Eternal Existence

Chapter 5043: A Sword Slashes Out

Besides, it doesn't matter to me that they are just some broken bodies.

And in this case, only the Soul Emperor can take action.

"But no matter what, it is still a bit unsatisfactory to take away what I have obtained." Chen Feng's figure swayed, and he stabbed the Hunyuan above with a sword.

There was still some distance between the two sides, but Chen Feng's sword directly hit the opponent.

The Hunyuan above hurriedly waved his spear to resist, but was hit by the Three Souls Monk.

No matter how powerful this Hunyuan above is, he is not Chen Feng's opponent, not to mention that he is now besieged.

Seeing that the injuries on the Hunyuan above are getting worse and worse, Chen Feng seized the opportunity and used the Devouring Technique to plunder the opponent's mana.

Feeling his own power draining away, the Hunyuan above finally panicked.

Even if he can be rescued in the end, he will suffer heavy losses.

The concept of survival is also different.

After his mentality became unstable, this person above the mixed origin could no longer resist Chen Feng's attack, and finally seized the opportunity to suppress the opponent with the origin.

The reason why Chen Feng dared to do this was because he had the cooperation of the Three Souls Monk and others, and it was very difficult for the opponent to escape.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's approach is correct.

Although the spear in the hand of this person above the mixed origin is still extremely sharp, and can even pierce a hole in Chen Feng's vortex origin, Chen Feng still has the volcanic origin that will erupt immediately.

The two origins have been tempering each other back and forth, and coupled with the siege of the Three Souls Monk and others, the final result of this person above the mixed origin is already doomed.

Of course, Chen Feng also understands that things should not be so simple. Such a powerful existence, the backers behind will not let go, and will definitely use the previous means to rescue.

It's just that the ancient soul origin didn't make a move for a moment, which is a great opportunity for Chen Feng.

If this person above the mixed origin can be pressed into his origin before the opponent makes a move, then the opponent will not think of escaping again.

Similarly, Chen Feng is also worried that the opponent will escape, so he has been constantly performing the swallowing technique.

After all, plundering more benefits is the best way.

Facts have proved that Chen Feng's premonition is correct, and the beam of light appears again.

However, this time Chen Feng did not choose to stand by and watch, but wanted to test the opponent's strength.

So Chen Feng applied the Devouring Technique to the beam of light.

Sure enough, a small amount of power fell into Chen Feng's hands, but it only played such a small role, and the injured Hunyuan was still taken away by the light.

You must know that Chen Feng's Devouring Technique is not as simple as his own strength, and he also runs a part of the vortex potential. Even so, it only barely affects the opponent a little bit.

No wonder the opponent would use this seemingly simple but actually very powerful means to save people.

Chen Feng was a little regretful that the benefits in front of him were taken away again, but there was nothing he could do.

While sighing, Chen Feng's eyes swept around. This independent space had been destroyed beyond recognition, but it did not heal like before.

This also shows that the origins of the two warring parties did not have extra power to pay attention to this place.

No matter what, this time it was still the origin of the mind that won, although several people were seriously injured, after all, they were still alive.

Compared to the disastrous defeats of those opponents, I wish you a great victory this time.

Sure enough, the rewards from the Soul Land came.

"There are rewards at this time, it seems that the Soul Land still has some strength to spare." Chen Feng thought so.

This time, the results of the battle were greater, so the rewards were more, especially Chen Feng received the most rewards.

Others did not say much about this, because it was natural for Chen Feng to get so many benefits.

Of course, Chen Feng actually looked down on the rewards of the Soul Emperor. It was better to suppress a Hunyuan and get more benefits.

It's a pity for that spear.

If Chen Feng had fought with the opponent, he would have left some special marks on the opponent, and maybe he would meet again in the future.

It's just that by then, Chen Feng might have entered the origin of the ancient soul to make a living, and maybe Chen Feng would be surrounded and killed.

But no matter what, prepare in advance, maybe it will be useful in the future.

"I don't think we will continue to participate next time, right?" Chen Feng said.

"I don't think so?" Sanhun Jushi nodded.

But Chen Feng felt that the other party's tone was not so sure.

After two consecutive battles, everyone seemed to have won and gained a lot, but it was also very dangerous, especially because of those powerful beings.

Think about the two sneak attackers hiding in the dark, with so many people present, no one can hide.

And Chen Feng then looked at the helper who came out last.

Chen Feng's eyes shrank a little when he saw it.

At first, Chen Feng thought that this was a very powerful Hunyuan above, and now it seems to be true.

But it is a little different from a real practitioner, but Chen Feng can't see the specifics unless he uses the detection technique.

But that would be too presumptuous, and doing so would simply provoke the other party.

And the helper who came out last also noticed Chen Feng's gaze, but the other party didn't say anything, but left the broken space directly.

"I know what you are thinking, the one just now is the mind puppet created by the mind emperor." Sanhun Jushi secretly communicated with Chen Feng.

"It turned out to be a puppet. Why is it so strange?" Chen Feng understood.

"It's not as simple as a puppet. It is based on the life above the Hunyuan. The Soul Emperor also paid a great price to create a combat weapon. The other party still retains everything of the cultivator, and it is also not like a real life. Although it has become stronger, everything is under the control of the Soul Emperor. Of course, I don't know much, and I can't explain the specific process clearly." Sanhun Jushi said.

"It seems that this Soul Land has forced means. I don't think anyone would be willing to make themselves like this." Chen Feng said.

"That's hard to say. Someone was willing to become a mind puppet before. Maybe the other party is pursuing stronger power." Sanhun Jushi just said.

After everyone waited here for a while, there was no more fluctuation.

"It seems that there should be no more fighting next. You can go back and have a good rest."

"But why didn't you move us back? Could it be that we were left alone?"

Some people began to discuss.

Chen Feng took the initiative to walk out of this broken space. After hesitating for a while, the people of Sanhun Jushi followed.

Because Chen Feng had shown great strength before, these people had already regarded Chen Feng as their leader.

He thought that following Chen Feng would definitely give him more advantages in the future, and the most important thing was that he could survive.

"These independent spaces were created by the origins of both sides in order to withstand the war between us above Hunyuan. There are many things involved. Even if we walk around casually, we may get lost or trapped." Someone above Hunyuan said.

"Since we can break through this layer of space, other spaces can't stop us. Besides, the Emperor of the Heart will not watch us rushing around. Maybe he didn't notice us now, but he will take us away when he comes to his senses. Now we are just walking around casually, and maybe we can meet some lone opponents." Chen Feng said.

"Daoyou is right." Sanhun Jushi said hurriedly.

After Chen Feng walked out of this independent space, he immediately used special means to explore.

The space here is indeed a bit strange. Of course, the most important thing is that the origins of both sides took action, and the power of blessing was too strong, which made the space here very stable.

Even so, Chen Feng could penetrate some space and see more things.

Just as Chen Feng said, Chen Feng also wanted to find some lone opponents. It was too easy for everyone to gather together and kill each other.

"I think we should not make any noise. After all, our harvest is enough. It is better to go back and have a good rest." You Hunyuan Shangzhi suddenly said.

"If there is a chance, of course I want it, maybe more benefits. This time we can survive, then in the next war, maybe we will encounter stronger opponents, so the only way to survive better is to keep getting stronger." You Hunyuan Shangzhi retorted.

"I'm looking forward to the other side being completely defeated, so that we can return to the origin of the soul and stay there. I don't know how long I haven't been back."

"Don't think so well. If we can really defeat those origins, according to the character of the Emperor of the Soul, he may continue to invade other origins and treat us as the vanguard."

"Fellow Daoists, isn't it not good to say bad things about the Emperor of the Soul behind his back? If the Soul Land senses it, he may put us in a dangerous place next time."

"It will definitely not be sensed now. Maybe the Emperor of the Soul is fighting with the other side's origin. Of course, it's better not to mention the name of that adult, or the other side may really sense it."

These people on the Hunyuan were talking about it, but Chen Feng also noticed that they did not restrain themselves. Many people had some resentment towards the Soul Land.

In fact, it's normal to think about it. No one wants to be a cannon fodder. Even if someone is willing to participate in the war between origins, they don't want to participate until death.

If you want to go further, you need a degree. They should go back and have a good rest.

"It seems that the Soul Emperor will not let me go so easily, but it doesn't matter, I have my own ideas." Chen Feng walked and suddenly slashed with a sword.

A layer of space was neatly cut open, and then the cut continued to expand.

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