Eternal Existence

Chapter 5268: Where the Evil Lies

However, Chen Feng also knew that even if a life of this level was really sleeping, it was detected by the other party when he explored it.

And this huge life did not react at all, indicating that it did not want to deal with Chen Feng.

Chen Feng really wanted to chat with the other party. After all, meeting a powerful life in a place of nothingness was more or less a little surprising.

Chen Feng was very curious why the other party was lying here. It was not because he was too lazy and just slept here casually.

So Chen Feng released his will and took the initiative to greet the other party, but the huge life ignored Chen Feng at all.

Chen Feng knew that the other party must have sensed his existence and received his message, but was too lazy to pay attention to him.

"Could it be that he disliked me for being too weak?" Chen Feng had such an idea.

Then he smiled. In this case, Chen Feng no longer forced himself, and then quickly left the area.

Chen Feng still had some regrets, but after meeting a huge life again after a period of time, his thoughts changed.

"I haven't encountered any life for such a long time before, but now I have encountered two in such a short time. They are both huge and their strength has reached the level of Hunyuan. I don't believe it's a coincidence." Chen Feng felt that things should not be so simple.

Chen Feng ignored the other party and chose to continue moving forward.

Sure enough, Chen Feng would encounter a powerful life every other distance.

Later, he found dozens of Hunyuan.

You should know that these Hunyuan are somewhat different from the ordinary existences that Chen Feng had encountered before.

This time, they are all extremely powerful lives with huge bodies, abundant blood and strong strength.

Under normal circumstances, when the two sides fight, I am afraid that several ordinary Hunyuan can stop this one.

These lives above Hunyuan are a considerable force.

"The Gate of Origin didn't tell me this situation. Was it intentional, or did the Gate of Origin not know, or did I take the wrong road." Chen Feng carefully determined the area he was going to this time. Although there was some deviation in the direction, the difference was not much.

Chen Feng thought about it and chose to go back to the original road. Sure enough, he didn't encounter the previous lives this time.

Just when Chen Feng thought that this situation would not happen again, a giant mountain appeared in front of him.

The reason why it is called a giant mountain is that all the huge lives before are not as big as the tip of the iceberg of this giant mountain.

"It can be compared to a small universe. I have never seen such a big mountain." Chen Feng was a little curious.

"Isn't this a life? Otherwise, how can I feel some pressure?" You know, the one who can make Chen Feng feel pressure is naturally much stronger than Chen Feng.

If it is just a single mountain, how could it cause such an impact on Chen Feng?

After all, Chen Feng also experienced the scene of the origin war, and the mountain in front of him was just a small scene.

Besides, although he felt oppression, Chen Feng did not feel the breath of life from this mountain.

"Is it better hidden, or is this mountain made of special materials?" Chen Feng guessed these two possible situations.

However, although he was curious, Chen Feng also understood that if he wanted to know the situation, he could only get closer and everything would be solved.

As a result, as Chen Feng continued to approach, the sense of oppression was really getting stronger and stronger.

Later, Chen Feng seemed to be facing a spiritual old man, who was fearless and released his own pressure with all his strength.

"It's still a bit strange." Chen Feng used the insight technique to carefully explore what material this sacred mountain was made of.

This exploration really made Chen Feng understand something.

"This is a bit shocking." Chen Feng looked a little solemn.

It turned out that this sacred mountain was not a single substance, nor a single attribute, but was composed of a variety of strange substances. Of course, in addition to these strange substances, there are also a lot of life and flesh.

All these flesh and blood were left by the life above the level of Hunyuan. Inside the mountain, there are life fluctuations from time to time, forming a special vibration with the flesh and blood and the material, emitting a pressure that Chen Feng felt.

"This is a big deal. I don't know who slaughtered so many powerful lives. What is the purpose of the other party?"

If the other party slaughtered the life of one origin, then Chen Feng would not be surprised, but if it slaughtered a large number of Hunyuan, it would be a bit terrifying.

"No wonder I feel oppression. With so many powerful lives gathered together, ordinary Hunyuan will probably be affected if they get close." Chen Feng felt more breath after getting close, and he could analyze more things.

However, although there was oppression, there was no danger or crisis, which made Chen Feng feel a little relieved.

His purpose was to explore the origin of a place, and he didn't want to fight with others for no reason.

"Such a big mountain will not be discovered by powerful lives, and no one will collect it?" Chen Feng was a little curious.




Just as Chen Feng was thinking, the flesh and blood mountain in front of him suddenly shook, and then a bunch of hideous tentacles drilled out, locking Chen Feng in the blink of an eye.

"Sure enough, it's not that simple." Something unexpected happened suddenly, but Chen Feng didn't panic. This was what Chen Feng had expected.

Furthermore, if there was nothing unusual about this mountain peak, then Chen Feng would be truly disappointed.

These tentacles have the means to attack and restrain, but Chen Feng dodges all the opponent's attacks with a sway.

But more tentacles appeared, and soon a powerful binding force was released from the mountain. This force enveloped Chen Feng, trying to pull Chen Feng into the mountain.

Chen Feng had some thoughts: "Is this how all this flesh and blood came from? But it's not that easy to devour me, and this kind of attack doesn't seem to be able to affect Hunyuan. Is there still a way?"


A tentacle was about to touch Chen Feng. Chen Feng's body accurately erupted with a ball of light, directly shattering the tentacle.

Then this ball of light bloomed fiercely around, and those tentacles were shattered into pieces as soon as they touched it.

Suffice it to say that the force of restraint is indeed very strong, but it cannot affect Chen Feng, who can still move freely.

In fact, Chen Feng also thought about whether to deliberately show weakness and let the other party drag him in, but after thinking about it, he gave up. You must know that since the other party can kill so many Hunyuan superiors, you still have to be careful, at least. Talk to the other party first and understand the other party's situation before talking.

The Five Elements Avenue was released, forming a Five Elements Domain around Chen Feng, which could be attacked or defended. Coupled with Chen Feng's Sword Avenue, it could be said to be unmatched in killing power.

The mountain peak released a large number of rattans one after another, which were cut into pieces by Chen Feng. As for the ever-increasing binding power, it still couldn't do anything to Chen Feng.

"Is this all you have?" Chen Feng said with a smile. Suddenly, the opponent's attack stopped, and the extended tentacles disappeared completely.

Chen Feng felt a strong crisis.


However, Chen Feng's speed was still a little slower. Before he could retreat, a gap opened in the mountain peak in front of him, as if a giant beast opened its mouth and wanted to devour Chen Feng.

And it also exudes an extremely strong swallowing power.

Not only that, but there is also a force similar to space. Even if Chen Feng retreats, he cannot dodge it.

So Chen Feng was swallowed into the mountain peak.

"It's really interesting." Chen Feng felt that he was traveling in a special time and space. Not long after, another force came to him, and the energy and blood in his body began to stir.

With a thought, Chen Feng created a clone. The next moment, the flesh and blood of this powerful clone was stripped clean. Even the skeleton was scattered, and some of its laws were also extracted. In the end, all the flesh and blood of this clone were stripped away. Blend into the surrounding darkness.

But Chen Feng felt these powers of his own, which meant that all the imprints on the clone were wiped away.

This was accomplished in a short period of time, and Chen Feng was not surprised.

But Chen Feng also knew where these things went, and they were obviously integrated into the mountain peaks.

"It turns out that this is how the mountain peak came about. I just didn't know where the core power was." Chen Feng understood that the mountain peak was only condensed later, so the existence behind it was his goal.

"Isn't it a force that even the Hunyuan can't stop? It shouldn't be that simple." Although the power at this time can crush Chen Feng's clone, it is still more difficult to deal with those Hunyuan who have many methods.

As for dealing with Chen Feng, it is even more insufficient.

Chen Feng also wanted to see how far the other party could improve his strength.

However, Chen Feng still has confidence. If the other party uses other methods, he might have to be on guard, but the physical strength is far beyond that of some Hunyuan.

What scene has Chen Feng not seen before?

However, until the power from all around increased several times, nothing could be done to Chen Feng.

But soon the opponent's more powerful methods appeared again, and various powers of different attributes were squeezed towards Chen Feng.

There is evil, there is explosion, there is Sun, there is nothingness. Chen Feng knows that this is the power above Hunyuan who died here.

The opponent not only killed these Hunyuan superiors, but also stripped and fused them to master their power.

Hundreds of different powers, and even residual wills, rushed over crazily, really causing Chen Feng some trouble.

"This is killing hundreds of Hunyuan people." Chen Feng stamped his feet, and his own origins swept around, and the avenues he opened rushed into the origins, acting as the eyes of the formation and the pillars of heaven and earth. Over time, Chen Feng's burst of power also began to increase exponentially.

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