Eternal Existence

Chapter 5250: The Elder of the Spiritual Realm

Although Chen Feng wanted to use the power of the Death Clan, he also knew that this race was very bloodthirsty and was the mortal enemy of all life.

The reason why he could bring Extinction and Slaughter was because he was stronger than them.

If the Death Clan was stronger than him, Chen Feng believed that they would most likely attack him.

Even if they did not attack him, they would no longer follow his arrangements, and might hunt other Hunyuan, which was not what he wanted to see.

If several members of the Death Clan were as strong as Extinction, they would still be under his control. If their strength reached the level of the Void God, they would most likely cause some trouble.

Chen Feng thought so, and only saw Extinction and Slaughter becoming more and more fierce, and the Death Domain had to continue to expand. They also wanted to seize part of the core area.

At this time, they were not only killing, but also wanted to pick up more benefits.

Chen Feng thought this was also normal behavior.

If they were just fighting without plundering, then the Death Clan would not be able to grow.

No matter what they practice, they need some resources to practice.

Two more masters of the Death Clan appeared. After they arrived, they began to kill the lives in this origin.

Chen Feng noticed that they did not affect the practitioners on his side. He didn't know whether they saw the situation clearly or were reminded of extinction and slaughter.

"Still sensible." Chen Feng was relieved. The strength of the two who came was not beyond his control.

The four masters of the Death Clan were also a considerable force. Even if they entered an origin, they could bring a certain degree of unrest.

"It's good that the old man in the spirit realm would not find me alone when he was looking for trouble. There are still the Death Clan to share the firepower." Chen Feng paid attention and felt relieved.

Next, the Quiet Origin was defeated step by step. It wouldn't take long before the core area collapsed and the entire origin would be divided up by everyone.

Although the complete origin was not obtained, in Chen Feng's opinion, this operation was still successful.

And after this time, he could look for other origins.

"I didn't expect that I would become an Origin invader." Chen Feng laughed at himself. He had been to many Origins and participated in the destruction of some Origins.

He didn't expect that he would come to this step one after another.

"I wonder if the Gate of Origin will also end up like this?" Chen Feng sighed.

Just when this Origin collapsed, a long river ran across the entire Origin, and the old man in the Spirit Realm walked out of the long river.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. This was indeed a long river of time, but it was somewhat different from the long river of time he had encountered before.

"Is this the second long river of time?" Chen Feng was a little confused.

The long river of time at the Gate of Origin, of course, belonged to his side. Later, during the invasion process, he encountered an equally powerful long river of time. The two sides had been fighting endlessly, and Chen Feng had also gained some benefits.

I thought that the old man in the Spirit Realm had some cooperative relationship with the other party, but who knew that the old man in the Spirit Realm actually drove a new long river of time.

This made Chen Feng doubt what kind of connection they had. Was this long river of time originally there, or was it opened up by the old man in the Spirit Realm alone?

But no matter what, the original body of the old man in the spiritual realm has already arrived here.

The reason why the other party came so quickly is also because of the power of the long river of time.

But from another perspective, it took so long to come back after using the power of time, so the speed is not fast.

"In this case, the situation will change again." Chen Feng looked at the other party as if he were an ordinary practitioner, not in a hurry at all, just like a tourist in time and space.

But Chen Feng noticed that after the other party entered this core area, the core area that was originally collapsing was also under control, and the entire origin was not as violent as before.

Before he made a move, he had already controlled the situation, and the invisible pressure was even more deadly.

The long river of time could not spare a hand, and even if the long river of time went all out, it was not the opponent of the old man in the spiritual realm.

The God of Nothingness was entangled by the other party's clone and could not win, so he was even less the opponent of the other party.

There was no response from the Gate of Origin.

Chen Feng understood that even if he fought hard, he would only suffer heavy casualties.

So when the other party appeared, Chen Feng had already communicated with the Gate of Time and Space, and also notified all the practitioners on his side.

Chen Feng was going to take them away from here. As for whether they could leave or not, whether the process was smooth, that was not something to consider.

Chen Feng transferred most of the practitioners to his origin in the shortest time.

During this process, the old man in the spiritual realm did not make a move, which made Chen Feng even more uneasy.

The other party had the opportunity to make a move, but he watched him do these actions.

What was the reason for this?

Is it because the other party is absolutely sure?

"It's not good, leave quickly." The God of Nothingness stopped fighting with the other party and also came to Chen Feng.

With the God of Nothingness in charge, the origin of no return became more stable, not to mention that Chen Feng was still constantly compressing this origin.

The broken origin that had been fused before burned even more fiercely. Chen Feng believed that even if the opponent's strength was almost the same as that of the real emperor, burning such a large origin could bring some trouble to the opponent.

"Leave quickly, explode quickly." At this time, the God of Nothingness urged anxiously, and at the same time, he directly helped Chen Feng burn the broken origin.

In an instant, he obtained extremely powerful power, causing the core area of ​​the origin of the spiritual realm to shake again.

At the critical moment, the long river of time also invested some power, and with the full efforts of the gate of time and space, the origin of no return was about to leave this place.

At this time, the old man of the spiritual realm finally made a move, and the long river of time behind him rippled out waves of time power, covering the four directions of time and space, and the old man of the spiritual realm also radiated invisible power fluctuations.

The momentum of the origin of no return to leave was blocked, and the edge area began to disappear.

It was the opponent's deception.

At this moment, Chen Feng understood that the opponent did not make a move before not because he was not prepared, but because he gave himself time to prepare. Now he can make a move to catch them all.

This is absolute confidence.

Chen Feng has already used his strongest means.

In the past, Chen Feng only burned a little bit of the origin fragments, but this time he directly burned the broken origin of one side, and the power that erupted could not be controlled by Chen Feng alone.

Even so, he did not break through the opponent's restraints, and as time went on, the opponent's time restraints and blinding power continued to strengthen.

Although the scene in front of him was not as fierce as the face-to-face fight, this method was more deadly.

Under this situation, Chen Feng had to continuously input the power of reality, but unfortunately, the effect was a little, but not too good.

"This is not your power. If it is the Real Emperor who comes, then there will be no problem." The old man in the spiritual realm said.

It is obvious that the other party knows the Real Emperor.

"Since you don't let us leave, then let's fight here." Chen Feng said with a smile, still urging the power of the origin of no return. This time it really erupted in all directions, constantly fighting against the opponent.

The God of Nothingness is a powerful force, using his own power of nothingness, exterminating them is also a powerful force, and the power of death is also very powerful, and can also resist the opponent's blinding means to a certain extent.

There are also hundreds of Hunyuan above on Chen Feng's side. They are also a very powerful force when they join forces.

These Hunyuan above have cultivated different attributes of power, from different origins. They also know that the situation is critical, and they are also desperately outputting.

The power that erupted at this moment finally blocked the opponent's blockade, and even the blinded area began to show signs of regression.

The core area of ​​the spiritual origin collapsed again, and Chen Feng seized the opportunity and directly released the replication law.

Chen Feng could feel that the replication law had extended beyond the origin. According to previous situations, Chen Feng could leave in an instant.

But now Chen Feng brought an origin and so many practitioners, so he was blocked by the opponent in this process.

Although he successfully left the opponent's core area, he was still in the opponent's origin.

"But it worked." Chen Feng was not disappointed, and once again promoted the power of the replication law.

It's just that the opponent was prepared and directly eroded the replication law with the power of blinding.

This made Chen Feng a little worried.

"I didn't expect you to have such a good thing. It's your bad luck to meet me." The old man in the spirit realm caught up slowly and still blocked everyone.

"Although your methods are good, it's wishful thinking to deal with us." The God of Nothingness suddenly said.

"That's true." Chen Feng also understood that even a large-scale origin would not be able to suppress so many of his people.

The reason why the other party brought pressure to his people was because he mastered special methods.

"If my real avenue can break through again, even if it is not as good as the real emperor, it can play a role. Besides, the other party's deception method can only temporarily erase our traces, not really kill us." Chen Feng said.

"You are right. Your force is indeed very strong, but since you dare to invade my territory, you must pay a great price. Let's do this. Hand over the law in your hand and this broken origin, and I will let you go. All of you can leave alive. This is the condition I set, and you can't bargain." The old man in the spirit realm said.

"I have never given things to others. If you want these things, then come and get them yourself. I will not regret it even if I die." Chen Feng disagreed.

"In that case, then let's do our own thing." The old man in the spiritual realm suddenly disappeared as he spoke. Then, the power of time emitted from the long river of time controlled by the other party, like a condensed substance, violently washed the origin of no return controlled by Chen Feng.

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