Eternal Existence

Chapter 520 Four-Elephant Sword Formation

"It's really simple, but I won't die today, it's you who will die." Chen Feng said as the black and white sword light suddenly rose around him, and then he rushed towards Yan Qing's group of cultivators under the sword light.

Everyone was very surprised. Everyone thought Chen Feng would escape, but they didn't expect Chen Feng to do the opposite. He attacked so many cultivators on Yan Qing's side alone, which was simply a suicidal act.

"Sword Qi Storm!" Chen Feng made a move, and it was a big move right at the beginning, but everyone didn't expect that Chen Feng was not attacking Yan Qing and others, but the cultivators who surrounded Mu Qingfeng and Zhang Xuanjin. Under Chen Feng's sword Qi storm, these cultivators didn't die, but they also rolled out with blood all over their bodies.

Then Chen Feng controlled the flying warship to put the two people in it. The flying warship burst out with powerful power and began to rush out to the periphery.

"You go first, it's too dangerous here." Chen Feng shouted. Although Mu Qingfeng and the others had good cultivation, they were still not good enough in this environment. If they didn't leave, they would easily die in the next fight.

Seeing this situation, some cultivators tried to stop them, but even if one or two cultivators tried their best, they couldn't stop the collision of the holy weapon.

"Brother Lei, it seems that there are only two of us left." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's good. There is no worry. It's just right to kill people." Lei Feng said with a smile.

"What a joke. I'm afraid you can't kill anyone today." Yang Jitian sneered.

"Yeah, then let me show you how I kill people." Lei Feng said, and a ball of lightning suddenly exploded on his body. The powerful explosive force made Yang Jitian retreat a few steps, and then Lei Feng's figure shook and rushed towards another cultivator.

"Thunder wave attack!"


The cultivator was shattered by the attack of thunder and lightning. The man who came with Yang Jitian just now was a cultivator with a weaker cultivation base, only the seventh level of heaven and man, and he was also a casual cultivator. Under Lei Feng's attack, there was only one way to go.


Although he killed one person, Lei Feng was also cut by Yangjitian's sword energy. It was just a superficial wound. Lei Feng practiced the Thunder Yuan Gong, and his body was very strong. He just shook a few times, and the wound on his body healed without even a scar.

"Lei Feng, you really pissed me off. You are looking for death." Yangjitian was furious.

"Yangjitian, you guys can't even deal with Lei Feng, right? Do you want us to help?" Yan Qing laughed.

"No need, you guys should deal with Chen Feng first." Yangjitian sneered.

"Don't worry, Chen Feng will definitely not get away, everyone, do it."

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Following Yan Qing's shout, four cultivators immediately flew around and occupied the corners. Then, the four cultivators cast spells in their hands, and a transparent barrier in the shape of a bowl enveloped everyone. The influences of Azure Dragon, Vermillion Bird, White Tiger, and Black Tortoise appeared on the barrier. The powerful force made everyone in the barrier feel terrified, as if the sky was about to fall.

"Four Symbols Barrier!"

"Yan Qing, what are you doing? Are you trying to deal with us?"

"Although you have more people, a fight will only result in losses for both sides."

"Haha, don't worry, everyone. We are only targeting Chen Feng. As long as we catch Chen Feng, we will cancel the Four Symbols Barrier." Yan Qing said with a smile.

"The Four Symbols Barrier cast by the four eighth-level Heavenly Man cultivators contains four different powerful attributes. If you want to rush out, you may need to exert all your strength to activate the two swords of life and death or the Demon Sealing Sword. The Four-Directional Spirit Whip will not be taken out for the time being. After all, it is the magic weapon of Zixiao Palace. Don't let anything go wrong." Chen Feng quickly considered the situation in front of him.

"Three ninth-level Heavenly Man cultivators, in addition to the four who set up the formation, there are two eighth-level Heavenly Man cultivators, five seventh-level Heavenly Man cultivators, and four sixth-level Heavenly Man cultivators. Tsk tsk, these three sects are indeed powerful, but the aura of three of them is not strong. They should be independent cultivators who have defected. Let's deal with these three first."

"Do it." Following Yan Qing's command, the four sixth-level Heavenly Man cultivators surrounded Chen Feng and launched an attack, while Yan Huo held the Fire Gathering Bow and locked Chen Feng firmly from a distance. As long as he found Chen Feng's flaws, he would immediately launch an attack.

"They actually let these four weakest cultivators take action." Chen Feng sneered in his heart. He originally thought that Yan Qing would take action directly, but now it seems that things are developing in a good direction.

"Four-Elephant Sword Formation!"

Four long swords with different attributes attacked Chen Feng almost at the same time. The four long swords were fast and slow, strong and weak, hard and soft, but they cooperated with each other tacitly without any flaws.

"It's actually a sword formation. Look at my longevity swordsmanship." Although Chen Feng was surprised, he could only cheer up to deal with it.

"Swordsmanship of Life!"

Facing the attack of four sixth-level Tianren cultivators, Chen Feng felt a strong pressure. If it weren't for the fact that the Sword of Life in his hand was a holy weapon, I'm afraid Chen Feng would be defeated in one round. Chen Feng used the swordsmanship of life at the beginning in order to find the flaws of the opponent's sword formation.

"The first formation of the Four-Elephant Sword Formation, the Azure Dragon Spits Pearls!"

"Brother Yan, Chen Feng is just alone. There are so many of us, and there are ninth-level Tianren cultivators. We can just go forward and capture them. Why waste this time?" Liuguang asked in confusion.

"Hey, this Chen Feng is not simple. Although his realm is low, the power in his body is not weak at all. More importantly, he has a holy weapon on him. Look at the long sword in his hand that is full of vitality. It should be a sixth-grade holy weapon. Although I am close to the realm of human immortals, it is not so easy to easily get rid of this kid. Besides, who knows if this kid has other means. If the holy weapon in his hand suddenly stimulates all its power, even ordinary human immortals will be killed." Yan Qing said in a deep voice.

"Brother Yan is right. Let other disciples go up and test first. We will raid the side. If we can take down Chen Feng, it will be the best. Even if we can't take down Chen Feng, we can consume Chen Feng's power and force out the opponent's trump card." At this time, the ninth-level cultivator of Lingxiao Palace also spoke. This person is called Mo Lei, Mo Hong's brother. His cultivation is comparable to Yan Qing's, and both are impacting the existence of human immortals.

"So that's how it is. I can't help but do it." Liuguang looked at Chen Feng with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes. Liuguang Qianhong and the other two were injured by Chen Feng, and they were regarded as angry. If Yan Qing hadn't had a plan, Liuguang and the other two would have been unable to help but kill him.

"Zongheng Sword Technique!" Chen Feng's sword technique changed, and his sword moves were open and closed, vertical and horizontal, with great power. Not only did he dissolve the opponent's Qinglong Tuzhu sword style, but he also launched a fierce counterattack, trying to break the opponent's sword formation in one breath.

"Change the formation, Suzaku Burning the Sky!"

The Suzaku chirped above the barrier, and the sword style condensed by the strong fire power was like a sea of ​​fire, flooding towards Chen Feng. With the development of this set of sword styles, the entire barrier seemed to have turned into a world of fire.

The other cultivators felt the heat unbearable, and Yangjitian and Leifeng suddenly separated and stopped their actions at the same time.

"Humph, how can we fight in this situation? Well, let's see your excitement first." Yangjitian made up his mind and stopped taking action for the time being.

"Four-Elephant Sword Formation, bad, I wonder if Junior Brother Chen can block it." Lei Feng was a little worried.

"Catch chestnuts from the fire!" Chen Feng was not panicked by the violent sword attack, but became more calm, and the sword skills he displayed suddenly changed. The violent and domineering vertical and horizontal sword skills turned into a chestnut from the fire to take the enemy's head in the army. Every time Chen Feng swung the long sword in his hand, he would point out a weakness in the sword style, and then the long sword would move forward, as if it was a needle in a crack, and it kept moving forward. Soon, a passage was broken in the blazing sword formation. The long sword in Chen Feng's hand turned into a starlight and slashed at one of the monks.

"Not good, change the formation quickly, Xuanwu Panshan!" The four people were shocked. They didn't expect Chen Feng's sword style to be so sharp. Seeing that they couldn't block it, they had to change to the strongest defensive sword style.

The flaming sword style suddenly changed and turned into a rock-solid Xuanwu sword style, but at this time Chen Feng's attack also arrived, and the power of the attack was suddenly released on the tip of the sword. The cultivator attacked by Chen Feng immediately spurted blood from his mouth and flew backwards, and at the same time, cracks appeared in the Four Symbols Sword Formation.

"Quick, hurry up and fill in!" Yan Qing shouted immediately with a change of color.

A cultivator of the seventh level of heaven and man immediately stepped forward and took the position of the cultivator just now. The sword formation that was broken at the beginning became more powerful because of the addition of this cultivator.

"White Tiger Gathering Gold!"

The sound of metal and iron rang, and the Four Symbols Sword Formation changed its attributes again and began to become sharp. The sword energy of gold was fierce and murderous, and soon Chen Feng was beaten back again and again.

"Wind and Thunder Explosion!" Chen Feng performed the sword technique he was studying, the sword technique that combined the power of wind and thunder, and the sword technique that combined speed and attack.

"Hey! Such exquisite swordsmanship, this guy is not simple, even in the Sword Pavilion outside, it is not easy to see such exquisite swordsmanship." Yangjitian opened his eyes wide in surprise, watching this scene in disbelief.

In Yangjitian's mind, the swordsmanship of his own sect, the Sword Pavilion, is the strongest in the world, and other sects have to stand aside. Now, suddenly seeing a cultivator who has not even survived the thunder tribulation suddenly display a set of exquisite swordsmanship to block the extremely powerful Four Symbols Sword Formation, the blood in Yangjitian's body immediately boiled.

"Green Dragon Enters the Sea!"

"White Tiger Brings the Wind!"

Under the pressure of Chen Feng's swordsmanship, the Four Symbols Sword Formation changed its attack method again. The overwhelming momentum and the rolling wind made Chen Feng's wind and thunder explosion not play a big role.

"Spiral Sword Qi!" Chen Feng gritted his teeth and sent out four spiral sword qi in one breath. This time the attack speed was faster and more powerful. The four people who besieged Chen Feng retreated at the same time, and cracks appeared in the Four Symbols Sword Formation.

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