Eternal Existence

Chapter 5249: Impact on the Core Area

During this operation, Chen Feng felt the panic of the origin of this party, and knew that it was because he broke the opponent's deception that made the opponent anxious.

Maybe the opponent has other means, but it cannot be used immediately for a while, and whether it can succeed is still a question.

"Rush directly to the core area of ​​the opponent, then control the core and snatch this origin." This is the best way Chen Feng has thought of from the beginning to now.

Because it was successful before, even if there are some deviations from the previous things this time, it doesn't matter.

"In fact, we should quietly enter this origin at the beginning, and then directly use the power of the long river of time to enter the core area, but in that case, we will also be deceived by the opponent. No matter what, the result is the same." Chen Feng knew that although he seemed to have the upper hand, he still needed to be careful, because the old man in the spiritual realm posed a great threat to him.

Chen Feng didn't believe that the owner of the origin of one party only had this little means. Even if the opponent didn't have special means, fighting face to face like this could also cause some casualties to his side.

Although Chen Feng wanted to reach the core area of ​​the opponent in one go, he also knew that it was not so easy.

This is the fact. The other party used other means to block the advance route of Wuhui Origin.

And it really slowed down Chen Feng's advance, and this slowdown caused some local practitioners to appear.

After such a period of time, some practitioners of this origin also gathered together, and with the mobilization of this origin, more than a dozen Hunyuan above formed the first line of defense.

This kind of power is nothing to Chen Feng's side. Wuhui Origin rushed forward and tore the opponent's defense line apart.

But soon the second line of defense appeared again, with more than a dozen Hunyuan above.

This time it was also knocked open by Wuhui Origin, and Chen Feng also seized the opportunity to severely injure several opponents.

Chen Feng originally wanted to seize the opportunity to kill several Hunyuan above, but the opponent suddenly disappeared.

Chen Feng knew that this was a deception by the old man in the spiritual realm.

Chen Feng could stop, use the real power to cover, find the opponent, and then kill him.

But once Chen Feng really did this, he would either fall into the trap of the opponent, or he might eventually solve the opponent, but he would be delayed by the opponent.

So after seeing the other party disappear, Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention and continued to move forward.

As a result, the third blockage appeared, and the number of practitioners was slightly more.

There were dozens of Hunyuan above, and they were also blessed by the power of this origin.

Although it still could not be compared with the number of people on Chen Feng's side, it was also a considerable force, and it could really entangle Chen Feng's side.

Chen Feng had thought of this a long time ago, so he released the power he had prepared before.

And the broken origin burned more fiercely, which led to more energy output.

These dozens of Hunyuan above were also repelled.

This time Chen Feng consumed a lot.

"If I can't take this origin this time, then I will lose more than I gain this time." Chen Feng thought so.

At this point, because there is no reason to retreat, it is difficult to get off the tiger.

Even if he knew that the old man in the spiritual realm was not easy to mess with, Chen Feng could not choose to retreat, because there was also a powerful existence like the Gate of Origin behind him.

And there is not only one origin.

At the same time, after repelling the opponent, Chen Feng was still launching some psychological tactics, saying that he was only coming for the old man in the spiritual realm and did not want to destroy this origin at all. As long as everyone chose to retreat, everything would remain the same.

Unfortunately, there was not much effect.

Chen Feng also understood this point. The reason why he said so much was that it was better than nothing. Even if he could persuade one or two opponents to retreat, or make these Hunyuan above think more, it would be enough to get these.

In this way, while fighting and moving forward, the speed of Wuhui Origin was much slower than before.

But Chen Feng still captured the power fluctuations from the battle between the Void God and the opponent.

So Chen Feng immediately urged the Long River of Time and established a connection with the Void God.

Then Extinction and Slaughter disappeared first.

Then, one after another, Hunyuan above were moved to the core area of ​​this origin by the Long River of Time.

Directly enter the opponent's lair and make a huge noise, so as to bring pressure to the opponent and reduce the pressure on Chen Feng's side.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's approach is correct.

Hundreds of Hunyuan entered the core area of ​​this origin, causing a huge commotion, which can be said to be earth-shaking, causing the entire origin to shake.

Chen Feng has also been on guard. He thinks that such an old-fashioned existence as Lingjing Elder must have other powerful means. Maybe the other party has come here and is hiding in the dark for dialysis.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to move, the power of time that enveloped the origin of no return began to dissipate.

Chen Feng knew that the River of Time had encountered an opponent.

"Didn't you say that the opponent's branch disappeared?" Chen Feng was a little curious.

"It's the power from the opponent's body. It may be the opponent that Lingjing Elder found. Now I'm entangled. You have to be careful next time." The River of Time said.

Without the help of the River of Time, every move of Chen Feng and others was indeed affected.

However, under normal circumstances, without the Long River of Time, Chen Feng still has the upper hand.

Without the Long River of Time, the speed of the Wuhui Origin has slowed down.

However, it is now very close to the peaceful area, and even if the power of the Space-Time Gate is used, people can be brought over.

Forty or fifty Hunyuan above entered the Space-Time Gate in one breath, and then the Space-Time Gate shuttled to the core area in a very short time.

Chen Feng could feel the riot in the core area from a distance.

"Will it collapse before I arrive?" Chen Feng thought so.

Although the methods of the old man in the spiritual realm are quite peculiar, Chen Feng still feels that this origin is slightly weaker so far.

You know, the Wild Origin has been fighting for a long time before.

No matter what, Chen Feng still urged the Wuhui Origin to hit the core area in front.

The two sides collided, and the entire core origin began to collapse. Chen Feng took the opportunity to plunder these fragments.

Since it is impossible to be like the Wild Origin, then divide this origin, so that everyone can benefit.

Although it is a bit regrettable, it is also the best result.

After thinking of this, Chen Feng continued to burn the power of the broken origin, causing the origin of no return to become more and more fierce.

At this time, Chen Feng also saw the God of Nothingness. At this time, the God of Nothingness was fighting with a cultivator. The fighting mode of the two was a bit strange. It was not as fierce as the fights of other people. Instead, both sides disappeared from time to time and appeared from time to time, as if there was a special power that was constantly erasing traces.

"This is the clone left by the old man in the spiritual realm." Chen Feng quickly came to this conclusion.

At the same time, he also understood that if the God of Nothingness was not entangled here, the old man in the spiritual realm would definitely be more powerful.

Even if his true power could restrain the opponent, it would take some effort.

"Is it just distraction that is so powerful? Or is it because of the home court?" Chen Feng saw that the God of Nothingness did not have the upper hand, so he knew that the old man in the spiritual realm must be a real emperor. If he really came, then the God of Nothingness would probably not be his opponent.

"Come to such an existence, I'm afraid there will be trouble in the future." After thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but feel a headache.

The powerful opponents that he had provoked were increasing in number. Whether it was the Real Emperor or the Wanjie Emperor and the Karma Emperor that he met later, he was no match for them.

But think about it, it doesn't matter anyway. Would he choose to retreat in such a situation?

And sometimes even if he retreated, the opponent would chase him closely.

"I hope the Gate of Origin can handle it." Think about it again, these opponents are not just him, so if he is really worried, he should pull the Gate of Origin.

And as his strength gets stronger and stronger, when the opponent appears, the two sides will fight, and it is hard to say who will win or lose.

"Then let's deal with the opponent's clone first." After saying this, Chen Feng urged the origin to crash forward more fiercely.

Even if the Wuhui Origin was damaged, Chen Feng didn't care, he just wanted to make the opponent collapse.

The old man in the spirit realm also understood that it was useless to say anything now, and he could only try his best to deal with it. Suddenly, Chen Feng found that the edge area of ​​the Wuhui Origin began to disappear little by little, and it continued to spread to more areas.

Chen Feng knew that this was the opponent using deception to erase his origin.

Chen Feng took a look, and the old man in the spirit realm who was fighting with the God of Nothingness also felt a little strange.

It should not be the opponent's body, which means that the opponent still has a strong power here.

So Chen Feng had to mobilize the power of truth to fight back. Although he successfully made his disappeared origin area reappear, it formed a tug-of-war.

After all, the power of truth was snatched by Chen Feng from the Real Emperor. Although he also practiced the Great Dao of Truth, it was still far behind the power of the Great Dao of Truth.

If he simply used his own Great Dao of Truth, he would not be able to counter the opponent's blinding power.

"Is it still to delay time?" Although Chen Feng's actions were blocked, all the Hunyuan Above in the Wuhui Origin rushed out and wreaked havoc in the core area.

In particular, Extinction and Slaughter had not been in the core area for a long time, but they had already killed several opponents. The death area formed by the two of them was also constantly expanding, causing great trouble to this core area.

Chen Feng just took a simple look and knew that the destructive power of these two exceeded the combined power of dozens of Hunyuan Above.

Not only that, two more death forces were projected from the void, making the death zone that exterminated the two people expand faster.

Chen Feng knew that the Death Clan had come to help again.

"I hope the Death Clan won't be too powerful, otherwise I won't be able to control them, and there might be some trouble." Chen Feng thought.

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