Eternal Existence

Chapter 5320: Hidden Origin

But a few people still wanted to see the other party's determination, and saw that the devouring power could not do anything to them.

Suddenly, a strong will conflicted from the vortex, and Chen Feng and the other two were struck by lightning.

They lost control of themselves for a short time, and the next moment they were wrapped by a powerful force and pulled into the vortex.

After the three people disappeared, the vortex also disappeared, and the barrier that appeared before was also covered. Everything here returned to calm, and even the power fluctuations that had been emitted before disappeared.

In the end, only the power of the Gate of Origin and the phantom of the Long River of Time communicated for a while, as if exploring this area, but soon became silent.

On the other side, Chen Feng already knew what happened. If it caused such a result to him, it must be the will of this side of the origin.

"It must not be a good thing for the other party to pull us in so eagerly. Let's see what's going on here first." Although Chen Feng used means to tie up the two people at the first time, he still lost the trace of the Second World and the White Mirror Swordsman after a dizzy turn.

Although these two are powerful, they are still not as good as himself.

Chen Feng was still a little worried.

So Chen Feng explored the surroundings while performing the summoning method, trying to find the location of the two people.

And Chen Feng believed that the two of them were probably using this method to find him.

You know, Chen Feng had released the power of origin to protect the two people before, but they still separated, which also shows that the other party wanted to deal with them one by one.

A special torrent of power swept over silently and washed over Chen Feng fiercely.

But it was soon dispersed by Chen Feng's power.

At this time, Chen Feng didn't think much, but soon another piece of fire fell from the sky and wrapped Chen Feng in it.

"The quality of the flame is very high, it has reached the origin level. Is this the origin of this side attacking me, but this kind of flame may not be able to do anything to me." Chen Feng said.

Although this kind of origin-level flame can cause some damage to some above Hunyuan, it has a greater impact on Chen Feng. Chen Feng even dislikes that the other party's power is not strong enough to hone his body.

With the fire road released by Chen Feng, these flames were swallowed up cleanly.

Then, various powers of various attributes appeared, and all were resolved by Chen Feng.

These powers were of extremely high quality and full of spirituality. At first glance, they were specifically aimed at Chen Feng.

When a fusion power similar to chaos appeared, Chen Feng sensed the breath of melting everything from it, and Chen Feng had an idea.

"It is somewhat similar to the origin furnace. I won't be in a magic weapon, right?" Thinking of this, Chen Feng felt that it was really possible.

This scene is really too familiar, but the original origin, such as only had the power of the melting point, is not like here with more attribute power.

These are all guesses. Whether it is true or not, you still need to confirm it yourself.

Chen Feng did not act immediately, but waited for the other party to have some more power.

Finally, Chen Feng used the swallowing technique to swallow all the surrounding power.

Then Chen Feng sent out another beam of sword energy. This beam of sword energy looked ordinary, but it contained immortal power. The indestructible sword energy went forward, as if it could break everything.

Chen Feng got some feedback, but it was not enough, so Chen Feng continued to draw his sword, and beams of sword energy flew in all directions.

Through the information transmitted by these sword energies, he concluded that he was in an independent space.

Still couldn't determine whether it was inside the magic weapon.

After all, it was normal for the magic weapon to have a large space inside. Even if it reached the scale of the origin of one side, Chen Feng would not feel incredible.

However, Chen Feng thought it shouldn't be the case.

"But this kind of hidden origin is still a bit mysterious, and it is normal to have some special means. I hope this is a treasure similar to the origin furnace. In this case, I will find a way to get it." Although the origin furnace is not suitable for fighting, it has a strong auxiliary effect on Chen Feng. Even the existence of this level above Hunyuan can be thrown into the origin furnace for melting. Those high-quality resources do not need Chen Feng to refine them himself. As long as they are thrown into the origin furnace, Chen Feng can save a lot of time.

After thinking of this, Chen Feng used the magic movement technique to disappear from the spot. Although the opponent had layers of obstacles, they were all crushed by Chen Feng one by one.

Chen Feng did not underestimate the other party, but felt that the other party did not try his best.

If it is true that a treasure of this level should not be weakened like this, although this level of attack can cause serious damage to some above Hunyuan, it is not the power that a magic weapon of the origin level should have.

What's more, there is another origin here, and the other party will definitely take action.

"Since it is a treasure, then the second generation should also be here, but why haven't they responded?" After thinking about it, the breath of Chen Feng seemed to be a raging flame burning everything and radiating around.

From a distance, Chen Feng seemed to have turned into an extremely huge star. Chen Feng's existence can be seen from a long distance, and even if you can't see him, you can still feel Chen Feng's breath.

This is more effective than the summoning technique.

And Chen Feng also wants to stimulate this magic weapon to see how the other party will react.

As long as the opponent reacts sufficiently, Chen Feng can seize the opportunity to attack the opponent.

As Chen Feng's power continued to grow, it really affected the surrounding situation, and Chen Feng also took the opportunity to capture more things.

During this process, Chen Feng has been communicating with the River of Time and the Gate of Origin. What is interesting is that the Gate of Origin did not respond, but a part of the power of time quickly gathered around Chen Feng.

It turns out that the other party also absorbed part of the power of time when it was devouring it, but it was only a part of the power of time. Now it is unable to communicate with the main body of the river of time.

In other words, the environment here blocks everything.

But now that there is a little power of time, the situation is different. Chen Feng released his own avenue of time, and then incorporated some power of copying laws. Soon the power of time became dozens of times more powerful than before.

In this way, the power of time quickly found the second generation and the White Mirror Swordsman.

"Sure enough, they are all here." Chen Feng was relieved after finding the two of them, but the news that came from the power of time later surprised Chen Feng.

The White Mirror Swordsman was normal, but the second generation showed much more power than before. In addition to being powerful, the second generation also mastered some special means, which actually shook the world.

"Continue to explore the four directions." Chen Feng said, punching out, a stream of gray air was shattered by Chen Feng, and Chen Feng also retreated continuously.

This gray air flow was extremely heavy and contained mysterious power, which put some pressure on Chen Feng.

But it was still shattered by Chen Feng, and then divided up by Chen Feng's various avenues.

"Good place!"

Chen Feng laughed, but was reluctant to leave this place so quickly. He took a step forward, and suddenly punched out. The punch force hit the front layer by layer. Because this punch contained a brand of power that transcended the origin, it seemed that It rushes forward like an inexhaustible force.

A long passage appeared wherever it passed, seeming to penetrate everything.

Sure enough, the surrounding world shook, not because of Chen Feng's power, but because of the power of Chen Feng's fist.

In the end, the other party used various methods to eliminate it. It seemed that it was all gone, but Chen Feng still felt the imprint of the other party's power devouring him.

"Although the power is good, it is not easy to digest." Chen Feng smiled and was not worried. Even if the other party could completely remove the imprint left by him, it would take some time. This time was enough for him to understand many things.

But the power of time gave him faster feedback, confirming Chen Feng's guess that this was indeed the inside of a treasure.

"We need to find the opponent's center. I have been wandering in an empty and useless area for a while. Unless I cover it with the power of the origin, it will be useless even if I continue to explode. The opponent will vent my power." Chen Feng The situation becomes clearer and clearer.

"But the second generation is not simple. He actually chose a direction. Maybe he found the right place." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

It's a pity that the power of time is still not enough, so we can only explore it bit by bit, and their power from the Gate of Origin has not penetrated.

So this is why Chen Feng doesn't want to fight head-on with the opponent so soon.

Chen Feng believed that he had disappeared, and the Gate of Origin and the River of Time would definitely find a way to act.

There is also the God of Nothingness and the Ancestor of the Void Beast. They have not seen me for a long time and they will definitely come.

While Chen Feng was making various calculations, the stars gathered together and formed a humanoid state.

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed. Is the other party trying to communicate with him?

"I'm Huanxu, I've met fellow Taoist." The other party was quite polite when he opened his mouth, but Chen Feng felt the vibration in his soul.

The other party's realm far exceeds his own, but he cannot be sure of the other party's true origin.

Chapter 5315: Suppress first

"Changtian, time and space adventurer." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Mingren don't tell secret stories, Taoist friends are here for us." Xu Huan said.

"If I say that I came here accidentally, do fellow Taoists believe it?" Chen Feng asked.

"Okay, these are not important. I don't want to be an enemy of fellow Taoist. As long as fellow Taoist agrees to me a condition, I will open a way for fellow Taoist and friends to leave. We will also be friends in the future." Huanxu said.

"Instead of fighting and killing, it is better to turn enemies into friends. I agree with fellow Taoist, but I don't know what the conditions are for friends." Chen Feng asked.

"As long as fellow Taoists and friends erase their memories of our place, it will be fine." Huanxu said.

Chen Feng's eyes flashed coldly: "Haha, I'm sorry, I can't do this, and I don't think my two friends can do it either."

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