Eternal Existence

Chapter 5122 Endless Nothingness

"It's just an ordinary Hunyuan Above." Chen Feng felt a little regretful.

Chen Feng didn't care about this level of Hunyuan Above at all, even if the real realm was higher than Chen Feng.

But for a character like this, Chen Feng could flatten the opponent with one punch and suppress the opponent with a wave of his hand.

However, Chen Feng didn't show anything on the surface, but chatted with the other party casually for a while, knowing that this Hunyuan Above came from an extremely distant origin.

Chen Feng understood that this was also a life that liked adventure, but was a little weaker.

But the luck should be good. In such a remote area, didn't he encounter any danger along the way?

Of course, when everyone met for the first time, Chen Feng would not ask so carefully, after all, it would seem a little out of control, and it might anger the other party.

Although Chen Feng was not afraid of the other party, he didn't want to cause so many troubles.

Then the two sides exchanged information about the origin of this side, and each took out some information they had.

This Hunyuan Above has been here for much longer than Chen Feng, and it can be said that he has been to many areas.

One thing is the same as Chen Feng, that is, this Hunyuan Above has not encountered local life.

Although Chen Feng did not emit any aura, this person above the Primordial Chaos could still feel Chen Feng's strength and wanted to act with Chen Feng, but was rejected by Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng still asked the other party some questions, such as whether there were other adventurers coming to this origin.

According to the answer of this person above the Primordial Chaos, there were still some adventurers coming to this origin, but the number was extremely rare.

After all, this origin was too secretive, and even the Primordial Chaos could hardly detect it.

Just like Chen Feng, who was so close at the beginning, he almost didn't find it.

After the two sides separated, Chen Feng still explored the four directions according to his own method. In addition to wanting to find something useful for himself, he also wanted to understand the mystery of this origin.

For example, why this origin was looming and could deceive the perception of the Primordial Chaos, Chen Feng still didn't understand the reason until now, even if there were some speculations, they were not confirmed.

Although it was very novel to meet an adventurer here, Chen Feng still didn't think much about it.

It was just an ordinary Primordial Chaos.

Chen Feng still believed in his own judgment, and he did not feel any danger from the other party.

Besides, if the other party really had the ability to hide it from Chen Feng, then Chen Feng would have nothing to say.

"This origin is very large, let's walk around more. Since there is such abundant energy and some magical substances, even if there is no derived life, there should be innate life, unless this origin is deliberately controlled, but even if it is a strange will, it is probably difficult to achieve this step."

"Besides, the growth of the origin also needs life to supplement it. The origin of pure desolation is only extinct by dead life, but I have never seen or heard of such an origin."

Chen Feng thought while searching in the same way as before. Maybe this time he really found the right place.

Chen Feng finally found a life area.

Originally, according to Chen Feng's thinking, even if there is life, it is only some powerful innate life. Who knows that he will encounter so many lives at once.

This is a large-scale life area.

In terms of scale, Chen Feng has never encountered such a large-scale life area in the free space.

"It's really interesting." Chen Feng smiled, restrained his breath, and slowed down his pace.

This life area is large in scale and stable in structure. There are countless magic arrays in the surrounding area, and there are also powerful guards patrolling.

It can be seen that the civilization and cultivation system here are well developed.

Chen Feng felt the breath close to the Hunyuan.

"The strongest is above Hunyuan, infinitely close to Hunyuan, not bad, it is already very strong to develop to this bottom." After Chen Feng carefully explored it, he was relieved after confirming that there was no Hunyuan.

So Chen Feng went straight into this life area and was surprised to find that all the lives here were strong in the flesh.

The soul will is extremely stable.

"Wow, the most common life here has the potential of the Chaos Body." Chen Feng was a little surprised.

Although it is not as good as his Hunyuan body, it is not much worse.

You know how many lives there are here, it is simply too many to count.

At first, Chen Feng thought it was the same kind of life bloodline, but after Chen Feng's exploration, he found that it was not the case.

Although many of the lives here have the same ancestor, the main reason for their strong bodies and stable souls is from this origin.

It is innate.

Chen Feng wanted to continue exploring, but he felt that another life was staring at him.

"It feels like this again. It seems that this origin has been paying attention to me, or once what I do exceeds some boundaries, it will attract the attention of the other party." Chen Feng guessed in his heart, but he stopped exploring and pretended to be a local.

Sure enough, although the attention was still there, it was no longer as strong as before.

"This really makes me a little embarrassed." Chen Feng muttered, and began to wander around this life area casually.

The more he understood the life here, the more Chen Feng wanted to find out why the life here was so powerful.

Finally, Chen Feng couldn't help it. With a move of his will, he instantly invaded the bodies of countless lives. Everything about these lives was clearly perceived by Chen Feng, and even the smallest things could not be hidden from Chen Feng.

Chen Feng understood the lives here more clearly.

"If it were an evil practitioner, wouldn't he have to slaughter all these lives and then plunder their blood to strengthen himself? Even I am a little tempted. If I devour all the lives here, it would be good for my chaotic body." Chen Feng said so.

But Chen Feng would not do this, and even if he was willing to do so, he couldn't, because Chen Feng's actions angered the origin of this side.

Before, it was just attention from the distant depths, but now it was directly taken.

Countless laws appeared around Chen Feng, completely isolating Chen Feng, and in just a moment, Chen Feng was moved out of this life area.

Although Chen Feng was isolated, he also knew what happened.

"What a beautiful and complex law." Chen Feng did not break the blockade at the first time, but observed these laws by himself.

When Chen Feng felt that the laws around him were still being compiled, he couldn't bear it anymore and took out his long sword and slashed.

The law was broken, and a crack appeared in front of Chen Feng, and Chen Feng strode out.

Still in this origin purple-red.

At the same time, Chen Feng also received a warning from this origin.

"Hehe, I entered this origin and didn't kill a life, but I was targeted by this origin. If the dead life comes here, it will be lively." Chen Feng said with a smile.

However, the action of the origin just now was more like a warning, because after Chen Feng broke free from the restraints, this origin did not continue to attack.

Originally, Chen Feng was ready to fight, but it turned out to be calm, and even the sense of watching was gone.


Chen Feng shook his head and explored the surroundings first.

A void, no matter, no life, and the energy is still abundant.

"Let's go."

Chen Feng chose a direction to continue moving forward.

After a while, Chen Feng stopped: "Something is wrong."

"It's really wrong, you seem to be trapped here." The long river of time said.

"I also noticed it, but the opponent's method is very magical, and I haven't comprehended it yet." The gate of time and space also said so.

Chen Feng nodded, and his exploration and spiritual will surged out like a tide.

In the end, there was no gain.

Chen Feng changed direction, and after a while, there was still nothing around.

Chen Feng's speed was very fast, but it was useless, so Chen Feng punched out, the fist force exploded, and then violently agitated, and soon formed an energy storm.

So Chen Feng turned and went to another direction.

Once it still didn't work after a while.

"Then try again."

Chen Feng kept attacking, creating energy storms all around.

And these energy storms were all within Chen Feng's perception, which could also be said to be Chen Feng's domain.

Under the blessing of Chen Feng's power, the energy storm kept sweeping around, and the momentum was getting more and more fierce.

"Hey, with my current strength, if I continue to expand like this, even one side of the origin can be covered." Chen Feng said proudly.

If it comes to this point, then let's see what other means the other party has.


Chen Feng released the volcanic origin.

Or the power of the origin is faster, more domineering and more powerful, and this time Chen Feng is more confident.

As a result, after a while, Chen Feng couldn't help frowning.

The noise he made was huge, and the expansion area was also very large. Unexpectedly, he still didn't get out of this area, and there was no reaction from this origin.

It was as if he was facing endless nothingness.

"This won't work." It was the first time that Chen Feng had made the area so large, and it would be a big burden for Chen Feng to continue.

Just when Chen Feng was hesitant, he suddenly touched something in one direction.

So Chen Feng's heart moved, and all the power began to surge in that direction, and Chen Feng arrived at the place in an instant.


Under the impact of the powerful force, countless laws broke, and Chen Feng came to a new world.

"Hey, I thought it was an illusion, but it was just a void space." Chen Feng shook his head with some disappointment.

He really overestimated the other party.

"But if the scale of this void space is larger, I will really have a headache." Chen Feng said with a smile.

Then Chen Feng felt a strong breath of life, and there was more than one.

"Foreign life? Or local life?" Chen Feng had this thought at the first time.

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