Eternal Existence

Chapter 5253: Prepare to retreat

The main reason is that the Death Clan attacked both parties at the same time. The other party must have relied on their own strength to do so and did not want to join forces with one of them.

This led to the two forces that were originally at war choosing to cease fire, and they might join forces to fight the enemy next.

When Chen Feng came out, he saw the practitioners on his side gathered together to resist the death light that appeared from time to time.

A single Hunyuan could not resist it, but after everyone joined forces and had defense, the situation was naturally different.

But it was still a bit passive.

Because the attacker behind the death light has not yet appeared, it is impossible to find the opponent, so it can only be passively beaten.

After Chen Feng arrived, he directly attacked and defeated the landing death light, and Chen Feng quickly found the death clan behind it.

The Void God directly attacked and forced the opponent out. It is indeed an extremely powerful existence, at the same level as the Void God.

"From the overall perspective, I need to thank you. If it weren't for the appearance of your Death Clan, we really couldn't get rid of the Spirit Realm Elder. However, no matter how powerful your Death Clan is, you killed our people, and this matter must be investigated to the end. Another point is that this origin is not so easy to deal with. I really hope that you can entangle the Spirit Realm Elder for a while." Chen Feng sneered.

In Chen Feng's opinion, the Spirit Realm Elder is more difficult to deal with. Even if two Void God-level death lives come, they may suffer in front of the Spirit Realm Elder.

The reason why the Spirit Realm Elder chose to stop attacking Chen Feng was because the Death Clan was too brutal. Unlike Chen Feng and his men who just wanted to plunder the benefits, the Death Clan kept slaughtering as soon as they appeared.

The choice made by the Spirit Realm Elder also changed Chen Feng's previous thoughts. I was thinking about leaving immediately, but I thought about fighting with the other party first.

Of course, everything still depends on the situation.

After the Void God forced the other party out, the two sides began to fight.

For a while, there was no winner.

Although the opponent's death power is powerful, it is easier to deal with than the old man in the spirit realm in the eyes of the God of Nothingness.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng also felt relieved, and asked everyone to gather together, let them explode, gather powerful strength, and launch an attack at any time.

And Chen Feng stepped forward to help the God of Nothingness.

Before, Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness looked very embarrassed under the suppression of the old man in the spirit realm. This time they met another opponent, and they wanted to get back at the scene.

In any case, they had to vent the previous frustration.

However, although they have stopped now, Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness are still ready to leave at any time.

According to the plan of the two, they are going to leave here.

The old man in the spirit realm is not easy to deal with, so it is better to make a quick decision.

"Then try to injure this opponent as much as possible." It is normal for Chen Feng to have such an idea.

The master of the death clan who came here is definitely not as good as the old man in the spirit realm. He is not the opponent of the old man in the spirit realm, but he can definitely injure this master of the death clan by joining forces.

This level of existence is not something he has never encountered before.

But after the real confrontation, Chen Feng felt that his cognition was biased again.

The Void God and the other party were fighting equally, and Chen Feng thought that he would be able to suppress the other party soon after joining.

Who knew that this master of the Death Clan actually burst out with a stronger death force and blocked his attack.

One against two, Chen Feng was still not at a disadvantage, and he even felt that the other party still had some strength left.

Chen Feng then thought that since the old man in the Spirit Realm chose to give up killing him, he must have been greatly threatened.

So the two masters of the Death Clan who came here this time can threaten the old man in the Spirit Realm.

"There is also a possibility that the other party's death force can restrain the old man in the Spirit Realm's deception." Chen Feng could only come up with such a comforting idea.

However, he still couldn't take risks.

So Chen Feng communicated his guess with the Void God.

"At this point, even if the other party is really strong, we can leave at any time." This is how the Void God responded.

It is obvious that the Void God also felt that the other party was hiding his strength.

After all, everyone has left the origin of the Spirit Realm now, and the long river of time can also mobilize power, so it is still no problem if you want to leave.

However, this was somewhat beyond Chen Feng's cognition.

In Chen Feng's understanding, the masters of the Death Clan would kill when they met a life, and it was not like they would hide their strength.

Or did the other party have other requests.

"Even if they wanted to solve us, there was no need to hide their strength, or did they deliberately do it for the old man in the Spirit Realm to see." Chen Feng was a little confused.

But this did not affect the current situation. Even if the other party could block the attack of the two of them, what would it matter? At least the other party did not show overwhelming power.

And the hundreds of Hunyuan above behind him were not vegetarians. During the battle, Chen Feng seized the opportunity to mobilize the power of the hundreds of Hunyuan above.

Although it was impossible to concentrate on one point, the mighty force also made the existence of the Death Clan retreat again and again.

The Void God seized the opportunity and wanted to tie up the other party with the Void Chain.

In the end, it really succeeded.

But the Void God did not have time to be surprised, and saw the chain tied to the other party quickly collapsed.

Chen Feng also noticed that the force rushing towards the opponent was also dissipating quickly.

This is where it gets depressing.

The old man in the spiritual realm before could use his methods to blind everything, and the power of death in front of him could also erode all power.

To put it bluntly, on the one hand, the power of this attribute is very strange, but on the other hand, it also shows that the opponent is extremely powerful.

"Extermination and Slaughter did not respond, and this death being did not flinch. It seemed that he was not going to compromise." Chen Feng understood this, but thinking about it, he had killed death beings in the first place and had joined hands with death beings. , it is normal to become opponents again now. Besides, it is strange for Chen Feng to join forces with the Death Clan.

The combination of several origins such as the God of Nothingness, Chen Feng, hundreds of Hunyuan, and the Gate of Time and Space can compete with one origin, or even tear it apart.

Now joining forces to deal with death and life is not a problem at all in Chen Feng's opinion.

The result was indeed like this. The opponent retreated continuously under the attacks of Chen Feng and others, and was completely at a disadvantage. However, after all, he was a top expert, so his defense was no problem. The field formed by the released power of death firmly blocked the attack.

Chen Feng originally thought that those above the Hunyuan of the Spirit Realm Origin could also take action, but the other party chose to enter the Origin when the two sides were fighting.

It is normal for the other party to make this choice, but Chen Feng is still a little depressed. If the other party takes action, it is really possible to kill this dead being.


However, the God of Nothingness still hurt the opponent. With the long sword in his hand, and the power imprint provided by Chen Feng, the God of Nothingness's attack power exceeded his strongest state.

"Okay." The God of Nothingness was a little surprised. Since he could hurt the opponent, wouldn't he be able to severely damage the opponent with a few more attacks?

But just as the God of Nothingness continued to take action, countless lights of death appeared from a distance.

It seems to be thousands of threads, but it can penetrate time and space. It is directed at Chen Feng, but it is not directed at Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness, but at those above Hunyuan.

Although there are a large number of these Hunyuan above, after all, individual strength is average, and once they break through the defense, they can cause a fatal blow to these Hunyuan above.

"Sure enough, there are still people. The death clan came with a lot of power this time." Chen Feng was shocked, but he did not return, but allowed these lights of death to pass by.

After being some distance away from those Hunyuan, suddenly these Hunyuan suddenly erupted, and hundreds of forces spurted out, gathering together to form a perfect defensive halo.

It is Chen Feng's realm of reincarnation, driven by the power of origin, and integrated with so many powers above Hunyuan.

It can be said that even Chen Feng cannot control it.

However, this method has been prepared by Chen Feng for a long time. As for being unable to control it, Chen Feng doesn't care.

It doesn't matter if the power is out of control, as long as it can block the opponent's attack.

And it did.

The light of death is indeed very strong and can easily kill a Hunyuan Shang. However, there are too many Hunyuan Shang here, and they join forces to break out. These lights of death only have time to erode part of their power, and then they are destroyed. Erased cleanly.

Then the force went out of control, but it still rushed and rolled in one direction.

The void collapsed wherever it passed, and several dead beings were revealed.

It is indeed very powerful, but it is the level of extermination and massacre, and has not reached a higher level.

This actually gave Chen Feng a sigh of relief.

"Continue to take action and kill them." Chen Feng gave the order to those above Hunyuan.

Many people died on one's side, no matter what, they had to regain their place.

Therefore, Chen Feng seemed to be constantly attacking the powerful death beings, but he secretly used the power of the river of time to reach those death beings.

Chen Feng went on a rampage as soon as he came up.

The reason why such an explosive method is used is to achieve a quick victory, so that it will not be too late after the opponent is prepared.

Sure enough, Chen Feng's style of play was correct. Although he himself was eroded by some power of death, one of the dead beings was knocked out by Chen Feng.

Numerous cracks appeared on the body.

Chen Feng was a little disappointed that he didn't smash the opponent into pieces, but it didn't matter. Then the combined power of hundreds of Hunyuan masters overwhelmed the opponent.

This dead life first collapsed, and then was shattered into pieces by the power of chaos.


Chen Feng did not pause and rushed towards another dead life.

At the same time, Chen Feng also noticed that the strongest death being was anxious and wanted to rush over, but was tightly entangled by the God of Nothingness.

"Since you have taken action against us, you have to pay a price, not to mention that you, the Death Clan, are the ones that everyone wants to beat." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Chen Feng knew that there was probably nothing he could do about this strongest death being, so it would be enough to deal with these slightly weaker ones.

Kill the opponent and then exit the area.

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