Eternal Existence

Chapter 5347 Guixu intervenes

Chen Feng was relieved when the two sides started fighting. It would not take long to disperse this force.

Chen Feng certainly wanted to get rid of all the opponents, otherwise, there would be some trouble if there were sporadic Hunyuan entering the free space.

However, although these opponents did not cooperate very well, their individual strength was still very strong. It seemed unrealistic to Chen Feng to get rid of them all.

At least so far, only some people on both sides were injured, and no one had really fallen.

However, soon, the tentacles of the Long River of Time extended over, and dozens of combat puppets appeared, directly encircling and suppressing these invaders.

But the Gate of Origin intervened.

This is also the advantage of the local forces, especially when the Long River of Time constantly helps to mobilize forces here, and this alone can bring the combat effectiveness to the extreme.

This group of invaders really couldn't resist, the team began to collapse, and some people began to flee. What Chen Feng had to do next was to prevent the other party from escaping as much as possible.

"It's a pity that this is not in the free space, otherwise the results of the battle can be expanded." Chen Feng was just talking when he saw the Long River of Time suddenly blooming with a dazzling land of time, forming a real long river, wrapping up this area and blocking all the invaders who wanted to escape.

"I can't hold on for too long." The Long River of Time said so.

Chen Feng certainly understood this, after all, those invaders were being quickly resolved and blocked the power of time.

"Do your best." Chen Feng could only say this, and he had no idea how many people he could leave behind.

Sure enough, most of the invaders still escaped, even if the Long River of Time participated, only a few people would be left in a fight.

Compared with the use of so much power, the results of the battle seemed a little small.

Defeating a group of invaders was a good thing compared to the entire Gate of Origin.

In fact, Chen Feng was still thinking about chasing them separately, but combined with the news from the Long River of Time, Chen Feng could only give up this idea. What he had to do next was to concentrate his strength to deal with other invaders.

The scale of the free space is large, but the space outside the origin of one side is even larger. For a person above the Hunyuan, if the other party wants to hide, even the emperor will find it difficult to find.

Even if it is the long river of time, it will not dispatch too much power to do such a thing.

After thinking about these, Chen Feng just took a short rest and took action again.

Just when Chen Feng thought that this dispute would last for a while, new forces joined in.

This Chen Feng was a little dumbfounded. The power of Guixu began to invade, and everything became the territory of Guixu wherever it passed.

At such a critical moment, Guixu intervened, and it was so ostentatious.

Chen Feng had thought of this possibility before, but he didn't expect Guixu to invade so quickly.

"What's the matter with Yuanjie?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

Speaking of it, the Gate of Origin is still a long way from Guixu, and there are other origins in between. Could it be that these origins were also invaded by Guixu? I didn't get this news before.

Or is it that Guixu is simply opening up the route and passing some power through, but the opponent's momentum does not seem to be so.

But no matter what, Guixu intervened, which is an existence beyond the origin.

The Gate of Origin itself was besieged, so it must be unable to stop the rules.

"Is it possible that the Gate of Origin is going to be destroyed?" Chen Feng couldn't help but have such a thought.

This is not impossible. Chen Feng has seen too many origins destroyed. Some very powerful origins were finally divided up, and Chen Feng personally participated in it.

Chen Feng even entered Guixu to adventure, and saw more covered origins in it.

The Gate of Origin is just an origin. Even if it is stronger, it can't stop the invasion of Guixu, not to mention that the Gate of Origin is now being invaded by multiple forces.

Chen Feng can't see any hope at all.

"Fortunately, I took away the Savage Universe before." Chen Feng also made the worst plan.

"Don't worry, I still have a way." At this time, the Gate of Origin took the initiative to send a message to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng believed that others should have received it, but Chen Feng was not happy. In Chen Feng's opinion, the Gate of Origin said this because it was afraid that everyone would escape, and just fooled everyone to stay and continue fighting.

"The Yuanjie has not been destroyed yet, and they are doing their best to resist the invasion of Guixu. This time, Guixu is just taking advantage of the fire and not mobilizing all its strength." The Gate of Origin said again.

But when Chen Feng felt the strong breath coming from Guixu, he still thought that the words of the Gate of Origin were not very convincing.

"Don't worry, I will fight to the end." Chen Feng said.

"You only need to deal with those above Hunyuan, leave the emperor to me." The Gate of Origin said.

"Are you finally going to use the hidden power?" Chen Feng tried.

Chen Feng always believed that the Gate of Origin still had a finale and some hidden means, but this time the Gate of Origin did not respond to Chen Feng.

Finally, the power of Guixu began to impact the free space, and the space began to collapse. Dozens of above Hunyuan rushed to the front and began to attack the city.

Unlike other invaders, they must directly extend their native power, just like tentacles. Those Hunyuans do not leave their native power. This way of fighting will make the fighting more powerful, and it is also a fighting method that Chen Feng prefers.

"The situation is not good." Void God appeared beside Chen Feng.

Before, when dealing with those invaders, Void God had not taken action. Now Void God also felt the pressure on the Gate of Origin.

In Void God's opinion, the Gate of Origin might be divided up this time.

"We should have found some helpers in advance, but it should be in time now." Void God said.

If we can find the ancestor of virtual beasts and the Great Emperor of Heart to help, then we may be able to deal with the crisis in front of us.

In addition, the Gate of Origin also knows other great emperors. If there are more great emperors in charge, the situation will be completely different.

"Maybe the Gate of Origin has its own arrangements." Chen Feng said.

"I hope he has strong enough reinforcements, otherwise the Gate of Origin will definitely be divided up." Void God said.

Although the God of Nothingness was also a Great Emperor, he knew very well that it would be useless even if he helped, not to mention that he was already injured.

Chen Feng knew that it was useless to be anxious. Just like what he had just communicated with the Gate of Origin, he could only do his best to deal with those above the Primordial.

It was difficult for him to participate in the war at the Great Emperor level in his current situation.

"Fellow Daoists, everyone knows about the matter, right? I don't think I need to say more. Next, we have to fight hard." Chen Feng said as he led dozens of above the Primordial to find another invading force.

Chen Feng certainly did not resist Guixu. It was obvious that Guixu's momentum was very strong and Chen Feng could not resist it, even if he was given dozens of above the Primordial.

Since Guixu chose to invade with great fanfare, it must have made sufficient preparations. If he took people up, he might become cannon fodder.

Chen Feng could not care about the overall situation, and soon fought with the invaders.

In fact, from the beginning to now, Chen Feng has defeated several groups of invaders. If you really think about it, Chen Feng has achieved great results, but it seems that he still cannot change the situation of the Gate of Origin.

Instead, the situation in front of him is getting more and more critical.

"To put it bluntly, we still haven't killed all these invaders. Some of them have escaped, and they will recover soon." Chen Feng said.

"I will also take action. It's a bit difficult for those earths, but it's still no problem for these ordinary practitioners." The God of Nothingness did not simply sit there, but took action directly.

The big one is the emperor. He quickly hit several opponents with one move. Chen Feng and others immediately followed up, and the whole scene changed dramatically.

"It still has to be the emperor." Chen Feng sighed. According to this situation, the invaders in front of him can be dispersed quickly.

Chen Feng was worried that the other side would have an emperor, but this did not happen. Not all invaders have emperors, and some invading forces do not even have the existence of the origin level.

Although the God of Nothingness is powerful, it is not suitable for charging into battle. However, using the Law of Nothingness to assist can achieve great results. When they joined forces to fight against other emperors, Chen Feng fought in close combat.

But it was easier to deal with the Hunyuan Above. It didn't take long for this force to be dispersed again.

It can be said that Chen Feng's momentum was unstoppable, and he had a spirit of not taking all invaders seriously.

But the situation of the Gate of Origin still did not ease, but became worse, because Guixu was still invading. Not only that, some forces that had been hiding before were also truly exposed. Chen Feng directly saw the existence of the two origins.

"Don't worry about it, continue to deal with other invaders, and don't confront Guixu for the time being." The God of Nothingness said.

Chen Feng nodded. At this time, there were nearly a hundred Hunyuan Above around Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also sensed that the clones that were released before were also constantly gathering together. It seemed that they were dealing with Guixu under the arrangement of the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng didn't care about this. He didn't think about taking back the clones that were originally separated. As for the clones that were copied later, it was also the price paid by the Gate of Origin.

"Fellow Daoists, those who have the means should not hide them. Once the Gate of Origin collapses, we will become rootless practitioners." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng knew that some practitioners would not choose to fight desperately. The origin was destroyed, and he could leave at most. There was no reason to stay and fight desperately.

But now that everyone is gathered together, Chen Feng feels that it is more suitable to mobilize morale. Besides, he does not really want them to stay and fight desperately.

In short, even if it is impossible, we must fight to the end.

The long river of time surged, and another part of the power was transmitted.

Twenty Dao clones.

This surprised Chen Feng a little. He did not expect that it was sent back to him. Although it fell for a while, most of the power was retained.

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