Eternal Existence

Chapter 5324: A Hot Scene

There were a total of 36 combat puppets. Although the other party did not attack, the aura they exuded made Chen Feng have some judgments in his mind.

The most important thing is that these combat puppets can communicate with each other and merge their power very well.

After a little surprise, Chen Feng quickly regained his composure. As a great emperor and the controller of the origin of one side, it is normal to refine some powerful combat puppets.

Just like the treasures of the origin level encountered before, compared with them, these combat puppets in front of him are nothing.

"Daoyou are really willing to use these combat puppets as cannon fodder. In this case, I am not at ease. How about Daoyou put forward some conditions?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"There is no need for this. As long as you can bring these combat puppets to make some trouble, it will be fine. As for asking me to put forward conditions, what conditions do you think are better?" Thunder Emperor said.

"In this case, I will not be polite." Chen Feng really had nothing to say. After all, there was no action yet, and it was all empty talk.

Maybe I will get into trouble soon, and these combat puppets may be shattered soon.

Then the Thunder Emperor and Chen Feng talked again, and then disappeared.

"Did the Thunder Emperor come just now?" Void God asked on the side.

Chen Feng nodded and told what happened just now. Void God smiled and said: "The other party's approach is also correct. They are just some combat puppets. For the origin of one side, it is nothing at all. Moreover, the Thunder Origin itself is not simple. Maybe the other party has stronger and more combat puppets."

"It must be like this. No matter what the other party's purpose is, since someone gave me power, I must accept it. Anyway, the other party said it was cannon fodder, and I don't have any psychological burden." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Besides, I didn't get the benefits for nothing. I helped the Thunder Emperor to stop the invaders before.

Besides, this mysterious origin itself came for the Thunder Origin. To put it bluntly, I am still helping the Thunder Emperor to do things, and now I am just getting some rewards.

"It seems that you have already made a plan. I wonder when to start? After seeing the methods of these emperors, I also have some thoughts. Maybe I should also refine some puppets, or collect the grasp of my own level." Void God said.

"There must be a chance. After all, the things that Daoyou said are not lacking. As long as Daoyou is given some time and resources, a large number of combat puppets can be refined." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng is still collecting information. The most important thing in this regard is the long river of time. However, as the power of the gate of time and space becomes stronger and stronger, it is also helping Chen Feng to collect more information.

So far, Chen Feng still doesn't know enough about this origin. Of course, in addition to this, Chen Feng also wants to find out if there are other battlefields, so that he can decide whether to take advantage.

After all, it is still a bit troublesome to take the initiative to open up a battlefield, unless some important places of this origin can be found.

However, although Chen Feng is full of confidence now, he still feels a little scared when he thinks of the threat caused by the other party's previous self-explosion.

"Even if the other party can create that kind of huge energy ball, I think there are some limitations. If there are enough, can't it sweep away all invaders?" Chen Feng said.

"It's really hard to say. Maybe the other party has set up a trap here. When the invaders reach a certain level, they will catch them all in one fell swoop." The God of Nothingness said.

"No matter how powerful and mysterious the other party is, I don't think it can do this. How powerful was the real emperor at the beginning? And the old man in the spiritual realm who met later, he finally fled under the siege, and even his origin was divided. Everyone is at the emperor level. Even if there is some gap, it is impossible for one person to sweep everything." Chen Feng said.

"Of course, I just have such a guess. I don't believe there is such a powerful existence, but think about it carefully. I have never encountered a movable origin before. This alone shows that the other party still has some means. Maybe it is a means that ordinary emperors can't deal with. At that time, even if they can besiege the other party, they may end up in a situation where both sides suffer losses." The God of Nothingness said.

"Why did Daoyou have such an idea? Could it be that you have a feeling in your heart? Did you really notice it?" Chen Feng asked with some curiosity.

If it is really as the God of Nothingness said, then the next step is really very troublesome.

Even the emperors will suffer heavy casualties, so I am afraid I will not be able to escape.

"It is not that I feel it in my heart. It is just that after seeing some powerful emperors during this period, I feel that there should be stronger beings in this realm. Even if the other party has not practiced for as long as us, they may have mastered a special magical power that can restrain other practitioners." Void God said so.

"What you said makes sense, I also feel that there is something wrong with this origin." At this time, the Soul Emperor suddenly appeared.

"Hello, fellow Taoist." Chen Feng greeted him hurriedly.

If there are masters among the emperors, then the Soul Emperor can be considered one. Who made the other party transform from an origin into life, which is equivalent to combining the power of two emperors into one.

Moreover, the power of the mind is already very amazing, and sometimes it can restrain other opponents of the same level.

With the appearance of the Soul Emperor, Chen Feng felt more secure. No matter what, the number of emperors on his side was still considerable.

It was much better than being cannon fodder on the Hunyuan.

However, the meaning of the Soul Emperor's words made Chen Feng's heart lift again.

"You have this feeling too." The God of Nothingness asked.

"It's not my feeling. It's a conclusion I got after analyzing the information I collected through the power of the mind. It's a special feeling that I got after verifying it." The Soul Emperor said.

"And I also know a piece of news that an emperor once fell in this origin."

Hearing the Soul Emperor say this, the God of Nothingness's attention was immediately drawn.

"Since an emperor died here, it means that there is a force that threatens the emperor here. Maybe it's the origin of this side, but it may also be killed by someone besieged." Chen Feng analyzed.

"Even if it's a siege, it's difficult to kill an emperor. Even if he's seriously injured, he can still escape with his life." The Soul Emperor said.

"And there is more than one emperor who died here. This origin even has a name, called the place where the emperor fell."

"It sounds scary, fortunately I am not an emperor." Chen Feng said a cold joke, but it became more serious.

Before, only the God of Nothingness said so, and now even the more powerful Emperor of the Heart said so.

This shows that the origin does have the power to threaten the emperor.

"Speaking of which, since I came to this origin, I have been fighting with the other party. I have seen the existence of the origin level here. I feel that there is not much difference from other origins. Is there any other power hidden?" Chen Feng said so.

The previous origin mountain and the origin mountain under his control are actually not much different in quality.

This is especially true for those combination-type treasures that are condensed after birth.

"In short, everyone should be careful next time. There is more than one emperor coming here. In addition, there are also some masters from other forces. Some people have even fought with this origin. Next, we don’t need to fight with the other party head-on. We still have to look for opportunities." The Emperor of the Heart said so.

"It's a pity. If you had come here earlier, maybe we could have suppressed all the original existences." Chen Feng said with some regret.

"It's not that simple. Since you have collected an original existence before, it's better to refine it quickly now. If possible, we can help and save some time." The Soul Emperor said so.

"Thank you very much, fellow Daoist!" Chen Feng would naturally not refuse.

So Chen Feng took out the energy tower and opened a passage. The Soul Emperor and the Void God went directly into it, and then saw the ring combination treasure that was still struggling.

"It's really magical. The other party's means are good. If there are enough resources, the other party can create more original treasures." The Soul Emperor studied it first, and then chose to take action.

With the Void God and the Soul Emperor taking action, it is still no problem to solve this original treasure.

Chen Feng felt relieved immediately, and then took action and cooperated with the two.

Even so, it still took some effort to truly refine this treasure.

In fact, according to the strength of the Soul Emperor and the God of Nothingness, the will and imprint in this treasure were broken up early.

But Chen Feng was still worried, so the Soul Emperor and the God of Nothingness acted as coolies and helped Chen Feng to sacrifice this treasure again and again.

"You are relieved, aren't you afraid that we will do something in it?" The Soul Emperor said with a smile.

"Instead of doing this, it is better to directly rob it. Isn't it more convenient?" Chen Feng didn't care.

He had a lot of treasures on him, and he didn't see them do it.

After everything was over, the beneficiary was of course Chen Feng, and he had another treasure of the origin level.

If I were to sacrifice it myself, I don't know how long it would take. After all, it seems that the other party has been suppressed, but in fact, this treasure has been stirring.

"Thousands of illusions, it turns out to be called this name, and it is worthy of the name." Chen Feng's thoughts moved, and the ring of this magic weapon turned, and the power of various attributes began to gather.

Chen Feng did not launch an attack, but stopped controlling it, allowing the other party to calm down.

"What a pity, the other items are also good, if they all fall into my hands." Thinking of this, Chen Feng's heart became hot again.

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