Eternal Existence

Chapter 5348: A bit unreal

Although a little surprised, it was a good thing for Chen Feng. The stronger the power around him, the safer he would be in the next fight.

But he thought about it again, and he would face more opponents.

But no matter what, the return of the Dao clone quickly replenished Chen Feng's previous consumption.

"If I had known this, I should have asked the Thunder Emperor for more combat puppets. Now is the time when we need power." At this time, the Gate of Origin was invaded by many parties. In Chen Feng's view, even if there were dozens or hundreds of Hunyuan, it would not be able to change the situation.

Chen Feng was getting more and more worried about how the Gate of Origin would deal with it next.

"Fortunately, we solved two emperors in succession before, otherwise the Gate of Origin might not be able to resist now." Void God said so.

Chen Feng nodded. It was true to say so. The Gate of Origin had good luck.

If those emperors attacked together, it would be useless even if the Gate of Origin was well prepared.

But it was normal to think about it. Everyone came from different places. After practicing to such a level, they must have confidence in themselves and did not think about joining forces with other emperors.

The main reason was that he didn't expect that he would really fall.

During the communication, Chen Feng continued to hunt other invaders.

According to Chen Feng's idea, if he continued to deal with invaders like this, he could really affect the entire battle situation.

After all, up to now, he has injured a lot of Hunyuan, and these forces are very powerful when concentrated.

"The emperor has appeared." Void God said.

"Trouble." Chen Feng could only shake his head.

Since Void God felt the breath of the emperor, most of them were coming for the Gate of Origin.

However, the other party did not choose to deal with Void God, which also made Chen Feng relieved.

After all, if you want to disperse this group of invaders, you still need Void God to take action, but similarly, since this emperor did not choose to deal with Void God, the pressure will be placed on the Gate of Origin.

The final result is still the same.

Chen Feng's worry is useless, and he can only find a way to deal with the invaders as much as possible.

Kill those who can be killed on the spot, so that the opponent's power can be integrated into the free space, which can also increase the power of the Gate of Origin.

If it really doesn't work, just increase the seal directly. Letting the other party escape is only the worst situation.

"I feel the breath of the second emperor." The God of Nothingness looked solemn.

Chen Feng looked at the invasion momentum of Guixu, which was still very fierce. It seemed that he could solve the Gate of Origin in one go.

Chen Feng thought about it and chose to communicate with the Gate of Origin, because Chen Feng had no confidence at all.

Although he could choose to escape, he absolutely did not want to see the Gate of Origin lose.

"Don't worry, I have a plan here." The Gate of Origin still responded as before.

Although the Gate of Origin said this, Chen Feng did not feel safe. The fact he saw in front of him was like this. If the Gate of Origin really had enough power, it should have solved these invaders.

Even if there is no emperor, when the Hunyuan reaches a certain level, it can also divide this origin.

"You only need to deal with those above the Hunyuan. The real masters will be dealt with by me." The Gate of Origin continued.

"In this case, then I am relieved." Chen Feng could only say this.

Since he was not allowed to deal with the emperor, even if there were more people above Hunyuan, the threat to him would not be too great.

If he really needed to escape in the end, it would be easier.

"But you still need to be careful. There are also many masters above Hunyuan." As soon as this thought came up, Chen Feng felt threatened. Before he found the invader this time, the other party took the initiative to appear.

I don't know where this invader came from? The two sides didn't talk nonsense when they met, and they clashed directly.

This time, many opponents have reached the level of top masters.

"The strength is similar to the four swordsmen I met before. As expected, I said it's not that simple. Even above the flame is not that easy to deal with. I want to lead people to solve these invaders again and again. The other party also wants to solve me. I just don't know if there is a stronger existence behind the other party." Chen Feng said.

At this time, the God of Nothingness also took action, still carrying out auxiliary combat, using the Law of Nothingness to suppress the opponent, allowing Chen Feng and others to attack better.

This time, the opponent is particularly strong. Even if Chen Feng's side has a slight advantage, it cannot disperse the opponent in a short time.

And the situation changed soon, because the enemy's reinforcements arrived.

Chen Feng felt the pressure of dozens of Hunyuan in one breath, and his formation began to retreat again and again.

"Once you are at a disadvantage, it is difficult to adjust again." Chen Feng knew that his forward momentum was finally blocked, but there was nothing he could do. Although his group was very powerful, they could not do everything.

From the war to now, they have been able to repel many invaders, which is the limit.

"It's a pity that if I were stronger, or if I could directly release the broken origins I got, then it would be possible to change the situation." Chen Feng said with a sigh.

Most of the speculated origins that I have are suppressing something, and I am not strong enough to trigger these origins.

Even if he has now broken through to a realm above Hunyuan, he still cannot do this without a long period of precipitation.

However, Chen Feng still took out some origin fragments and gave them to the God of Nothingness. The God of Nothingness was at a higher level, and burning these fragments of origin could give him more powerful power.

The God of Nothingness has also obtained some origin fragments before, but just to increase his strength, he has long since swallowed up the mana that was refined into himself.

Now that Chen Feng is willing to provide the origin fragments, although Nihility feels a little regretful, he still uses them as soon as possible.

As an emperor, you can better control this power.

So the God of Nothingness no longer assisted as before, but took the initiative, and soon many opponents were tied up by chains of nothingness.

Chen Feng's eyes lit up. His approach was indeed correct. The God of Nothingness is the strongest, so by burning some Origin Fragments regardless of the consequences, the power gained can naturally severely damage the opponent.

Unless the opponent also has an emperor-level existence.

As soon as this thought flashed across his mind, Chen Feng secretly exclaimed that something was not right. A great emperor really appeared, tore the chains of void into pieces, and then rushed towards Chen Feng in all directions.

"Trouble." Chen Feng shook his head helplessly, and the thing he least expected to happen happened.

If a great emperor comes from the other side, then the God of Nothingness will be restrained and the situation will be at a disadvantage again.

But just when the God of Nothingness wanted to step forward and fight with the opponent, suddenly a big hand appeared.

Chen Feng knew that this was the action of the Origin Gate, but the next scene shocked Chen Feng.

This big hand was much more powerful than before, and it could directly pull the emperor to a special space, and disappear in the blink of an eye.

This shows what?

It shows that what the Gate of Origin just said is correct, and the emperor can really solve it.

"Why is the Gate of Origin so powerful?" God of Nothingness was also a little surprised.

Regardless of the final result, the emperor was indeed captured, and he would no longer be able to affect the current battle situation.

"I feel like something's not right." Chen Feng frowned, but couldn't say anything.

But it's always a good thing.

"Maybe the Gate of Origin has also evolved into life." God of Nothingness said.

"I had such a guess before." Chen Feng had long guessed that the Gate of Origin was hidden, and now it seems that it is indeed the case.

"But even this can't solve the current crisis."

Just when Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness were confused, the Spiritual Emperor unexpectedly appeared.

This surprised and delighted Chen Feng.

In Chen Feng's opinion, he has a real master on his side, presumably brought here by the Gate of Origin.

The Psychic Emperor is also a master among the Emperors. If you fight hard, you can fight one against two or entangle more Emperors.

And since the Mind Emperor is willing to help the Gate of Origin, it shows that he is still optimistic about the Gate of Origin.

The appearance of the Soul Emperor really gave Chen Feng some confidence. Maybe the situation was not that bad.

However, the Mind Emperor only showed up and disappeared quickly.

Chen Feng knew that the Great Mind Emperor should have gone to find the Gate of Origin. Before, Chen Feng was worried that the Gate of Origin could not suppress the emperor, but this time he was not worried anymore.

"There are two more great emperors, no, the previous great emperor has disappeared." The God of Nothingness suddenly looked strange.

"What do you mean?" Chen Feng turned his eyes and thought of what Wuwu God wanted to express.

"No way, the three great emperors were all captured by the Gate of Origin. No matter how strong the Gate of Origin is, it can't do this." Chen Feng thought of the real emperor, who was besieged and defeated by everyone.

"Either the other party has left, or this is the only possibility. Even if the other party hides, it cannot be hidden from my perception." Nihility God said.

"Did you just say that two more emperors appeared?" Chen Feng asked.

"Yes, there are two new emperors." God of Nothingness nodded.

"Let me do the math."

Chen Feng said and took a breath of cold air. So far, ten great emperors have appeared. Even in the origin of fantasy, it was not so intense.

"If they appeared together and dealt with the Gate of Origin together, I would be shocked just thinking about it." Chen Feng said.

"Time flows!"

Chen Feng said that he had communicated with the River of Time. Not only that, he also contacted the Gate of Time and Space. Chen Feng wanted to use their power to explore.

Sure enough, Chen Feng found the two new emperors who had appeared, but before Chen Feng could examine them carefully, they were noticed by the other party. With a cold snort, time collapsed, space was annihilated, and Chen Feng's perception was also cut off.

"If they find me, will they take action against me?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

However, the opponent did not attack Chen Feng. Chen Feng breathed a sigh of relief and decided to deal with the opponents in front of him first. These emperors were left to the Gate of Origin to deal with.

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