Eternal Existence

Chapter 4910: Reincarnation Realm

And it's still not over yet, one after another, Hunyuan Shangshi came out.

Ten Hunyuan Shangshi came out in one breath, and the last Hunyuan Shangshi burst into dazzling light, and then rolling energy swept out.

This is the power of the Origin of Demon Origin, which means that this last Hunyuan Shangshi is connected to the Origin of Demon Origin.

Chen Feng instinctively felt that something was wrong. The Origin of Demon Origin actually drew so much power. What is it trying to do? Could it be that the fight with the Gate of Origin has stopped?

The two sides reached an agreement and now joined forces to fight against the Heart of Origin.

Isn't this true?

Judging from the name, the Gate of Origin and the Heart of Origin should be closer, and the two sides were indeed allies before.

If this is really done now, will the two tear each other apart?

"If this is really the case, then the Heart of Origin will be in trouble this time. Is this a special way of joining forces?" Chen Feng swept his eyes and quickly analyzed the situation in front of him, thinking about how to maximize his own interests.

Under this situation, Black Demon certainly cannot control the situation. Although the relationship between the two is good, Black Demon is no longer the boss.

Chen Feng noticed that the Sword of Flowing Light was secretly locking onto him. He didn't know when the other party would attack him with a sword.

"Everyone, be careful." Chen Feng informed the eight companions from the Name of Origin.

"What's the use of being careful? Our current situation is already very dangerous." One of the Hunyuan responded.

"It's not that you don't want to separate, but you didn't listen. Now the trouble is coming." Although Chen Feng said this, he still rushed over.

At this time, Chen Feng felt that it was more practical to be with Hunyuan on the side of the Gate of Origin.

Black Demon expressed his understanding of Chen Feng's choice, so he didn't say anything.

However, as Chen Feng left, the evil insects still chased Chen Feng.

Before he arrived at the place, Chen Feng took out the Divine Mountain and rushed forward. He also released the sword formation to resist the evil insects behind him. Not only that, Chen Feng also activated the power of the Origin of the Volcano.

With this series of explosions, Chen Feng blasted a road, knocked a stone man away, and helped a Hunyuan Shangshang escape from the current predicament.

"Who of you can summon the power of the Gate of Origin?" Chen Feng asked.

"How is it possible to do this?" When Hunyuan Shangshang who was rescued by Chen Feng said so.

Chen Feng didn't know whether what the other party said was true or false, but since he said so, the other party would not do so, so Chen Feng took the other party to continue to look for other Hunyuan Shangshang.

Under Chen Feng's accumulation and explosion, everyone finally gathered together.

No one died, but several people were seriously injured. Even if the wounds on their bodies were recovered, their combat effectiveness was affected.

Chen Feng released the reincarnation field to cover everyone, and then integrated the sword formation into it.

"Dear Taoist friends, each of you occupies one side. In this situation, joining forces is the best choice. Don't mess it up again. The situation is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you may lose your life." Chen Feng said.

Feeling the operation of the formation, coupled with everyone gathering together, everyone has a sense of solidity.

Only then did they have to be convinced by Chen Feng and no longer resist Chen Feng's orders.

At the same time, these Hunyuan Above also understood how dangerous the situation here was.

"Everyone, there is another force now. The other party should be coming for the Heart of Origin, but everything is hard to say. After all, our strength is the weakest now. Maybe they will join forces to eat us first." Chen Feng continued.

"Then quickly ask for help from the Gate of Origin. With more power, we can be safer." A Hunyuan Above said.

"I also think that at the beginning, there was only me, and you were the reinforcements. If there were really reinforcements, we didn't need to say much, and the Gate of Origin would also send them over. But there is no need to be too anxious. Let's look at the situation first. At least now everyone's opponent is the Heart of Origin. As long as we guard against other allies, of course, they are not allies." Chen Feng said.

These beings from the Origin of the Demon Origin launched an attack on the Heart of Origin right away, which also made Chen Feng feel relieved. Even if the other party really had bad intentions, at least everyone's enemy is the same now.

"Defense first!" Chen Feng certainly didn't want to take the initiative to attack now. In this situation, safety was the most important thing.

Similarly, because of the additional strength, the whole situation changed a little.

The stone men who were still besieging Chen Feng and others retreated one after another. They naturally went to deal with the new forces.

"We can't let them all leave." Chen Feng said, and he turned the reincarnation field to directly wrap up the three stone men.

"Let's solve them first, at least this time we won't come in vain." Chen Feng said so.

Before, everyone was a little dangerous, and now it's too easy to deal with the three Hunyuan above together.

Soon, the three stone men were solved by everyone together. Chen Feng received a part of the benefits, and the other part was divided by everyone.

"Do you want to continue to attack?"

After tasting the sweetness, these Hunyuan above were tempted.

"Of course, but we need to find an opportunity." Chen Feng said, leading everyone to change positions, and Chen Feng was also paying attention to the situation of the entire battlefield.

Because of the massive participation of the Demon Origin, the Heart of Origin began to lose the upper hand. In a short period of time, two Supreme Primordial Beings fell, and even the existences that surpassed the Origin level began to explode wildly.

Chen Feng seemed to see the scene of the battle with Guixu again.

Now there are more and more participants. No matter who wins or loses, the Heart of Origin will be messed up.


At this time, the sound of heartbeat appeared again.

Everything in the energy space-time was still again, but then it was broken again, but subtle changes occurred in a short period of time.

The Heart of Origin had time to catch its breath, and took this opportunity to even launch a counterattack.

The reincarnation field controlled by Chen Feng was almost pierced by a sudden force. This was because Chen Feng had been prepared, otherwise Chen Feng would definitely suffer a great loss.

"But even if this method is used, it can't really change the situation, unless the power is increased again." Chen Feng said.


The heart beat again, and this time beams of colorful light radiated the battlefield like sword energy, and all the invaders were directly attacked.

These colorful lights are not sword energy, but the attack method is similar to sword energy, and the attack power is stronger.

A hole was pierced in the reincarnation field arranged by Chen Feng, and then a large number of evil insects rushed in.

This is because Chen Feng was prepared. After all, this is not a simple reincarnation field, there is also a sword formation, and eight above the mixed origins are sitting together.

It can be said that the defense is very strong. Even so, it was pierced by the colorful light, which shows how strong the opponent's attack power is.

So this time, whether it is the origin of reincarnation or the origin of the devil, the invaders were hit.

The powerful ones naturally resisted, and some who did not have time to defend, or had no means to defend, were pierced through the body.

This large-scale attack method almost turned the whole battle situation around.

"What kind of power is this? Even the strongest origin light can't do this." A above the mixed origin said so.

Chen Feng shook his head: "I don't know either."

Chen Feng said that he didn't know, but he was actually very shocked in secret.

This kind of power was indeed the first time Chen Feng had seen it, but Chen Feng knew that it was a power beyond the origin, and it was at the same level as the power imprint and special corrosive energy that he had mastered.

The power exerted in his own hands and in the hands of an origin was of course different.

This was a kind of level suppression.

It was understandable that the powerful beings present could not resist it, not to mention those above the Hunyuan level, even those who surpassed the origin level were somewhat damaged.

Chen Feng thought in his heart that if the opponent had a few more such attacks, maybe this war would have ended early.

"This power is so strong."

In fact, without Chen Feng's explanation, everyone could feel the power of this power.

This was not simply unable to stop the opponent's attack, but still unable to stop the opponent's attack after taking defensive measures.

"Don't panic, everyone, get rid of these evil insects first." Chen Feng said, while also quickly filling the gap in the reincarnation field.

At this time, another wave of colorful light appeared, and this time the attack method was more skillful.

Each beam of light was condensed into a spear, so that the attack power was stronger.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng was so depressed that he almost cursed out loud. He had just repaired the Samsara Realm. Even if the opponent's attack method was not good, he could not resist it even if he strengthened himself.

And looking at the momentum of this attack, the Samsara Realm will definitely spread more violently, and someone might get hurt.

Chen Feng's thoughts turned quickly, and then he used the power imprint to merge into the Samsara Realm.

This time the level of the Samsara Realm was improved.

However, when the war spear existed on the Samsara Realm, it still broke a hole.

But soon the hole disappeared.

Not only the power used by Chen Feng himself, but also the eight Hunyuan above worked together to operate the formation.

In this case, even if the weapon that surpassed the origin level launched an attack, it could be blocked.

Although it was the Heart of Origin that attacked, the opponent's power was not concentrated, and Chen Feng's side was well prepared, so it was normal to be able to block it.

Of course, a hole was still broken by the opponent, which also showed that the defense of Chen Feng's Samsara Realm was not perfect.

"My path of reincarnation needs to be improved again. Now I can't perfectly reincarnate the opponent's power. Otherwise, no matter how strong the opponent's power is, I can resolve it with the help of the reincarnation field." Chen Feng said.

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