Eternal Existence

Chapter 5046: Fishing in Troubled Waters

After Chen Feng displayed his divine power, he did not attack, but said: "After all, we came together. I will give up one sacred mountain. Fellow Taoists, go and grab other sacred mountains."

After this, some people above Hunyuan chose to leave, including many above Hunyuan who surrounded the sacred mountain occupied by Chen Feng.

After all, although the protection is good, there are too many people. If you want to divide it up, you have to cut the mountain into pieces.

Instead of doing this, it is better to fight desperately and grab the sacred mountain occupied by Chen Feng.

At this point, Chen Feng did not say more. Anyway, this sacred mountain will not move here, and he is not in a hurry to take it. Instead, he will take root here and suppress this place with the sacred mountain and the origin of fierce wind. Chen Feng will fight with those above Hunyuan.

As a result, Chen Feng felt a strong pressure, and some attack methods fell on Chen Feng from time to time.

After all, these opponents are all above Hunyuan, and the most important thing is that there are too many people, and Chen Feng cannot stop their joint efforts.

Chen Feng used his strengths to bear it, and he didn't care if his strong body was hurt. However, when they joined forces to use the method of mental attack, Chen Feng was a little overwhelmed.

The reason why Chen Feng could hold on until now was because these unearthed Hunyuan above did not exert their full strength. After all, they did not cooperate with each other sincerely.

Even so, Chen Feng gradually couldn't resist.

Suddenly, Chen Feng's heart moved, and he opened a hole to let several Hunyuan above rush in.

This means that Hunyuan above came to the front of the sacred mountain and began to refine the sacred mountain. In this way, Chen Feng's pressure was reduced, and he severely injured another opponent with a sword.

"Don't worry, everyone, solve him first." Those Hunyuan above who were fighting with Chen Feng on the periphery were a little anxious.

However, the several Hunyuan above who were refining the immortals did not want to give up the treasures in front of them, and did not pay attention to what others said, but accelerated the speed of refining the sacred mountain.

Chen Feng was not worried about this at all. Even if they took away the sacred mountain, what could it do? He could also find an opportunity to take it back.

Under the temptation of treasures, things changed. In fact, Chen Feng's calculation was nothing. Everyone knew it in their hearts. However, even if they knew it, they would take the initiative to snatch the treasure once they had the chance.

"What a pity, it would be better if there were a few helpers." Chen Feng was still a little depressed.

Just when Chen Feng felt a little helpless, the scene finally changed dramatically.

The two sacred mountains actually began to erupt, and powerful forces were released from the sacred mountains. Not only did they bounce off the Hunyuan who refined the sacred mountains, but even Chen Feng was affected.

You should know that the sacred mountains released by Chen Feng were of the same quality, and the origin of the fierce wind was broken, but it was better than this kind of magic weapon.

Chen Feng noticed that the entire origin became more chaotic.

"It should be more than that. It's just that I took the sacred mountains before, and it's not just because of those mind puppets. It's also the means of the mind emperor." Chen Feng guessed.

At the same time, Chen Feng also had a hunch that this origin was probably going to fall, and it might be swallowed up by the mind emperor.

"In this case, wouldn't the Soul Emperor become even stronger?"

After Chen Feng thought of this, he immediately burned a piece of Origin Fragment, then pointed his finger, and the Divine Mountain rushed forward, directly knocking away several Hunyuan Above.

Afterwards, Chen Feng put away the Divine Mountain, and used all his strength to activate the Origin of the Fierce Wind, sweeping away several more Hunyuan Above.

"Fellow Daoists, don't you understand? Those Soul Puppets have already gained huge benefits in front of you, and you are still entangled with me here." Chen Feng said loudly.

Even those Hunyuan Above who fought against Chen Feng were a little hesitant, but they were still unwilling to give up everything in front of them.

After all, the treasure was in front of them, and Chen Feng also had a treasure in his hand.

Seeing the greed and murderous intent emanating from these Hunyuan Above, Chen Feng shrank the Origin of the Rift Wind, stretched out the Divine Wings behind him, and disappeared in a flash.

If Chen Feng continued to stay here, he would not be able to take away the Divine Mountain, so he might as well go to another place to have a look.

What's more, the Divine Mountain here is also erupting, and the difficulty of refining has increased.

"Anyway, I have already taken a sacred mountain, and the harvest is enough." Chen Feng knew that it was not appropriate to be too greedy in this situation, otherwise even if he fought hard, he could not stop so many people above the Hunyuan from joining forces.

Since they want to rob the two sacred mountains, then go and rob them. Go and see what those mind puppets are doing. Maybe you can find some opportunities.

Chen Feng finally found those mind origins, but Chen Feng quickly slowed down.

Because Chen Feng felt some danger.

"It turned out to be the mind emperor."

Chen Feng's expression changed, and he had guessed something.

It turned out that the mind emperor had already done something to those mind puppets, or part of the mind emperor's power had already sneaked in.

Before, even the gods were unwilling to take it, so in addition to looking for more important resources, they also wanted to hit the ancient Qing origin in one fell swoop.

Chen Feng finally saw what he wanted to see. The six mind puppets were working together to block a group of chaotic thunder-like things.

It looks like a ball of energy. Chen Feng knows that this is the origin of the ancient Qing origin. What's more, there are also some imprints of the ancient Qing origin in it.

"Without truly forming a life and getting out of it, this is the final outcome." Chen Feng sighed.

In fact, the ancient soul origin still had this sign. It wanted to mutate into a real life, but it was not completely successful.

So this group of original energy has the life imprint of the ancient Qing origin.

At first, Chen Feng felt a little sorry that the other party was a broken origin, but after thinking carefully, maybe the other party got out of this path after being broken.

It's just that it didn't succeed. Now it's a bargain for the Soul Emperor. Once the Soul Emperor swallows this group of energy, the Soul Emperor will definitely become stronger.

Chen Feng quickly locked one of the soul puppets. The strength was obviously stronger, and the breath emanating from his body also belonged to the Soul Emperor.

Chen Feng knew that this was a kind of existence similar to the Soul Emperor's clone. It turned out that the Soul Emperor had been hiding among the crowd. Once there was any chaos, he could directly take action to correct the chaos.

Although it was not the real body of the Soul Emperor, it was enough to control those above the Hunyuan.

Unless those above the Hunyuan could truly unite, there would be a chance to get rid of the control of the Soul Emperor.

It's a pity that they couldn't do this.

"It's still more dangerous to live. The Soul Emperor is so powerful and so calculating. Although the three origins have joined forces, they are all broken and are no match for the Soul Emperor. Once the Ancient Qing Origin is swallowed up, the remaining two will not be able to escape." Chen Feng sighed.

In this situation, although Chen Feng was jealous, he also knew that he would not succeed if he went forward to rob.

These few soul puppets alone are not so easy to deal with, not to mention who knows if the Soul Emperor has other means?

"Since I'm here, I can't be in vain. I still have to collect some benefits." Chen Feng's eyes swept across and quickly locked onto a long river.

It was the origin of the Ancient Qing Origin. Chen Feng naturally had an idea and went forward to use his means to take this origin river for himself.

From a certain perspective, this is the strongest existence under the ancient Qing origin, which is equivalent to the origin river evolved from the origin gate.

In the free space, the origin river and the time river are the two strongest existences in Chen Feng's view, and the time and space gates are far from being comparable.

Chen Feng is certainly not an opponent, but it is different here. This is originally a broken and ancient origin, and even the origin river is not in full condition.

What's more, it is still under the suppression of the mind emperor at this time.

Chen Feng came at a good time, and it is not impossible to get a share of the pie.

Seeing Chen Feng appear, the mind puppets did not express anything, but when they saw Chen Feng's attack on the origin river, the mind puppets finally stopped sitting idly by.

"Stop." One of the mind puppets directly scolded.

Chen Feng didn't care and came to the origin river. Only then did he notice that the river had been damaged, as if it had been severely damaged before, and now it was suppressed by a powerful force.

Chen Feng understood it at a glance. It turned out that this long river of origin was also under the suppression from the Soul Emperor.

"This is really a big bargain."

Chen Feng laughed. He thought he would have to work hard, but who knew that the Soul Emperor had already prepared something for him.

"Chen Feng, the previous sacred mountain was left to you by me on purpose. The origin imprint and the long river of origin here belong to me. If you stop now, I can give you a part of the broken origin." The Soul Emperor finally spoke.

"Sorry, I don't lack broken origins. I want this long river of origin now." Chen Feng replied with a smile.

Chen Feng was also worried about something going wrong. This time he used all his strength to cover it directly with the origin of corrosive energy.

The process was surprisingly smooth. There was no obstruction. Chen Feng successfully put away the long river of origin.

The Soul Emperor actually wanted to release the suppression of the long river of origin, but before he could do so, Chen Feng had already succeeded.

And the origin of corrosive energy released by Chen Feng also surprised the Soul Emperor.

Although the Soul Emperor knew that Chen Feng had controlled some broken origins, he did not expect that there was such a powerful origin.

However, as the Origin River fell into Chen Feng's hands, the Soul Emperor and his men became more relaxed and finally caught the life mark in their hands.

The entire Guqing Origin began to collapse.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng turned around and left, but in the process of leaving, Chen Feng hesitated a little and returned the same way.

To put it bluntly, Chen Feng was also a little greedy.

In fact, Chen Feng took advantage of the chaos to leave at this time, and this origin was the best choice, but the elements wanted to fish in troubled waters to gain greater benefits.

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