Eternal Existence

Chapter 5251 Strong Crisis

Both sides have reached this point, and it is impossible to give in.

From the beginning, the two sides have been in a situation of life and death. Chen Feng and his team invaded this origin on a large scale. Even if they chose to retreat at that time, the old man in the spirit realm would find a place after he came back.

Now that the old man in the spirit realm has returned, how could he easily let Chen Feng and his team leave?

Besides, Chen Feng and his team also brought some great influence and damage to this origin.

So leaving Chen Feng and his team behind can make up for the loss this time.

In this way, the pressure on Chen Feng's side will be greater.

After all, the old man in the spirit realm is very powerful, and now he is in the opponent's territory. Although Chen Feng and his team are also a very powerful force, they are composed of many people after all. Chen Feng can find a way to escape, but it is still difficult to take all these people away.

"I will stop the opponent, you should move all those above the Hunyuan first." The God of Nothingness said at this time.

The God of Nothingness was also a little depressed.

I thought my strength was the best, I could fight against the origin of one side, and I was high and mighty no matter where I went.

Who knew that after leaving the void space, he would encounter so many powerful opponents one after another.

Before, there were opponents who were not the real emperor, but now there is another old man in the spiritual realm.

I thought I could easily divide this origin, but who knew that the result was still a failure.

But the God of Nothingness thought that once he burst out with all his strength, he should be able to entangle the opponent, and at least give Chen Feng some time.

"Then fellow Daoist, be careful." Chen Feng could only choose to believe in the God of Nothingness.

There is really no better way at this time. If the long river of time can free up its hands, it would be easy.

Now I can only rely on myself.

So at the moment when the God of Nothingness burst out with all his strength, Chen Feng also pushed the power of the origin of no return to break a gap, and then Chen Feng used the law of replication to extend beyond the origin.

In one breath, more than a dozen above the Hunyuan were teleported out.

Although leaving so many above the Hunyuan can help him activate the origin, the opponent's blinding power and the power of time are too powerful.

Didn't you see that the origin of no return is disappearing bit by bit now, so this is also an important reason why Chen Feng chose to send these above the Hunyuan away.

However, Chen Feng still underestimated his opponent. Although Chen Feng successfully sent more than a dozen Hunyuan above out, the opponent's time power began to reverse, and the dozen Hunyuan above were about to be pulled back into the origin.

Chen Feng quickly retracted the replication law and used his own time avenue.

Then the two forces of time collided, and Chen Feng's time avenue began to vibrate, and retreated step by step under the opponent's power.

Although Chen Feng also opened up the time avenue, it was still far behind the real time river.

However, this kind of resistance still played a role.

The time avenue was damaged, but it also successfully let the dozen Hunyuan above escape.

However, although the dozen Hunyuan above left the spiritual realm origin, the opponent did not escape far away, and then gathered together to attack from the outside.

If it was not blocked, it could also tear apart one side of the origin. Chen Feng did not know the situation outside, but thought about continuing to send people out.

"It seems that the situation is a bit bad. The opponent's time river has the upper hand." The sudden report of the time river was also somewhat unexpected by Chen Feng.

Originally, the two long rivers of time were entangled with each other, but the other party could still spare some power.

"It's a bit troublesome."

At this time, Chen Feng also noticed that the God of Nothingness had fallen behind, which also showed that he was really not the opponent of the old man in the spiritual realm, but he could still entangle the old man in the spiritual realm for a short time.

Seeing that the God of Nothingness could not hold on for long, Chen Feng also had an idea, directly promoted the power of the copy law, and then gave a long sword to the God of Nothingness.

This is not an ordinary long sword, it also contains the power imprint.

Sure enough, with the long sword of the God of Nothingness in hand, the situation began to change again, and the power imprint contained on it could also bring some oppression to the old man in the spiritual realm.

After all, this is a power beyond the origin, and it can exert a more powerful power in the hands of the God of Nothingness.

So Chen Feng continued to burst out the power of the origin of no return, and broke through another gap, and more than a dozen people above the Hunyuan were sent out.

Chen Feng noticed that the long river of time wanted to move forward, but then it was entangled again.

So Chen Feng ordered a risky move, with the help of the power of the copy law, he successfully broke through to the inside of the long river of time.

Running away blindly is not the best choice. With the opponent's strength and the special power of the Long River of Time, even if he leaves this origin, the opponent can catch up.

It's just a change of battlefield. Instead of this, it's better to find a way to deal with the opponent.

The old man in the spiritual realm is powerful, so Chen Feng has experience in dealing with the Long River of Time first.

The Long River of Time on the side of the Gate of Origin also seized the opportunity to cooperate with Chen Feng. After Chen Feng arrived inside the Long River of Time, he directly pushed the power of the copy law with all his strength.

At the same time, Chen Feng also released various energy balls, and the power of the burning origin prepared before was also released at the same time.

It just caused heavy damage to this Long River of Time.

This Long River of Time did not expect this to happen at all. To put it bluntly, it was still a little careless.

After being severely damaged, it immediately began to go back in time.

And Chen Feng didn't want to snatch any benefits, just kept destroying.

Although the Long River of Time was powerful, it was only the origin level in the origin. Chen Feng used the replication law beyond the origin and the power of the burning origin. The fact that he didn't make the opponent collapse in the first time showed that Chen Feng's strength was not enough.

But now it really worked. The Long River of Time on the side of the Gate of Origin took this opportunity to open up a channel.

This channel extended directly to the origin of no return, not to send people out, but to make it easier for Chen Feng to extract power.

However, the old man in the spirit realm also noticed that the situation here was not right, and he mobilized the power of the origin to block the origin of no return in the first time, so Chen Feng only had time to extract a small part of the energy.

Even so, the long river of time began to collapse, and the speed at which the origin of no return was blinded also began to accelerate.

From this point of view, both sides were in a lose-lose situation.

The God of Nothingness had tried his best, and even if he borrowed the weapons provided by Chen Feng, he could not completely entangle the old man in the spirit realm.

The previously released Hunyuan Above continued to attack this origin together, and it really played a role.

The outer area of ​​the Lingjing Origin was constantly collapsing, but it was soon stopped by the local practitioners who arrived, and the two sides fought in chaos again.

The Wuhui Origin was being eroded bit by bit. Even if there were many Hunyuan Above, they could not stop this power when they joined forces. They could only watch these forces getting closer and closer.

"I thought that it was already very powerful to cultivate the realm of Hunyuan Above. Even if we met the top existence, we could join forces to fight. Who knew that the power mastered by the other party was so magical? In front of this power, we are like lambs to be slaughtered." One of the Hunyuan Above said unwillingly.

Before, they thought they could join forces to resist, but after the Lingjing old man really came, they realized how powerful this power was.

Even the origin mastered by Chen Feng couldn't resist it. They were just ordinary practitioners.

So they could only rely on Chen Feng.

It's just that Chen Feng is still destroying the river of time. Although it looks like the river of time is collapsing, the characteristics of time are constantly eliminating this state.

"This is actually a complete river of time, not a branch before." Chen Feng saw that the collapse situation around him was being repaired, and he began to feel anxious.

This is a little different from what he thought before.

In fact, what he has done from the beginning to now is already good, but the opponent's recovery speed is also fast.

At this time, Chen Feng began to complain about his own river of time. In comparison, his own time power is weaker, which is also related to the fact that it is not the main body that has arrived.

It can be said that both sides of the war are constantly consuming and each has losses, but this side's origin has been greatly damaged, but Chen Feng is also consuming the origin. Even if he entered the river of time, he was just constantly causing some damage, and did not collect some essence from the river of time like before.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng is also depressed. Chen Feng has not gained any advantage in the battle between the two sides.

Maybe he took the opportunity to collect some benefits when he first arrived, but he had consumed them in the following confrontation.

"Not only did I make a wasted trip, but I also offended a top existence. This invasion is really not worth the loss. However, as I said before, there is no such thing as a smooth sailing. It would be abnormal if I could successfully invade the origin every time." Chen Feng thought to himself.

At least the situation is not too bad now. The opponent's long river of time has been severely damaged. The only bad thing is that the God of Nothingness can't hold on for too long.

Chen Feng noticed that whether this origin was attacked or the long river of time was severely damaged, the old man in the spirit realm seemed to be in no hurry.

It seems that he doesn't care about the damage on his side, but why did he rush back so quickly before.

Chen Feng knew that the other party was confident. Sure enough, when the long river of time collapsed to a certain extent, the old man in the spirit realm no longer fought with the God of Nothingness, but left a clone to deal with it, and the original body quickly entered the long river of time.

The power to erase everything eroded Chen Feng, and Chen Feng felt a strong crisis. If he couldn't resist, he might really be erased by the other party. Who could save him at that time?

Chen Feng retreated quickly, bursting out special energy at the first moment, and at the same time drew power from the origin of no return to form layers of barriers.

"Where did you get this level of power?" The old man in the spiritual realm was also a little surprised, but he was not slow to act. There was a short stalemate between the two forces, and then the power of Chen Feng's side began to be wiped out.

This was nothing, Chen Feng had thought of this a long time ago, but Chen Feng saw that the long river of time, which had been severely damaged, was recovering rapidly.

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