Eternal Existence

Chapter 5269 Lord Thunder

This means that the opponent's attack can break through his defense.

But Chen Feng was not nervous at all. He had never seen a power stronger and more bizarre than this.

Although this power was a bit threatening, it could not do anything to him.

A flame emanated from Chen Feng's palm, burning this power cleanly.

But then another special power rushed from behind, and Chen Feng also drew out a force from a road to block it.

As a result, Chen Feng's power was easily corroded by the opponent, and it was about to hit Chen Feng.

But a vortex appeared, which cleaned up this power at the same time.

"Although it is not as good as the power imprint, it is also the top power in the origin of one party, and it is also very evil and invasive. Is this the power that the opponent has mastered, or is it purified from all these powers?" Chen Feng was still a little curious.

No matter how evil these power attributes are, they are indeed very powerful.

There is no problem with the power itself, it mainly depends on who holds it.

Chen Feng became more and more interested in this place, especially after these powerful forces appeared, Chen Feng thought that if they could fall into his hands, he could improve his combat effectiveness.

So the second time Chen Feng used the vortex origin to collect this power.

Since the vortex origin was used, Chen Feng simply pushed the power of the entire origin to the extreme.

If he could swallow up the entire mountain in one breath, it would be even better.

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that this was unrealistic, but at least he could get some of the surrounding power.

Sure enough, after Chen Feng used the power of the origin, the mountain seemed to feel the threat. While shaking, it was still burning with groups of flames. The properties of each group of flames were different, and the power they emitted cooperated with each other, overlapping and squeezing together, bringing Chen Feng extremely strong pressure.

Chen Feng felt like he was blocked by an infinite barrier.

"It should be okay to leave now." Chen Feng tried to break through. Although the binding force became much stronger than before, it still couldn't stop Chen Feng's rampage.

Especially after Chen Feng took out his weapon, the obstruction in front of him became very fragile.

That is to say, Chen Feng could have seized the opportunity to leave here, but Chen Feng chose to stay when he was about to go out.

Because Chen Feng was determined to find the core of this mountain, or the mysterious existence behind it.

After using the origin and weapons, Chen Feng's destructive power increased exponentially. Although this mountain mobilized a lot of forces, it still couldn't do anything to Chen Feng.

Besides, even if it could cause some trouble to Chen Feng, the mountain itself would also have huge consumption.

Such a stalemate is not good for both sides.

At this time, it seems that Chen Feng was the first to be unable to resist and burst out his strength, but it is hard to say whether the opponent is anxious or not.

"Are there any other means? If not, I will really be disappointed." Chen Feng said so.

The origin released constantly resisted the various attributes of the surrounding forces, and the long sword in Chen Feng's hand broke through a series of cuts, allowing Chen Feng to walk freely.

But Chen Feng still didn't find the existence in the dark after changing multiple positions.

This made Chen Feng a little depressed, thinking that he would use more power to fight the opponent to the end.

Who knew that as soon as Chen Feng had this idea, a space crack appeared in front of him.

Then Chen Feng came to the outside of the sacred mountain.

Looking at the sacred mountain in front of him that had returned to peace, Chen Feng felt like he had just arrived here, as if he had not experienced the previous fight.

Chen Feng understood that the other party chose to give up and compromise.

Because the other party was not sure to deal with him.

At this time, Chen Feng was also thinking about whether to continue. It was obvious that this sacred mountain was very mysterious, and the existence behind it must be very powerful.

Even if he used private means, he might not be able to do anything to the other party.

"In this case, do I choose to leave here? I fought here for no reason, but I didn't gain anything. Instead, I was more confused." After thinking about it, Chen Feng chose to leave.

If Chen Feng was sure, he would naturally fight the other party to the end, but after the fight just now, Chen Feng felt that the other party was unfathomable, so there was no need to waste time here.

Of course, there was another reason, that is, Chen Feng received news from the long river of time.

"Sure enough, someone went there early and encountered trouble." Chen Feng shook his head. He didn't spend much time on the road, but other practitioners arrived early with the help of the power of the Long River of Time, and encountered trouble, so they had to ask Chen Feng for help.

Since the Long River of Time spoke, Chen Feng had no choice but to set off. Besides, he was very close to the origin he was going to, so he might as well go and take a look.

Still without the help of the power of the Long River of Time, Chen Feng used the magic of walking to the extreme, and soon saw an origin.

"This is the origin of thunder, a very mysterious and dangerous origin of life. A long time ago, the Gate of Origin sent some practitioners to explore it, but they either had no harvest, encountered danger, or even disappeared." Chen Feng recalled the news told to him by the Gate of Origin, and he also became curious.

"If I can't get the benefit, I will definitely find the Gate of Origin to make it up." The reason why Chen Feng agreed to come here was that he believed in the promises made by the Gate of Origin.


Just when Chen Feng was approaching this origin, a cultivator appeared from another direction. He greeted him from a distance, and then slowly approached when he saw that Chen Feng did not refuse.

"You are quite strong, I wonder where you came from." Chen Feng was also observing the other party, and it seemed that he had no ill intentions.

"Daoyou is quite strong, there is no need to pretend to be on guard." Chen Feng said lightly.

"Hahaha, Daoyou has a sharp vision, I am really a little worried." The cultivator said with a smile, and then he sped up and came to Chen Feng.

"Thunder Master has met Daoyou."

"Changtian Master!"

Both parties reported their names and began to communicate.

It turned out that the other party was also here to explore, but neither side said where they came from.

"Daoyou Lei Ting, it's really a coincidence that you come to the Thunder Origin to adventure, but Daoyou said that you have never been here before, I really don't believe it." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's indeed my first time here, but my clone has been here before." Thunder Lord said with a smile.

"What's the result?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"The clone lost contact with me, which is why I came here." Thunder Lord said.

"Is that so." Chen Feng nodded, while casually communicating with Thunder Lord, while secretly communicating with the Long River of Time.

According to the response of the Long River of Time, Thunder Lord has not been seen in this origin.

Of course, the Long River of Time and the others have just come here, and they don't know much about this origin, and they haven't even encountered many local lives.

"The power of time! Daoyou is a time cultivator." Thunder Lord said with some surprise.

"Yes, Daoyou's perception is very sharp." Chen Feng nodded, it is normal for the other party to feel the existence of the Long River of Time.

"It seems that I am lucky. With Daoyou's cooperation, the safety this time has increased greatly."

"Let's go, this is my first time here, so let's go in and take a look, I hope to gain something." Chen Feng made an unfathomable gesture.

The two entered the Thunder Origin together.

Chen Feng had already learned some news about this origin from the River of Time, so he did not feel strange after entering.

The same was true for the Thunder Lord. According to Chen Feng's speculation, the other party's clone must have also passed on some news.

"It's different from what I imagined. I thought there was thunder power everywhere." Chen Feng said with a smile,

"It seems that fellow Taoists really don't know about this origin. The reason why this origin is named Thunder Origin is because it is the territory of the Thunder Emperor." Thunder Lord said.

"So that's it." Chen Feng understood. The Origin Gate didn't say this news.

The strength of an emperor can be imagined.

Chen Feng sighed a little. Could it be that he was going to provoke another powerful opponent.

"The Origin Gate is not afraid of trouble coming to the door together in the future." Chen Feng knew that whether it was an opponent of this level from the Origin Gate or his own, the result would actually be the same.

"Apart from the Thunder Emperor, are there other powerful beings?" Chen Feng asked again.

"There must be, otherwise my clone would not disappear suddenly, and according to the news I got before, some places in this origin are very strange." Thunder Lord said.

If there was nothing else, Chen Feng would really communicate with the other party, but this time Chen Feng had a mission.

The power of the long river of time fluctuated in the distance, and Chen Feng said: "Daoyou, I have something to do, and I need to speed up."

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to disappear, Thunder Lord chased him and said with a smile: "Daoyou's business is my business. It's just right for me to go and see, maybe I can help."

"Thank you very much, Daoyou." Chen Feng said faster and faster, and later with the help of the power of time, he almost broke through the boundaries of time and space.

Even if the space of this origin is very stable, it has no effect on Chen Feng.

As a result, Thunder Emperor followed slowly.

This made Chen Feng overestimate the other party again.

Chen Feng could see that the other party was practicing the power of thunder, and the reason why he moved forward so quickly was because of the explosive power of thunder.

Of course, it would not be that simple.

Finally, Chen Feng stopped and looked at the area in front of him with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"I know this area. One of my clones entered it and never came out. I am also very interested in the details of the place." Thunder Master said.

"I have a friend in there." Chen Feng said.

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