Eternal Existence

Chapter 5350: Hidden Means

It was indeed incredible. Everyone still knew each other. Naturally, they knew the strength of Chen Feng's second-life clone. He was indeed talented, but he had not been in the Hunyuan Golden Immortal for a long time. However, even if he had broken through, he should not have become so strong. He could compete with the Hunyuan Above.

"Power blessing, you are not the original body, you are the clone, and your original body is the Hunyuan Above." The Hunyuan Above had a high vision and immediately saw the problem.

But it didn't matter.

But the next moment, Chen Feng's clone left the team and came to the Hunyuan Above.


Chen Feng's clone sighed a little. It was just an ordinary Hunyuan Above. If the original body was here, he could be blown up with one punch.

Now, it's just right to verify his own strength. Now the changes are still there, and it needs to fight to run in.

"Join hands, don't panic."

Seeing Chen Feng go forward to fight, the remaining Hunyuan Golden Immortals gained confidence and formed a war again to cooperate with Chen Feng to fight.

However, Chen Feng and his opponent fought fiercely, and these Hunyuan Golden Immortals seemed to be unable to get close. Forcing forward would be bad.

However, everyone felt relieved after seeing that the two sides were fighting evenly.


Chen Feng suddenly spread his wings of divine movement, and saw that the wings of divine movement continued to extend. Suddenly, he pulled all the Hunyuan Jinxian present into the wings.

Due to the sudden change, these Hunyuan Jinxian wanted to struggle, but they could not get rid of the space-time constraints of the divine wings.

"Just provide me with mana." Chen Feng said, and the scaled-down version of the fortune array extended, and these Hunyuan Jinxians went in and took charge.

As time went by, Chen Feng's strength became stronger and stronger, and later he suppressed his opponent.

This Hunyuan Above didn't care at first, even if he was at a disadvantage, he still stayed. Just like that, when he really felt the danger and wanted to leave, he couldn't leave.

This is the situation of boiling a frog in warm water.

"It's too late to leave now." Chen Feng's fighting power became stronger and stronger. After mobilizing the mana of those Hunyuan Jinxians, it was even better, and he directly injured his opponent.

But this Hunyuan Above took the opportunity to escape.

Chen Feng's wings of divine movement just flapped once, and he caught up with the opponent, as if there was nothing in time and space.

The face of this person above the primordial changed, and he stopped running away, and stopped to continue fighting.

After several rounds, this person above the primordial was hit again.

However, this person above the primordial laughed. Chen Feng's current strength is indeed very strong, but the grade of the weapon in his hand is not enough.

Chen Feng also thought of this, so he stretched out his hand and grabbed it. The power of time mixed with the avenue extended from outside the time and space again, and a long sword came at the same time.

The sword of the star, the origin-level killing weapon.

As soon as the long sword appeared, the face of this person above the primordial changed, and he turned around to leave, but was soon stopped by Chen Feng again.

At the same time, the second avenue appeared, and a clone of the avenue also walked out.

The fusion of the two, Chen Feng's strength increased again, and he could completely suppress this person above the primordial.


Chen Feng shouted loudly, and the opponent was torn into pieces. Before the opponent could escape, he was pulled to the fortune formation diagram by Chen Feng.


These Hunyuan Jinxians were excited again, and then they all looked at Chen Feng with strange eyes.

"My fellow Taoists, you guessed right, I am just a clone, and now my main body is fighting against invaders outside the free space." After Chen Feng finished speaking, he did not wait for these Hunyuan Jinxians to respond, and waved his hand to send these Hunyuan Jinxians back to their previous life area, along with the suppressed Hunyuan, which was left by Chen Feng for these Hunyuan Jinxians.

"I didn't expect it, I really didn't expect it." These Hunyuan Jinxians shook their heads, but soon recovered. They have also practiced for a long time and have seen everything.

"Not bad!"

Chen Feng's main body is still fighting with the opponent. After the fusion of the clones, some changes have also occurred in himself. Although it does not seem to be too large, at Chen Feng's level, a little fluctuation can increase the combat effectiveness.

So Chen Feng successfully solved an opponent.

Chen Feng was a little surprised by this, so he began to look for other second-life clones.

He is now only using the Dao clone for fusion. To be honest, it is the same as fusion with himself.

Moreover, there are many of his own Dao clones, and they have different attributes. If they are merged, there will be more strange changes.

Now think about it, the practitioner who created this technique was not very strong.

So Chen Feng continued to improve this technique. Now that it has really started to merge, it is natural to make some adjustments in the process of fusion with different changes.

In short, Chen Feng saw a way to become stronger, and it has been confirmed that this path is feasible.

Although I thought about merging after the realm, or waiting for the major clones to cultivate to a certain level before merging.

But now time can't wait, and my clone can't wait either. Unless I take back all the second-generation clones now, otherwise this invasion will affect other second-generation clones.

"Your strength has changed a little, and your breath is a little weird." The second generation was the first to see Chen Feng's state, and then the second generation also looked at Chen Feng with some curiosity.

Because the second generation also practiced this kind of technique.

"It's just a small trick." Chen Feng didn't have time to explain at this time.

"Let's fight off this wave of opponents first. The Gate of Origin has communicated with me and wants me to help, but I can't leave now." Void God said.

"Humph." Chen Feng didn't say much. His situation here was also very critical. Void God still wanted to pull people away. Isn't this putting himself in danger?

However, this also shows that the situation of the Gate of Origin is not as good as he thought just now.

Chen Feng was a little entangled at this time. He was really worried that the Gate of Origin could not cope with it. If so, then letting Void God go over was the right choice, but if Void God went over, he would not be able to cope with it.

Although Chen Feng has increased some strength now, he still can't sweep the opponents in front of him.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to look for other second-life clones.

If you want to find, find the strongest one.

Not long after, another second-life clone merged with Chen Feng's avenue. This time Chen Feng directly took back the avenue.

After the fusion, the two clones also returned to Chen Feng's body. After merging with Chen Feng's original body, the aura on Chen Feng's body changed more drastically.

"Merge clones? Why do I feel that these clones are a little different?" The second generation muttered not far away.

If it is just a simple fusion of clones, there will not be such a strange change, but this is also a good thing. Chen Feng's strength has become stronger, and he can better deal with opponents.

"It's really amazing." Chen Feng carefully experienced his own changes and was not in a hurry to explode.

He has been changing and his strength has been getting stronger, but Chen Feng has been suppressing it, waiting for the critical moment to explode.

Finally, Chen Feng felt the peak, and the cooperation of the Void God also arrived. The Void Body successfully tied up an opponent, and Chen Feng stepped forward with just one punch, and the opponent was torn into pieces.

This is not simply caused by powerful power, but also with the power of time and space mastered by Chen Feng, a more powerful power of time and space.

This is the change caused by the fusion of the second generation clone. On the basis of the original power mastered by Chen Feng, a more powerful and weird power was generated.

If you can solve one opponent, you can solve the second and more opponents. Chen Feng's strength has become stronger, and with the cooperation of the Void God, he soon hit another opponent hard.

This opened up a gap. Without help, the other party was no match for Chen Feng.

"Be careful!"

At this time, the God of Nothingness suddenly made a move, and a cloud of mist opened in front of Chen Feng.

It turned out that someone wanted to sneak attack Chen Feng, but the God of Nothingness found it and stopped it.

"It's a great emperor."

The strong crisis shook Chen Feng's will, and he determined the strength of the opponent at the first time. Before that, he didn't notice anything.

But before Chen Feng could see clearly where this great emperor came from, a space crack appeared. When the space crack disappeared again, the sense of crisis disappeared.

"I was taken away by the Gate of Origin again." Chen Feng felt more and more confused.

Although the crisis on his side was resolved, could the Gate of Origin really deal with so many great emperors?

"Since the Gate of Origin took the initiative, I think there should be no problem." The God of Nothingness said so.

"Or you should go to help the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng said.

"Can you handle the situation here by yourself?" The God of Nothingness asked.

Chen Feng shook his head, so he continued.

As long as the earth does not appear, it is only a practical problem to solve these opponents in front of us.

When Chen Feng hit an invader again, the rest of the invaders scattered and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


This is not the situation Chen Feng wants to see. What Chen Feng wants to do is to solve all these opponents. Now they are scattered, so they can gather together again soon.

"Don't worry, continue to chase and kill the other party." The God of Nothingness easily locked the location of the fleeing invaders.

In fact, Chen Feng can do this, but it will definitely take enough time to chase and kill the other party in this way.

But even so, it is still necessary to chase and kill, and it is good to solve some invaders.

The next moment, the God of Nothingness disappeared, and Chen Feng did not chase him.


Chen Feng quickly locked the area where the God of Nothingness was, but Chen Feng did not rush to chase him, but followed him with his will.

The reason why Chen Feng's will can shuttle through is also because this independent and special space is not defensive against Chen Feng.

"They are all great emperors." Chen Feng's will began to collapse, but before it completely collapsed, Chen Feng saw a great emperor, a great emperor with the strongest power.

"The Gate of Origin!"

Chen Feng knew that it was the Gate of Origin, which was indeed very powerful and reached the level of a real great emperor.

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