Eternal Existence

Chapter 516 Blood Gathering Bead

Hearing the voice behind him, the middle-aged monk reacted quickly, and several sword energies shot out from his body to attack Chen Feng.

But all these sword energies missed, and then Chen Feng slammed his palm heavily on the man's head, directly blasting away the true qi shield on the man's body, and then rushed into the more dense blood below. Of course, the space bag on the man's body fell into Chen Feng's hands.

"Whether you live or die depends on your ability." Chen Feng did not chase him, but continued to collect the blood fruits he could see.

"Okay, kid, don't pay attention to these things first, it's also right to find that Taoist weapon first." Seeing Chen Feng's actions, the tower felt a little helpless.


Chen Feng shook his head and accelerated the speed of his descent. Looking at the bright red blood around him, Chen Feng felt psychedelic. Fortunately, the blood was not calm, and there were constant undercurrents surging, and blood fruits were constantly condensing, which gave people a sense of life. If it had been dead, I'm afraid the impact on people's minds would be even stronger.

Two undercurrents rushed towards Chen Feng from the left and right. These two undercurrents were silent, but contained powerful energy. Chen Feng discovered them only when they were three feet away from him. The strong murderous aura and blood power here had seriously affected Chen Feng's perception.

Chen Feng stretched out his palms, grabbed the two undercurrents from the left and right, and then exerted force on his palms, trying to burst the two undercurrents directly, but the powerful destructive force that suddenly exploded next made Chen Feng feel that he had thought wrong at the beginning. At this moment, Chen Feng felt that he had caught two huge dragons. At this time, the two dragons were fighting back, and the power that burst out wanted to tear Chen Feng into pieces directly.

"Yes, the old man who chased me just now died like this, and he died without leaving any residue. I was careless." Chen Feng nodded, and then he realized that his actions just now were indeed very bold. If it were other cultivators, they would have been washed into pieces.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The protective shield formed by the death power around Chen Feng suddenly exploded, and then the Zhoutian protective shield inside also exploded, and then the innermost Qi shield also exploded. After that, the fierce destructive force hit Chen Feng, but at this time, the protective armor on Chen Feng's body played a role again. Although there were multiple layers of protection, Chen Feng still felt like being struck by lightning, his chest was abnormally depressed, and he felt uncomfortable and wanted to vomit blood.

"Hey, you kid thought this was an ordinary water flow." Ta laughed.

"Hey! I was careless. Just two undercurrents have such a powerful destructive power. I don't know how much power this whole small lake contains." Chen Feng let out a breath, and the Death Sword laid a layer of protective shield around him again.

"Be careful, someone else is coming." At this time, Ta reminded.

"What, someone else?" Chen Feng was a little surprised, because Chen Feng did not notice anything unusual, which meant that the other party's cultivation was much higher than his.

Sure enough, a ninth-level cultivator appeared in front of Chen Feng. This was a casual cultivator. Seeing that Chen Feng was on guard, he did not rush to attack, but was observing Chen Feng cautiously. However, after recognizing Chen Feng's identity and seeing the dead swords around Chen Feng, this cultivator could not help it.

"It turned out to be Chen Feng. This sword is good. Give it to me." The ninth-level cultivator of the heavenly man said as he stretched out his hand to grab Chen Feng. Chen Feng immediately felt that the blood around him seemed to solidify in an instant, and he became something in the solid. At the same time, there were five powerful pressures pressing on him.


Chen Feng exclaimed, and did not fight hard with the other party. The sword of life emerged from his body, and suddenly broke a passage in one go, and then Chen Feng rushed down at a very fast speed.

"Another holy weapon?" The eyes of the ninth-level cultivator of the Heavenly Man Realm suddenly lit up. He waved his hands violently, and the aura shield around him quickly rotated, squeezing out the blood and water around him, and then chased Chen Feng at a very fast speed. Compared with these blood fruits, the magic weapon on Chen Feng's body is undoubtedly more attractive.

"The ninth-level cultivator of the Heavenly Man Realm is so powerful that he can display such a fast speed here. Tower, it seems that I have to rely on your power, otherwise I will definitely be caught up." Chen Feng mobilized the power of the Longevity Tower, and then the speed of descent suddenly increased. At the same time, a strong suction force emanated from his body. The blood and water around him were all absorbed into the Longevity Tower, and then a long passage appeared, but soon the blood and water around him squeezed in again, and the blood and water collided and burst out with a strong force. The chaotic force continued to agitate, which affected the cultivators who were chasing quickly.

"What means did this kid use?" Although a little surprised, this person still did not give up and continued to chase.

"Be careful, there are monsters below." At this time, the tower suddenly spoke.

"Monster, what monster?" Chen Feng was stunned, and then the speed of descent slowed down. The monster that could survive here must be extraordinary.

"A dragon, a great monster, but it is almost close to the level of a monster king."

"What, so powerful."

Chen Feng was surprised, and then increased the power output of the Longevity Tower, and the speed of descent increased again, doubled. Sure enough, a blood-colored dragon with bone spurs all over its body suddenly jumped out, opened its mouth and swallowed Chen Feng, but Chen Feng's speed was too fast, and this attack failed. When the blood-colored dragon wanted to attack again, Chen Feng had disappeared. The dragon was so surprised that it forgot to chase. It was an aquatic creature, but it was not as fast as humans. What was going on?

Just when the blood-colored dragon gave up pursuit, the monk from the ninth level of heaven had arrived and happened to collide with the blood-colored dragon.

"There's another human being here. What a blessing today." The blood-colored dragon rammed directly at the visitor. The bone spurs on its head emitted waves of red light, which could penetrate everything.

"Ah, no, it's a blood and bone dragon!" The monk on the ninth level of heaven recognized the origin of this dragon and was immediately frightened. A dragon with this degree of mutation is very difficult to deal with. If it were in the outside world, I am still confident that I can fight, but now in the blood lake in the secret realm, my own strength is suppressed, and this dragon is like a fish in water, and can exert a hundred and two strength. In comparison, if the two fight , the one who suffers must be himself.

"Escape!" The monk reacted in an instant, turned around and rushed upwards. Of course, before escaping, he threw several wire nets to stop him.

The first human disappeared, and finally a monk appeared again, saying that he could not let it go, so the blood-bone dragon roared, and the bone spurs on its head released an even stronger red light, and the silk screen in front of it seemed to be light. The yarn met the fire and was instantly reduced to ashes. Then a huge fiery red dragon quickly passed through the bloody water, chasing the fleeing monks.

"Huh, there won't be a demon king sitting down here." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Probably not. I didn't sense it, but there are some big demons." Ta said.

"Forget it, instead of conflicting with these monsters, it's only right to find the Taoist artifact as soon as possible." Chen Feng said.

So with the help of the tower, Chen Feng dodged one monster after another and soon arrived at the bottom of the lake. At this time, the energy contained in the blood at the bottom of the lake became even more powerful. Even the sword of death alone could not resist it, so Chen Feng He mobilized the power of the Eternal Life Tower to cover himself.

A huge blood-red glass ball appeared in Chen Feng's sight. Just one glance at Chen Feng made him feel that his eyes were almost stabbed by a strange force, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

"Is this the Taoist weapon you are talking about?" Chen Feng asked. Indeed, the pressure on it was indeed very strong. Chen Feng, the guardian of the Eternal Life Tower, could clearly feel it.

"Not bad, hey! It's a pity that it's damaged, otherwise I really want to swallow it and gain some strength." Ta said with a sigh.

"Damaged?" Chen Feng was a little surprised and a little disappointed.

"Of course it's damaged. There's not even a weapon spirit inside. There's only an empty shell left. Forget it, I won't devour it. I'll leave it to you. It might be of some use if it's repaired in the future." Ta said.

"But what kind of magic weapon is this?"

"You'll find out later."

Then Chen Feng walked directly into the bloody glazed ball under the power of the Eternal Life Tower. Chen Feng only felt as if he had passed through a layer of transparent barrier. Then his eyes blurred and the scene changed drastically. He only felt that the front of him was empty. Yes, it's like being in another space.

"What's going on?" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"Why are you so stupid? This is a Taoist artifact. There is naturally a space in it. It's not the same as my body, the Eternal Life Tower. We are now in this bead." The tower said contemptuously.

"So that's it. What's next, should we take away this bead?" Chen Feng asked again.

"Of course, you don't need to worry about this. Just watch. You can't help anyway." Ta said and began to use his magic, releasing a trace of power and starting to shuttle through the space.

Because the Tower of Eternal Life is Chen Feng's natal magic weapon, Chen Feng can feel that these powers seem to have established a strange connection with the surrounding space. Finally, these powers begin to condense together, and when all the powers are condensed into a ball At that moment, a square blood-red talisman appeared in front of Chen Feng.

"Fu Lu!" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

"This is the talisman I refined to control this blood-gathering bead." Ta said calmly.

"Blood Gathering Bead, is this magic weapon called the Blood Gathering Bead? What is its specific function? Isn't it a storage type magic weapon?" Chen Feng asked curiously.

"Humph, you can use it as a storage magic weapon, but you will know the specific function soon. Now let's collect all the blood outside. This blood contains powerful energy and cannot be wasted casually." Ta said .

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