Eternal Existence

Chapter 5322: Division Operation

The power of the origin of the fierce wind became very fierce as soon as it came out, and began to roll around, turning the surrounding area into its own territory wherever it passed.

This is what Chen Feng just said about overpowering others with force, and it is also the method that Chen Feng really has no other choice.

In the past, doing this really worked.

In Chen Feng's opinion, even if this magic weapon is the most powerful, it is only at the origin level, and it is still not as good as the level of the origin.

When he expands the power of the origin to a certain extent, it will naturally spread and cover these magic weapons, and then he can find an opportunity to break the opponent and plunder.

Of course, Chen Feng also knows that things are not that simple. After all, there is also a mysterious and powerful origin behind the opponent.

Chen Feng also wants to give it a try. After all, he has mastered not only one origin, but all of these origins are used by himself, and this origin is definitely impossible to use all its power on himself.

And doing this is also an attempt to find out what the situation is with this treasure? In addition, what is the situation with this origin?

It was a pity for Chen Feng that he only had two people above the Hunyuan level. If his army was around, and they all entered the origin, then Chen Feng would have the confidence to fight against the real origin.

At present, the number of people is a little small, unless the second generation can still burst out the same fighting power as before.

Although thinking so, Chen Feng still released his Dao clones. Having so many clones also relieved some of Chen Feng's pressure.

Without Chen Feng saying much, the second generation and the white mirror swordsman naturally entered the origin, and the two also released some clones.

In this way, dozens of array eyes were formed, making the expansion of the origin more stable.

At the beginning, the expansion was very smooth, but after a certain extent, it was strongly blocked by the surroundings, causing the expansion of the origin to become slower and slower, but Chen Feng also felt the existence of these magic weapons more clearly, as well as the source of power behind this magic weapon.

"Sure enough, it's not the power of this magic weapon itself, but also the help from this origin. I said how could this treasure be so powerful. Under normal circumstances, it is at the same level as those origin mountains just now. If it weren't for the order of the origin, how could these origin mountains enter the interior of this treasure." Although Chen Feng felt that the expansion speed of the origin slowed down, he did not immediately add power, but carefully experienced the changes in the problems in the fight between the two sides. At the same time, Chen Feng was waiting for the feedback of the power of time.

Because of the release of the origin, the power of time can be better explored.

Sure enough, the power of time explored more things, some magic arrays and prohibitions, but it still couldn't determine where the core was.

"It seems that another force is needed." Chen Feng used the power imprint, not to merge with the origin of the fierce wind, but directly to the edge of the origin. In this way, it was like adding a blade, extremely sharp and indestructible. It cut quickly wherever it passed, and the blocking power in front was disintegrated.

In this way, the expansion speed of the origin of the fierce wind accelerated again.

In fact, Chen Feng's cultivation was not enough, otherwise, the power mark alone could penetrate this treasure.

However, even with the appearance of such a power mark, this treasure felt a strong threat, and the whole treasure seemed to be shaking, so that more power from this origin was passed through.

"The power you have mastered is of too high quality. Once it is released, it may make the other party's boss appear directly." The second generation said.

"It doesn't matter. Since you have taken action, you must hurt the other party. When the other party's means are proposed, you can better understand the opponent. I also want to see what to do next." Chen Feng said.

On the surface, Chen Feng used the power mark to cut frantically, but secretly prepared another power beyond the origin.

When Chen Feng locked the boundary of this treasure, the prepared special power broke out directly.

It penetrated the other party in one fell swoop.

The power of time connected with the long river of time at the first time, and at the same time Chen Feng also received dense news.

These messages came from the River of Time, the Gate of Origin, the Gate of Time and Space, and even the messages from the Void God and the Lord of Void Beasts.

It seems that they have known that Chen Feng has fallen into this place for a long time, but there was a magic weapon blocking everything before, so even these strong men could not contact Chen Feng. Now that the barrier has been broken by Chen Feng, the connection between the two sides has naturally been established.

And Chen Feng also quickly passed the news here back. After doing this, the broken channel has been closed.

It seems that the connection between the two has been cut off again, but Chen Feng still has a vague connection with the River of Time.

After feeling this, Chen Feng has a bottom line in his heart, and at the same time he has a better understanding of this treasure.

If Chen Feng is willing, once the opportunity comes, he can break these treasures in one fell swoop. Even if there is this mysterious origin behind him, Chen Feng has a certain degree of confidence.

However, Chen Feng can think of these, and the other party can naturally sense these, but the power of the origin sweeps piece by piece, trying to cut off Chen Feng’s connection with the outside world.

At the same time, the suppression and attacks on Chen Feng were intensified. The airflow and light condensed from various power attributes constantly impacted Chen Feng's expanding origin, but were all defeated by the imprint of power.

But although the power imprint is strong, it can no longer expand the territory like before.

So the speed of the origin expansion slowed down.

"Daoyou, give me a helping hand!" At this time, the second generation suddenly said.

After a simple communication, Chen Feng understood, so the second generation began to explode, and the aura on his body began to rise straight up. In a very short time, it climbed to the extreme and reached the level of infinitely close to the emperor level. However, this state was not too stable. Chen Feng used the power of time. With the addition of the power of time, this state finally stabilized.

After seeing this, Chen Feng used the power of the replication law again, so on the basis of the original, the aura of the second generation was improved again.

Suddenly broke through a critical point and directly entered a new realm.


Powerful power fluctuations were released from the second generation. This power was somewhat out of control. Even Chen Feng's origin began to be affected and began to shake violently.

The white mirror swordsman turned pale and couldn't help saying: "This is entering the realm of the emperor."

It turned out that with the help of Chen Feng, the second generation finally improved his strength to the level of the year.

Of course, this was only temporary, and it was still somewhat out of control. Chen Feng had to keep urging the power of time. Later, Chen Feng even mobilized the power of the long river of time outside the magic weapon.

This made the state of the second generation somewhat eased.

However, in order to avoid being out of control, the second generation immediately released this part of the power. Only to see the power fluctuations similar to light flashed by, and the surrounding time and space began to collapse.

Once again penetrated this treasure.

At this time, Chen Feng was a little hesitant. At this time, several people could take this opportunity to leave the shackles of this treasure, but Chen Feng wanted to find the core of these treasures and then find a way to seize the control of this treasure.

Just when Chen Feng's thoughts were in turmoil, a mighty will rushed over, and this will brought extremely strong oppression to Chen Feng and the other two.

It was obviously the will of this origin. The other party finally got angry and began to mobilize more powerful forces.

Chen Feng went all out and barely resisted.

The second generation could no longer explode like before, and the aura on his body began to fall again.

After seeing this scene, Chen Feng still came up with an idea.

"Let's go out first."

So the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman concentrated their strength and burst out again. This time, the power they burst out was integrated into Chen Feng's origin, but Chen Feng suddenly shrank the spreading origin, like a cloud, and rushed in one direction quickly.

This direction was previously penetrated, and although it has now been restored, it has not reached the stability of its peak state.

A big hole was directly knocked open by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng clearly felt that the treasure was shaking violently.

The moment he rushed over, Chen Feng released his will to explore.

Then he saw a special treasure.

This is a treasure composed of countless rings, like a special tool. These rings look the same, but the power is different. Chen Feng immediately understood that it was no wonder that he had suffered so many different attributes of power inside the magic weapon before.

"This is a combination type of magic weapon. It looks very artificial, but it should be difficult to create a treasure of this level after birth. However, it is understandable to say that it is the work of one side of the origin, or has this side of the origin been planned to become a real life?" Chen Feng's thoughts extended, giving rise to various speculations.

Although he was bound by this treasure, he was still in this origin.

However, the current situation is much better than before. Chen Feng has established a clear connection with the Gate of Origin and the River of Time.

At this time, Chen Feng also got more information from them.

"It turns out that this origin thinks it is well hidden, but it has actually been discovered by some masters. After all, it is still difficult to hide it from the emperor, and this secret origin did not expect that there would be so many emperors here." Chen Feng suddenly laughed when he said this.

"Everyone originally came for the Thunder Origin, but this mysterious origin may be divided before this." Chen Feng knows more about the Thunder Origin, so even if this origin is mysterious, it may not be as mysterious as the Thunder Origin.

"Unless you can leave here immediately, you may be able to get rid of the bad luck of being divided."

The second generation smiled bitterly: "I thought I was the first to discover this origin, but I didn't expect those masters to have already started to act."

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