Eternal Existence

Chapter 5045: Creating Trouble

Of course, Chen Feng also knew that the Soul Emperor would definitely not give him what he wanted, so he could only wait for the next war to find an opportunity.

Also, as time went by, the power of time that Chen Feng mastered was also growing little by little. Although it still could not reach the level he needed, it could play a role at critical moments.

For example, he could seal himself before.

And Chen Feng had more than just the power of the River of Time in his hands.

"It's a pity that I can't establish a connection with the River of Time here, otherwise I could make some big moves." Chen Feng actually didn't know whether the Soul Emperor had seen the true origin of the power of time that he mastered. Chen Feng thought that he might not be able to hide it from the Soul Emperor, after all, the other party quietly arranged some means on him.

"After all, this is not the true origin. This kind of living life is the most difficult to deal with. The most important thing is that the other party has an extremely powerful strength. Maybe in the eyes of the other party, we are just some interesting toys." Chen Feng shook his head and said with some emotion.

Chen Feng's retreat was not long, and the Soul Emperor began to mobilize manpower.

Chen Feng thought it was the same as before, but who knew that this time the Soul Emperor changed the plan, and seemed to arrange Chen Feng and others to attack the ancient Qing origin directly.

This made Chen Feng curious. Didn't the Soul Emperor know that he wanted to leave?

He would definitely take the opportunity to slip away if he was sent to other origins.

"Or is this action very dangerous? The Soul Emperor didn't expect me to come back alive." Chen Feng thought so.

However, according to Chen Feng's thinking, if the Soul Emperor really wanted to do so, he should arrange the Three Souls Monk together.

As a result, only a few people went to attack the ancient Qing origin with Chen Feng.

"Or is this intentional? Leaving a part to act as a distraction, in this case, there is actually no reason. If there is a chance to escape, I think everyone can't refuse the temptation of freedom." Chen Feng couldn't figure out what the Soul Emperor was going to do for a while.

But Chen Feng himself did not refuse, because going to other origins was originally in his plan.

Chen Feng took the opportunity to make a request, that is, he wanted to learn the method of refining soul puppets.

To Chen Feng's surprise, the Soul Emperor actually agreed.

Chen Feng thought that the other party would not agree so easily, and might bargain when he encountered some special things.

Who knew that the other party was so straightforward and passed down the method of cultivation.

"It's a bit surprising, but if you think about it from the perspective of the Soul Emperor, maybe this is nothing at all. When it reaches a certain level, the vision will naturally change. Just like I don't take the Hunyuan Jinxian Heart seriously now. Maybe in the eyes of the Soul Emperor, although I have some means, I am just some low-level life. After all, aren't I still a chess piece that the other party can control? Now I am also fighting for the other party."

Before leaving, Chen Feng also met with Sanhun Jushi and others. Sanhun Jushi and others were a little disappointed and felt a little uneasy about Chen Feng's departure.

After returning, although the Soul Emperor did not control them, Sanhun Jushi and others have always been uneasy.

With Chen Feng's existence, it's like a magic needle that stabilizes the sea.

Now that Chen Feng has left, Sanhun Jushi and others seem to have lost their backbone.

Once the war starts, without Chen Feng, a master, everyone may encounter a crisis.

Maybe he will die in the next war.

In the past, Chen Feng might have tried to take Sanhun Jushi and others away, but Chen Feng now understands that the Soul Emperor has been paying attention to everything, and he is simply looking for trouble.

"You know that we took the initiative to attack the ancient Qing origin, what do you think?" Chen Feng asked proactively.

This time, there were a full sixty Hunyuan Above, including six Soul Puppets. Chen Feng was secretly impressed by such a big move.

Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to meet a Hunyuan Above in the vast and endless origin.

But now in the war, Hunyuan Above has become a cannon fodder.

Of course, it is still not enough.

After all, according to this number of people, it is not the scale of the war. At least tens of thousands of lives will clash.

But when I think of tens of thousands of Hunyuan Above, even Chen Feng has never seen such a scene.

"If we are not used as cannon fodder, there are actually six mind buds this time. This is a big deal." The mind emperor may not care about ordinary Hunyuan above, but these powerful mind puppets are made by himself with great effort.

After all, each mind puppet is not a master among the Hunyuan above. The fact that they were able to block those top opponents one-on-one before shows the problem.

Chen Feng believes that even the mind emperor has not refined many mind puppets.

The mind emperor may feel distressed if he loses one.

"Could it be that this time we are not made to be cannon fodder? Instead, we are really going to attack the ancient Qing origin." Chen Feng thought so.

"If this is the case, then it's better, and I don't have to worry too much. At least even if it is cannon fodder, it is not pure cannon fodder. After all, they want us to severely damage the opponent."

"But since the Soul Emperor is so relieved, does he really think that he can deal with Gu Qing Yuan? He is not afraid that I will suddenly suppress these mind puppets." Speaking of which, Chen Feng still had some thoughts.

These mind puppets are all powerful in combat. Even if you cannot conquer the opponent, you can still take this opportunity to suppress or kill these mind puppets.

Chen Feng had many thoughts, and for a while he couldn't figure out the true thoughts of the Great Spiritual Emperor.

In this way, under the leadership of the soul puppet, everyone came directly to the origin of the ancient Qing Dynasty through a special passage.

Or did you directly enter the origin of the ancient Qing Dynasty?

All this is within the calculation of the Great Mind Emperor.

"Actually, at this point, I can leave." Chen Feng paid attention to the others.

Sure enough, some people above Hunyuan were a little moved, and it was obvious that they also wanted to take this opportunity to get rid of the Soul Emperor.

But I feel like things are not that simple, so let’s take a look at the situation first.

Knowing that the Great Spirit Emperor may have his own methods of manipulation, since he has come to other origins, these Hunyuan masters will definitely have their thoughts.

Chen Feng was not in a hurry anyway. He originally wanted to see the new origin, so he also wanted to see if other Hunyuan masters would take the opportunity to escape from this place?

However, there were still several familiar Hunyuan Shang who secretly sought Chen Feng's opinion.

"There's no rush." ​​Chen Feng simply replied, and those above Hunyuan could only hold back.

"What exactly are we going to do? Now that we have arrived at the origin, can we act at will?" Chen Feng asked.

"It's better to go straight to the opponent's lair." One of the psychic puppets replied.

So the puppet still led the way, and everyone followed and started to move forward in the origin of the ancient Qing Dynasty.

"It seems that the Great Mind Emperor has found out clearly and wants to give the opponent a heavy blow. However, the opponent is also from three parties. Don't they have some preparations and means?" Chen Feng also knew that even if the Great Mind Emperor was well prepared, this time Action is also very dangerous, and there may be traps waiting for you ahead.

After all, even a broken origin is not that easy to deal with. Think about it, you were besieged by five mountains for an extremely long time.

If he didn't have the means to protect himself, the other party could completely refine and kill him.

"If something unexpected happens, don't get confused. Follow me closely. When the time comes, I will bring out the phalanx diagram, and everyone will work together to resist the danger." Chen Feng secretly informed the Hunyuan Supremes.

Regarding this situation, these Hunyuan superiors were naturally surprised and happy, so it was safer to follow Chen Feng.

The process of moving forward was relatively smooth, and there were no dangers along the way that everyone was worried about before.

Chen Feng noticed that the routes taken by these mind puppets were obviously familiar to them. In other words, they knew where to look and would not encounter enemies?

"The Great Mind Emperor has really prepared a lot, but something is still not quite right. We are now within the scope of the ancient Qing origin. Even if other beings are not aware of it, this origin should not be aware of it. Let's talk about this Fang Yuanyuan was also concealed by the Emperor of Mind." Chen Feng guessed that this seemed to be the only possibility.

"Although this is a bit dangerous, as long as you can survive, you can get great benefits. After all, what you are going to this time is the core of the origin of this place, which is an excellent thing for those above Hunyuan. But the Emperor of Mind will also spy on it, can you give us such a good thing? These mind puppets are not vegetarians."

Chen Feng has already thought of many conspiracies.

"But in the final analysis, this place is still in another origin. Even if the Emperor of Mind has a plan, it is beyond his reach. I am the vanguard here and can take the initiative."

Although he thought this way, Chen Feng still conveyed some bad guesses to other Hunyuan superiors, so that he could possibly recruit more helpers.

Chen Feng didn't pay attention to these one-on-one ones above Hunyuan, but there were many of them, and they were also a considerable force.

Chen Feng was also worried about what might happen.

As for those who are familiar with Chen Feng, they naturally believe in Chen Feng, and they are also there to contact other Hunyuan masters.

After all, only when everyone unites can we have stronger power to escape from the control of the spiritual emperor.


A wave of power was transmitted, and Chen Feng was a little worried, wondering if he had been discovered by the other party.

As a result, more power was transmitted, but it was just a ripple and had no intention of targeting everyone.

"There may be a war." Someone speculated.

"It may be that the Great Spirit Emperor is creating opportunities for us." Chen Feng also thought this way.

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