Eternal Existence

Chapter 5245 Replacement

Chen Feng knew that this was the feeling brought by the entire origin being under his control.

Of course, he has not yet completely controlled it. It will take some time. As long as he leaves some marks here, the two origins will become his own.

Compared with the cruel origins that he had mastered before, the origins in front of him are still relatively complete. Although there is no will, it is also easier to control.

"I didn't expect that there would be such a harvest. Such a large benefit belongs to me completely. The Gate of Origin will definitely not agree, right?" Chen Feng had such a thought in his mind.

But now he can't communicate with the Gate of Origin. Besides, the benefits have already been in his hands, so it's better to put them in the bag first.

However, Chen Feng also knew that things were not so easy. After all, there were still a lot of lives in this body, and he couldn't really take this origin away.

Let's not talk about whether he can do this. Even if he can do it, it will take a very long time to refine this origin.

In that case, wouldn't it reach the level of the Soul Emperor and the Real Emperor?

After thinking about this, Chen Feng had a headache again. Although he had occupied this origin, if he wanted to take the other party away, he had to break the other party into pieces and then put the pieces into other origins.

This was not what Chen Feng wanted to see. What Chen Feng needed was this complete origin.

So for the time being, with his own strength, he could only let this origin stay here.

In addition, there were the Hunyuan Above here, and they would not give up.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng was also constantly extending this origin with one of his tentacles, trying to quickly control everything.

At the same time, these fighting Hunyuan Above also noticed something was wrong. Although they did not immediately realize that the sky had changed, they then received the news conveyed by Chen Feng through this origin.

These Hunyuan Above were panicked, but after a short panic, they quickly returned to normal, and then gathered together and stopped fighting with Chen Feng and others, leaving this core area and coming to the void space in the origin.

Chen Feng noticed that although they gathered together, they did not return to their nests, rescue other lives, or choose to leave.

"Do you want to negotiate with me?" Chen Feng seemed to understand the other party's idea.

Sure enough, the other party really chose to negotiate with Chen Feng next.

In fact, after Chen Feng controlled this origin, they already knew that even if they tried their best, it would be useless.

Unless Chen Feng could be dealt with, otherwise, there was no way to get this origin back.

Besides, if Chen Feng could be dealt with, they would not have waited until now. Everyone had already seen Chen Feng's strength and means in the previous confrontation.

Although they were unwilling, they could only see the situation in front of them.

After some negotiations, the two sides finally reached some agreements.

This origin did fall into Chen Feng's hands, so these Hunyuan Above could only recognize the existence of Chen Feng as the new owner.

However, they hoped that Chen Feng would not destroy this origin and leave a quiet living environment for the life in it.

If Chen Feng did not agree, then at most they would die together. These Hunyuan Above would either mess up the entire origin or cut off a part of the origin area.

Chen Feng certainly knew that they were the threat behind him. Although he might not do so, he would not have the energy to struggle with them for a long time.

So Chen Feng could only choose to agree. Besides, it was hard to say how things would develop in the future.

Now he just wanted to stop and figure out the situation first. Anyway, this origin was under his control, and he could make some changes at any time in the future. As for dealing with other lives in this origin, Chen Feng had no such idea.

Moreover, so many Hunyuan were also a considerable force. Chen Feng also wanted to win them over, and they could play a role in the origin war in the future.

Chen Feng would naturally guard against them, but as time went on, Chen Feng's control over this origin would become more and more solid. After Chen Feng completely controlled this origin, it would not matter if the other party had any thoughts.

In fact, they were the ones who should be worried.

Since Chen Feng had taken down this origin, the third force before had become an opponent.

Chen Feng didn't care where the other party came from, and didn't care that they were allies before, but now this origin belonged to him.

Dozens of powerful Hunyuan Above are also a force that cannot be underestimated. Maybe there are backers behind them, but it doesn't matter.

Whether it is Chen Feng alone or this side of the origin, they can deal with these dozens of Hunyuan Above.

But Chen Feng still didn't take action, but directly drove the other side away.

Hearing that someone took over this side of the origin, these Hunyuan Above all showed incredible eyes. Some people expressed disbelief on the spot, but were soon suppressed by Chen Feng. Feeling the different breath from this side of the origin, these Hunyuan Above finally recognized the reality.

Although they were unwilling in their hearts, they also knew that now was not the time to fight hard, unless they could find more helpers.

At the same time, they were a little confused. Now that their side was at a disadvantage, why didn't the other side take action.

Is it soft-hearted? This is impossible. Could it be that both sides have fought to the point of both sides being injured.

Even if this is true, these above Hunyuan dare not take risks.

So these dozens of above Hunyuan chose to leave this origin.

"Things are not over yet, they will definitely come again, you should kill them all." Miejue and Tu Lu were a little puzzled by Chen Feng's decision.

"Leaving them behind will cause more trouble. Now I let them go, and it is also a signal. If they don't accept my goodwill, then we can fight again at that time. It's just dozens of above Hunyuan." Chen Feng said indifferently.

Although they had seen Chen Feng's methods a long time ago, they were still shocked when they personally participated in it this time and watched Chen Feng get an origin.

An origin, even the death clan only controls an origin.

"So I can't continue to kill next, it's really depressing." Since the origin fell into Chen Feng's hands, Miejue and Tu Lu certainly couldn't take action again.

"Let's give it a new name. When I walked out of the universe, I got the Savage Universe, so this origin will be called Savage Origin." Chen Feng recalled the scene when he just walked out of the universe. Although it was a very distant thing, it was still vivid in his mind.

The Hunyuan who had fought side by side with Chen Feng before were all mixed up when they learned that Chen Feng had taken over this origin.

It was impossible not to envy them, but it was incredible to think about it carefully. This was an origin, how could it suddenly fall into Chen Feng's hands.

Although they admitted that Chen Feng was powerful, things changed too fast.

However, from another perspective, Chen Feng's control of this origin meant that his side had won, which was a good thing.

In addition to these Hunyuan who had been following him, there were still some who were still in the origin.

Some people simply left the main force and did not want to fight hard in the next fight, while others had other plans and wanted to get the benefits alone.

And Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention to the other party, as long as the other party did not make a big mess.

After a while, the power of the Long River of Time really entered here. Without any obstacles, the Long River of Time can cover the entire origin.

This origin will become more perfect and powerful because of the Long River of Time, and the Long River of Time will naturally greatly improve its strength as it expands its territory.

Before this, the origins of the Gate of Time and Space had already done this, but their progress was not as fast as the Long River of Time.

"What does the Gate of Origin say?" Chen Feng asked.

"Congratulations, but you need to share some of the benefits." The Long River of Time said.

This was also within Chen Feng's expectations, but he was reluctant to cut off this origin, so he had to say: "I will discuss this with the Gate of Origin, and now I have not completely controlled this origin."

In fact, Chen Feng also had a plan, thinking that at worst he would take out other broken origins to the Gate of Origin.

Anyway, for the Gate of Origin, as long as it is an origin, it doesn't matter where it comes from.

The Long River of Time naturally wouldn't say anything, he just conveyed the meaning of the Gate of Origin, and the Long River of Time had already made enough benefits.

"Have you solved your opponent?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"No, the opponent is very strong, and has spread to many origins. Unless these origins can be eaten away little by little." Time Changhe said.

"It seems to be a long thing." Chen Feng nodded.

"But the war of Zerg Origin has not ended yet." Time Changhe told Chen Feng about the situation on the Zerg Origin side.

It turned out that after the Origin Gate and other reinforcements, the Zerg Origin did have the upper hand. It was originally thought that it could repel the opponent, but who knew that Guixu mobilized forces again, so the war fell into a stalemate.

"This is normal." Chen Feng understood that after all, it was a war of origins, and long-term battles were the most common.

So the Origin Gate needed manpower, so it began to recruit those Hunyuan above under Chen Feng.

Chen Feng did not refute this point. After all, those people were not his men, but the Origin Gate did not indicate that Chen Feng should go back, which satisfied Chen Feng.

In this situation, even if the Origin Gate asked, Chen Feng would not agree.

However, if all the manpower was transferred away at once, if something happened to this side of the Origin, then he would have to face it himself.

What's interesting is that in the face of the call of the Gate of Origin, some people actually chose to stay, which was considered a rejection of the Gate of Origin, which surprised Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng still didn't ask more about these.

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