Eternal Existence

Chapter 517 Three Drops of Blood Essence

"Absorb blood!" Chen Feng was shocked at first, and then he found that a huge passage suddenly appeared in the space in front of him. This passage led directly to the outside world, and then a torrent of blood rushed in along the passage. At this time, the blood-gathering beads also changed. A huge blood pool appeared in the space, but there was not much blood in the blood pool, and some places in it had even dried up. But now a lot of blood rushed in and poured into the blood pool.

Then Chen Feng was surprised to find that as more and more blood entered, some changes also occurred in the space. A blood-red spirit tree rose from the ground, and it became taller and taller. Soon it became more than ten feet long, and it was still growing, but the speed slowed down.

"What is this thing? Is it a spirit tree?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"This is a Blood Nether Tree, a demon world spirit tree, which can produce Blood Nether Fruit. The effect of this Blood Nether Fruit is somewhat similar to the blood fruit you collected or the blood pill you refined, but the effect is much stronger than the blood fruit. If you use this spirit fruit for a long time, then your physical strength can be comparable to that of the creatures in the demon world, or even better." Ta said.

"So this is a good thing." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Of course it is a good thing, much more precious than the fire pear, fire date, blue wood fruit and other spirit trees you collected some time ago. Of course, it is still far from being comparable to the Zhoutian tree."

"By the way, Ta, since there is a Zhoutian tree, do you think there is a Five Elements Tree?" Chen Feng suddenly asked.

"Five Elements Tree, of course there is, but I can't remember where it is specifically. I'll talk about it after I recover my strength." Ta said after thinking for a while.

"Hey, what's going on? The water level is dropping."

"What happened? Why is the blood in the lake decreasing?"

At this time, the water level of the lake was constantly dropping, which immediately attracted the attention of other cultivators. Some cultivators who were fighting for the spiritual medicine and blood fruit also stopped, and all watched this scene cautiously, not knowing what would happen next.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The cultivators who entered the water also rushed up one after another, and with these cultivators there were also ferocious monsters.

"Mutated blood-bone dragon!"

"This water monster that has never been seen before should also be a mutated monster."

"You enter the flying warship, this scene is very dangerous." Lei Feng instructed Mu Qingfeng and the others. Mu Qingfeng and Zhang Xuanjin nodded, knowing that their cultivation was not enough, and staying outside would only bring trouble to Lei Feng.

"Something must have happened down there. I'll go down and investigate." Yangji looked like he had turned into a long sword and quickly dived into the lake.

"I'll go take a look too." Seeing Yangjitian taking action, the others were not to be outdone. Of course, everyone still had some other ideas. The lake bottom had changed, and maybe a treasure had come out.

"Hey, someone's coming down." As the blood in the blood pool increased, some of the effects of the blood-gathering beads began to emerge. At this time, Chen Feng could see the situation outside through the blood-gathering beads.

"I'll take care of them." Ta said as he once again activated a force. This force quickly controlled part of the attack methods of the blood-gathering beads. Several blood lights shot out from the blood-gathering beads. Chen Feng clearly felt the powerful power contained in these blood lights. Chen Feng believed that he could not stop the attack of these blood lights.

Sure enough, under the attack of these blood lights, several people were killed immediately, and those who were not killed were also seriously injured and escaped.

Puff! Puff! Puff!

As soon as Yangjitian and the others emerged from the water, blood began to spurt from their mouths. Yangjitian was especially terrified. Although he had a transparent hole on his body, he survived after all. Thinking of those monks who were directly killed, Yangjitian felt much more balanced.

Seeing the embarrassed appearance of Yangjitian and the others, some other monks were surprised and some secretly gloated. Lei Feng was even more lucky that he did not rush down with them.

"It's bad. Junior Brother Chen is down there. There has been no movement until now. Nothing will happen, right?" At this time, Lei Feng suddenly thought of Chen Feng, and his face changed immediately.

You know, just now, even Yangjitian, who was at the ninth level of the Heavenly Man, almost died in there. Chen Feng didn't even survive the thunder tribulation, but he had a holy weapon to protect himself. Lei Feng didn't think Chen Feng could come out alive.

"Hey! I hope Junior Brother Chen will be blessed by heaven. It's useless for me to go down now." Lei Feng shook his head and finally entered the flying warship.

"Brother Lei, what happened outside? Brother Chen hasn't come out yet?" Mu Qingfeng and Zhang Xuanjin also saw the situation outside in the flying warship, so they asked anxiously.

"Hey, something has changed. Let's wait for Brother Chen here."

"Boy, you're about to absorb the blood outside. Now you have to refine this Taoist weapon." Ta said.

"Refine a Taoist weapon. I don't have that ability yet, right?" Chen Feng said in confusion. You know, although Chen Feng can refine the holy weapon into his body now, he can't exert his full strength at all, and these powerful holy weapons are also refined into his body with the help of Ta. Now suddenly let himself refine the Taoist weapon, Chen Feng doesn't think he has this ability.

"It's just a broken Taoist weapon. It's simple. You first drop a drop of blood on this talisman, and then leave a soul imprint on it." Ta said.

"Is it that simple?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"What else do you want? I told you at the beginning that this Taoist weapon is just an empty shell. It doesn't even have the spirit of the weapon. However, how powerful it can be after refining still depends on your own strength."

"Let me tell you, it turns out it's still the same as the magic weapon before." Chen Feng nodded and put a drop of blood essence on the talisman. After the essence blood was absorbed by the talisman, Chen Feng immediately felt a sense of blood connection. Next, Chen Feng left his soul mark on it again, and everything about this blood-gathering bead emerged in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness.

Picture after picture kept flashing in Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness. From the beginning when the blood-gathering bead was forged, and then until it was damaged, although there were countless pictures in between, they all flashed into Chen Feng's sea of ​​consciousness, almost Chen Feng's consciousness was exhausted, and it took a long time for Chen Feng to roughly digest this information.

"It turns out that this is the case. This blood-gathering bead is a low-grade Taoist weapon. It was disabled in a battle, and the spirit of the weapon has disappeared. Now it cannot activate even one-tenth of its power. However, in this space There are still some good things," Chen Feng said while checking the situation in the blood gathering beads.

"Okay, the blood outside has been absorbed. Let's leave now."

"All the blood has disappeared. What is that thing? A huge bloody glass bead."

"It must be a magic weapon."

"Let me take a look, look at my treasure-appraisal eyes, oh, what, I must have seen it wrong, this turned out to be a Taoist artifact."

"Fart it, with your level, if it's a Taoist weapon, you can identify it."

"What do you know? Just because I can't identify it, I can confirm that this is a Taoist artifact."

"Maybe it's an immortal weapon."

Although the monks who were present after seeing the blood-gathering bead didn't know what level of magic weapon it was, one thing was certain, that is, it must be a good thing, so they all rushed towards the blood-gathering bead in unison.


At this moment, the blood-gathering beads at the bottom of the lake suddenly disappeared, causing everyone to pounce on them.

"How is it possible to travel through space? This is in a secret realm. So this magic weapon should be a sacred weapon."

"It's definitely not a sacred weapon. If it is a sacred weapon, I can identify it."

"That blood bead must be a good thing. I think it might be someone's fault. It can't run far. Brother Wang, don't you have a tracking magic weapon on you? Take it out quickly."

"There is no one in the lake. Something is wrong now. Junior Brother Chen is in danger." Mu Qingfeng wanted to jump up anxiously in the flying warship.

"No, this flying holy weapon is not Chen Feng's magic weapon. Since it is controlled by Chen Feng, and now this flying warship is safe and sound, it means that nothing happened to Chen Feng." At this time, Lei Feng suddenly said.

"It makes sense. Could it be that the red glazed bead was manipulated by Junior Brother Chen?" Zhang Xuanjin's eyes lit up.

"It's hard to say. Let's wait."

"There is something on the Xue Ming tree." Chen Feng strode forward, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the tree. When Chen Feng took out his palm, there was already a jade slip in his palm, and a stream of light flashed on it, and a line appeared. Character.

"The Holy Level Technique Xue Ming Yin! This is the secret technique practiced by Earth Immortals." Chen Feng exclaimed.

"Hey, this is just a rubbish technique." Ta said disdainfully.

"No matter what, this is the highest level magic formula I have ever seen. I must practice it when I have time." Chen Feng was a little happy.

"Fart, how can this kind of rubbish magic formula be compared with the Scripture of Immortality? You, a human being with naked eyes, are simply ignorant. You are so mad at me. You are so mad at me." Ta suddenly jumped up.

However, Chen Feng didn't care: "I am originally a mortal. Before I became an immortal, I was naturally a mortal with naked eyes."

"There is something else here!" Chen Feng reached out and grabbed another small jade box from the tree. Before he could see the contents of the jade box clearly, Chen Feng exclaimed: "This is a good box. It should be carved from the best ancient jade." Yes, I don’t know what treasure is inside.”

The jade box is easy to open, but after opening it, a strong blood energy rises into the sky and hits Chen Feng's face. Fortunately, the power of the Eternal Life Tower blocks Chen Feng even if it appears.

"Three drops of blood essence." Chen Feng looked at the contents of the jade box in surprise. It was these three drops of blood essence. If it hadn't been for the power of the Eternal Life Tower blocking him just now, Chen Feng would have been seriously injured at the very least.

"To be precise, it's three drops of the blood essence of the demon fairy." Ta said.

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