Eternal Existence

Chapter 5247: The Origin of the Spiritual Realm

For this, Chen Feng also guaranteed that he would keep a close eye on the situation of the origin at any time, and once it was invaded by foreign forces, everyone would come back immediately.

And with the help of the long river of time, they could come back at any time.

Without any worries, they began to go on the expedition.

This time, Chen Feng was truly in high spirits, because there was such a force, and it belonged to him.

And because of his outstanding performance before, the Gate of Origin and several Yuanjie families saw the benefits and mobilized more people to follow Chen Feng.

Even Extinction and Slaughter were very excited, because constantly invading the origins of the death clan was originally their favorite thing to do, but now they followed Chen Feng to realize it one after another.

So after asking for Chen Feng's consent, they also sent back the message, wanting to find more companions.

Chen Feng didn't care about these, and Chen Feng would only be happy with more helpers.

And this time, the God of Nothingness also chose to act with Chen Feng, and the overall strength was far greater than before, so Chen Feng was more assured of this action.

At first, Chen Feng was still wondering if the place he was going to this time was the origin of the force that had retreated before.

But after communicating with the River of Time, he found that it was not.

"I didn't expect that there are so many origins around here, but I don't know if there are any super-large-scale origins." Chen Feng asked with a smile.

Although Chen Feng asked this, he also knew that if there really was one, he would not recommend going to find trouble with his current strength.

After all, that kind of large-scale origin has some powerful origins sitting in it.

In other words, the place he went to this time was similar to the Wild Origin. It was also not a large-scale origin, and there was no origin-level existence, so Chen Feng was more at ease, and even thought about taking it down with his current strength.

However, if Chen Feng wanted to complete the work, he still needed to plan it well, and even if he took down the entire origin, he couldn't monopolize it, unless he shared the profits with the Gate of Origin, and the many Hunyuan Above who followed him this time couldn't go in vain.

So Chen Feng could only hope that the resources of the origin he was going to this time were relatively rich.

Although the scale of the origin was vast, a large number of Hunyuan Above could still be divided up cleanly.

For the Hunyuan Above, they would naturally not dislike the small benefits. Didn't they see that Chen Feng could directly control the origin of one side?

"This is the origin of the spirit realm. I've been here before." One of the Hunyuan above of the wild origin said so.

"Really? Tell me about the situation here. Are there any masters to watch out for?" Chen Feng asked with a smile.

"This origin should be similar to our origin in terms of strength. Our power can really seize the control of this origin, but..." The Hunyuan above said this with some hesitation.

"Let me be frank. We have come here. Do we have to retreat?" Chen Feng didn't care on the surface, but he was still alert in secret.

"The owner of this origin is called the old man of the spirit realm. He is a very powerful existence. If we meet him, I'm afraid we are really not his opponent." The Hunyuan above said.

"The old man of the spirit realm, the thing has an owner. Could it be that this origin was opened up by the old man of the spirit realm?" Chen Feng asked curiously, while searching some memories at the same time, and indeed did not find any news about the old man of the spirit realm.

"It's not clear. There are many different opinions. Some say that the old man in the spirit realm is the incarnation of the will of the origin of the spirit realm. Some say that this origin was opened up by the old man in the spirit realm. It's just that the old man in the spirit realm has not appeared for a long time. Of course, it is also related to the fact that I don't come here often. After all, there is a great sense of perception between my existence and the other party. Maybe the other party is here, but I haven't contacted him." This person above the mixed origin said.

Although this person above the mixed origin said nonsense, it was still useful in Chen Feng's view.

"Is there an existence at the level of the Soul Emperor?" Chen Feng had some guesses and some expectations at the same time. He really wanted to meet the other party. If there was any danger, he would meet and solve it in advance, so that he would not have to take it down with great difficulty, and then the other party would come out to cause trouble again.

"It doesn't matter. If the old man in the spirit realm really appears, then I will naturally deal with it. Don't worry, everyone. I think everyone should think about how to maximize the benefits next. We come here to collect resources." Chen Feng said, and then took the lead to enter the origin.

This can be regarded as a big fanfare. After all, so many people and such a powerful force cannot be hidden from the other party.

So there were some obstacles in the process of entering this origin, but they were only some symbolic obstacles from this origin, and there was no conflict as before.

"I feel that the energy is quite abundant." Chen Feng felt it and was quite satisfied, but everything in front of him was empty. In addition to the energy, Chen Feng did feel some breath of life, but it did not appear as expected.

"What should we do next? Should we find the masters here and kill them?" Miejue asked with some expectation.

"Go directly to the core area." Chen Feng said.

"But before that, we still need to understand this origin first."

If the other party is sensible, I don't want to kill them. At this time, the power of time has been released, and more news will be transmitted back soon.

Moreover, the origins of the gate of time and space are also using their own means to explore this origin.

This time, there were quite a few Hunyuan Above who followed, and naturally they all had their own ideas, but at least no one had acted on their own until now, which made Chen Feng somewhat satisfied.

Just saying that Chen Feng controlled the entire origin of one side had established his authority.

Moreover, Chen Feng himself was powerful, and Extermination and Slaughter also obeyed Chen Feng's orders. In addition, the Hunyuan Above in the Savage Origin could be regarded as Chen Feng's direct line, which led to the fact that none of the new Hunyuan Above dared to become a thorn.

At this level, everyone had absolute vision, and they would only go against Chen Feng if they were crazy.

So many people acting together could not be concealed, so they simply walked openly.

It must be said that this scene was still very spectacular. Although it was not directly targeted by this origin, it still alarmed some powerful lives in the local area.

According to the news that Chen Feng had learned before, there were quite a few Hunyuan Above in this origin, but when some Hunyuan Above noticed something wrong and came out to investigate, they saw hundreds of Hunyuan Above gathered together.

This scene made those who saw it think they were dazzled.

Some people even thought that this was a gathering of the Hunyuan in their Origin, but they quickly came to their senses.

Even if all the Hunyuan in the entire Origin gathered together, there wouldn't be so many.

"Foreign enemies invaded."

The local practitioners finally knew what happened, and they began to panic. The powerful Hunyuan went to communicate with the Origin, or to inform other Taoist friends.

"No one chose to take action." Miejue was a little anxious.

"Under this situation, the other party would take action unless they were crazy." Chen Feng said with a smile.

As a result, someone really stepped forward to stop them without knowing the consequences. The other party just wanted to ask at first, but a conflict occurred during the communication.

Miejue took action directly and killed the other party.

"It's just a puppet clone." Miejue said disdainfully, and then used his means to sense that the other party's body was not far away, so he directly shuttled through space to find the other party's body.

The two sides began to fight.

Miejue's strength is the best among the Hunyuan, but since this opponent dared to come forward, he must have some means, and the two did not decide the winner in the confrontation.

"There are masters here too." Chen Feng saw this scene clearly.

Tu Lu was eager to try, but he didn't go forward, because this opponent was no match for Miejue.

As time went by, Miejue burst out with stronger strength, and the opponent couldn't resist.

Who knew that the opponent had help, and two practitioners wanted to sneak attack Miejue.

Seeing this scene, Tu Lu also took action, and he was ruthless at the beginning, directly injuring one person, and the released death force entangled another person.

"Do you want help?" Someone wanted to take action, but was rejected by Chen Feng.

"Don't worry about them." Chen Feng naturally believed in the methods of Miejue and Tu Lu, and there was no need to rush in at the scene in front of him.

"Separate your actions, keep in touch with each other, and get together at any time." Chen Feng sent one person down.

Everyone was waiting for this sentence. Since there was no war with this origin, it would be better to walk around first.

Besides, even if a war broke out, they could fight alone.

After everyone separated, there were still dozens of people staying not far from Chen Feng, and most of them were on Hunyuan who had acted with Chen Feng before.

They naturally understood that they were freer to act, but also more dangerous, and that following Chen Feng would bring the greatest benefit.

At this time, Miejue and Slaughter had severely injured their opponents, and when they were about to kill them, a force descended and swept away the other party.

Only this side of the origin could snatch people from Miejue and Slaughter.

However, the other party did not continue to attack after snatching the person away, which surprised Chen Feng.

"What on earth is the other party thinking? Don't they want to conflict with us? But so many of us came here with great fanfare, and it is unrealistic to want to resolve this matter peacefully." Chen Feng muttered in his heart.

Miejue and Slaughter were a little angry for not killing their opponents, so they began to target other practitioners again.

As a result, the other party did not fight at all, and turned around and disappeared as soon as they saw something was wrong.

"Are all the lives here so timid?" Miejue did not chase, but came to a place of life.

Chen Feng frowned, but did not stop it at the first time, and also wanted to see if there would be any changes next.

Sure enough, the will of this side of the origin descended, condensed into a ball of light to block Miejue, and then flashed in front of Chen Feng again.

"Are you trying to communicate with me? I wonder what you will say?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

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