Eternal Existence

Chapter 5255: Attack

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's idea of ​​temporary change is correct, at least it is correct for the time being.

With the blessing of the origin behind them, these hundreds of Hunyuan became fearless.

They were not even too conservative, but frantically mobilized more power and more magical powers to attack the origin of the spiritual realm.

Sure enough, under the attack, the outer area of ​​the origin of the spiritual realm began to collapse.

And this collapse is still going on. If the old man in the spiritual realm can't resist it, then this origin may be completely destroyed.

Even if there is the power of the long river of time to go back, it will be too late to repair.

After all, this means of time going back also needs consumption, and there are certain limits.

Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness have been attacking this strongest death life.

Originally, this death life was injured, and before he had time to seize the situation, Chen Feng suddenly released the origin of the mountain, and knocked this death life down again.

The God of Nothingness himself wanted to use the law chain to tie up the other party, and then let Chen Feng suppress it.

In fact, the Void God had been doing this from the beginning, but he saw that the opponent's death power was constantly eroding his chains.

So the Void God also changed his method.

He used the attack technique with all his heart, relying on the long sword in his hand and the power provided by Chen Feng, he could also hurt this dead life little by little.

And as time goes by, the injury of this dead life will become more and more serious, and it may really worsen after a certain degree.

It is difficult to counterattack after falling behind, not to mention that Chen Feng's side is getting more and more fierce.


Chen Feng naturally wanted to kill the opponent. Now seeing that the opponent was injured, even if he knew that he could not kill the opponent, he had to have some thoughts.

"Even if he can't kill the opponent, he must make the opponent's vitality seriously injured." After Chen Feng burst out with all his strength, he was suddenly wrapped by the power of time, so Chen Feng instantly recovered to his prime state, and burst out the strongest attack in a short period of time.


Although he was at a disadvantage, this dead life was still not in a hurry. Even if he was injured, he locked Chen Feng and made a killing move.

The power of death mixed with the light of death, like a sword light, came to Chen Feng.

In this situation, Chen Feng couldn't dodge at all. Besides, even if he changed his position, the opponent's attack could catch up closely.

He could only resist and resolve it.

"Explode!" Chen Feng waved his hand, and the Origin God Mountain blocked in front of him.

With a fierce collision, the death sword light exploded, turning into thousands of threads and continuing to shoot at Chen Feng.

It seemed still powerful, but the attack power was weakened a lot, and was crushed one by one by Chen Feng's swinging weapon.

Looking at a gap on the Origin God Mountain, Chen Feng frowned secretly.

The opponent's attack was so strong that if it fell on him, his chaotic body would also be injured.


When the opponent launched such an attack, he was also stabbed by the sword of the God of Nothingness, and the wound on his body expanded again.

Chen Feng clearly saw the power of nothingness pouring into the opponent's body.

"I want to see how long you can hold on." Chen Feng also sneered.

No matter how strong the opponent is, it is impossible to withstand such an attack and remain unscathed.

Who knew that the opponent could not care about it after being injured, and continued to launch a fatal attack on Chen Feng.

Chen Feng had already urged the Origin Mountain to resist, but this time it failed to block it, and the death sword light hit Chen Feng.

Chen Feng was injured.

Even if he tried his best to eliminate this power in the process, his body was still broken.

The extremely powerful death power entered Chen Feng's body, trying to destroy everything.


Chen Feng was not in a hurry and directly absorbed these powers.


A red energy ball exploded, turning into a rolling blood curtain that blocked Chen Feng's sight. Chen Feng immediately felt the blood boiling in his body, his strength was out of control, and even his will was seriously affected.

Although he was injured, Chen Feng was still confident that he could resolve it. Who knew that the blinding power appeared again at this time, and a small part of Chen Feng's body was hit.

The flesh is a whole, and the whole chaotic body is a piece of iron plate, which is extremely powerful. Who knows that after being covered by the blinding power, Chen Feng lost control of this small part of his body.

"Spiritual Realm Elder!"

Chen Feng really felt a little helpless. In such a chaotic situation, the opponent actually found a chance to attack him.

Chen Feng admitted that the opponent was very strong. He had suffered losses before, but he could not do anything to him without exerting his full strength.

Chen Feng didn't know what the Spiritual Realm Elder was thinking. He immediately used the power of reality and the power of time, and soon returned to normal, even though he was hit by the power of death in the process.

"If it weren't for the Void God, I could have solved me by myself, but now, only a part of the power of death can't do anything to me." Chen Feng said while secretly urging the power of origin, and also urged the power of the energy tower and the origin furnace to directly absorb the power of death that eroded him.

Without the erosion of the power of death, Chen Feng's injuries recovered in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng has regained his peak combat power.

At this time, the situation finally changed dramatically.

A branch was extended from the long river of time, and the shadow of the Gate of Origin loomed in it, and then the Sword of End, Wheel of Destruction and other four killing weapons rushed out.

Not only that, the power of the Long River of Time also began to grow stronger. Chen Feng knew that this was the power that the Long River of Time had transferred from other places.

"Okay, with these reinforcements, I don't have to rush to leave." Chen Feng had a bottom line in his heart.

After the four weapons arrived, they immediately joined in and directly attacked the death life.

The death life was completely at a disadvantage.

And it's not just that simple. If it continues like this, it will definitely die.

So this death life desperately fought a way out and directly entered the origin of the spiritual realm.

"Run away." Chen Feng laughed.

"The opponent is very strong and can't kill him." The God of Nothingness said.

At this time, under the joint attack of hundreds of Hunyuan, the origin of the spiritual realm has collapsed a lot of areas.

Since the death life has left, Chen Feng feels that the pressure has disappeared. Next, whether to leave or stay, just make up your mind.

"Continue to attack this origin." Chen Feng gave an order.

At this time, he has the upper hand and has helpers. There is no reason to leave.

Besides, even if Chen Feng wants to leave, the new sword of the end will not agree.

The area where the origin of the spirit realm collapsed was constantly divided up by everyone. At this time, even if the origin of the spirit realm expanded again, it could not take back the plundered area.

Whether it was Chen Feng, the God of Nothingness, the Sword of the End, or the hundreds of people above the Primordial, they could all divide up the origin.

Not to mention the origin of the spirit realm, even if the more powerful origin was divided, there would not be much left in everyone's hands.

If it was simply cut, even Chen Feng could collect it all by himself.

"The origin of the spirit realm is now being attacked by the death clan. This is our opportunity, which should not be missed. We should collect as many origins as possible and be prepared to leave at any time." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng knew that since the Gate of Origin sent these weapons, it was definitely not to simply help him get out of trouble, but to continue to invade this origin.

"The previous news was all wrong, and they didn't say that they had arranged forces to come here before." Chen Feng was a little dissatisfied with the Gate of Origin.

According to the news given by the Gate of Origin, this place should be the same as the origin of the wilderness, but it turned out not to be at all. There was no branch of the long river of time here.

And the old man in the spirit realm was so powerful.

"What I need is the fragments of the core area. I really don't like the area here." Although the Void God said this, he was not idle. He kept taking action to collect the void power in the origin of the spiritual realm, so that the origin area became more fragile.

The weapons of the Sword of the End kept rushing forward, and the area collapsed faster wherever they passed.

The Long River of Time was also constantly invading, but soon it fought with the local Long River of Time.

The hundreds of Hunyuan followed behind, and dozens of people formed a formation. The broken areas were divided up cleanly wherever they passed.

When they first came, they were also aggressive. Later, they killed into the core area. As a result, because of the appearance of the old man in the spiritual realm, Chen Feng and others fled in embarrassment, and now they are killing again.

Chen Feng noticed that his side kept moving forward, but no longer encountered the obstruction of local practitioners.

"It seems that the death clan poses a great threat to them." Chen Feng certainly knew that the old man in the spiritual realm led people to fight against the death clan.

"If I had known that it would become such a situation, I think the death clan would regret it." Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

If the other party had chosen to cooperate at the beginning, there would not have been a fight between them.

If he encountered a death life now, Chen Feng would definitely choose to take action.

"In a three-way fight, the only one who would suffer is the origin of the spiritual realm." Chen Feng said so.

Chen Feng did not release the origin to devour the broken areas here. First, there were not enough to share, second, Chen Feng did not need it for the time being, and third, the areas here were so broken that Chen Feng really looked down on them.

Looking at these Hunyuans constantly snatching broken areas, Chen Feng was also a little emotional, but for them, such fragments were still useful.

In any case, it was not a wasted trip.

Chen Feng did not gain nothing. In the process of moving forward, he also urged the avenue to absorb some energy from time to time.

Chen Feng had enough avenues, so he was not idle.

"The old man in the spiritual realm had sneaked up on us before, but now that we have invaded in a big way, there is no movement. It seems that the two powerful death lives have also brought pressure to the other party." Chen Feng analyzed.

Just like this for a while, the entire origin of the spiritual realm shook more violently, as if it was about to collapse completely.

Chen Feng also saw the power of death raging in the distance. Compared with his side constantly crushing the origin, the death clan was constantly killing life.

For the origin of the spiritual realm, this was a huge disaster.

"If this origin is completely divided, then the old man in the spiritual realm will become a real emperor, and then the other party will become more dangerous." Chen Feng was still a little worried.

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