Eternal Existence

Chapter 5126: Encountering an Adventurer

Besides, the other party dared to choose to attack him because he had a certain degree of confidence. If it was another Hunyuan above whose body was not as good as his, wouldn't he be bitten by the bugs?

"There should be more than these two, right?"

Chen Feng knew the bugs very well. Not to mention that they existed alone, even a small number of them were very rare. They usually existed in groups and in large numbers.

If this was really the case, then the next thing would be exciting.

Then Chen Feng found that these two bugs could actually devour the surrounding original light to enhance their own strength.

The wound that he had left on one of the bugs with his long sword was also healing quickly.

"Even the top Hunyuan above dared not bear the long sword in my hand with his body, but I didn't cut off this bug with one sword just now. The opponent's defense is not much worse than my Chaos Body." Chen Feng said.

Chen Feng created layers of domains around him, and at the same time, his perception surged around like a tide.

As expected, Chen Feng really found more bugs. These bugs all looked exactly the same, and they were small in size, with sharp teeth and extremely strong bodies.

Chen Feng was surrounded.

After these bugs appeared, the surrounding original lights no longer chose to attack Chen Feng, but drilled into the bodies of these bugs.

In this way, these bugs have a constant source of power blessing.

Chen Feng thought about it, and after comparing the Zerg queen he cultivated and the various types of Zerg armies with the bugs in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Speaking of it, the number of Zerg armies he controlled was countless, and each queen controlled hundreds of millions of larvae. It can be said that it is too easy to use them to invade a land of life.

But compared with the bugs in front of him, it seems a little bit inferior. Even the strongest queen may suffer a great loss when facing these bugs.

"I spent a lot of effort to cultivate those insect armies, but now is a different time. My cultivation path was like that. If I hadn't walked step by step, I wouldn't have reached this situation." When Chen Feng was sighing, the insects around him had already rushed up.

Constantly hitting the field around Chen Feng, they could actually penetrate the field arranged by Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng's control over the field is also superb. Different fields have different powers, and they can cooperate with each other to slow down the speed of these insects.

So Chen Feng swept his sword and accurately cut a bug in half this time.

The powerful sword energy wiped out the vitality in the body of this bug.

The opponent did not revive again, and Chen Feng was relieved. Since these bugs can be killed, there should be no problem with his own means.

It's just a pity that so many origin lights were wasted.

Although Chen Feng was confident in his heart, Chen Feng was not at ease in the real confrontation.

These bugs are still very powerful, so Chen Feng dare not take it lightly.

Besides, besides these bugs, will the origin have other means?

Chen Feng has confirmed that these bugs were created by the origin to deal with him.

When Chen Feng killed several bugs again, these bugs also changed their way of attack.

Instead of acting separately as before, they gathered together, first nibbling the area around Chen Feng, opening a passage, and then swarming towards Chen Feng.

In this way, Chen Feng could not kill too many bugs with one sword.

Before he knew it, a bug climbed onto Chen Feng's body, bit through layers of defense, and bit Chen Feng's skin fiercely.

Chen Feng felt the pain.

The skin was bitten open, and the bug wanted to drill into Chen Feng's body along the wound.

In this case, it was difficult for Chen Feng to defend himself, and facing so many bugs, it was easy to panic when they rushed over in a black mass.

If he couldn't resist, he would inevitably be bitten to death by these bugs.

Chen Feng naturally understood this, so after the bug got into Chen Feng's body, Chen Feng still looked normal.

Chen Feng's mind was running at high speed, carefully analyzing the situation in front of him.

The second bug also got into Chen Feng's body, constantly biting everything in Chen Feng's body.

Flesh, blood, and even bones could not stop these bugs from eating.

Seeing Chen Feng being attacked from both inside and outside, Chen Feng also felt that the will of this origin appeared again to pay attention to him.

There was also a beam of colorful light falling from the sky, condensing into a gorgeous long sword and piercing Chen Feng's head fiercely.

It turned out that this origin was also looking for an opportunity.

As for the light of the origin that was devoured by the bug before, for this origin, naturally, as much as it wanted.

The origin sword that appeared this time symbolized that this origin took action personally and mobilized the most powerful power of the origin.

Even if Chen Feng was in his prime, he had to be careful.

"What a dangerous state."

Chen Feng said lightly, and the power of time in his body burst out, and the bugs that were causing damage in Chen Feng's body were imprisoned one after another.

Layers of space appeared outside the body, isolating all the bugs. It seemed that the bugs were still gathered together, but they were in different spaces. This was the power of the space-time gate.

Then a sacred mountain appeared above Chen Feng's head, blocking the long sword that was inserted into it.

This was not over yet.

Chen Feng's heart was beating vigorously, emitting a powerful force, and the imprisoned insects were impacted into the origin furnace, while Chen Feng waved the long sword in his hand, and the sword light burst out in an instant, turning into thousands of threads, and all the insects separated by space were submerged in it.

Then there was the shocking collision between the sacred mountain and the long sword, and the powerful force continued to sweep around with Chen Feng as the center.

The pressure on Chen Feng in the center was naturally greater, but Chen Feng could bear it, although the chaotic body was also constantly vibrating.

However, the surrounding space began to collapse under the sweep of power, with a doomsday-like destruction, as if even this side of the origin would collapse if it continued.

Chen Feng opened his mouth and spit out a stream of air, forming a tornado around him, constantly sweeping away the remaining power around him, and Chen Feng took back the sacred mountain.

There were cracks on the sacred mountain, but the long sword just now had collapsed, and the scattered light of the origin disappeared again.

The situation just now was extremely dangerous, but now it has returned to normal.

The attack from this origin never appeared again.

There was no light of origin, and no mysterious bugs.

Chen Feng didn't gain much after the battle, which disappointed Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng was relieved that this origin did not continue to attack.

However, Chen Feng still felt a little confused about the operation of this origin. Whether the other party really wanted to deal with him, if he really wanted to kill him, he would definitely use stronger means.

Now he would attack him every once in a while, which made people feel a little confused.

In fact, Chen Feng also wanted to search for some of the bugs just now. Such powerful bugs are also a great threat to Hunyuan.

After getting them, he can also tame them into puppets, or find out the reason why this bug is so powerful.

"It seems that we still have to go to the core area of ​​this origin. There must be a lot of good things."

Just as Chen Feng was thinking, the space fluctuated, and a powerful life came out.

Chen Feng knew that the other party came from outside the origin at a glance.

"This one is not bad."

After feeling the power of the other party, Chen Feng also began to look at the other party.

Unlike those ordinary Hunyuan, Chen Feng was too lazy to pay attention.

"Hello, fellow Daoist, was there a fight here just now?" The adventurer asked as soon as he came up, while also looking at Chen Feng's strength.

"Yes, I found the attack of this origin before." Chen Feng said so.

Before the other party had other questions, Chen Feng continued to ask: "It seems that fellow Daoist has been in this origin for a long time, so you should know this origin very well."

The adventurer wanted to continue asking, but he didn't expect Chen Feng to ask back.

Moreover, the adventurer here has already felt Chen Feng's unfathomable depth, so he dare not despise him at all.

This kind of feeling of not being able to see through makes people more cautious and alert. If it is said that Chen Feng's true strength can be seen, then this adventurer will not take Chen Feng to heart.

So for Chen Feng's question, this adventurer chose to answer first, and the two had a very friendly opening exchange.

However, both sides exchanged questions about this origin, and did not ask where the other party came from.

According to Chen Feng's perception, this adventurer should be from the origin he had never been to.

The same is true for this adventurer.

"To be able to block the attack of this origin, it seems that the strength is indeed very strong. Speaking of which, although I have been in this origin for a long time, my understanding of this origin is actually similar to that of fellow Daoist. Although I have also encountered some large-scale life areas, I have not found that kind of very powerful innate life. According to my speculation, it must be deliberately controlled by this origin. Besides, even if there are some innate lives, they cannot grow under the suppression of this origin." The adventurer said.

"I have not been here for a long time, and I don’t know much about this origin, but I understand that once I touch some of the law boundaries arranged by this origin, I will be attacked by this origin. I just tried it before, but this origin is a bit weird, and the attack method is also weird." Chen Feng said.

After the two sides exchanged some ideas, the adventurer began to invite Chen Feng: "I wonder if you are interested in cooperating with me?"

When the other party asked this question, Chen Feng immediately had some guesses. Sure enough, the adventurer's next words confirmed Chen Feng's thoughts: "I know there is a place where there are some good things, but it is difficult to get them with my own strength. If you can help us, then our strength will increase, and we will be able to block the attack from this origin."

Chen Feng also smiled and said: "So what are the good things? I don't like ordinary things."

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