Eternal Existence

Chapter 5321 Exposed

The other party's realm is far beyond his own, but he cannot determine his true origin.

"Changtian, a time and space adventurer." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Let's not beat around the bush. Daoyou came here for us, right?" said Xuhuan.

"If I say I came here by accident, will Daoyou believe it?" Chen Feng asked back.

"Well, these are not important. I don't want to be an enemy of Daoyou. As long as Daoyou agree to one condition, I will open a way for Daoyou and friends to leave, and we will be friends in the future." Huanxu said.

"Instead of fighting and killing, it is better to turn enemies into friends. I agree with Daoyou's statement. I don't know what conditions you have." Chen Feng asked.

"As long as Daoyou and friends erase the memory of us here, it will be fine." Huanxu said.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed with cold light: "Haha, sorry, I can't do this, and I think my two friends can't do it either."

"It seems that Daoyou is really here to cause trouble. This is my territory. Are you sure you want to be my enemy?" Huanxu said.

"Just use whatever means you have. You are just stalling for time by saying so much. However, many people from the Hunyuan realm left here before. They will not come back in a short time. Besides, ordinary people from the Hunyuan realm will die if they come here." Chen Feng said lightly.

Holding the Cangsu Sword, three origin mountains appeared above his head, and the powerful force suppressed the four directions.

"I think fellow Taoists can also see my strength. If you want to deal with me, it is better to come up with some useful means." Chen Feng said.

"Well, in this case, let's see the real thing." Huanxu said and disappeared.

Chen Feng thought that the other party would have strong means, but who knew that there was no movement after waiting for a while.

Soon, the power of time sent news that the second generation and the white mirror swordsman were attacked.

At this time, there was no need to explore the news with the power of time, because Chen Feng could sense it himself.

The flashing sword light came from afar, which was the white mirror swordsman fighting desperately.

But the sword light did not flash for long before it disappeared, which meant that the white mirror swordsman was suppressed.

"So fast!"

Chen Feng was secretly surprised. You know, Bai Jing Swordsman is considered a master among the Hunyuan. The two sides were defeated as soon as they fought, which shows that the opponent has overwhelming strength.

"Where is the Second World? I hope he can bring me some surprises." Although Chen Feng thought so, he still accelerated and rushed to the place where Bai Jing Swordsman disappeared.

No matter what, he still had to rescue Bai Jing Swordsman first. At least the Second World was fine for the time being.

Chen Feng was very fast and found Bai Jing Swordsman very quickly.

This surprised Chen Feng a little. You know, Chen Feng was ready to be blocked. Who knew that the other party did not use any means to block him and let him find Bai Jing Swordsman.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal, so Chen Feng was very careful.

However, no matter how careful he was, things would still happen.

Bai Jing Swordsman was suppressed by the colorful light. Through the colorful light, Chen Feng saw the seven origin mountains and thought it was no wonder.

He was suppressed by the five origin mountains for a period of time before, and then the origin was attacked by external forces, so he took the opportunity to rush out.

There are seven origin mountains in front of him. No wonder the White Mirror Swordsman was suppressed so quickly. Even if he encountered it, he would suffer a loss.

"But do you want to suppress me like this?" Chen Feng said with a smile. He was already prepared. How could the other party succeed?

"Daoyou, be careful. It was the emperor who made the move just now." The White Mirror Swordsman said.

"The emperor made the move." Chen Feng looked around and didn't see anything, but he saw the colorful light in front of him began to expand rapidly. It seemed that the other party wanted to wrap him up.

Although this method is simple and even a little stupid, if Chen Feng wants to save the White Mirror Swordsman, he has to take action, otherwise he can only choose to dodge.

And even if he chooses to dodge at this time, it is not so easy, because the power of the four directions fluctuates and oscillates, and the power of various attributes rushes together, blocking all of Chen Feng's ways.

And this time the attribute power is stronger than before.

There is also the lock from this magic weapon, and there is even a stronger lock behind it.

"What is the origin of the previous illusion? Is it the incarnation of the origin of this side?" In such a situation, Chen Feng still has the heart to think about these.


Finally, Chen Feng suddenly stopped and slashed with a sword, and the colorful light in front of him was directly cut.

But the two cut sections came around and wanted to wrap Chen Feng in it.

"You have the origin, and I also have the origin. It depends on whether you can trap me." Chen Feng quickly calculated and knew that in this situation, unless he went all out to kill, he would definitely be wrapped by the other party if he continued to entangle.

In this case, it is better to save some power and wait for the next explosion.

Sure enough, Chen Feng was slightly slower and was wrapped by the colorful light. Then Chen Feng felt an extremely heavy pressure.

It was as if the power of one side's origin was acting on himself, and it was as if countless giant stars were constantly falling.




Chen Feng's body was affected, and the flow of power and blood made a roaring sound.

"Not bad!"

Chen Feng grinned, and the wings behind him only vibrated once, and Chen Feng quickly moved forward a distance. In this way, Chen Feng exploded again and again, and finally came to the front of the White Mirror Swordsman.

At this time, the White Mirror Swordsman was bound by countless flowing air currents, and there was a colorful light floating above his head. As soon as Chen Feng approached, he saw that the colorful light was flashing more and more fiercely.

"Oh, fellow Daoist, why did you come in too? Can't you see the situation?" Seeing that Chen Feng also ended up like himself, the White Mirror Swordsman couldn't help but sigh.

If Chen Feng was outside, there would be a chance to rescue himself. Now everyone is trapped.

Although the White Mirror Swordsman believed that Chen Feng was strong, the opponent he faced this time was stronger. Even if he could protect himself, it would not be a big deal to be trapped here.

"Don't worry, let's get you out first."

Chen Feng didn't care. The three origin mountains floating above his head exuded a repressive force to compete with the opponent's power. Chen Feng swung his sword and quickly cut the restraints on the White Mirror Swordsman into pieces.

The White Mirror Swordsman was relieved to regain his freedom. After all, with Chen Feng, a master, by his side, he felt safe. Maybe Chen Feng could only rush out. After all, this was the place where Chen Feng chose to come, so he must have a backup plan.

Especially when he saw Chen Feng released three origin mountains to suppress the four directions, he felt no pressure at all, which made him feel more relieved.

"By the way, how is the second generation Daoist friend? I contacted him before but he didn't respond." At this time, the White Mirror Swordsman remembered this.

"The second generation Daoist friend is stronger than we thought. The other party is safe and sound now. Of course, it's only now. It's hard to say whether he can block the attack of this origin next, unless the second generation Daoist friend can burst out the combat power of the emperor level." Chen Feng said.

"Is this impossible?" The White Mirror Swordsman didn't believe it at all. Although he knew that the second generation did have some hidden things, it was normal. Isn't it the same for himself? But to say that he can reach the emperor level, this is a bit exaggerated.

The two of them had been working together for a while. The White Mirror Swordsman thought he knew the Second World better and had some guesses, but after hearing what Chen Feng said, he still felt a little incredible.

"Of course, I'm just guessing. I think we'll know how strong he is soon. Let's go out first." Chen Feng said.

"Can we get out? The other party has used the power of the origin. I think it's better to self-destruct here. Maybe the other party will also lock up the Second World Daoist here. With the strength of Daoist, we can hold on here for a long time. When the emperor behind Daoist attacks from outside, we can find a way to get out." White Mirror Swordsman said.

"Daoist's idea is good. I thought so before, but I still want to give it a try. After all, being trapped here may change a lot. After all, we are too passive. It's better to rush out in one go, so that we can gain some advantages. Besides, maybe the emperor behind me believes that I can get out of trouble, so he will ignore it for a short time. Can we stay here forever?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Since Daoyou wants to make a move, I will naturally cooperate with you with all my strength." Seeing that Chen Feng had made up his mind, Baijing Swordsman knew that Chen Feng had a plan in mind, so there was no need to say more.

The next moment, Chen Feng made his move. On the one hand, there was the Origin Divine Mountain and the other party colliding head-on, and Chen Feng only needed to use his means to tear open a passage.

In the past, Chen Feng naturally could not rush out, but now Chen Feng has the means and strength of the same level.

And Chen Feng also wanted to see how much power the other party was willing to mobilize to suppress him.

Seeing Chen Feng make a move, Baijing Swordsman naturally did not sit idle, and also used his strongest swordsmanship.

Just when Baijing Swordsman was ready to fight desperately, he saw Chen Feng suddenly speed up his forward speed, and then he realized that the two had already rushed out of the restraints.

Behind him was a colorful light brewing, but it did not catch up.

"He rushed out so quickly." Baijing Swordsman felt a little incredible. He was suppressed in an instant before, and he thought he could never get out again.

"We just broke out of the suppression of the Origin God Mountain. We are still in the magic weapon. And those Origin God Mountains did not explode with all their power just now, otherwise we would not have been able to break out so easily. The other party was restrained by other forces." Chen Feng said meaningfully.

"Other forces, could it be that other masters have discovered this special origin?" Bai Jing Swordsman asked curiously.

"Maybe, let's go, let's go find the Second World first, maybe you will be shocked." Chen Feng said.

"Shocked!" Bai Jing Swordsman was also thoughtful.

Soon Bai Jing Swordsman understood, because he felt the breath of the Second World coming from a distance before he walked far.

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