Eternal Existence

Chapter 5246 Go to other origins

"In this case, if there is an invasion by external forces, it may be a bit troublesome. Without enough origins to take action, you can't rely on these Hunyuan Above, and these Hunyuan Above may not obey your orders. Besides, you can't stay here forever." The God of Nothingness said this.

Chen Feng knew that what the God of Nothingness said made sense, and he also understood the hidden meaning behind the God of Nothingness's words, but he really didn't want to split this complete origin.

"Let's see the situation first." Chen Feng could only say this.

And even if Chen Feng's strength was stronger, it would be useless. He still couldn't take away a complete origin.

And through this period of understanding, Chen Feng also knew that there were a lot of lives in this line of origin.

And the energy of this origin is relatively abundant, and the laws of the Great Dao are relatively stable, which is very suitable for the practice and evolution of life.

It's no wonder that there are so many Hunyuan Above.

The better news is that these Hunyuan Above still care about their birthplaces. Maybe a few Hunyuan Above left the origin to play around, but the vast majority of them stayed in this origin, which is also the most important reason why Chen Feng is more at ease.

Moreover, if Chen Feng really wants to cut off this origin, it will not only lead to many lives without a place to live, but also so many Hunyuan will act as his opponents.

"It seems that we can only cooperate with the Gate of Origin. I don't believe that the Gate of Origin really wants to integrate all the origins with itself. Besides, the Long River of Time can only become stronger in this way, but in this way, the Gate of Origin will be dragged into the water, which will be more involved." Although Chen Feng felt a little troublesome, this is indeed a good choice.

Regardless of what Chen Feng thought, the Gate of Origin did not urge Chen Feng. Although the war over there continued, it not only did not urge Chen Feng to go, but also did not ask Chen Feng for benefits.

However, Chen Feng had to make some expressions, but communicated with the Gate of Origin through the Long River of Time.

Besides, the Long River of Time and other origins have been expanding their territory in Chen Feng's origin during this period. Chen Feng believes that this also represents the attitude of himself and the Gate of Naming.

Sure enough, the Gate of Origin agreed with Chen Feng's suggestion, which also made Chen Feng feel relieved.

However, because of Chen Feng's active communication, the Gate of Origin took the initiative to speak, not to let Chen Feng go to the Zerg Qiyun to participate in the war, but to let Chen Feng deal with another origin.

It was the same origin as the territory occupied by Chen Feng now, where there were also branches of the Long River of Time.

After arriving here, Chen Feng had to come up with more ideas.

It seemed that he had gained benefits, but the original proposal of the Gate of Origin was too abrupt.

Although everyone was happy so far, it also proved that the original choice of the Gate of Origin was correct.

But Chen Feng still had some doubts about the motives of the Gate of Origin.

Or Chen Feng had doubts about this from the beginning, but he couldn't figure out what the other party's purpose was in doing so?

Because there was no need for this at all.

Chen Feng really couldn't figure this out, and he couldn't get the information he wanted from the Long River of Time, and he did get benefits, so he must not continue to pursue this matter.

Chen Feng naturally agreed to the proposal of the Gate of Origin, but he needed to wait a little longer.

Because Chen Feng's control over this origin had not yet reached a point that made him feel at ease.

So Chen Feng stayed in this origin for a while before he started to act.

Chen Feng had his own idea for this action, that is, in addition to some of the people sent from the Origin Gate, Chen Feng also developed a group of his own subordinates.

Naturally, it was the Hunyuan Above in the Wild Origin.

When Chen Feng first proposed this idea, he was opposed by most of the Hunyuan Above. They thought that Chen Feng was using them as cannon fodder, so they refused.

But after listening to Chen Feng's careful analysis, these Hunyuan Above changed their minds.

First of all, if Chen Feng wanted to stabilize the Wild Origin, he needed their strength. Secondly, Chen Feng's invasion this time was exactly the same as the invasion of the Wild Origin.

Think about it, it was his own side that was invaded before, and now he is invading others, so the situation is naturally different.

Coupled with some coercion and inducement from Chen Feng, most of the Hunyuan Above were moved.

The only thing to worry about is whether this origin will be attacked after he and others leave.

For this point, Chen Feng also guaranteed that he would keep a close eye on the situation of this origin at any time, and once it was invaded by foreign forces, everyone would come back immediately.

And with the help of the long river of time, he can come back at any time.

Without any worries, he started to go on the expedition.

This time, Chen Feng was really in high spirits, because there was a force that belonged to him.

And because of his outstanding performance before, the Gate of Origin and several Yuanjie families saw the benefits and mobilized more people to follow Chen Feng.

Even Extinction and Slaughter were very tempted, because constantly invading the origins of the death clan was originally their favorite thing to do, and now they followed Chen Feng to realize it one after another.

So after asking for Chen Feng's consent, they also sent back the message, wanting to find more companions.

Chen Feng didn't care about these, he would only be happy with more helpers.

And this time, the Void God also chose to act with Chen Feng. The overall strength was far greater than before, so Chen Feng was more confident about this action.

At first, Chen Feng was still wondering if the place he was going to this time was the origin of the force that had retreated before.

But after communicating with the Long River of Time, he found that it was not.

"I didn't expect that there are so many origins around here, but I don't know if there are any super-large-scale origins." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

Although Chen Feng asked this, he also knew that if there were any, he would not recommend going to find trouble with his current strength.

After all, that kind of large-scale origin has some powerful origins sitting in it.

In other words, the place he went to this time was similar to the Wild Origin. It was not a large-scale origin, and there was no origin-level existence, so Chen Feng was more confident, and even thought about taking it down with his current strength.

However, if Chen Feng wanted to complete the task, he still needed to plan it well, and even if he took down the entire origin, he could not monopolize it, unless he shared the profits with the Gate of Origin, and the many Hunyuan who followed him this time could not go in vain.

So Chen Feng could only hope that the resources of the origin he was going to this time were relatively rich.

Although the scale of the origin is vast, a large number of Hunyuan Above can still be divided up.

For Hunyuan Above, they will naturally not be dissatisfied with the benefits. Didn't you see that Chen Feng can directly control one side of the origin?

"This is the origin of Lingjing. I have been here before." One of the Hunyuan Above of the Wilderness Origin said so.

"Really? Tell me about the situation here. Are there any masters to pay attention to?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"This side of the origin should be similar to our origin in terms of strength. Our power can really seize the control of this side of the origin, but..." The Hunyuan Above said this with some hesitation.

"To be frank, we have come here. Do we have to retreat?" Chen Feng didn't care on the surface, but he was still alert in secret.

"The owner of this side of the origin is called Lingjing Old Man, a very powerful existence. If we meet him, I am afraid we are really not his opponent." The Hunyuan Above said.

"Lingjing Old Man, a thing with an owner, is this side of the origin opened up by Lingjing Old Man?" Chen Feng asked curiously, while searching some memories at the same time, and indeed did not find any news about Lingjing Old Man.

"It's not clear. There are many different opinions. Some say that the old man in the spirit realm is the incarnation of the will of the origin of the spirit realm. Some say that this origin was opened up by the old man in the spirit realm. It's just that the old man in the spirit realm has not appeared for a long time. Of course, it is also related to the fact that I don't come here often. After all, there is a great sense of perception between my existence and the other party. Maybe the other party is here, but I haven't contacted him." This person above the mixed origin said.

Although this person above the mixed origin said nonsense, it was still useful in Chen Feng's view.

"Is there an existence at the level of the Soul Emperor?" Chen Feng had some guesses and some expectations at the same time. He really wanted to meet the other party. If there was any danger, he would meet and solve it in advance, so that he would not have to take it down with great difficulty, and then the other party would come out to cause trouble again.

"It doesn't matter. If the old man in the spirit realm really appears, then I will naturally deal with it. Don't worry, everyone. I think everyone should think about how to maximize the benefits next. We come here to collect resources." Chen Feng said, and then took the lead to enter the origin.

This can be regarded as a big fanfare. After all, so many people and such a powerful force cannot be hidden from the other party.

So there were some obstacles in the process of entering this origin, but they were only some symbolic obstacles from this origin, and there was no conflict as before.

"I feel that the energy is quite abundant." Chen Feng felt it and was quite satisfied, but everything in front of him was empty. In addition to the energy, Chen Feng did feel some breath of life, but it did not happen as he imagined.

"What should we do next? Should we find the masters here and kill them?" Miejue asked with some expectation.

"Go directly to the core area." Chen Feng said.

"But before that, we still need to understand this origin first."

If the other party knows what's good for them, I don't want to kill them. At this time, the power of time has been released, and more news will be transmitted back soon.

Moreover, the origins of the Gate of Time and Space also use their own means to explore this origin.

There are quite a few people who followed Hunyuan this time, and naturally they all have their own thoughts, but at least no one has acted on their own so far, which makes Chen Feng somewhat satisfied.

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