Eternal Existence

Chapter 5125: Light of Origin

At the beginning, the Time River was quite happy to follow Chen Feng, but later, as Chen Feng discovered more and more new origins, the power of the Time River could not keep up.

But the Time River also understood that cultivation must be done step by step.

So it could only leave most of its power in the origin that was first discovered. No matter how magical the later origin was, the Time River had no power to invade.

Even if this origin accepted outsiders, the Time River did not have enough power.

Before, the Time River was very excited to notice the existence of the Time Seed, and thought that it could expand its own power and take this opportunity to continue to become stronger on the current basis.

Who knew that this origin was so strange and so powerful, and it had set its sights on Chen Feng early. If Chen Feng did something to touch the other party, it would attract very special means.

In this situation, Chen Feng was a little entangled, and the Time River and the others were actually worried about gains and losses.

On the one hand, they hoped that Chen Feng could get huge benefits here, and then they could also take some advantages for him, and on the other hand, they were worried that Chen Feng really had problems.

Once Chen Feng himself is in danger, then the Time and Space Gate will not be able to gain any benefits. It can be said that both sides will prosper together and suffer together.

"If my original body comes, I can lock the other party's location early, and I can leave at any time after gaining benefits. Even this origin can't make things difficult for us. Of course, if this origin is allowed to develop here, it will actually be a good thing for both parties."

"Don't talk about these things. It's not realistic at all. Our current strength can't play any role."

Hearing the Time and Space Gate say this, they can't help it.

So far, the power of the Time and Space Gate has become the strongest one. Who made him gain benefits before?

In this way, the two sides talked a lot, but Chen Feng rushed into a colorful area.

Unlike the material area encountered before, there was some origin light in the area in front of him.

When he found this area, Chen Feng was still a little surprised.

This powerful origin light should be in the core area of ​​this origin. Could it be that he has now reached an important area of ​​this origin?

However, after Chen Feng made some attempts, he was not targeted by the origin, so he felt relieved to enter and see the situation.

If possible, Chen Feng is willing to collect all these origin lights.

So far, Chen Feng has mastered many kinds of powerful origin lights, even Chen Feng himself can condense the light of the avenue.

Chen Feng will also study how to cultivate these origin lights to a stronger level when he has time, or to merge these origin lights together.

In short, everything is for the purpose of becoming stronger.

These origin lights in front of him still make Chen Feng very interested, even the long river of time has fallen into a state of exploration.

Because it actually contains some time power, although it is far less than the power evolved from the time seed that was perceived before, it is not bad.

Even if it can't make himself stronger, but in terms of time, it will have some impact on the long river of time.

After entering this area composed of the origin light, Chen Feng immediately felt isolated from the world.

It was as if he was not in this origin, which was a bit similar to the feeling of performing the art of transcendence.

"It seems like I have passed through countless layers of space in an instant, but from the outside, this place clearly belongs to this origin, and these powers should be fine." Chen Feng kept walking, and these origin lights hit Chen Feng from time to time.

It looks like just some light, but it has a very powerful attack power.

A small wisp is heavier than a super large star.

Chen Feng reached out and grabbed a wisp, and clearly felt this power entangled in his palm.

Perhaps because Chen Feng took the initiative to attack, this very spiritual power was touched, and it kept trying to cut Chen Feng's palm, but it couldn't break Chen Feng's skin at all.

"The power is still quite strong."

Chen Feng carefully experienced it, then stretched out his hand and grabbed it fiercely, and countless origin lights gathered in Chen Feng's hand.

Finally, it melted into a colorful ball of light in Chen Feng's hand.

And Chen Feng did not put these powers away, but injected some of his own power into it and threw the ball of light out.

Then there was a violent explosion.

According to Chen Feng's speculation, the power generated could completely blow a Primordial Being into pieces.

"What a strong power."

Chen Feng nodded, with an interested light in his eyes.

Then the surrounding Origin Lights seemed to be attracted by Chen Feng, and they continued to attack and sweep Chen Feng from all directions, sweeping and cutting around Chen Feng fiercely.

They wanted to cut Chen Feng into pieces.

"It contains the Origin Will, but I don't know if there is any Origin behind it." Chen Feng felt the will of these Origin Lights, and the different attributes cooperated with each other very tacitly, and could also blend with each other, just to attack Chen Feng, the intruder.

Chen Feng also knew that it was his behavior just now that angered the other party. After all, when he first came in, these Origin Lights did not react so much.

"What are you going to do?" The Gate of Time and Space asked curiously.

During this process, the Gate of Space and Time also collected some of the origin light belonging to the space land.

The Gate of Space and Time thought that it could be collected bit by bit. If it felt too slow, then use the power of the origin to take away all of this area. There was no need to make such a big mess here.

But the Gate of Space and Time also understood that since Chen Feng did this, he must have his own reasons and could not do it recklessly.

"I want to try whether there is a powerful life here? Is there this origin behind you that you have to control." Chen Feng replied.

"Then what did you notice?" The Gate of Space and Time asked.

Chen Feng shook his head: "It feels like there is a powerful existence behind the control, but it cannot be proved, and nothing can be seen now."

After Chen Feng finished speaking, he suddenly punched out and directly hit a wide road. In this process, all the light was shattered.

Then Chen Feng's body burst into golden light, and it began to rotate perfectly around him with the power of reincarnation.

All the origin light was blocked outside by Chen Feng.

After seeing the assimilation power before, although these origin lights are also very powerful, Chen Feng no longer takes them seriously.

"In fact, these origin lights are stronger than the assimilation power, and they have many properties. For most lives, these origin lights are very important, but from a pure perspective, the assimilation power is still stronger. If that kind of power is placed here, it can assimilate all these origin lights."

At this moment, Chen Feng thought of the very invasive assimilation power he had seen before. Although he also collected some, the number was not large.

Chen Feng's only thought was to find the origin and then take all the assimilation places for himself.

In Chen Feng's opinion, if this kind of power fell into his hands, he could rank among the top few.

It can even play a big role at a critical moment. When it comes to dealing with top figures like the Soul Emperor, it may also have some unexpected effects.

But Chen Feng also understands that he can't fight against this origin at all now.

However, since he had this idea, Chen Feng still wanted to find opportunities in the future, at least to investigate the situation of this origin first.

Just as Chen Feng was rushing around, these lights of origin suddenly became regular, constantly merging and combining with each other, forming countless chains, crisscrossing and binding Chen Feng in the center.

Of course, a single chain could not do anything to Chen Feng, but when the chains were concentrated to a certain extent, Chen Feng also felt some oppression, so he took out his long sword.

As the sword light swept across, these chains were shattered.

And Chen Feng also endured a strong impact.

At this moment, Chen Feng was sure that there was indeed someone behind the scenes who was controlling everything, but the other party had not shown up until now, which made Chen Feng unable to determine whether it was this origin who took action.

Then the chain did not recover after it was broken into pieces, but combined into a huge weapon that Chen Feng had never seen before, and smashed towards Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng stepped forward with a long sword in his hand and the two sides collided.

Chen Feng retreated, and the opponent's huge weapon collapsed.

In the chaos, a beam of light instantly arrived in front of Chen Feng, and actually knocked away the long sword in Chen Feng's hand, and was about to fall on Chen Feng.

But it was blocked by the reincarnation field wandering around Chen Feng, but it could only slow down the opponent a little.

Chen Feng came back to his senses and reached out to grab the opponent fiercely.

Chen Feng felt a stinging pain, and his palm was actually broken. A beam of light drilled out from Chen Feng's fingers, and then rushed towards Chen Feng's face.

Chen Feng swept the sword and knocked the opponent away, and then he saw that this beam of light was actually an inconspicuous little bug.

It was such a little bug that actually bit open Chen Feng's chaotic body. If Chen Feng hadn't used the power imprint at the critical moment, then this little bug would have drilled into Chen Feng's body through the wound.

This shows that this little bug is very spiritual and has a strong sense of danger, so it took the initiative to drill out of Chen Feng's grasp.

Even so, it did not give up the attack, but was still looking for an opportunity to pounce on Chen Feng and bite him again.

When Chen Feng was dealing with the two little bugs, he suddenly shook and appeared in another direction.

A little bug appeared and wanted to sneak attack Chen Feng, but was discovered by Chen Feng in advance.

"Is this the bug cultivated in this origin?" Chen Feng's eyes flashed and locked onto the two bugs.

Chen Feng had encountered similar life before, and it was indeed difficult to deal with, but he was already so powerful now, and he was still injured, which also showed that this kind of bug was extraordinary.

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