Eternal Existence

Chapter 5222: Life Space

"It is indeed our chance." Chen Feng also knew that opportunities were rare, and he was good at doing this kind of thing in the past.

But can things be so easy?

According to what Tu Lu said before, the origin of life is still very powerful, and it is impossible for all masters to fight. There are always some who have to stay in the life space.

However, since we have arrived here, even if there are masters, we have to fight.

Tu Lu is more familiar with this origin, and quickly locked the location of the life space.

Chen Feng and the God of Nothingness will naturally not be idle. They directly put their speed to the extreme and arrived at the life space soon.

Sure enough, Chen Feng felt the extremely rich life force, and his life avenue began to stir.

"It is indeed a good place." Chen Feng had some premonitions. As long as he gained something here, his life avenue would break through, and then it would affect other avenues he practiced. Then, whether it is mana or cultivation, it will rise steadily.

Even the God of Nothingness is very interested. For most practitioners, life force is the most important.

Even a person at the level of the God of Nothingness can feel the benefits that the life force in front of him can bring to him.

Just when they wanted to break through the barrier in front of them and enter the life space, the will from this origin came directly.

The other party did not launch the attack first, but warned Chen Feng and his friends to leave.

This also shows that this origin does not have the absolute power to deal with Chen Feng and his friends at this time.

"It's so hard to find such a treasure land, how can I go back like this, unless I can achieve what I want." Chen Feng said with a smile.

The origin of life naturally understood that these intruders had bad intentions and it was not so easy to leave, so it launched a will attack, but was blocked by the will of the Gate of Origin.

The appearance of the Gate of Origin shocked this origin, and it realized that these intruders came prepared.

So this origin of life began to mobilize more forces to stop them.

Through the simple communication with the origin of life just now, it has already felt that the Gate of Origin is an existence of the same level as itself, and now it has broken into its core area. If it can't resist, then it will be severely damaged.

At that time, it may be driven straight into Guixu.

At this time, the origin of life had even guessed that Chen Feng and his companions came from Guixu, or were instructed by Guixu.

If the Gate of Origin had not appeared, the origin of life would only regard Chen Feng and his companions as simple adventurers, but the situation would be different if the origin got involved.

So the origin of life became cautious at the first time.

Chen Feng also knew this, so he immediately chose to take action, directly using the strongest means to break through the previous obstacles, and rushed directly into the life space.

Chen Feng immediately felt the stronger life force and the avenue of life that existed here.

The avenue of life that Chen Feng cultivated was completely different from that of the other party.

After all, Chen Feng's avenue of life was only the foundation of himself, just like other avenues, but the avenue of life in front of him supported the powerful origin of the whole party.

"If I can get this avenue, I wonder if my body can bear it?" Chen Feng had such a thought instead.

Then Chen Feng compared the avenue of life with the law of replication. Although the two categories were different, in Chen Feng's opinion, the levels of the two should be similar.

The law of replication involves more, while the Avenue of Life dominates life, but it can also affect other avenues of different attributes.

"I want this Avenue of Life." Chen Feng said immediately.

Even if this life cannot be completely extracted, a part of it can be taken out and integrated into one's own Avenue of Life, which can also play a role in destruction.

This Avenue of Life completely seduced Chen Feng, and Chen Feng was excited and rushed forward at the first time.

"It must be so easy to collect this avenue." The God of Nothingness said with a smile, releasing countless runes around him. As soon as these runes appeared, the God of Nothingness felt that they did not originate from this place.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. It was the first time he saw the God of Nothingness use this method. He guessed what the God of Nothingness would do next.

As a result, Chen Feng did not guess what the God of Nothingness did. It was not a blockade or an attack, but began to affect the void in the life space.

As countless runes merged into the void, the surrounding space began to vibrate.

As the space vibrated, cracks appeared one after another, and these cracks could actually absorb the life energy here.

"Who dares to come here to make trouble?" Chen Feng encountered an obstructionist. This cultivator actually had a pair of divine wings similar to Chen Feng. He flapped them slightly and came in front of Chen Feng, and then a sharp cutting force swept towards Chen Feng.

"So fast."

Chen Feng shook his body, trying to avoid the opponent's attack, but who knew that the opponent's attack was continuous, with countless lines intertwined together, covering Chen Feng like a dense net.

It seemed that he wanted to tear Chen Feng into pieces.

Even if Chen Feng's chaotic body could withstand such an attack, he would not resist it head-on, but he did not want to compete with the opponent in speed. He only saw a ball of sword light exploded from Chen Feng's hand, turning into a sticky sword light and impacting all around. The cultivator retreated again and again, and the intertwined space lines had already been shattered.

"You are strong, but you are not my opponent." Chen Feng took a step forward and arrived in front of the opponent. The sword light turned into a torrent of sword energy and rushed over.

The cultivator resisted with all his strength, but was pushed back repeatedly. As a result, Chen Feng punched out from the sword light and directly pushed the cultivator back repeatedly.

Just when Chen Feng wanted to take advantage of the situation to attack, two more cultivators appeared, one on the left and one on the right.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. He thought that the one who stayed behind was the origin level, but who knew that it was some above the Hunyuan.

Although the strength is not bad, it is far from being compared with the existence of the Time River.

These two people seem to be from the same lineage, but in Chen Feng's opinion, the opponent's sofa means are not strong, but the foundation of life is very solid, after all, it is practiced in the life space.

According to Chen Feng's speculation, even if the opponent is broken by himself, he can quickly reshape his body with the power of life.

In other words, Chen Feng's life avenue is not as good as these two in front of him.

"In this case, I can't collect the life avenue here. If I can solve a few powerful Hunyuan above and plunder their life foundation, the effect will be the same." Chen Feng thought to himself.

So Chen Feng directly released the vortex origin to cover the two practitioners.

"Don't miss the benefits that come to your door." Chen Feng said with a smile, mobilizing more power to suppress the other party.

Speaking of which, these two were also careless. They didn't expect Chen Feng to use this method. Otherwise, even if they were not Chen Feng's opponents, they would not be easily defeated in a simple fight.

Chen Feng was fighting with Hunyuan above, and the Gate of Origin was also erupting. The Gate of Origin resisted the will of the Origin of Life, but the River of Time and other origins rushed out and plundered the life energy here.

As for Extinction and Slaughter, they had already discussed it and joined forces to deal with the practitioners here.

For them, solving some lives is better than devouring the life energy here.

The two sides started fighting, a mess, and it was earth-shattering. Fortunately, the scale of the life space was large and the space was stable, otherwise it would have been broken long ago, and even so, it would not last long.

"It seems that there are no other adventurers." Chen Feng felt a little strange.

After all, the energy in the origin of life is more precious than the real origin. It stands to reason that there should be many adventurers coming to take advantage of the opportunity to grab the benefits.

The life space should not be too difficult to find.

"Everyone, be careful. There should be more powerful beings here." Chen Feng said to the God of Nothingness.

"Even if there is a real emperor here, we must continue to plunder the benefits." The God of Nothingness didn't care.

He has been trying to grab the benefits since entering this space, and even if the other party has a master, he didn't show up at the first time. Even if he leaves now, this trip will not be in vain.

More than a dozen people above the Hunyuan jumped out one after another. Although they are strong, they are useless and were soon beaten to death or injured.

Chen Feng successfully suppressed two people above the Hunyuan, and in the following battle, he blew up a cultivator, extracted the life avenue in the other party's body, washed it directly with the power imprint, and then threw it into the origin furnace for condensation.

In this way, it won't take long to directly integrate into Chen Feng's life path, but Chen Feng's life path is extremely important. Even if it is plundered, it must be carefully refined and absorbed after there are no hidden dangers.

So even if Chen Feng collected the life energy and life law this time, he only suppressed it.

The bad thing is that it needs to restrain part of Chen Feng's strength.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Feng relied on his own origins, so he didn't worry too much.

The fastest is still the power of time, which constantly erodes wherever it passes. Once it is contaminated with time. Then it becomes the territory of the long river of time.

"Be careful, a master is back." At this time, the Gate of Origin notified Chen Feng and others.

Then a beam of sword light came from outside and entered the life space without being blocked. The sword light was just a stream of light at first, but then it exploded and turned into thousands of threads to cover Chen Feng.

Before Chen Feng and the other party fought, a little black light burst out from the depths of the life space, like a pot of thick ink dissolving in clear water, and also turned into a black mist to cover the God of Nothingness.

This was not over yet. Two more hands appeared silently, and the next moment they tore apart the power of time, and then grabbed at Extinction and Slaughter at the same time.

"He is really a master." Chen Feng waved his hand, and the sword formation was compressed, turning into a long sword, sweeping fiercely, and the sword energy silk net was instantly shattered.

But the next moment a swordsman came in front of Chen Feng and stabbed Chen Feng's forehead with a sword.

This sword was neither fast nor slow, but it firmly locked Chen Feng's mind and will. It seemed that once it succeeded, it would be able to kill Chen Feng's body and soul together.

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