Eternal Existence

Chapter 4909 Help is coming

After the opponent broke the vortex, Chen Feng's sword formation this time suppressed the Destruction Demon Spider, and Chen Feng himself quickly came to the front of the Hunyuan Above, completely ignoring the halberd in the opponent's hand, and punched the Hunyuan Above one by one.

The powerful power of the Chaos Body, combined with the power imprint used by Chen Feng, made Chen Feng retreat the Hunyuan Above again and again.

Even the power of the halberd was directly broken by Chen Feng.

After all, the power imprint that Chen Feng mastered at this time exceeded the power level understood by these lives.

As time went by, Chen Feng became more and more proficient in controlling this power, and gradually exerted the true power of the power imprint.

Watching the opponent constantly retreat, Chen Feng was full of heroic spirit, and he continued to fight like a tireless machine.

If the Destruction Demon Spider had not broken through the sword formation and killed Chen Feng, Chen Feng might have continued.

Not only that, the second Destruction Demon Spider also emerged from the chaos. The two Destruction Demon Spiders first attacked with the will of destruction, and then started a competitive battle against Chen Feng.

As a result, Chen Feng had to stop attacking and relax a little. The Primordial One swung the halberd and chopped Chen Feng head-on.

Even though Chen Feng had set up layers of defensive barriers in front of him, they were all broken layer by layer by the opponent, and only the volcanic eruption blocked the opponent's attack momentum.

Even so, the power of the volcanic eruption was also shattered by the opponent.

It seemed that being beaten back just now angered the Primordial One, so the Primordial One became more and more irritable and released various powerful combat powers.

Soon Chen Feng was surrounded by three Primordial Ones.

At this time, the Black Demon was still resisting the impact of the Origin River, and he could not come forward to help when he saw the trouble Chen Feng encountered.

"This won't work. I wanted to fish in troubled waters, but I got caught in it." The Black Demon said.

There are rarely stalemates in wars. Even a powerful Hunyuan Above cannot survive.

So, one of my Hunyuan Above fell.

This time, the one who died was the Hunyuan Above of the Reincarnation Origin. The other party was surrounded and killed, and did not have time to be transferred by the portal.

But a surprising one appeared.

Not long after the death of the Hunyuan Above, he walked out of the portal again. His combat effectiveness was not affected, and he quickly joined the battle.

"What is this? Is this the power of reincarnation? How can we play in this case?" Chen Feng was shocked.

No wonder the Reincarnation Origin dared to invade the Origin Heart.

"But there must be a price. This means that there is no price and you can continue to reincarnate. Then, wouldn't it be more powerful than Guixu? There must be some restrictions." Chen Feng thought to himself.

But even if there are restrictions, even if there is a price, being able to do this step is already against the sky.

Even if the opponent can only reincarnate once, at least there is one more life on the original basis.

Then the combat effectiveness will be doubled, which is also an important blow to the opponent.

The Heart of Origin surrounded and killed a Hunyuan who had turned into an origin. It had already paid a certain price. Later, it was also besieged by the Reincarnated Origin, and the resurrected Hunyuan joined in.

One of the Hunyuan on the Heart of Origin side could not resist, and the situation became precarious.

At this time, the Heart of Origin, which had not appeared, intervened, and a powerful force enveloped the Hunyuan who was in danger.

With this layer of barrier, it blocked the attacks from all sides. Although this layer of barrier was quickly broken, the Hunyuan in danger also successfully got rid of the predicament.

Not only that, beams of power light appeared and enveloped the Hunyuan on the Heart of Origin.

Either forming a defensive barrier, or turning into a stream of energy and drilling into the body of Hunyuan.

The vitality consumed by the previous battle was quickly restored.

Then there was a strange power fluctuation that enveloped the reincarnation portal.

Although he didn't know what the effect would be, Chen Feng could roughly guess that it would be nothing more than blocking the power of the reincarnation portal, or directly destroying the reincarnation portal.

As for whether it would be effective or not, Chen Feng didn't know yet. He could only see that the portal was constantly changing its position, and it was obvious that it didn't want to compete with the power of the Heart of Origin.

Later, waves of power erupted from the portal, turning into a long river and spreading in the Heart of Origin.

Moreover, this river was like a centipede, with many tributaries extending from the main trunk, and where the tributaries covered, it formed its own territory.

It actually opened up its own territory in the Heart of Origin. In this way, the existence of the Turning Origin was like chicken blood, and its combat effectiveness was also improved.

The fight between the two sides became more and more intense.

Chen Feng and the Black Demon were finally affected. The Black Demon took the lead in getting rid of the attack of the Long River of Origin, and then quickly rushed in the direction of Chen Feng.

Originally, Chen Feng was somewhat helpless in the siege, and the joining of the Black Demon made Chen Feng feel relieved at this time.

Especially since the Black Demon successfully entangled the Hun Yuan holding the halberd, Chen Feng's simple handling of the Destruction Demon Spider seemed relatively easy.

Soon, a Destruction Demon Spider was severely injured, and then the vortex origin was tightened.

"I didn't expect that I burned so many Hunyuan above, but now I have recovered from the Demon Spider of Destruction, but the number is still not enough. Another seven or eight Demon Spiders of Destruction will be enough." Chen Feng said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, a space collapsed, and a huge palm slapped Chen Feng.

At the first moment, Chen Feng thought of the giants he had encountered in the past, and thought that the one who came must not be a giant, otherwise it would be troublesome.

You must know that Chen Feng met two giants before, so they were extremely powerful. Therefore, Chen Feng also instinctively believed that there were many powerful beings in the Celestial Clan who were working hard like this.

However, after the two sides fought, Chen Feng knew that the one coming was not a giant. Maybe the opponent was powerful, but at least he was not of the God clan.

But a giant stone man.

The powerful defense can directly block Chen Feng's punch, and even if there are some cracks on it, it will recover quickly.

More importantly, there was not just one stone man, but more than a dozen, all of whom were in a realm above Hunyuan.

This moment gave Chen Feng a headache.

Just now, there were seven or eight demon spiders of destruction, but now there were more than a dozen Hunyuan.

Let’s not talk about the opponent’s strength. Just relying on the opponent’s realm above Hunyuan is enough.

What's more, he also has powerful attack and defense power, which is enough to pose a threat to Chen Feng.

"Why are there so many above Hunyuan?" Black Demon also jumped a lot.

I was happy just now when I saw Chen Feng take down a black demon spider of destruction, thinking that this time the two of them could fish in troubled waters and get some benefits.

At this time, more than a dozen Hunyuan and above appeared, so the two of them should be the unlucky ones.

In fact, Chen Feng and Hei Mo were very worried. Almost as soon as the other party appeared, Chen Feng and Hei Mo were suppressed in a short time.

More than a dozen stone men launched attacks on the two of them in turns, and Chen Feng accidentally hit both of them.

The powerful attack force caused some damage to the bodies of the two, and the two were unable to escape each other's attack.

Soon, more than a dozen stone men surrounded the two people. In addition, on top of the Hunyuan wielding a big halberd, there were two Demon Spiders of Destruction. It can be said that the situation of Chen Feng and the Black Demon was very critical.

Under such circumstances, Reincarnation Origin still did not come forward to help.

Although the two of them did not expect the other to help, they were still very disappointed after what happened.

Some overestimated the other party.

But it’s normal to think about it. After all, the two sides are considered allies, and the side that turned around did not have the upper hand. If the situation does not allow it, the other side will certainly not use force to help Chen Feng and the Black Devil. After all, there are benefits to doing so. Injuries that may affect yourself.

Seeing that the two of them could not resist, Chen Feng was already planning to use the power of several sources at the same time. At this time, Chen Feng was shocked and a look of surprise appeared on his face.

The phantom of the Gate of Origin appeared again, and powerful pressure swept across all directions.

At this moment, everything around them was imprisoned, and the attacks of the stone men stopped, but Chen Feng and the Black Demon were not affected.

The two quickly took the opportunity to take action and smashed the two stone men.

It's a pity that this imprisoning power was soon dispersed by the power from the Origin Star.

However, the phantom of the Gate of Origin came out above several clouds.

"Reinforcements are coming." Chen Feng said with a smile.


At this moment, a dull beating sound sounded, and Chen Feng's heart beat with it. This feeling was extremely uncomfortable and depressing, as if his heart was about to break and collapse.

"This is the beating sound of the heart. Could it be the heart of origin?" Chen Feng had this idea.

Chen Feng noticed that not only he was affected, but also the black devil and the existence of reincarnated origin.

Even those stone men took the opportunity to rush in front of them. If Chen Feng wasn't still enveloped by the power of the Gate of Origin, he might have been caught off guard.

Even so, the shadow of the Gate of Origin began to collapse, which was caused by the sound of the heart beating just now.

"Is it possible that the Heart of Origin is really a heart?" Chen Feng said.

"Whether it is or not, this is the shape of a heart after all." said the black devil.

"Fellow Daoist Chen Feng, we are here to help you." At this time, the restorers from the Gate of Origin gathered around Chen Feng.

There are a total of eight Hunyuan and above, which is a considerable force. Chen Feng thought that if these few had existed from the beginning, he and the Black Demon would not be so embarrassed, and they would not have to pay so much. price.

Of course, if the Reincarnation Origin did not participate, even if the Gate of Origin had eight helpers, they would still not be a match for the Heart of Origin.

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