Eternal Existence

Chapter 4908 The Evil Worm

However, the change of things was not so satisfying. Chen Feng and Black Demon were pleasantly surprised at first and thought they could continue to kill their opponents. Who knew that a huge sword formation was rampaging, and a Hunyuan superior from the reincarnated origin It was directly torn into pieces by the sword energy.

The sword formation had been unable to do anything to Chen Feng and the Black Demon before, but now it finally showed its power, killing a Hunyuan superior under the watchful eyes of Chen Feng and the Black Demon.

In fact, this is normal operation.

Together, these eight swordsmen above the Hunyuan level can completely defeat a being above the Hunyuan level.

It is too easy to deal with a Hunyuan master.

It was just unlucky before that when I encountered opponents with special means like Chen Feng and Black Demon, I never took advantage.

So after these eight swordsmen defeated a Hunyuan Shang, they activated their sword array and swept across the other opponents.

Under normal circumstances, the opponent can be torn into pieces by the power of the sword formation without having to cover the opponent. If the opponent is covered in the sword formation, then the effect will naturally be better, which can be said to be a sure thing.

Seeing that two more Hunyuan Superiors on the side of the reincarnation origin were locked by the sword formation, the portal that had always seemed calm suddenly appeared behind the two Hunyuan Superiors and collected the two Hunyuan Superiors. Got in.

Then the portal disappeared and the sword formation's attack failed.

Then the portal went to another battlefield and sent two wrong Hunyuan superiors.

"Although the means of movement are just a small skill, it is a bit scary to be able to move Hunyuan at will in such a battlefield. With this method, you can completely resist opponents who are more numerous than yourself." Chen Feng looked at it. After arriving at this scene, I was also surprised.

I thought that the sword array was killing all around, and could continue to kill two Hunyuan above. Who knew that things had changed, but it is normal to think about it. If the reincarnated origin did not have some means, how could it possibly fight against the heart of origin? .

"Should we deal with those swordsmen?" Black Devil asked.

Chen Feng shook his head: "Those guys are too difficult to deal with, especially since the sword formation has been completed. Unless we can use our strongest power, we should deal with some isolated Hunyuan above."

"That's what I think too. Let's deal with some of the weaker ones above Hunyuan first, or else kill those Destruction Spiders first?" said the Black Demon.

"Actually, the Demon Spider of Destruction was not weak in those years." Chen Feng smiled.

Although they said this, the two of them still rushed towards those demon spiders of destruction that were above Hunyuan level.

The reason why I chose to deal with them was that, in addition to having fought against the Demonic Destruction Spiders before, these Demonic Destruction Spiders were also slightly closer to the two of them.

But before Chen Feng and Hei Mo could reach the Demon Spider of Destruction, a huge crack blocked their way.

Countless reptiles appeared in the cracks, and they were so densely packed that no one knew how many there were, and they all rushed towards Chen Feng and the Black Demon.

"What is this? I thought it was the Demon Spider of Destruction." said the Black Demon.

"I don't know what this is?" Chen Feng shook his head.

Although he didn't recognize these reptiles, Chen Feng felt that they were similar to the Destruction Spiders.

They also all possess the strength of Daluo Jinxian.

Of course, the real physical entities are still not as good as the Demon Spider of Destruction, but the number is sufficient.

"This is the evil insect cultivated in the heart of origin." Seeing that Chen Feng and the black devil did not know each other, a Hunyuan superior who turned to origin reminded him.

"The evil insect!" Chen Feng was a little surprised.

It’s not that I’ve heard of these things before, but their names make people feel a little strange.

Chen Feng did not feel the power of evil from these reptiles.

"Could it be that the power of all evil in the Heart of Origin is somewhat different from that of the Gate of Origin? Or that it is somewhat different from what I control." Although Chen Feng was a little confused, he soon understood.

These evil insects have strong defenses, sharp claws, and also emit a special corrosive power.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of love talk is nothing to beings of the same level, but the number of these bugs is quite large.

It is easy to swamp people in a swarm.

Chen Feng also thought of the Zerg, thinking that these guys were somewhat similar to the Zerg, so there wouldn't be any relationship between the two parties, right?

No matter what, Chen Feng and Black Demon were still entangled by these insects. Although the two of them could kill some insects of destruction every time they took action, they were unable to participate in other battles.

This is also different from what the two had planned before.

The best choice is to kill Hunyuan Shang. What use can these bugs have?

"Forget it, let's put these bugs away first. At worst, they will be integrated into my Great Way of All Evils, and maybe they will be of some help." So Chen Feng took out his own Great Evil Gourd.

I haven't used this magic weapon for a long time. Usually it is suppressed in the avenue or used to suppress myself. This time Chen Feng took it out and it had a great effect.

As a special devouring power came out of the gourd, these evil insects seemed to have encountered their nemesis, and they got into the gourd one after another.

At first, Chen Feng was still taking action, but later on, Chen Feng didn't even need to take the initiative, and all the evil insects around him were quickly wiped out.

There was a scene that surprised even the Black Demon, but it was also a surprising thing. The Dark Demon also began to deliberately hit some evil insects towards Chen Feng.

Seeing Chen Feng using this magic weapon to devour these reptiles, another huge crack appeared.

This time the crack came directly towards Chen Feng.

When Chen Feng was weak in the past, this kind of crack would of course tear Chen Feng into pieces, but now the strong energy exuded by Chen Feng himself can keep selling this way and can also block the crack.

The result is space collapse.

A huge monster burst out of the chaotic energy.

This is a large evil insect, and it has a realm above Hunyuan. It is full of corrosive power when it is struck.

"Isn't this delivered to your door?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"I don't like this kind of thing." The black devil shook his head.

"Then give it to me, it just fills one of my avenues." Chen Feng said and released the sword array, and the black demon also tightly entangled this huge insect of all evil.

According to the strength of Chen Feng and Black Demon, they can easily defeat this evil insect, but there are more than one opponent.

The two people's original targets, the Destruction Demons, took the initiative to rush over.

This time Chen Feng and Hei Mo felt the pressure.

Two against four, this is not a special situation, the two of them can't deal with these opponents at all.

In this way, the two sides started a fierce fight.

"Actually, we can leave this place at this time and take this opportunity to leave the Heart of Origin." said the Black Demon.

"You paid such a big price before, do you mean you don't want to get it back?" Chen Feng smiled.

"I was worried about the situation before it appeared. After all, this is the territory of the Heart of Origin. Although the reincarnated origin is also very powerful, after all, it only comes with a part of the power." Black Demon said.

"The Heart of Origin is also under attack from many parties now, so my suggestion is to take another look. At least I have to deal with a few Hunyuan above before I can leave." Chen Feng said.

In the previous battle, Chen Feng burned so much Hunyuan that he almost used up all his previous inventory.

So of course I don't want to miss such a good opportunity. Only by fishing in troubled waters can we gain some benefits.

Seeing Chen Feng insisting, Black Devil said nothing. After all, Black Devil didn't really want to leave.

Just like Chen Feng said, I paid a lot of money before, so how can I get my money back?

Now that the two of them had a plan, they started looking for opportunities.

Suddenly, Chen Feng used his ultimate move, and the sacred mountain appeared and knocked away two Demonic Destruction Spiders. It was these two Demonic Destruction Spiders that were hit by the black devil's trick while they were rolling.

Chen Feng took this opportunity to drag the evil insect into the whirlpool origin. Another Demonic Pearl of Destruction tried to escape, but Chen Feng used the volcano origin to suppress it.

"Fellow Daoist, you should be able to suppress these Hunyuan masters now, right?" Chen Feng asked.

At first, the black devil brought some surprises to Chen Feng, but later on, when faced with dangerous situations, he seemed to have exhausted all his means.

However, Chen Feng believed that the Black Devil would not only have that one method, but would definitely have some final methods, or some of the previous methods could be restored.

"It should be no problem to suppress Hunyuan for a few years." Sure enough, the Black Demon said this.

"That's good, you can deal with those two Destruction Spiders first. If you don't like them, we will have to exchange them later." Chen Feng said.

"I'm afraid I can't do it in this situation, unless I severely injure them." Even so, the Black Demon was still entangled with the two Demon Spiders of Destruction.

Seeing that the situation on Chen Feng's side had changed, the Heart of Origin side certainly would not stand idly by. The eight swordsmen actually launched an attack from a distance. A beam of sword light shuttled through the battlefield, and the target turned out to be the Black Demon.

Although the opponent's attack is very strong, as an old opponent, the Black Demon can still handle it.

At worst, just avoid it.

Just in this way, the Destruction Spider who was targeted by the black devil got out of trouble.

Not only that, there used to be a mighty source river on the Heart of Origin side, but now it branched out with a force, just like a stream branched out, and it also attacked the black devil.

"Do you think I'm easy to bully?" Black Devil was speechless.

Under this situation, he could no longer struggle, so the Black Demon chose to give up on the Destruction Spider in front of him and dodge quickly.

However, the Demonic Destruction Spider's dodge resulted in continuous attacks from the opponent, especially the Demonic Destruction Spider who had regained his freedom and joined in again.

Suddenly the situation changed.

The Demon Spider of Destruction had the help of powerful beings from the Heart of Origin, but the Black Devil did not get the help of the Origin of Origin. Everything could only rely on itself or Chen Feng.

Chen Feng could have had his hands free, but before he could deal with the Demon Spider of Destruction, the Hunyuan Shang holding a big halberd came over to kill him again.

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