Eternal Existence

Chapter 5254 Belated Help

"Even if they want to defeat us, there is no need to hide their strength, or are they doing it on purpose for the old man in the spirit realm to see." Chen Feng was a little confused.

But this did not affect the current situation. Even if the opponent could block the attacks of the two of them, what could it do? At least the opponent did not show overwhelming power.

And the hundreds of Hunyuan above behind him were not vegetarians. During the battle, Chen Feng seized the opportunity to mobilize the power of the hundreds of Hunyuan above.

Although it was impossible to concentrate the explosion at one point, the mighty force also made the existence of the death clan retreat again and again.

The God of Nothingness seized the opportunity and wanted to tie up the opponent with the chains of nothingness.

In the end, it really succeeded.

But the God of Nothingness did not have time to be surprised, and saw the chains tied to the opponent quickly collapsed.

Chen Feng also noticed that the power rushing towards the opponent was also dissipating quickly.

This is the depressing part.

The old man in the spirit realm before could use means to deceive everything, and the power of death in front of him could also erode all power.

To put it bluntly, the power of this attribute is very strange, but on the other hand, it also shows that the opponent is extremely powerful.

"Extinction and Slaughter did not respond, and this death life did not retreat. It seems that he is not going to compromise." Chen Feng understood this, but thinking about it, he had killed death lives at the beginning and had joined forces with death lives. It is normal to become opponents again now. Besides, it is rare for Chen Feng to join forces with the death clan.

The Void God, Chen Feng, hundreds of Hunyuan Above, the Gate of Time and Space and other origins can compete with one side of the origin, and even tear one side of the origin apart.

Now it is not a problem for Chen Feng to join forces to deal with death lives.

The result is really like this. The opponent retreated again and again under the attack of Chen Feng and others, and was completely at a disadvantage. However, after all, he is a top master, and his defense is still no problem. The field formed by the released death power firmly blocked the attack.

Chen Feng originally thought that those Hunyuan Above the origin of the spiritual realm could also take action, but the opponent chose to enter the origin when the two sides clashed.

It was normal for the other party to choose this, but Chen Feng was still somewhat depressed. If the other party took action, it would be possible to solve this death life.


However, the Void God still hurt the other party. The long sword in his hand, plus the power imprint provided by Chen Feng, the attack power of the Void God exceeded his strongest state.

"Okay." The Void God was a little surprised. Since he could hurt the other party, wouldn't it be possible to severely injure the other party with a few more attacks?

However, just as the Void God continued to attack, countless death lights appeared from a distance.

It seemed to be a thousand threads, but it could penetrate time and space. It was directed at Chen Feng's side, but it was not aimed at Chen Feng and the Void God, but at those above the Hunyuan.

Although there are many above the Hunyuan, after all, the strength of each one is ordinary. Once the defense is broken, it can cause a fatal blow to these above the Hunyuan.

"Sure enough, there are still people. The Death Clan has a lot of power this time." Chen Feng was shocked, but he did not return, but let these death lights shuttle in.

After a distance from those Hunyuans, suddenly these Hunyuans burst out violently, hundreds of forces burst out one after another, and gathered together to form a perfect defensive aura.

It was Chen Feng's reincarnation field, which was driven by the power of origin and integrated with so many powers of Hunyuans.

It can be said that even Chen Feng couldn't control it.

However, this method was also prepared by Chen Feng a long time ago. As for the fact that he couldn't control it, Chen Feng didn't care.

It didn't matter if the power was out of control, as long as it could block the opponent's attack.

It did it.

The light of death was indeed very strong, and it could easily kill a Hunyuan above, but there were too many Hunyuans here, and they burst together. These lights of death only had time to erode some of the power, and then they were wiped out completely.

Then the power was out of control, but it still rolled in one direction.

The void collapsed wherever it passed, and several dead lives appeared.

It was indeed very powerful, but it was only at the level of extinction and slaughter, and it did not reach a higher level.

It also made Chen Feng breathe a sigh of relief.

"Keep attacking, kill them." Chen Feng ordered those above the Primordial.

Many people died on his side, so he had to get back at the front.

So Chen Feng seemed to be constantly attacking the powerful death life, but secretly used the power of the long river of time to come in front of the several death lives.

Chen Feng rushed forward at the beginning.

The reason why he used such an explosive method was to make a quick decision, so as not to make the opponent prepare and then attack too late.

Sure enough, Chen Feng's fighting style was correct. Although he was also eroded by some death power, one death life was knocked away by Chen Feng.

Countless cracks appeared on his body.

Chen Feng was a little disappointed that he did not smash the opponent, but it didn't matter. Then the power of hundreds of above the Primordial combined to overwhelm the opponent.

The death life collapsed first, and then turned into pieces in the chaotic power.


Chen Feng did not pause and rushed to another death life.

At the same time, Chen Feng also noticed that the strongest death life was anxious and wanted to rush over, but was entangled by the God of Nothingness.

"Since you have attacked us, you have to pay a price. Besides, your death clan is the existence that everyone wants to kill." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng knew that he could not do anything to the strongest death life, so it was enough to deal with these slightly weaker ones.

Kill the other party and then exit this area.

Chen Feng's idea was very good, and in fact, he did it at the beginning.

But when Chen Feng wanted to kill all the lives of these death clans, the strongest existence desperately forced the Void God to retreat, and then a strong death force broke through the space and fell towards Chen Feng's position.

It was a bit difficult to hit Chen Feng accurately, but it could pose a threat to those above the Hunyuan.

The Void God was originally responsible for entanglement with the other party, but when he saw this scene, he was naturally a little angry and made a void chain to try to pull back the other party's attack.

As a result, the void chain was quickly corroded by the power of death.

In a desperate effort, the power of the power of death rose sharply, and the Void God even felt like he was facing an old man in the spirit realm.

"You're getting anxious now." Chen Feng sneered, and directly mobilized everyone's strength to block.

Chen Feng was not depressed by the opponent's blockade.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the Death Clan is indeed very powerful, but there should not be too many in number, and there will definitely not be too many people coming this time.

Besides, they still have to deal with the Spirit Realm Origin.

Chen Feng thought of the Spirit Realm Elder to deal with them, and he also understood that compared with the previous style of the Death Clan, there were already many masters coming this time.

After injuring another death life, the remaining two still escaped.

This made Chen Feng frown a little. He mobilized so much power but failed to catch the opponent in one fell swoop.

It's not that his side is not strong enough, but that the opponent is too strong.

Looking at the light of death coming from the front, Chen Feng knew that if he continued, he might encounter some changes.

"I'm really unwilling not to injure the opponent." When Chen Feng thought of this action, he first suffered a loss in the Spirit Realm Origin, and now suffered a loss in the hands of the Death Clan. Thinking about the benefits he had snatched from other origins before, there was always a feeling that the gap was very large.

"There's no reason to lose. With so many people this time, we can completely destroy the origin of one side." Chen Feng still felt that something was wrong with the development of things.

We have masters and people, and he also dispatched the origin and burned the origin. In addition to the long river of time and the gate of time and space, this force even exceeded the original hand in the real origin.

"Everyone, keep outputting. We have paid a lot this time, and we can't come in vain." Chen Feng continued to give orders.

Chen Feng knew that these Hunyuan above did not give their full strength. If they all fought hard, their combat effectiveness could be doubled.

However, Chen Feng also knew this a long time ago. It can be said that all of this was within his calculations.

"It's not that the cooperation cannot reach the perfect level, and there is no origin to bless the back. This is also a reason why their combat effectiveness cannot continue to explode." Chen Feng kept thinking, trying to mobilize the power of his side.

To put it bluntly, Chen Feng still doesn't want to leave now.

The God of Nothingness continued to move forward to entangle the dead life, and Chen Feng also turned around and stepped forward to face to face.

The opponent's death power is very strong, but Chen Feng can fight it with his own means.

"You, the Death Clan, made the wrong choice this time." Chen Feng said.

During the fight, Chen Feng also noticed the movements of Extinction and Slaughter. They entered the deep of the origin of the spiritual realm to fight.

Chen Feng understood that this was their choice.

However, they did not choose the battlefield of their side, which comforted Chen Feng a little. Otherwise, even if they fought side by side before, they would only be opponents next.


After the fusion of the Long River of Time and the Law of Replication, they chose the opportunity to attack the death life. Although they did not launch a powerful attack like Chen Feng and others, they could block some of the power that entangled this death life.

They could even plunder some death power.


Under the siege, the Void God also seized the opportunity and stabbed the death life with a sword. Then countless silk threads spurted out from the tip of the sword, trying to hurt the opponent to a greater extent.

As a result, he was stopped by the strong death power in the opponent's body, and the continuous spurting of death power also made the Void God cautious and alert, not daring to be contaminated.

"Fellow Daoist, should we choose to leave?" Chen Feng secretly asked the God of Nothingness, wanting to seek some advice.

"If you can find reinforcements, then we can continue the fight. Of course, I don't care." The God of Nothingness responded.

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