Eternal Existence

Chapter 5224: Plunder and Cut

Although the extraction speed is very slow, it is still beneficial enough for Chen Feng.

"It's a pity that such a great way of life is lost. If it can fall completely into my hands, then I will directly enter the realm above Hunyuan, and can also perfectly control other origins." The more Chen Feng came into contact with this avenue, the more shocked he was.

This avenue of life is indeed the foundation of the entire origin of life. His current strength is not enough to fight against a powerful and complete origin.

Unless it is besieged and collapsed by multiple forces like the real origin at the beginning, but in that case, he can only get a part of the avenue of life.

Therefore, extracting a little bit of the power of life is the most correct choice. At worst, you can look for opportunities later.

"This time I just take advantage of some things." Chen Feng felt this way.

Although he has the God of Nothingness and the Gate of Origin, which can resist the existence of flood origins, in addition to the origin of life, there are other powerful origins around, and there is also Guixu staring at him.

Chen Feng doesn't want to mobilize all his forces to deal with this origin, and then let other forces take advantage of it.

It's just that Chen Feng thinks so, not that his allies do the same.

Of course, Extinction and Slaughter wanted to exterminate all the lives here to fulfill their own death path, and the God of Nothingness also wanted to devour all the life energy here.

As for the Gate of Origin, if there is a chance, they would like to devour the entire origin.

Moreover, the power that the Gate of Origin burst out is also incomparable to Chen Feng, so Chen Feng just thought about how things would develop next and would know after the fight.

"I want to see how many powerful Hunyuans there are in this sealed origin, and whether there are any beings that reach the level of the God of Nothingness?" In Chen Feng's opinion, since there are relatively few origins here, the level above Hunyuan must be extraordinary. Since it maintains the scale of a powerful origin, it is impossible to be just more than Hunyuans.

There must be several strongest opponents sitting there.

Chen Feng's guess is correct, because there really is a stronger existence.

It seems that the opponent is also in the realm of Hunyuan, but he can fight with the God of Nothingness for a short time head-on.

One-on-one is indeed still not the opponent of the God of Nothingness, but when two beings of this level appear, they can completely entangle the God of Nothingness.

The Gate of Space and the Sword of the End also encountered masters who could stop them.

It can be said that the entire life space is becoming more and more chaotic, and the rich life energy here has become a violent storm that can tear life apart.

In this case, Chen Feng needs to spend more effort to collect this energy.

However, Chen Feng no longer cares about these simple life energies, but is still extracting the power of the Great Dao of Life.

Who knows that he will definitely be blocked, so he will take as much as he can get out.

In order to buy time, Chen Feng has paid a great price. When there are more people above Hunyuan who come to stop him, Chen Feng continues to release his clones to resist.

In this process, some origin power or burning of some origin fragments are naturally required.

Later, Chen Feng was also a little distressed about the consumption of the origin fragments, and he directly infused the plundered life energy into them.

In this way, the speed of Chen Feng's clone condensation was actually accelerated.

Some of the previously expanded Great Dao of Life was also relieved. Chen Feng realized something, and even directly broke some of the branches from the Great Dao of Life that were suppressed before and condensed them into clones.

In this way, the strength of the clones also became stronger.

Chen Feng released dozens of clones one after another.

At this point, it can be said that Chen Feng has reached a limit, and no matter his origin or some magic weapons, they have also been implicated, either suppressing something or releasing power to participate in the battle.

It can be said that the combat power that Chen Feng can burst out at this time has also reached the level of the Void God.

Finally, the two strongest masters surpassed Chen Feng's blockade and came to Chen Feng.

It's not that Chen Feng didn't want to stop him, but the combat power of these clones released by Chen Feng was still a little low, and he couldn't stop the opponent at all. Seeing several clones being killed by the opponent, Chen Feng was also a little distressed.

He had to let the opponent come over and fight in person.

But before fighting with the opponent, Chen Feng quickly released two clones and entered the Avenue of Life.

These two clones are different from those released before, but they are transformed from the magic weapons and weapons that Chen Feng has refined in the past.

With the same powerful combat power, entering the Avenue of Life at this time is also an opportunity to gain benefits.

Chen Feng didn't do this before because it was a bit risky, but now Chen Feng couldn't care less.

"Stop it quickly and I can spare your life." One of the Hunyuan above held a halberd, and brought Chen Feng an unbearable pressure right from the start.

Chen Feng grabbed a long sword to resist, and the two sides' weapons clashed, and the powerful force made Chen Feng tremble all over.

You should know that Chen Feng's strongest body is his physical body, and the weapon in his hand is not simple. Under this situation, he still can't resist the opponent's impact.

Before the two sides changed their moves, another Hunyuan above came to kill, and the opponent's means were different. He urged a silk ribbon similar to a silk thread, which was very flexible and used to restrain Chen Feng's every move.

As long as Chen Feng is not careful, he will be tied up by the opponent, and the opponent's magic weapons seem to be of high quality. Chen Feng is not sure that he can break free in the first time after being tied up, so he will be at the mercy of others.

So Chen Feng also exerted his magic to the extreme, but this is also the opponent's territory. When Chen Feng is affected, the opponent will be blessed by the origin of life.

Under this situation, Chen Feng's magic did not overwhelm the opponent. Fortunately, Chen Feng has many means and strong explosive power. With the backing of the origin, these two above the Hunyuan are powerful, but they dare not force too much, for fear that Chen Feng will fight desperately and cause a situation where both sides will suffer.

"We are invaders, and these two do not have the courage to fight to the death, so their fighting power is naturally greatly reduced." Chen Feng despised the other party in his heart.

Since he has participated, he must do his best. Just thinking about entangled himself gave him time to breathe.

Through the previous confrontation, Chen Feng also noticed that these practitioners in the origin of life have one thing in common.

That is, no matter what kind of skills they practice, even some war skills with strong explosive power, because of the practice of the Great Dao of Life, their vitality is very abundant, and they have a lot of stamina in the battle, which is endless.

Once they are entangled by the opponent, if they cannot repel the opponent in the shortest time, then they will be in trouble.

The opponent holding the halberd in front of him looks very fierce and explosive, but he did not stop in the middle. If the opponent did not fight desperately, then Chen Feng's situation would be really bad.

Even now, Chen Feng does not have extra power to pay attention to other situations. It was not until he had another clone that Chen Feng realized that the opponent might have another helper.

Chen Feng's thoughts turned quickly, and suddenly he burst out with all his strength, temporarily repelling two opponents, and then used the fastest means to collect all his clones.

There were several more Hunyuan above around Chen Feng, and all the weapons he held were top-notch.

These masters rushed up, and even the God of Nothingness could not resist.

Chen Feng activated the replication law and entered the Great Dao of Life in just a flash.

Those helpers were naturally very anxious when they saw Chen Feng's behavior, but they still quickly chased after him.

"Entering the avenue is also seeking death." One of them said so.

"You still have to be careful. I think the other party has also cultivated the avenue of life. Maybe it will lead to some unimaginable changes."

These natives in the origin of life are different from Chen Feng. After entering the avenue of life, they not only did not block him, but found the guidance of the avenue and quickly locked Chen Feng's position.

There is no need to spend much effort, the tentacles of the avenue of life will move these mixed primordial above to Chen Feng.

So Chen Feng was stopped before he went far, and in the blink of an eye, he was surrounded tightly.

"Not good, entering this place is not a good choice." Chen Feng secretly cried out that it was not good, but since he was here, it would not be so easy to rush out.

"This is the foundation of the entire origin of life. Aren't you afraid of a war that will cause the entire origin to collapse?" Chen Feng threatened.

"If it were so easy, our origin of life would not have been passed down to the present." The Hunyuan holding the halberd sneered, and then stirred up the wind and clouds in all directions with one move. With the great blessing of life, the combat power of this Hunyuan has been greatly improved.

The ribbon was divided into countless silk threads, which first blocked all directions, and then began to advance layer by layer, looking like they wanted to catch the turtle in the jar.

"You underestimated me too." Chen Feng said and tried his best. The two sides fought fiercely for several rounds, and Chen Feng was somewhat at a disadvantage.

The opponent became more and more fierce, and Chen Feng had to bear the pressure of this life avenue. Although Chen Feng also tried his best to stimulate his own life avenue and the opponent's induction, the invader was an invader after all, and he could not get the favor of this life avenue at all.

Then there were two more opponents. When the opponent came, they also blocked all directions. After all, they also knew that Chen Feng was not so easy to kill, so they just sealed Chen Feng here, so that even if Chen Feng had great means, it would not work.

In desperation, Chen Feng had to summon the clone he had put in before.

With the arrival of the clone, Chen Feng took the opportunity to break through a gap and rushed out.

But Chen Feng had just taken a breath, and the energy around him was rolling, and countless tentacles formed ropes crisscrossed, and there was a strong life force gathering here, forming a cage in the blink of an eye to wrap Chen Feng tightly.

And this power was still constantly compressed, Chen Feng knew that it was the Avenue of Life that took action.

"My clones didn't get treated like this before, it seems that they want to lure me in, I didn't expect the Avenue of Life to calculate." This thought flashed through Chen Feng's mind.

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