Eternal Existence

Chapter 519 The situation is not good

"So many spiritual medicines!"

"The spiritual energy here is so abundant, several times richer than the back mountain of our sect."

"I saw a spiritual medicine with a 6,000-year-old medicinal age."

Before landing, Chen Feng and others exclaimed. They had just come out of the poisonous miasma and suddenly encountered such a rich spiritual energy. They were really a little bit uncomfortable.

"There are so many spiritual medicines here. This time the harvest is too great. It seems that the day when I will impact the heavenly realm is not far away." Lei Feng said with a smile after landing on the ground and collecting a spiritual medicine with a 5,000-year-old medicinal age.

"In this case, what are you still standing there for? Hurry up and do it."

Chen Feng released his metal combat puppet. Now Chen Feng regrets that he must take time to refine more metal puppets in the future, so that he can save a lot of time in the future. For example, now, although this metal puppet collects spiritual medicines slowly, it does not stop and acts completely according to Chen Feng's instructions.

"Everyone, be careful. Since there are so many spiritual medicines here, there must be dangers. I wonder what level of demon is here?"

Although Chen Feng was also collecting spiritual medicines on the ground, he was also carefully observing the movements around him.

"Haha, here is a fire condensed flower with an age of 8,000 years. It has actually been cultivated into a spirit. It must not leave the main body too far." Mu Qingfeng excitedly grabbed a half-foot-sized grass spirit and hit it directly into a fiery red spiritual medicine. Then the spiritual medicine immediately emitted a strong flame. Chen Feng knew that this was a spiritual medicine that had become a spirit, but the main body could not transform, and there was no definite way to cultivate, so it could only become the most ordinary spirit.

"I also found a seven-year-old Dulong ginseng, but the spirit that can be cultivated is too weak."

"I just don't know if there are spiritual medicines with an age of more than 10,000 years here. If there are, one can make me advance."

Suddenly, Chen Feng slowed down the speed of collecting spiritual medicines, and kept strolling on the ground, as if observing something.

"Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Xuanjin asked curiously.

"Nothing!" Chen Feng waved his hand and slammed his palm on the ground. The hard ground immediately cracked, and a stream of more concentrated spiritual energy emanated from the crack.

"It is indeed like this." Chen Feng nodded and made another move. The cracks on the ground began to grow larger and deeper. Then Chen Feng performed the Heaven-Swallowing Absorption Technique. He grabbed the cracks on the ground with his palm, and then a trace of water vapor emerged from the soil below, and finally condensed into a water ball and fell into Chen Feng's hand.

"It is indeed like this. I said there are so many spiritual medicines here. It turns out that the spiritual energy in the air is part of it. Another reason is that there is a spiritual spring underground. I just don't know if the spiritual spring underground is a branch of the huge spiritual stone mine?" Chen Feng thought to himself.

"There is a spiritual spring underground." Lei Feng immediately understood when he saw Chen Feng's actions.

"That's right, otherwise the spiritual medicine here wouldn't be so vigorous." Chen Feng accelerated the absorption speed, and a stream of spiritual liquid was continuously collected into the Longevity Tower. Chen Feng opened a pool around the medicine field, and the spiritual liquid fell into the pool and became a spiritual pool.

"Haha, there are so many spiritual medicines here!"

Just when Chen Feng and others were collecting spiritual medicines, Yang Jitian and others actually flew over. Although they were a little surprised to see Chen Feng and others, they were attracted by the large number of spiritual medicines. This kind of spiritual medicine with a medicinal age of thousands of years is very attractive to these cultivators who have not cultivated to the human immortal realm.

"Yang Jitian and others are here, and they are so fast."

"What can we do, there are so many spiritual medicines here." Zhang Xuanjin and Mu Qingfeng looked at each other and felt a little bad. It would be too painful if these spiritual medicines were divided by others.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Yang Jitian waved his hand, and sword energy was inserted into the ground, and soon a piece of vigorous spiritual medicine was circled.

"These spiritual medicines are mine. Whoever dares to collect one will die." Yang Jitian said domineeringly.

Mu Qingfeng and his companions looked a little unhappy. There were at least thousands of spiritual herbs in the circle of Yangjitian, among which hundreds were over 5,000 years old. It could be said that this was the best area of ​​spiritual herbs in this area.

"Yangjitian, we found these spiritual herbs first. What's the point of you interfering?" Lei Feng shouted.

"Hahaha, don't say you haven't collected them yet, even the spiritual herbs on you have to be called out to me." Yangjitian sneered.

"That depends on whether you have the ability." Lei Feng waved his hand and played the long-brewing Lei Yuan Gong. The rolling thunder and lightning were like thunder from the sky, bombarding Yangjitian.

"Last time, we didn't decide the winner. This time, I will teach you a lesson. What are you waiting for? Don't you see Chen Feng is here too? That magic weapon must have fallen into Chen Feng's hands. The spiritual herbs here are divided equally, but whoever grabs the magic weapon on Chen Feng's body will own it," Yangjitian shouted to other cultivators while resisting Lei Feng's attack.

This time, there were more than a dozen cultivators who appeared with Yangjitian. All of them had high cultivation bases, otherwise they would not have been able to get here. Seeing so many spiritual medicines, they were already jealous. However, after hearing what Yangjitian said, several of them immediately turned their eyes to Chen Feng. At this time, everyone remembered that Chen Feng did enter the blood lake, but Chen Feng did not appear after the lake water disappeared. At that time, only a blood-red glass bead flew away from the bottom of the lake. Chen Feng suddenly appeared again. This situation had to make these cultivators have some associations.

"Chen Feng, hand over that magic weapon, and I will spare your life." First, a person rushed towards Chen Feng, and thousands of silk lights besieged Chen Feng from all directions. This person wanted to capture Chen Feng alive, because this cultivator had heard of Chen Feng's deeds and had long guessed that Chen Feng had treasures.

"Junior Brother Chen, take Junior Brother Mu and the others away first, leave this to me." Lei Feng shouted in a hurry. In Lei Feng's opinion, Chen Feng and the other two would definitely suffer if they fought. Even if he was not the opponent's opponent, it would be easy to get away if he stayed. After all, he was a cultivator of the ninth level of heaven and man. He thought that the other party would not fight him hard if he fought desperately.

"It's not impossible to leave, but you have to hand over the space bag on your body." Shangguan Hong stepped forward and sneered.

"Don't think about leaving alive. If you offend our Jiuxiao Palace, it's useless to escape to the ends of the earth." At this time, Yan Qing rushed over with a group of cultivators. This time, Yan Qing's side was much stronger. Not only the cultivators of Jiuxiao Palace, but also the cultivators of Zixiao Palace, Lingxiao Palace and some other forces. The number of people alone has exceeded that of Yangjitian and others.

"Chen Feng is the person we Jiuxiao Palace must arrest. Do you have any opinions?" Yan Qing said angrily.

"Hmph, this kid has also offended me. Whoever catches him first will be the one." Although Yangjitian said this, his hands were not slow, and he once again gained the upper hand in the fight with Lei Feng.

This situation made Lei Feng very depressed. To be honest, the realms of the two were not much different, but he could not resist the attack of Yangjitian's cutting sword energy in the two fights.

While Yan Qing was talking, Chen Feng and the cultivator were still fighting. This person was a cultivator of the seventh level of heaven and man. Chen Feng relied on the holy weapon to fight with the opponent for several rounds, and the two did not distinguish the upper and lower, but this situation angered Yan Qing. Yan Qing stretched out his hand and took the fire bow in Yan Huo's hand. This fire bow is a holy weapon. The power exerted in Yan Qing's hands is much stronger than that in Yan Huo's hands.

A thick rocket shot at the two people who were fighting at a very fast speed. Chen Feng was surprised to feel this destructive breath, but before he could dodge, the cultivator who was fighting with him suddenly exploded and turned into a sky full of fire.

"What a powerful attack, but this guy seems to be attacking randomly." Chen Feng was a little strange in his heart. He didn't understand why Yan Qing did this. Could it be that the attack direction was wrong?

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Three more rockets attacked the cultivators around Chen Feng in succession. These cultivators also had ideas about Chen Feng, but they hadn't had time to act. At this time, seeing the cultivator who first attacked Chen Feng was killed, and now the attack fell on themselves, these cultivators were immediately angry and furious. However, although the speed of this attack was not slow, it was much weaker than the previous attack, and everyone easily dodged it.

"Yan Qing, what are you doing? What's wrong with you?" One of the cultivators of Tianchi Sect couldn't help shouting.

"I said just now that Chen Feng is the person we Jiuxiao Palace want to capture. Even if he dies, he must die in our hands. If any of you dare to interfere again, don't blame us for being rude." Yan Qing sneered.

"Hey, you Jiuxiao Palace are too domineering."

"Hahaha, we are so domineering. If any of you are dissatisfied, just take action, take action, and capture Chen Feng."

Although everyone was unhappy, the power of the three parties in Jiuxiao Palace was too strong. Even if everyone united, they could only avoid it.

"The situation is not good. So many people came." Chen Feng's heart moved, and the whole person disappeared in the space, but as soon as a thick rocket broke through the space, Chen Feng was forced out in the first time.

"Hmph, Chen Feng, although you have a few holy weapons on you, your cultivation is too low, and you can't stop my attack at all. You should hand over all the holy weapons on your body, and then go back to Jiuxiao Palace with us, so that you can save your life." Yan Qing said proudly.

"I can still live after going to your Jiuxiao Palace. You really treat people as fools." Chen Feng couldn't help but sneer.

"As long as you have a good attitude, maybe we in Jiuxiao Palace won't kill you, but will just lock you up. You must have heard of the saying, it's better to live a miserable life than to die. The choice is simple, isn't it?"

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