Eternal Existence

Chapter 5325: Bewitching

Chen Feng went straight to the opponent's origin, and the Gate of Time and Space also joined in.

In the blink of an eye, an origin was smashed to pieces, and these fragments were divided up by Chen Feng and the Gate of Time and Space.

For the Gate of Time and Space, this was a huge gain, so they quickly rushed to another origin.

Chen Feng could see that the Gate of Time and Space was also affected.

"Is this the bewitching power released by the emperor? Maybe it is not good at using it against the enemy, but it can play a great role at a critical moment." Chen Feng couldn't help but admire, thinking that he should also master this power.

The opponent retreated step by step. Although they were bewitched, they did not lose their reason. The current situation was not favorable to them, so these practitioners who did not know where they came from began to choose to retreat.

At this time, the space suddenly cracked, and another group of creatures of different shapes appeared.

These creatures did not reach the level above Hunyuan, but their number was large enough, and they were more deeply affected by the bewitching power.

After these creatures arrived, they launched a crazy attack on both sides, which was simply an indiscriminate attack, which made the situation even more chaotic.

But Chen Feng thought more.

These creatures did not seem to be of this origin, and it was possible that the other party had moved them from other places.

Since there was such a method, there might be new forces involved next.

The other party did this obviously to make the two sides fight each other, and then they would be the fishermen.

Chen Feng felt a headache looking at the group of strange creatures rushing up, and he solved these creatures in the flash of the sword.

Who knew that two more creatures would directly explode, and the powerful force generated forced Chen Feng to stop his pace.

Chen Feng did not take these creatures seriously, but ordinary Hunyuan would still be injured when facing a large number of sieges.

"It seems that we can only kill all these creatures." Chen Feng said so.

Although helpless, this is the reality.

These creatures were constantly killed, but the number was too large, and finally a Hunyuan was accidentally torn into pieces.

Although the body was reshaped quickly, it also affected the combat effectiveness.

Chen Feng's previous speculation was indeed fulfilled, and another group of practitioners joined in.

There were not many of them, only five or six at the beginning, but soon there were seven or eight, a dozen, and finally there were more than a hundred above the Primordial.

All of them were invaders.

You should know that so many invaders can normally cause violent turmoil to the origin of one side, and even seize the opportunity to divide the origin of one side.

But now they are wasting their energy here, and the output power is swallowed by this origin.

In addition to these above the Primordial, there are also creatures from all walks of life at the level of Primordial Golden Immortal, and their number is even greater.

Not long after, the scale of the battlefield expanded by more than ten times.

Ding Ding Ding Ding!

At this moment, the sound of bells came, affecting the entire battlefield. The lives of all parties who were still fighting desperately paused, and the murderous intent in their eyes was restrained a little.

"The power of purification!" Chen Feng looked into the distance, a huge bell loomed, and a giant was constantly knocking, and the bewitching power on the scene was constantly weakened until it was completely eliminated.

Although such a change would not cause everyone to leave, some practitioners still withdrew from the battlefield. Even those creatures from all walks of life that were so ferocious that they exploded themselves fled in groups.

For them, the existence above Hunyuan was originally terrifying, not to mention that there were even more powerful existences than Hunyuan.

"This is an origin-level treasure. In addition to being powerful, it can break the power of bewitching. It should also be the nemesis of the power of bewitching." Chen Feng said.


Suddenly, the sound of the bell became fierce. Chen Feng saw that the giant was attacked. An assassin revealed his figure in the bell, and then was blown up by the giant's punch. The opponent's broken body was collected inside the giant bell.

But more assassins appeared. Although the giant showed strong fighting power, the assassin still seized the opportunity and the weapon fell heavily on the giant.

With just one blow, the giant's body was pierced.

It's not that the giant's strength is not strong enough. The ability to dissolve the power of bewitching before has already demonstrated the strength of the giant.

But the assassin is very powerful and the weapon in his hand is also very strong.

After being injured, the giant sprayed blood on the giant bell, and then the blood-red light bloomed, directly covering the assassin, and then the giant opened his mouth and roared.

The assassin was crushed to pieces in the sound wave.

This scene surprised Chen Feng very much. He didn't expect that the giant had such magical powers. Even this giant bell would find it difficult to crush him.

"I don't know where the other party came from? But since the other party has resolved the power of bewitching, it is helping us. Remember this." Chen Feng said and disappeared on the spot.

When Chen Tong appeared again, he had come to the giant.

"Daoyou, don't be nervous. I'm here to help." Chen Feng said as he swept the long sword in his hand, and an assassin hidden in the dark was cut off by Chen Feng.

Seeing Chen Feng's move, the giant reduced his hostility, and then continued to shake the giant bell. The bell sound impacted, and the assassins hidden in it fell out one after another, and then were severely injured by Chen Feng's sword after sword.

He always encountered assassins who could block Chen Feng's attack.

"Could it be that these assassins are all native life forms?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"These assassins come from the origin of assassins, and they are targeting me." The giant said.

Chen Feng had been helped by a giant before, and now he could sense that the other party might be from the same tribe. This was one of the important reasons why Chen Feng acted so decisively.

"The treasure in your hand is good, but this is the other party's lair. If you have it, you won't be afraid of not being able to get in and out." Chen Feng asked like this.

"You don't have to test me, just ask me directly. I certainly have a certain confidence to come to this origin. Besides, the bewitching power just now does not actually belong to this origin, but the means of another emperor. This emperor comes from another force and has some grudges with our giant clan." The giant said.

"I see, it seems that this origin also has allies. In this case, the next step will be even more difficult." Chen Feng nodded. He had thought that this was the means of this origin before, but who knew that it still came from the outside world.

The other party seemed to be helping this origin, but he might have his own plans.

"Where is the other party? This kind of person is too scary, we should go to him in advance." Chen Feng said.

"Your strength is good, but if you want to deal with Emperor Guhuo, I'm afraid it's not enough. I have to say that Emperor Guhuo's combat power is not the strongest among the emperors, but his power of bewitching is too difficult to deal with. Even if other emperors meet you, they will suffer." The giant said.

"Then find a few more helpers." The God of Nothingness appeared beside Chen Feng.

"Hello, senior." The giant saluted hurriedly.

"You're welcome. Let's talk about Emperor Guhuo first. I'm a little interested in this kind of power." The God of Nothingness said.

With the appearance of the Emperor of Nothingness, the surrounding void began to stabilize, and the assassins who were hiding in the dark just now fled.

Chen Feng did not chase them. The hiding methods of these assassins were still very amazing, and it was impossible for him to get rid of them all.

Besides, some of them had been severely injured just now.

The most important thing at the moment is to discuss the issue of Emperor Guhuo.

"I am quite familiar with Emperor Guhuo. I will tell you the news about him now, but there is one thing I need to remind you two Taoist friends. Just when we were talking about each other, I think he has sensed it." The giant said.

"It doesn't matter. It would be better if the other party took the initiative to come to the door. This time, Emperor Guhuo took the lead in provoking disputes, causing heavy losses on my side. Even if I don't ask, the existence behind me will not let it go." Chen Feng said so.

Originally, after hearing what Chen Feng said, the giant's eyes lit up: "So there is a figure of the emperor level behind him."

"Of course." Chen Feng nodded, and at the same time he also had some understanding of Emperor Guhuo.

"I thought it was from the origin of Guhuo, but I didn't expect that you didn't know where the other party came from." Chen Feng said curiously.

"Speaking of which, we have been dealing with the Guhuo Emperor for a while. We have never known his origins. We only know that he stirs up disputes everywhere and takes advantage of others' life-and-death struggles to extract some things. So after our calculations, the Guhuo Emperor should have hidden means, not just the simple Guhuo power on the surface." The giant said.

"After all, he is also an emperor, so he naturally has some means. In the long years, he must have cultivated some strange things." Chen Feng said.

"When you say this, don't forget that there is also an emperor around you." Void God said.

However, Void God was not angry, and said thoughtfully: "This emperor is really interesting. I am interested. Since he is here, I think I should be able to find him."

"But now we still need to find some helpers."

While locating the Guhuo Emperor, Void God passed the message to the Lord of the Void Beast and the Heart Emperor. Chen Feng was also communicating with the Gate of Origin.

If these people attack together, maybe they can really solve the problem of Guhuo Dadi. Even if they can't kill him, they can eliminate him.

After all, it would be too troublesome to have such a person in the next origin battle, who is an enemy rather than a friend.

Soon, the Gate of Origin responded to Chen Feng. Chen Feng was a little curious about why the Gate of Origin was so straightforward, wondering if the other party also had his own calculations and ideas?

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