Eternal Existence

Chapter 518: Keep moving forward

"The realm of the demon fairy, what kind of demon fairy is it specifically?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"It is hard to analyze, because these three drops of blood essence have been refined by someone, and they are mixed with the blood essence of several demon fairies. Although some of the violent aura has dissipated a lot due to the refining, the energy contained in these three drops of blood essence is much stronger than that of ordinary demon fairy blood essence because of the fusion of blood essence. Not to mention you, even ordinary human fairies can't refine it, and the result is that they are burst." The tower laughed.

"In this case, then you should swallow it, so that you can recover some strength." Chen Feng said with a smile, but he didn't feel it was a pity. Anyway, the longevity tower restores strength just like increasing your own strength.

"Forget it, this energy is too little, and I don't like this energy either. You should keep it for your cultivation to improve in the future, and refine it to condense your physical body. My current goal is the immortal weapon. It would be great if I could devour an immortal weapon every once in a while."

"You have a good idea, which is even more abnormal than daydreaming."

"Although I got some good things this time, I can't use much of it at the moment. The Taoist weapon is broken, and the fruit on the Blood Nether Tree has not grown. I have practiced the Changsheng Zhenjing, and there is no need to practice the Blood Nether Yin. These three drops of blood can't be refined. It seems that I can only refine some blood fruits or directly absorb the energy in the blood pool." Chen Feng shook his head. Although he didn't use much for the time being, Chen Feng was still very happy. This is a Taoist weapon. If he told others, I don't know how many cultivators would snatch it, even though it is broken.

"It's time to go back."

Chen Feng's mind moved, and the blood-gathering bead turned into a thumb-sized blood-red round bead and fell into Chen Feng's hand, then turned into a blood light and drilled into Chen Feng's body, and finally entered the blood cave, like a round giant mountain in the blood cave, but the energy in the blood cave was boiling, and at the same time it aroused the blood in Chen Feng's body like the magma in a volcano constantly stirring and boiling, as if brewing a powerful force to erupt at any time.

The blood cave, the blood-gathering bead, Chen Feng felt it was just right.

"How about it, kid, how do you feel about the Changsheng Zhenjing?" At this time, Ta suddenly asked with a smile.

"It's really amazing. Even if I don't practice every day from now on, my strength will continue to improve because of the method of suppressing the acupoints." Chen Feng nodded. You know, there are several magic weapons stored in the acupoints in Chen Feng's body. The lowest level ones are treasure weapons. Now there is another Taoist weapon. The aura of these magic weapons alone can enhance Chen Feng's physical strength. Of course, if this situation is told to others, other cultivators will be scared. Not to mention the Taoist weapon that has just been refined, even if someone takes out a holy weapon, other cultivators will burst directly.

"Hey, I just don't know how long it will take to practice to the realm of human immortals?" After a long time, Chen Feng still sighed.

"Why are you in a hurry? Although you have an average talent for practice, it is not bad for you to have such a practice at your age now. And once you start to pass the tribulation, your practice will advance by leaps and bounds, faster than your current practice speed."

"Faster than now, this is true, isn't it more difficult to practice in the future?" Chen Feng was a little skeptical.

"There is a big hurdle between the ninth level of heavenly beings and the human immortal. Once you cross it, it is normal for the cultivation speed to accelerate. Moreover, you usually use the thunder tribulation of the human immortal to cultivate, and your body and soul have been trained for a long time. When you pass the thunder tribulation, the small heavenly realm thunder tribulation is not a small matter for you. The heavenly realm is just a thunder tribulation, the weakest heavenly thunder power. It is considered a heavenly tribulation when you are promoted to the human immortal. Thunder tribulation and heavenly tribulation are two different concepts." Ta said slowly.

"There is such a thing. Then how many thunder tribulations can I pass in one breath?" Chen Feng was a little excited.

"Hehe, this is hard to say. Of course, everything depends on you. But what you need most now is to collect some more Heavenly Tribulation Power. Hey, the last collision directly consumed all the things you used. Now you have no conditions even if you want to practice."

"Can the blood in the blood-gathering bead be used for practice?"

"Of course you can, but it is not the same type as the Heavenly Tribulation Power. Forget it, let's think of another way."

"I will go to Mu Qingfeng and the others first. I hope someone here can break through and become a human immortal."

When Chen Feng returned, he met Yangjitian and others who were chasing him. Chen Feng immediately activated the Void Point and disappeared in space. Of course, this time Chen Feng still borrowed the power of the Longevity Tower, otherwise Chen Feng would not be sure to avoid the induction of Yangjitian and other heavenly ninth-level cultivators.

"Hey! What happened to Junior Brother Chen? There is no trace now. Nothing really happened, right? Let's go out and look for him?" Zhang Xuanjin said anxiously.

"Yes, the Blood Lake has dried up now. Let's go down and search." Mu Qingfeng followed.

"Okay, you two stay here, I'll go out and take a look." Lei Feng thought about it and nodded.

Buzz buzz buzz!

At this moment, the flying warship suddenly vibrated, and then the three of them felt a flash in front of their eyes, and Chen Feng appeared in front of them.

"Junior Brother Chen!"

Mu Qingfeng and the other two were stunned at first, and then exclaimed at the same time. The three of them were still worried, but they didn't expect Chen Feng to suddenly appear, and he looked safe and sound.

"Just now?" Zhang Xuanjin was about to ask about what happened just now, but was stopped by Mu Qingfeng.

"Haha, since everything is fine, that's the best. Where are we going now? Should we continue to move forward?" Mu Qingfeng asked with a smile. Although the three were very puzzled by Chen Feng's sudden disappearance and reappearance, and the three also guessed that Chen Feng should be involved with the huge blood-colored glass bead that just disappeared, the three were surprisingly consistent and no one mentioned what happened just now.

"Of course we have to move forward. My goal is the spiritual stone mine ahead, but the front is too dangerous. The two brothers should think carefully. Although the flying warship we are riding is a holy weapon, it does not have much combat power. It is just a flying tool."

Chen Feng said this to Mu Qingfeng and Zhang Xuanjin. In Chen Feng's opinion, Lei Feng is a cultivator of the ninth level of heaven and man, and it is reasonable for him to move forward and take risks.

"There's nothing to consider. As long as Junior Brother Chen doesn't despise us as a burden, it's fine. Besides, with our strength, we are in danger in this environment. It's better to follow Junior Brother Chen and Senior Brother Lei." Mu Qingfeng spoke without thinking. Now that the blood lake has been completely absorbed, the bloodthirsty poisonous mosquitoes in the poisonous miasma will definitely become more bloodthirsty and violent. If the two are surrounded again, the result will be that they will be sucked dry of their blood and vitality and turned into fragments.

"I'm not necessarily going for the spirit stone mine, but the spiritual energy ahead is rich, there are many big monsters, and there must be a lot of spiritual medicines. Such a small opportunity cannot be missed. We enter the secret realm to be adventurous. I have 100,000 pieces of precious crystals here. Junior Brother Chen, you can use them first. If it's not enough, I have more here." Lei Feng said with a smile.

"Well, I just happen to be short of spirit stones, so I won't be polite." Chen Feng said and began to burn spirit stones to drive the flying warship. Then the flying warship began to travel through the poisonous miasma at a very fast speed, and soon caught up with Yangji Tian and others.

"Hmph, everyone, attack together and stop the opponent's flying magic weapon." A trace of murderous intent flashed in Yangjitian's eyes, and he suddenly spoke.

"I agree." Shangguan Hong agreed immediately, but most of the other cultivators were silent and did not respond. Everyone knew that there was Lei Feng in this flying warship. The deterrent power of the cultivator of the ninth level of heaven and man was still very strong. Everyone came here to take risks and search for treasures. No one wanted to offend this level of master unless it was absolutely necessary.

"Hmph, with this flying magic weapon, the road ahead will be much easier. If you don't do it, don't be jealous when I snatch it away later." Yangjitian sneered, and then used the cutting sword energy to quickly form a sword net to attack the flying warship.

"And me, the wind and clouds are surging!" Shangguan Hong also took action immediately.

"Iron Sword Across the River!" A casual cultivator with extremely high cultivation also took action, and the strength of the sword energy was not less than that of Yangjitian's cutting sword energy.

Except for the three people of Yangjitian who took action, the others were just watching the fun. However, Bai Yunyan's eyes flashed with a complicated look. Although Bai Yunyan didn't know whether Chen Feng was dead or not, this flying warship must be controlled by Chen Feng's fellow apprentices. There was no hatred among them. They were partners before, so Bai Yunyan would not take action.

"Humph, if I had known you would take action, I would have rushed over!" Chen Feng sneered, and 5,000 pieces of precious crystals in the flying warship were burned out in an instant, and the rolling rich energy made the speed of the flying warship increase sharply.

Pah pah pah pah pah pah!

Everything that stood in front of them, no matter what attack it was, was smashed by the flying warship. Not only that, because the flying warship was flying too fast, the air wave directly threw Yangjitian and others out. Although they were not injured, they were also very embarrassed.

"Hahaha, it's worthy of being a holy weapon, it's so exciting."

"Fortunately, they dodged quickly, otherwise they would have killed a few people."

"What a pity, the treasure crystals are consumed too quickly. If we were not so weak, we really want to go down and fight with Yangjitian and others."

After consuming so many treasure crystals in one breath, the speed of the flying warship reached a terrifying level, and it flew out of the range of the poisonous miasma soon.

"Don't stop, rush to the spirit stone mine in one breath!" Although he knew that this idea was a bit unrealistic, Chen Feng still roared out with heroic spirit.

After consuming another 30,000 spirit stones, Chen Feng still controlled the flying warship to stop, because everyone saw the spiritual medicine on the ground in patches.

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