Eternal Existence

Chapter 5124 Dealing with it

So Chen Feng performed the sealing technique, which did have some effect, but as time went on, this power was also merging with the sealing power.

However, Chen Feng also found that as long as he used enough power, even if he was invaded by this power, it would be equivalent to a combination.

After all, more than half of the power after the fusion of the two belonged to him, and he could actually still control it.

It's just that this power is constantly growing in the process of fusion, constantly eroding other powers, which is also an important reason why those above the Hunyuan can't resist it.

Otherwise, they can completely use means to maintain the status quo.

However, Chen Feng also believes that in addition to the fact that this power itself is special, there is another aspect that this origin is secretly controlling it.

For example, there are more and more such powers around now, and later it has wrapped Chen Feng densely.

Chen Feng's perception was released, and he saw only the ocean of power.

It can be said that this situation is already very terrifying. After all, those above the Hunyuan did not bear this treatment from Chen Feng before.

Of course, up to now, those above the Hunyuan have been completely integrated into this origin.

So this origin can mobilize more power to deal with Chen Feng.

"Forced suppression can only resist for a period of time. We can only find a way to deal with the invading power of this attribute, or leave this origin immediately." Chen Feng quickly analyzed the situation in front of him.

It seems that leaving quickly is the most correct approach, but he has not been to this origin for a long time, and he has not been to many places yet. He is very dissatisfied with the harvest.

So Chen Feng does not want to leave, so he can only use various means to deal with this special power.

So Chen Feng began to use the various attribute powers he mastered. After all, Chen Feng has opened up many avenues since he practiced as a chaotic body, and has mastered many powers of different attributes.

So even if this power is weird, Chen Feng still has some hope.

However, Chen Feng also understands that if it fails, he will use stronger means at that time.

"I really don't believe it. I have been to so many powerful areas and mastered many powerful powers, but I really can't do anything about this kind of power in the origin."

Chen Feng also believes in his own strength, so even if he has not been able to do anything about this power so far, Chen Feng has not panicked.

Sure enough, as Chen Feng continued to use various attribute energies to try, it finally worked.

"The Great Dao of Destruction!"

Chen Feng nodded. His Great Dao of Destruction has many laws. The more important point is that the Great Dao of Poison has been integrated into the Great Dao of Destruction.

The Great Dao of Poison alone contains some very corrosive laws such as curse, evil, and decay.

The Great Dao of Destruction itself has more laws, including the Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man.

That is to say, the Great Dao of Destruction that Chen Feng possesses also has a very strong corrosive and destructive power.

It's just that the Great Dao of Destruction can play some role now, but it can't completely resist this special power.

"This should be a kind of assimilation power. Speaking of it, I really haven't mastered this power. Even if it's very close, it's not pure. To be honest, the copying law I collected before is somewhat similar." Chen Feng thought.

The Great Dao of Destruction is considered to be relatively strong among the great Daos that Chen Feng has mastered, but it can only barely resist this power.

The Great Dao of Destruction can destroy this power, but the speed of destruction is not fast enough.

On the one hand, in addition to the fact that this power is indeed quite strange, the most important point is that the power of destruction that you master is not as good as the opponent's power, and the quality is higher.

To put it bluntly, your power is not strong enough.

Unless you surpass the origin in level, you can suppress the opponent's special power.

But now you are in the opponent's territory, and this power should be regarded as the strongest power in the origin.

So Chen Feng has no good way.

Chen Feng tried to collect some of this power into the Avenue of Destruction, and carefully experienced all kinds of changes.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng's doing this is also a risky behavior. After all, once Chen Feng can't suppress it, his Avenue of Destruction will be eroded and assimilated by the opponent's power.

In addition to the Avenue of Destruction, Chen Feng also has some avenues that can play a certain role.

For example, the Avenue of Ending, the Avenue of Chaos, the Original Avenue, the Avenue of Sealing, the Avenue of Devouring, and some other avenues can also play a role.

But like the Avenue of Destruction, it can't really change everything.

Speaking of which, Chen Feng also mastered the law of copying and assimilation, but it was not strong enough.

In the end, Chen Feng found helplessly that he could only slightly slow down the attack of this power by using all the avenues, and couldn't really stop the opponent.

If you want to really fight against the opponent, you can only use super strong power. In the end, Chen Feng still has to use the power of origin.

This is because Chen Feng cannot be sure how powerful the opponent's power can be. If it is strong enough, his origin will be assimilated by the opponent.

"Unless I can cultivate a great way with the same attributes, and it is the strongest one among all my great ways, then I can fight against the opponent head-on." Chen Feng thought helplessly.

Then Chen Feng put away all the great ways and used special energy.

The reason why Chen Feng did not use the power imprint was because special energy was more effective in erosion.

Sure enough, after Chen Feng used this power beyond the origin, he really blocked the invasion of the assimilation power from this origin.

Although the other party was also trying to erode and assimilate his special energy, and there were indeed some effects, they were all within the range that Chen Feng could accept.

In this way, Chen Feng also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Chen Feng began to consider the next situation. This origin used two methods to deal with him in succession, and now they were resolved by himself.

Then will this origin use stronger means to deal with him next?

"Sure enough, although my strength is getting stronger and stronger now, entering a strange origin is easy to attract the origin's targeting, unless I always act honestly according to the other party's rules, but in this way I can only wait and see, and I can't get some benefits." Chen Feng said speechlessly.

Moreover, he didn't even look down on ordinary benefits. In this case, once he made a move, it would touch the root of the origin, and it was normal for the other party to make a move on him.

It's just that this origin is very strange. From the initial looming and imperceptible, to the later casual move, it almost trapped himself.

Now he has created a powerful assimilation force, which can easily destroy most of the Hunyuan.

Based on this alone, Chen Feng believes that he is even better than the Soul Emperor.

The only difference is that the Soul Emperor can leave the origin and act at will, but this origin may not have really escaped and become a real life.

But it doesn't matter. Anyway, he is now in the opponent's territory, and everything will be controlled by the opponent.

"So now I haven't done anything, why is the opponent's attack still continuous?" Just when Chen Feng was thinking about whether he should leave this origin, the attack suddenly stopped.

Everything was calm, as if the previous situation did not exist.

But Chen Feng only carefully checked himself, fearing that the opponent would leave any special marks on him.

However, Chen Feng first had power marks and special energy, and after combing himself over and over again, he began to comb the avenue, and after completely solving the assimilation forces in the avenue of the seal, he left this area.

Next, Chen Feng was still trying, and he was really relieved when he came to a material area.

This time, the origin did not use any means to trap himself.

"Is it because they couldn't do anything to me before, so they chose to give up? Then if I make any move next, will the other party still react?" Chen Feng remembered that when he first came to this origin, he collected some material areas, but actually did not attract the attention of this origin.

Or it can be said that this origin has always been paying attention to him, but he did not touch the bottom line of the other party, so it would not attack him.

"It seems that life is more important, so I will not interfere with the life here, I just search for some materials, there should be no problem."

"But those previous Hunyuan, they just collected some origin cores, and they were poisoned by this origin. I don't know if they did anything else besides that?"

Chen Feng looked at the material area in front of him. After a while, Chen Feng shook his head and chose to leave.

Although the materials here are unfamiliar, they are not very useful to Chen Feng.

"It would be great if I could meet some other adventurers." Chen Feng has never given up searching for the breath of life.

It's just because of some previous changes that Chen Feng can't tell the direction clearly now, so he can only choose an area at random to move forward.

Anyway, most of the time here it is pitch black and nothingness, even if there is some light, it is composed of energy.

During Chen Feng's journey, he was no longer targeted by this origin.

But Chen Feng did not let his heart go. After introducing the opponent's methods before, Chen Feng was always worried that he would fall into the opponent's pervasive and silent trap.

"Otherwise, if you say that one origin is really determined to deal with you, you would have fled now." The Gate of Time and Space suggested.

"It's really a bit weird, and I don't know what the other party is thinking?" Although Chen Feng has mastered some origins, they are all empty shells. Even if he encounters an origin source like the Soul Emperor, he has not had a real in-depth communication with the other party.

Besides, each origin is different. Who knows what kind of thinking they have?

"I feel more and more that this origin is a bit weird. It's a pity that I can't communicate with the main body. Otherwise, when my time power is spread all over the corners of this origin, everything will be clear." The long river of time said so.

"If you really want to do this, you will definitely be targeted and attacked by this origin." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"That's not necessarily true. I think this origin really needs the power of time. Maybe my arrival can improve its structure and make this origin stronger." said the Long River of Time.

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