Eternal Existence

Chapter 5270: Strange Power

"Fellow Daoist Lei Ting, it's a coincidence that you came to the Thunder Origin for adventure. But I don't really believe that you said you had never been here before." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"It's indeed my first time here, but my clone has been here before." Lei Ting Zhenjun said with a smile.

"What was the result?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"As a result, the clone lost contact with me, which is why I came here." Lei Ting Zhenjun said.

"Is that so." Chen Feng nodded, while casually communicating with Lei Ting Zhenjun, while secretly communicating with the Time River.

According to the response of the Time River, Lei Ting Zhenjun had not been seen in this origin.

Of course, the Time River and the others had just come here, and they didn't know much about this origin, and they didn't even encounter many local lives.

"The power of time! Fellow Daoist is a time cultivator." Lei Ting Zhenjun said with some surprise.

"Yes, Fellow Daoist's perception is very sharp." Chen Feng nodded, it was normal for the other party to feel the existence of the Time River.

"It seems that I am lucky. With the help of fellow Taoists, the safety is greatly increased this time."

"Let's go. This is my first time here. Let's go in and take a look. I hope to gain something." Chen Feng made an unfathomable gesture.

The two entered the Thunder Origin together.

Chen Feng had learned some news about this origin from the Long River of Time, so he did not feel strange after entering.

The same is true for the Thunder Lord. According to Chen Feng's speculation, the other party's clone must have also passed on some news.

"It's different from what I imagined. I thought there was thunder power everywhere." Chen Feng said with a smile,

"It seems that fellow Taoists really don't know about this origin. The reason why this origin is named Thunder Origin is because it is the territory of the Thunder Emperor." Thunder Lord said.

"I see." Chen Feng understood that the gate of the origin did not say this news.

A great emperor, the strength can be imagined.

Chen Feng sighed a little. Could it be that he was going to provoke another powerful opponent?

"The Gate of Origin is not afraid of trouble coming to the gate in the future." Chen Feng knew that the result would be the same whether it was the Gate of Origin or his own opponent of this level.

"Apart from the Thunder Emperor, are there any other powerful beings?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Of course there are, otherwise my clone would not disappear suddenly, and according to the information I got before, some places in this origin are very strange." Thunder Master said.

If there was nothing else, Chen Feng would really communicate with the other party, but this time Chen Feng had a mission.

The power of the long river of time fluctuated in the distance, and Chen Feng said: "Daoyou, I have something else to do, I need to speed up."

Seeing that Chen Feng was about to disappear, Thunder Master chased him and said with a smile: "Daoyou's business is my business, it's just right for me to go and see, maybe I can help."

"Thank you very much, Daoyou." Chen Feng said as he moved faster, and later with the help of the power of time, he almost broke through the boundaries of time and space.

Even if the space of this origin was very stable, it had no effect on Chen Feng.

As a result, Thunder Emperor followed him slowly.

This made Chen Feng overestimate the other party.

Chen Feng could see that the other party was cultivating the power of thunder, and the reason why he was advancing so fast was because of the explosive power of thunder.

Of course, it would not be that simple.

Finally, Chen Feng stopped and looked at the area in front of him with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

"I know this area. One of my clones entered and never came out. I am also very interested in the specific situation here." said Lei Ting Zhenjun.

"I have a friend in it." Chen Feng said.

"I see." Lei Ting Zhenjun had guessed that Chen Feng must have a reason to come here.

But it can also be seen that Chen Feng is indeed the first time to come to this origin.

Even if Chen Feng pretended to be very calm, he still couldn't hide it from Lei Ting Zhenjun.

But for Lei Ting Zhenjun, it doesn't matter. Anyway, he came here to explore this origin.

Of course, there is a reason why he chose to take the initiative to find Chen Feng.

"This area is a bit special. I think we should be cautious. My previous clone disappeared before he could pass on the message after entering. I think it is extremely dangerous here." Lei Ting Zhenjun said.

"That's true, but we've come here. If we don't go in to explore, we won't be able to understand the situation. Is it possible that sending a clone in is just a waste of effort?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Daoyou means that we should go in directly." Thunder True Lord hesitated a little.

"Yes, no matter what dangers are ahead, I have to go and see them. I really don't believe that there are any dangers here that can do anything to me." Chen Feng said proudly.

"In that case, I will go in and explore with Daoyou. The two of us will work together and we can deal with some dangers even if we encounter them." Thunder True Lord still made a decision.

This also surprised Chen Feng a little. He thought that the other party would not choose to act with him. Now it's good. They are still traveling together, but the other party's strength is still really good. With an extra helper, maybe he can be more relaxed.

Since they have made up their minds, Chen Feng and Thunder True Lord did not stop and went directly into this special area.

It was like entering a new origin. Chen Feng felt the strange power structure and special laws, which were completely different from the origins he had explored before.

In other words, this special area did not belong to the Thunder Origin.

"It is composed of foreign forces. I wonder if it was left by those foreign adventurers?" Chen Feng guessed.

"It's really strange. I heard that this origin was very strange before. I didn't expect that there was a power here that did not belong to this origin. Didn't the Thunder Emperor know about this? Or did this happen after the Thunder Emperor left?" said the Thunder Lord.

"I don't care about these things. I just want to find my friends quickly. The weirder the origin is, the more surprised I am. If it is just like some ordinary origins, it would be meaningless. I hope there is enough pressure here." Chen Feng said, his eyes sweeping back and forth, as if he was exploring everything in front of him.

Although the power of time explored in advance, he still did not find the breath of the Hunyuan that disappeared before.

It was as if the other party had never been here before.

This surprised Chen Feng even more. You know, the time-tracing method of the long river of time could not find any fragments.

This shows that the power level here exceeds the long river of time.

That is to say, he might really be in danger here.

"In that case, the Hunyuan who came in before might be in danger." Chen Feng carefully investigated everything here, but he didn't gain anything.

Just when he was going to use some means in the future, Thunder Lord had some gains, or Thunder Lord made some noise.

When Chen Feng was investigating, Thunder Lord was not idle, but released special means.

As a result, he didn't know what he touched, and the surrounding environment changed dramatically.

The next moment, the two separated.

It's not that they separated, but that the two were in different time and space.

From another direction, the distance between the two did not change, but they couldn't see each other, and couldn't even feel each other's existence.

Chen Feng thought it was a ghost made by Thunder Lord at the first time, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up this idea.

The other party didn't need to attack him, it should be something he touched just now?

Chen Feng took out the Spear of Destiny and stabbed it into the void, and the energy meteorite squeezed in was broken into a channel.

Chen Feng took a step forward, but saw another beam of lightning coming towards him.

Chen Feng waved his hand to break it, and just in time he saw the Thunder Lord coming towards him.

It turned out that the two used the same method to find each other.

"Daoyou are very capable."

"Daoyou is very powerful."

The two said at the same time, and then laughed, and then the power released from the two of them cleared the chaos around them.

"When I was exploring just now, I touched a magic array hidden in the dark. The magic array was running, which caused this result, but now I have locked the position of the magic array, we can go and see." Thunder Lord said and directly released a powerful thunder force, breaking a passage.

So the two followed the passage and came to a magic array.

At this time, the magic array was still running, and it was integrated with the surrounding time and space, and could emit powerful power.

However, there was no real attack on Chen Feng and the others, as if it was simply releasing energy.

"It's a very ancient magic array, and I don't know what it does." Chen Feng stretched out his hand and clicked it, inputting some power.

This magic array seemed to be provoked and became more intense, and some of its power was directed at Chen Feng and Thunder Lord.

"It is very powerful. It is easy to get trapped in it if you come here to take risks." Chen Feng seemed to have found the reason why those above the Hunyuan disappeared.

If it was just like this, it would be a good thing. It means that the other party is still alive, but is trapped in a chaotic environment. After a long time, they may still leave this place.

Of course, this is just Chen Feng's current guess. There may be other changes next.

"The magic array is good and worth studying. I don't know which master left it here, but I don't know what the meaning of staying here is?" Thunder Lord said.

"There must be a reason. It seems that this area still hides some secrets." Chen Feng made another move, wanting to try to see how much this magic array could explode.

As a result, it really caused some changes. The second magic array was activated. The two magic arrays blended with each other and exploded with more powerful power.

And it was doubled. This time, even Chen Feng and Thunder Lord really felt the pressure.

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