Eternal Existence

Chapter 5044: What a Trouble

"It seems like the Great Mind Emperor will not let me go so easily, but it doesn't matter, I also have my own ideas." Chen Feng was walking when he suddenly struck out with a sword.

The space on the first floor was neatly cut open, and then the opening continued to expand.

Finally, I saw another independent space. It was an independent space because there were several Hunyuan above fighting each other.

"It is the companion of our spiritual origin, and the other one comes from the origin of the ancient gods." said the three-hundred layman.

"Origin of the Ancient God."

Chen Feng took a look and saw that the opponent he had fought before had always been a powerful expert from the origin of the ancient gods. This was the first time he had seen life from other origins.

"Such a strong body and energy." Chen Feng became somewhat interested.

"It seems that Wuhun Origin is good at the soul, and Ancient God Origin is good at the body. It is possible that the three of them have the same origin." Chen Feng thought of the news he had learned before, and became even more sure of this.

"Let's kill each other together." Someone suggested.

But before anyone could rush forward to take action, the Hunyuan Shang who originated from the ancient gods immediately shattered the space and escaped.

Everyone looked at each other, but they didn't expect that the other person ran quite fast.

"Why are you here?" The Hunyuan superiors who were fighting on the side of the origin of the soul asked curiously.

Of course they were happy to have helpers come, but they were a little depressed after scaring away their opponents.

Of course, these Hunyuan superiors didn't think much about it. They thought that Chen Feng and others were sent by the Great Spiritual Emperor, and had no idea that they were walking on their own initiative.

Chen Feng and others did not say anything more to them, but immediately broke through a layer of space with a sword.

Then he left with everyone.

After Chen Feng and the others left, the remaining Hunyuan masters looked at each other curiously, wondering what was going on. However, their opponents ran away, so the next step was to Can wait for the arrangement of the Great Spiritual Emperor.

The space that was cut this time was empty, with nothing in it. Of course, there was some residual aura energy.

It is certain that there was a fight here before, but it ended.

Seeing Chen Feng constantly looking for an independent space, at first the Three Souls laymen thought Chen Feng wanted to continue fighting, but soon they felt something was wrong.

Looking at Chen Feng's appearance, it seems that he is not innocent.

"Actually, I want to take the initiative to enter the three-dimensional universe and take a look. Instead of waiting here for the arrangements of the Great Spirit Emperor, I might as well choose another route." Chen Feng said.

Hearing what Chen Feng said, Sanhun laymen and the others were a little moved. In fact, they had had this idea in the past years.

After all, if you continue to stay here, you will die on the battlefield sooner or later. However, the Mind Emperor has always been very cautious in controlling everyone, and will move them no matter where they go. This is one of the reasons for setting up an independent battlefield.

There are also people who want to try, but just like what Chen Feng did just now, cutting through one layer of space, there is still another layer of space, and they don’t know the clear route. Maybe after cutting the space, they will come to the Spiritual Emperor.

Unless you can rush out in one breath, no matter how far you run, you will be found by the Great Mind Emperor.

Now hearing what Chen Feng said, everyone was a little entangled and still had some hope. They saw Chen Feng's methods and strength, and thought that if Chen Feng could really find a way to leave, then everyone would be willing to leave with me.

I'm afraid that Chen Feng won't be able to leave this area, and everyone will have to face the punishment of the Soul Emperor.

No one said anything at this time, but the Three Souls layman had already told Chen Feng the reason secretly.

Chen Feng understood this, but also had some hesitation.

Because Chen Feng himself was not sure whether he could find a way to leave. Of course, Chen Feng was not afraid of the Great Spirit Emperor, but the situation of the Three Souls layman and the others was different.

The imprint of everyone, everything they have grown up in the origin of the soul, they may also have the means arranged by the Great Soul Emperor, it is so easy to leave.

"I would like to give it a try, but your situation is not good. Of course, everything still depends on your choice, but we have a lot of people now, which can be regarded as a very strong force. I can't think of a last resort. The Great Spirit I won't punish you either," Chen Feng said.

"Actually, I have some methods, but I can only roughly determine the location of the origins of the three parties, but it's hard to say whether I can rush out in the shortest time." One of the Hunyuan Shang said at this time.

"Perhaps we can give it a try. Even if the Great Spiritual Emperor finds out, we can also find some excuses." Chen Feng also knew that these Hunyuan masters still have some methods. What they are worried about is that they cannot break through countless numbers in the shortest time. Space.

Of course, once they enter other origins, will they encounter stronger dangers? This is also an important reason.

After all, there is a war going on between the two sides. Once they enter the Ancient Soul Origin, they may be suppressed by the entire Origin, and they may die on the spot.

If you stay at the origin of the soul, you can survive as long as you go through war after war.

This is also an important reason for some of the entanglements in Hunyuan.

"Since you know the direction, point it out to me. With the long sword in my hand, I can open a path." Chen Feng's eyes lit up.

Originally, Chen Feng was thinking of trying it out with his own methods. He had already come into contact with the light of displacement from the origin of the ancient soul. Chen Feng wanted to track it with his own cause and effect technique. Since someone could determine the general direction, he would just use his actual combat sword to blast a path all the way.

So everyone began to move forward. When Chen Feng broke through another layer of space, he found that there were two less Hunyuan Above behind him.

Chen Feng understood that the two Hunyuan Above did not want to take this risk. They did not speak before because they were afraid of something happening. They had to quietly slip away while moving forward.

"At this point, we have no choice but to move forward."

Chen Feng continued to move forward. Others also had complicated thoughts, but no matter what, at this point, no one should be retreating.

So Chen Feng broke through the space again with a sword.

Then he saw the two Hunyuan Above fighting. Chen Feng showed curiosity in his eyes. He did not expect that there were only two in the independent space this time.

One came from the origin of the mind. This time Chen Feng saw that this was a mind puppet.

The other one came from the origin of the ancient god. This judgment could be made from the other party's tyrannical blood.

Both sides are very powerful. If they fight alone, except Chen Feng, none of the Three Souls Monk can be the opponent of these two beings.

The Three Souls Monk and others looked at Chen Feng and asked.

Do you mean to take action?

"Since we have met, it is not the case if we pretend not to see it, but if we take action, it may alarm the Soul Emperor, or the Soul Emperor has actually been paying attention to our situation, but he is now fighting with the opponent and has no extra power to arrange them." Chen Feng said.

"So should we take action?" Someone asked anxiously.

"You join forces to attack, and I will break the space." Chen Feng said.

Everyone followed Chen Feng's arrangement and joined forces to attack the Hunyuan of the origin of the ancient god, while Chen Feng swung his long sword to pierce a big hole in the space.

Chen Feng and others passed through the space channel, and the two opponents were still fighting.

Originally, the Hunyuan Above of the Ancient God Clan was still a little worried, thinking that he was going to run away, but who knew that these Hunyuan Aboves from the origin of the mind would just launch an attack and ignore him.

As for what Chen Feng and others did, the Hunyuan Above did not delve into it, and he only had to deal with the opponent in front of him.

"The situation is not right."

Chen Feng couldn't help but say after breaking through another layer of space.

"I also feel something is wrong, but now I have come to the conclusion that it is indeed in this direction." The Hunyuan Above said so.

So far, Chen Feng has broken through the space many times, but he always feels like he is in a maze.

If this is the case, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?

Moreover, the space here is not so easy to break, and Chen Feng also needs to spend a lot of effort.

Think about it, this is a solid space that can withstand the war of Hunyuan Above.

If Chen Feng hadn't relied on the magic weapon in his hand, he would probably have to pay more strength and price.

"Isn't it the Emperor of the Mind who is controlling all this?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Chen Feng could see that after being unable to get out for such a long time, some people had already given up.

"If the Soul Emperor had spare power, he would have arranged for us long ago. How could he have time to control these spaces to bother us?" Someone retorted.

"That's true. What should we do next? We haven't been out for such a long time. I'm afraid things will change."

"Let's go forward." Chen Feng actually had no good solution. He could only take the lead and enter another space.

Unlike before, the space in front of him was empty and void. There was no fighting on the Hunyuan, and there was no strong energy left. It was like coming to a void that had been empty for who knows how many years.

"We won't have left the control of the Soul Emperor." Someone had this hope.

Chen Feng looked around and said, "I can't tell the situation. Maybe we really got out, but what's in front of us doesn't look like other origins."

Chen Feng performed the causal technique, and the causal lines were constantly released, all extending far away.

This time, he was looking for the three origins.

Chen Feng thought that it would have some effect.

In fact, it did have some effect, but it was only in the general direction, just like what the previous person above Hunyuan had done.

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