Eternal Existence

Chapter 5323 Got it

Although it was a bit unpleasant, with the intervention of the Gate of Origin, he felt much more relaxed. If he could get rid of the opponents in the past few days, even if the two sides were evenly divided, it would be worth it.

"It seems that the Gate of Origin has a lot of accumulation. Such a force is given as soon as it is said." Chen Feng sensed it, and he recovered in a very short time, and the combat power that was lost before was completely replenished.

Although he was surprised, he also felt the gap between himself and the Gate of Origin.

You know, Chen Feng has mastered several origins. Although they are all broken, the power is definitely enough, which shows that Chen Feng's own cultivation is not enough.


A beam of sharp air broke through the defense line and appeared in front of Chen Feng, leaving a wound on Chen Feng's face, which was destroyed before the blood flowed out.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed. This attack came from the magic weapon that combined different weapons. Among the several magic weapons present, this one's attack power is naturally the strongest. Chen Feng has been on guard against the opponent, but he was still hit. The opponent's attack can tear Chen Feng's body apart.

"They are all good treasures." Chen Feng sighed, but he couldn't get them, and he had to find a way to fight against the opponent.


Another stream of light was caught by Chen Feng this time, and he defeated the opponent with a sword, but the opponent's attack was projected from thousands of lights, leaving dozens of wounds on Chen Feng in the blink of an eye.

These wounds were not serious, just some flesh wounds, but the remaining power quickly turned into nails embedded in Chen Feng's body, and Chen Feng immediately felt the power of the blockade forming.

This made Chen Feng think of the Nine Extremes Sky Locking God Nail that he mastered at the first time, but the opponent's method was more powerful than the Nine Extremes Sky Locking God Nail, although Chen Feng had been constantly improving the power of the Nine Extremes Sky Locking God Nail.


The power in Chen Feng's body surged, and groups of blood mist exploded, each of which was wrapped in a broken nail.

Although the nail was successfully forced out, Chen Feng also consumed some blood and energy. Although this blood and energy was nothing to Chen Feng, it was still a bit unpleasant.

Besides, the opponent's attack had just begun.


After enduring several attacks, Chen Feng found an opportunity to release three origin mountains, and sealed the treasure in an independent space in a triangular shape.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to pull the other party into the origin to suppress it, thunders of various attributes bombarded, and cracks appeared on Chen Feng's three origin mountains.

The Gate of Time and Space was well prepared, and a flash blocked it in front of it, and a large amount of thunder was collected by the flashing portal.

The Evil Swamp and the Source of Fortune attacked together and locked the huge energy ball.

"It's almost there. If my power is stronger, I can really pull the other party into the origin." Chen Feng has been looking for an opportunity, but unfortunately he has an idea, and the other party is not stupid, and is also looking for an opportunity to solve himself.

At this time, the three-headed and six-armed combat puppet suddenly rushed towards Chen Feng regardless of anything.

Chen Feng noticed that during this process, a bunch of origin light descended and drilled into the combat puppet.

After receiving the blessing, the battle puppet became stronger, and the three heads and six arms split into more arms.

This is not a simple Dharma body, it is a sign that the opponent has become stronger.

"I wonder if my chaotic body can block it." Chen Feng's current size is not smaller than the opponent. Although he does not have three heads and six arms, his whole body is shining with golden light, and there is a looming avenue emerging. There is also the power of origin constantly overflowing from the bottom of Chen Feng's feet, which has condensed into substance, just like a viscous stream of water.

In the body, some power sources such as the heart are opened, providing Chen Feng with a constant supply of power.

At this moment, Chen Feng felt that he was extremely powerful, but he still did not have much confidence to face this combination type of battle puppet.




As soon as the two sides approached, an extremely fierce fight broke out. This battle puppet was proficient in countless combat skills and magical powers, and his body was a fusion of powerful powers of multiple attributes.

Coupled with the tyrannical body, he wanted to kill Chen Feng in one go. Even if Chen Feng tried his best, he was beaten back again and again.

The opponent could completely suppress Chen Feng in terms of realm, and the opponent was not afraid of death or pain, so Chen Feng felt very difficult.


Chen Feng was knocked out, and before he could stabilize his body, he was attacked by other opponents.

"Triple combat power!"

Chen Feng swept his sword and crushed the power that attacked him, then stepped forward with a soil thorn, and the three-headed and six-armed combat puppet was pierced through the body.


Chen Feng roared, and several kinds of destructive power merged into the long sword and burst out again, and one arm and one head of the opponent were cut off.

Chen Feng, with three times the combat power, surpassed his opponent.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to take this opportunity to crush the opponent in one fell swoop, the giant energy ball jumped, ignoring the distance of time and space, and came directly in front of Chen Feng. With the crackling sound, the energy tentacles came out crazily, densely submerging Chen Feng in it.

The sword light suddenly appeared, some moves were cut, and the sword light flashed, cutting some tentacles again.

But the opponent's tentacles were too many, and the sword light was not enough, and the opponent had stronger means.

After a series of explosions, Chen Feng rushed out, his body was blown to pieces.

Chen Feng's three times combat power time has passed.

Then the giant energy ball collided, and Chen Feng was knocked out again just as he stood firm.

"It's really a bit difficult to deal with." Chen Feng shook his head, the copying law was wrapped around his body, and Chen Feng disappeared in an instant.

When this giant energy ball tried to catch up, it was tied up by dense silk threads.

Although the power of thunder and lightning is shattering these threads, these threads are not only numerous, but also extremely tough, especially the laws of restraint contained in them.

Chen Feng once again appeared in front of the energy ball, stabbed out with a sword, and was followed by dazzling lightning.

Chen Feng retreated continuously. Although he had stabbed the opponent with his sword just now, he was attacked by lightning again.

However, Chen Feng believed that the other party also felt uncomfortable.

At this time, the battle puppet rushed towards Chen Feng again, but before it went very far, it was washed away by the power of time. The pace of progress became slow. It would take more time to reach Chen Feng.

All Evil Swamp condensed a long whip and whipped it hard, hitting the huge energy ball. Who knew that the next moment All Evil Swamp was hit by a beam of sword light.

The two sides fought fiercely, and for a while they used all kinds of methods to cause damage, but no one could really seriously injure their opponent.

Chen Feng was a little impatient, and he used the power of origin again regardless. Who knew that beams of light appeared out of thin air, shaking Chen Feng's origin violently.

This is the power that comes from this mysterious origin.

Chen Feng knew that once these origin magic weapons were in danger, this side of Origin would come to help. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. In this case, there is no point in continuing to fight unless other great emperors can really entangle this side. Originate most of the power, so that you can find a way to solve these origin-level treasures one by one.

After all, Chen Feng has now demonstrated almost all of his power and means. Under normal circumstances, he can suppress these four opponents.

"You are no match for me, so retreat quickly." Chen Feng said.

The reason why Chen Feng said this was that he wanted to give up and not want to be entangled with them anymore, but these four origin-level treasures were still entangled with each other, which made Chen Feng very helpless.

"We need help." II said.

Chen Feng nodded and had no choice but to communicate over time.

As a passage spread, dozens more Hunyuan came.

Although most of those above Hunyuan under Chen Feng are ordinary characters, now we can only select some outstanding ones among them.

After arriving, they entered the creation formation chart released by Chen Feng without Chen Feng saying anything.

The End of Creation is controlled by Chen Feng's clone, which gathers the power of dozens of Hunyuan and above, and can completely entangle an origin-level existence.

In this way, Chen Feng's side gained the upper hand, killing the opponent and forcing him to retreat.

Finally, Chen Feng seized the opportunity and once again used the sacred mountain to suppress the magic weapon composed of rings.

Next, Wuhui Origin quickly covered, and this time it finally succeeded.

Chen Feng was overjoyed and began to quickly put away the Origin of No Return.

Although the other party is still struggling fiercely, it is extremely difficult to get out after reaching his origin.

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to succeed, a towering hand came out of the sky and tore apart Wuhu Origin fiercely.

The treasure covered by Chen Feng took the opportunity to rush out.

"I knew this would happen a long time ago."

Chen Feng sneered and the broken Origin of No Return burned with blazing flames, emitting extremely strong power, trapping the big hand in it.

Chen Feng, on the other hand, released the energy tower that had not been used for a long time, and directly took the opponent in. Before the opponent could struggle in it, the broken origin of the party that Chen Feng had prepared long ago exploded in the energy tower.

Although this treasure is of the same level as the energy tower, Chen Feng has been prepared for it. He has not used the energy tower for such a long time, and has enough arrangements in it. Coupled with the power of the origin, suppressing the opponent is not a problem at all.

No matter what, when Chen Feng put away the energy tower, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then burst into ecstasy.

The original treasure still fell into his own hands.

Although Chen Feng has many magic weapons at the level of this academy, who can resist too many good things? What's more, Chen Feng has not received such benefits in the recent origin-level wars.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the value of a complete origin-level treasure is no less than that of a broken origin.

What's more, it can also hit opponents.


After Chen Feng successfully collected this treasure, he was attacked by this mysterious source. Chen Feng felt the other party's irritability.

"I'm anxious." Chen Feng secretly laughed. No matter how powerful Fang Yuanyuan burst out, he couldn't make himself spit out the things.

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