Eternal Existence

Chapter 5123: The Power of Assimilation

In Chen Feng's mind, there are only these two sources.

But after Chen Feng carefully investigated, he found that things were not as simple as he imagined.

It was just because the breath emitted by these lives was very strange.

Because the breath they emitted was very unstable, it can be said to be very violent now.

And it was a fusion breath.

The power of this origin and other foreign areas merged together.

So in this way, this should belong to foreign adventurers, but they refined and absorbed part of the original power of this origin, so it became the current state.

"I just entered a life area and was warned by this origin, but these adventurers can actually refine and absorb the origin here, how did they do it?" Chen Feng thought a little strangely.

Everyone is an outside adventurer, how can they be treated differently like this?

And these powerful lives are above Hunyuan.

Chen Feng discovered the other party, except for investigating the other party, he did not approach at the first time.

Because the state of these Hunyuan is not right.

How the two different forces seem to have some conflicts, it stands to reason that this cannot proceed smoothly, and should be stopped immediately.

But these above the primordial beings just forced their way forward.

Feeling the fluctuation of power becoming stronger and stronger, even Chen Feng knew something was wrong.

"Could it be that they did not absorb these powers voluntarily?" Chen Feng guessed.

Just when Chen Feng was a little confused, suddenly a above the primordial beings exploded directly.

The powerful power bloomed in all directions, but Chen Feng found that these powers should have been able to destroy the surrounding void.

After all, this is a powerful above the primordial beings, and under normal circumstances, they can protect themselves and even destroy a small universe.

Even if this is an origin, there will be space-time shocks.

But the surrounding space has not had time to collapse, and it has been locked by power. The energy caused by these self-explosions quickly merged into the surrounding void.

As the fluctuations in this area weakened, this above the primordial beings disappeared without a trace.

A powerful life that has cultivated to such a first step was swallowed up by this origin.

"Is this impossible?"

Chen Feng was a little surprised. Even an existence like the Soul Emperor would find it difficult to quietly solve a above the primordial beings.

Even an ordinary above the primordial beings.

Chen Feng noticed that the self-explosion of this Hunyuan Above made all the other Hunyuan Above panic. Some of them also wanted to expel the power in their bodies, but they couldn't do it.

The power in the bodies of all the remaining Hunyuan Aboves was still out of control, and the fluctuations were getting stronger and stronger.

Chen Feng understood that if it continued, all the Hunyuan Aboves present would self-explode, and then they would all be integrated into this origin.

"So that's how it is."

Chen Feng understood. He was a little curious before, but now it seems that all this is the trick of this origin.

Just inject some energy, then it can easily devour these foreign adventurers.

These are all powerful Hunyuan Aboves, which is a great supplement even for a source.


Another Hunyuan Above self-exploded, and it was exactly the same as before.

Chen Feng noticed that these Hunyuan Aboves were also working together to block the four directions and suppress themselves, but the result was not very effective.

So Chen Feng walked out.

In fact, these Hunyuan Aboves also discovered Chen Feng's existence, and they also chose to ask for help, but Chen Feng did not receive their distress signals.

But after Chen Feng got closer, the two sides could communicate.

"We are here, come and save us."

"Daoyou, it is too dangerous to leave here quickly."

"Daoyou, don't absorb external power. No matter how great the temptation is, you must stick to your original heart."

These Hunyuan above gave Chen Feng three kinds of useful information and three different attitudes in a short period of time.

"So, what is going on?" Chen Feng asked calmly, while also carefully exploring the four directions, as if there was nothing special.

I don't know how these Hunyuan above got tricked?

"We are all foreign adventurers. We have absorbed the original power of this origin for some temptations, resulting in an imbalance of our own power, and eventually we can't control ourselves at all. When we go further, we will explode, and then everything will be integrated into this evil origin." Someone said quickly.

This is the same as Chen Feng's previous guess. It is indeed the trick of this origin.

"The power of this origin is quite special. In addition to being powerful, it also has a fusion catalytic effect. As long as it is contaminated by itself, it will erode all of its own power. Unfortunately, I don't have a good way to control it." Another Hunyuan said quickly.

As soon as this person finished speaking, his body began to swell, and he was about to explode. The other Hunyuans had already dodged quickly.

At this time, Chen Feng took action and performed the Devouring Technique. According to Chen Feng's idea, he wanted to extract one of the powers in the opponent's body.

As a result, the two powers were tightly entangled together. Although Chen Feng's Devouring Technique was useful, it also pulled out all the power in the body of this Hunyuan.

Although it was a temporary solution, it also caused the swollen body of this Hunyuan to shrink.

The chaotic aura also began to converge.

But once Chen Feng stopped, he still couldn't change the situation.

"It's useless. This power is integrated with our origin power, so it can't be separated separately." This person said.

Chen Feng tried again, and it really didn't work.

Maybe there is a way to do this, but Chen Feng doesn't have the time to think about it and study it.

So the sealing technique Chen Feng used made this person seem to be frozen in time.

Everything stopped, and only some thoughts were still active.

However, Chen Feng found that the thoughts of this person were also being eroded little by little.

So Chen Feng sealed all the people present in the Hunyuan, and then he had time to ask them what happened specifically.

"It's the means of this origin. We found a treasure land and the origin core before, but it turned out like this after we got it." One of the people in the Hunyuan quickly told what he had experienced before.

Chen Feng immediately understood that it was all very simple.

"The origin core is indeed a good thing." Chen Feng nodded, and he would collect and refine it even if he changed to himself.

The Hunyuan above in front of him will not let go, so is the origin core of this origin special, or is it calculated by this origin?

Chen Feng believes that it is mostly the latter.

"If it is the latter, why didn't they plot against me before?" After thinking about it, Chen Feng shook his head again.

This origin also plotted against him before, but he trapped himself in a void area with almost no boundaries.

He was almost trapped there, maybe he would continue to show some other means to himself at that time.

"There are more adventurers here than I thought, or there were many before, but they were all calculated by this origin and have become part of this place." Chen Feng said.

If he hadn't taken action just now, none of the Hunyuan above in front of him could escape the end of self-explosion.

However, although Chen Feng sealed them, if they couldn't solve it, they would eventually explode.

So these Hunyuan above were very anxious and kept asking Chen Feng to help them.

After all, Chen Feng's strength is so strong, he must have means.

"I can only make some attempts, and I can't guarantee whether it will succeed." Chen Feng is very interested in this kind of power and wants to study it carefully.

But before Chen Feng could study it further, he was attacked by the origin.

Chen Feng was once again attacked by the teleportation technique.

But this time Chen Feng was prepared and used the power of the origin, and the mountain stabilized himself.

But he was also moved a short distance.

However, the Hunyuan above sealed by Chen Feng broke the current situation under the attack of external forces.

At the same time, there were stronger power fluctuations that penetrated into the bodies of these Hunyuan above, so these Hunyuan above could no longer control themselves.

One after another, people began to self-destruct.

The powerful force shook the four directions, and this time the origin did not have time to absorb so much power.

So the space was too large, and the energy fragments were mixed with turbulent storms and swept around.

This more or less affected Chen Feng.

Under this situation, even if Chen Feng used the devouring technique, he could not stabilize the situation.

What's more, Chen Feng himself was attacked by special attacks from the origin.

Other powers wanted to invade Chen Feng, and Chen Feng immediately felt this power, which was very sticky and was constantly trying to enter all his powers.

Chen Feng immediately knew that this was the origin core that those Hunyuan had suffered before. Before he could come up with a solution, it was best not to be contaminated by this power.

Chen Feng immediately displayed a perfect reincarnation field around him, trying to keep this power out.

But Chen Feng was surprised to find that this power could actually erode the reincarnation field.

You should know that Chen Feng's reincarnation field is integrated and continuous, and can well preserve or assimilate external power, but now it is somewhat unable to resist this kind of corrosive power.

Chen Feng was surprised and tried it deliberately. Sure enough, as this power became more and more, Chen Feng's reincarnation field actually merged with this power.

So Chen Feng released the origin flame and began to burn, and as a result, this power could actually merge with the origin flame.

Chen Feng used boxing to shake continuously, and only with all his strength could he disperse this power.

But then this power continued to attack from all directions. Chen Feng knew that if even a little bit of it got into his body, it would take a lot of effort to remove it.

"This power is more difficult than I thought." Chen Feng experienced the feelings of those above Hunyuan before.

"I have also mastered some power of this attribute, but there is still a big gap compared to this. Since it is so difficult, how can I collect it? Can I use the sealing technique to imprison it?" Chen Feng began to think about searching for some of this power, and after studying it thoroughly, he would perfect the rules and open up the road.

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