Eternal Existence

Chapter 5223 Avenue of Life

"Is this the expert who came back from the battlefield?" Chen Feng said with a smile, stretched out his hand and grabbed, also holding a long sword to block the opponent's attack.

Then there was a flash of light, and the two sides could not fight each other, and for a while, there was no winner.

Although the swordsman's swordsmanship was not as sharp as other killing swordsmanship, it also contained continuous vitality and strong stamina, which brought some pressure to Chen Feng, making Chen Feng unable to free his hands for a while.

He could only fight with the opponent.

The Void God also dispersed the black cloud here, and also faced a cultivator.

This cultivator rushed out from the core area of ​​the life space and took out a magic weapon to stop the Void God.

However, the strength of the Void God was too strong. After a few rounds of fighting, the Void God repelled the opponent's magic weapon, rushed to the opponent, and directly tied the opponent with the void chain.

If two more cultivators had not appeared and tried to stop him, then this cultivator would really be severely injured by the Void God.

Even so, the God of Nothingness still has the upper hand.

"It turns out that there is no existence of the same level as me here." The God of Nothingness said with a smile.

Although this level of Hunyuan Above is powerful, and several people working together are also very impressive, they are still somewhat at a disadvantage in the face of a master like the God of Nothingness.

On the other side, Extinction and Slaughter fought with the two palms, and later it became a fight between the power of death and the power of life.

The power of death is indeed strong, but the power of life here is full of stamina and endless, and it is impossible to tell the winner for a while.

The Long River of Time, the Gate of Time and Space, the Source of Creation, the Wheel of Destruction, the Sword of the End, and other origins appeared one after another, and they were madly impacting in the life space, with unstoppable force. Several Hunyuan Above wanted to come out, but they were quickly torn to pieces.

Even if two local origins appeared, they were still killed and retreated step by step.

It seems that the Gate of Origin also knows that the other party is recalling its strength and knows that the current situation is very good, so it wants to take this opportunity to rush to the core area in one go.

After Chen Feng and the swordsman had a fight, he finally found an opportunity. A big hand stretched out from behind and grabbed the swordsman directly.

This big hand was formed by the power of Chen Feng's many avenues. It was extremely powerful. The swordsman was suppressed and a little breathless. He retreated quickly, but was directly hit by the sword of the end, and his body was almost split in the middle.

Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention to the other party. After grabbing several times with his big hand, he turned around and continued to move forward.

This swordsman was naturally also a practitioner in the origin of life. He also practiced the avenue of life, but his main body was the avenue of sword. It was not so easy for an existence of this level to deprive the other party of the avenue of life.

Chen Feng didn't want to delay too long on the other party, because Chen Feng also felt that the other party's reinforcements were about to arrive, and he didn't have so much time.

So Chen Feng used the power of the replication law and came to the avenue of life with an extension.

This avenue seemed to be only in the life space, but in Chen Feng's eyes, it spanned the entire origin of life, and the invisible branches spread throughout the origin area.

Just like the long river of time, the power of time permeates all corners and supports the operation of the entire origin.

Chen Feng did not hesitate and slashed down with a sword. The rich life force and the subtle laws in the sword light were slashed down one after another, and were quickly collected into Chen Feng's body the next moment.

If there were no other enemies and no suppression from this origin, Chen Feng could use the origin to slowly collect and refine this avenue.

But now it is impossible, so he can only intercept the power of the avenue of life little by little. Although it will cause damage, it doesn't matter to Chen Feng.

After all, the final result must be integrated into his own avenue.

Although it has not been refined and absorbed yet, the power of the avenue that has been slashed down has made Chen Feng's own avenue of life tremble.

So Chen Feng continued to swing the sword, slashing down three swords in succession, and a stream of energy seemed to be a whirlwind falling from the sky, rushing towards Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng had no choice but to swing the long sword to resist, but the sword light swung by Chen Feng was directly dispersed by the opponent.

Chen Feng even retreated again and again.

"What a strong force." Chen Feng was a little surprised, knowing that a master had come this time.

But where did the other party come from? He had already touched the Avenue of Life, and the other party just appeared. Could it be that he came from somewhere else?

Chen Feng thought in his heart, but the other party's attack was endless, just like a long river that never stopped, and Chen Feng was unable to fight back for a while.

It was not until the God of Nothingness sent out a force that helped Chen Feng to breathe.

Chen Feng immediately unfolded the sword formation to form a thick shield, and then he saw that the other party was actually a strange life, and the other party manipulated a long chaotic river.

"It's really a long river, and it was refined into a magic weapon by the other party." Chen Feng's eyes flickered, and he had already seen where the other party came from.

It turned out that this life was still above Hunyuan. From the strong life force in the other party's body, it can be seen that the other party belongs to this origin.

Just like this delay, a strong breath appeared almost out of thin air, not only locking Chen Feng and others, but also running through the life space, not only strengthening the stability of the life space, but also posing a threat to Chen Feng and others.

This origin finally mobilized some power.

"This should be transferred from the front line, right? Then will Guixu take advantage of it?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"If Guixu takes advantage, it should thank us." said the God of Nothingness.

"But we should also thank Guixu. I now hope that Guixu's power can be stronger, so that we can help delay more forces." Chen Feng said.

But what surprised Chen Feng was that most of those who came back were above Hunyuan.

There were only two origins, and they were stopped by the River of Time.

"Is there a small number of origins in this origin, or are they still fighting with Guixu?" Chen Feng actually wanted to believe the latter more, but since he came to the origin of life, he has encountered people above Hunyuan one after another, which still makes Chen Feng feel a little strange.

But it's not that there is no such type of origin. The spiritual origin that Chen Feng is familiar with is controlled by the Emperor of the Spirit. There are many above Hunyuan in the origin, but there is no origin.

In addition to the spiritual origin, Chen Feng has also come into contact with other similar origins. When everyone joined forces to besiege the real origin, one origin sent out a large number of Hunyuan Above.

It is not that the strength of Hunyuan Above is weak, but relatively speaking, Hunyuan Above is not as good as the origin.

However, although the origin is powerful, the number is rare, which is not as good as Hunyuan Above.

If the number of Hunyuan Above is large enough, it can also divide the origin, not to mention that the best of Hunyuan Above can fight against the origin alone.

The strength of the Hunyuan Above is very strong, and it is also considered a master among the Hunyuan Above. Dozens of them came out at once, which is still very impactful.

At least Chen Feng is entangled now and can no longer take action to cut off the Avenue of Life.

The other party saw Chen Feng's actions and did not say anything. He just rushed over with four people and formed a simple battle formation to besiege Chen Feng.

"Only four opponents? Not enough." Chen Feng used the clone method again, only to see the copy law appear around Chen Feng and keep rotating, and the phantom of the Avenue behind Chen Feng also kept emerging.

One clone after another rushed out quickly.

This was the second time that Chen Feng used this method. He was more skilled than before, but this time there was no blessing from the Gate of Origin, so Chen Feng needed to consume his own strength.

It was still very consuming for so many clones to act together.

Even though Chen Feng had the Origin, he felt a little distressed, but when he thought about the gains this time, it was worth paying some price.

Seeing Chen Feng release so many clones in one breath, the four Hunyuan were also shocked, and then they were drowned.

Although these four were very strong, they were not as good as the previous Wanjie Emperor after all.

In this case, even if there were a few more opponents, they would not be able to rush to Chen Feng.

Another clone walked out of Chen Feng's body. This clone did not participate in the battle, but walked towards the Avenue of Life with a long sword in hand.

This was Chen Feng's life clone.

It took only a few steps for the life clone to reach the Avenue of Life. A crack appeared when the long sword was drawn, and then it went straight into the Avenue of Life.

Chen Feng was still a little risky in doing this. Either he could take the opportunity to gain enough benefits, or his life clone would dissolve in the Avenue of Life.

It was just a clone. Even if it melted, Chen Feng could condense it again.

Chen Feng was not idle either. After the life clone entered the Avenue of Life, Chen Feng also kept urging his own Avenue of Life. Before the cooperation of the Devouring Technique, he began to plunder near the Avenue of Life.

Chen Feng's life clone went in quickly and came out quickly, still holding a long sword and grabbing a stream of air in his hand.

In a short time, Chen Feng's clone was still saturated and absorbed enough life energy. If it continued, it might burst itself, but it still cut off a piece of life energy.

Chen Feng directly let this clone enter the Avenue of Life, and then his Avenue of Life began to boil.

Chen Feng's mana cultivation rose steadily.

Then two more life clones came out, one holding a sword and the other holding a spear, and entered the Avenue of Life at the same time.

It has to be said that this Avenue of Life is too huge, and Chen Feng's current strength can only be eaten away bit by bit.

After these two clones came out, Chen Feng's Avenue of Life also reached a limit, which made Chen Feng a little emotional.

I still overestimated myself and underestimated this avenue.

In a short period of time, my life avenue can only carry so much, and I need enough time to slowly refine and absorb it.

Moreover, although this life avenue is very strong, Chen Feng's means are not impossible to collect it directly, such as using the origin to cover, or using the replication law and other origin magic weapons to cooperate.

However, this life avenue is integrated with the entire origin. Unless Chen Feng has the ability to collect all the origins, he can only compromise and use the dumbest way to get benefits.

"Anyway, I have a lot of origins and magic weapons. Give me time and I can get enough benefits." Chen Feng's idea is also simple. Even if he extracts one percent of this avenue, it will be enough.

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