time mixed with the avenue extended from outside the time and space again, and a long sword came at the same time.

The sword of the star, a killing weapon of the origin level.

As soon as the long sword appeared, the face of this person above the primordial changed, and he turned around and was about to leave, but was soon stopped by Chen Feng again.

At the same time, the second avenue appeared, and a clone of the avenue also walked out.

The fusion of the two, Chen Feng's strength increased again, and he could completely suppress this person above the primordial.


Chen Feng shouted, and the opponent was torn into pieces. Before the opponent could escape, he was pulled to the fortune formation diagram by Chen Feng.


These Hunyuan Jinxians were excited again, and then they all looked at Chen Feng with strange eyes.

"My fellow Taoists, you guessed right. I am just a clone. My main body is fighting against invaders outside the free space." Chen Feng said without waiting for the response of these Hunyuan Jinxians. He waved his hand and sent them back to their previous life zone. Together with them was the suppressed Hunyuan. This was what Chen Feng left for these Hunyuan Jinxians.

"I didn't expect it. I really didn't expect it." These Hunyuan Jinxians shook their heads, but soon recovered. They have also practiced for a long time and have seen everything.

"Not bad!"

Chen Feng's main body is still fighting with the opponent. After the fusion of the clones, he has also undergone some changes. Although it does not seem to be too large, at Chen Feng's level, a little fluctuation can improve the combat effectiveness.

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