Eternal Existence

Chapter 4907: Disdain

The Black Demon had no other options, so he could only pin his hopes on Chen Feng. However, Chen Feng did not make any move, so the Black Demon had no choice but to wait helplessly, thinking that he would restore his strength to the peak first.

Chen Feng did not have a good solution now. Just as Chen Feng said, he would wait for a while, and perhaps the Gate of Origin would bring him some surprises.

Chen Feng did not completely pin his hopes on the Gate of Origin. He was also constantly mobilizing his own strength and using the methods he learned from the Gate of Origin to control other origins.

After all, the number of origins controlled by Chen Feng was relatively large. If Chen Feng improved his control skills, the combat power that could be released would be further improved.

This was also a method that could be tried.

After all, this was the power that he could burst out. Instead of waiting for the ethereal opportunity, it was better to fight for it himself.

After a while, Chen Feng spoke: "Or we can fight, and maybe we can open a path."

"Are we going to make a move now?" The Black Demon could not wait any longer.

"I'm not sure, but I can give it a try." Chen Feng thought that it would be enough to use the Sword of Cangsu to pierce a hole in the sword formation.

The only thing he needed to worry about was that he would still be chased by them after escaping. When they fought, he might still be trapped.

If he didn't make a move, he would be trapped here. When would it end?

"Then let's give it a try. Maybe we can get out this time." Black Demon said.

Before Chen Feng made a move, both of them felt the fluctuation of the sword formation. At first, they thought that the other party was going to attack, but then they found that it was not the case.

The power of the sword formation was being drawn.

In this case, it is generally the swordsmen who took the initiative to draw, possibly to deal with other situations.

"Is this the opportunity you are waiting for?" Black Demon looked at Chen Feng with some curiosity.

Chen Feng shook his head: "It's different from what I imagined, but since something has happened, this is indeed a good opportunity."

So Chen Feng stabbed out with a sword, and a big hole appeared in the sword formation. Black Demon wanted to rush out, but seeing that Chen Feng didn't move, he had to endure it.

"Sure enough, the power of the sword formation has weakened." Chen Feng understood, and he was not in a hurry to go out, but slashed out fiercely with a sword, this time directly slashing a long crack.

"Let's go out and see what's going on?" This time the two did not delay, and after coming outside, they found that the eight swordsmen were not here at all.

Only the sword formation was left, and with Chen Feng's attack, the power of the sword formation was constantly weakening.

"It seems that other changes have occurred." Black Demon said.

"If I had known this, I should have gone out before. It seems that those swordsmen went to deal with other opponents." Chen Feng said.

"I'll find out where the other party has gone." Black Demon used means to explore the other party's location.

"No need to look, I have already felt it." Chen Feng shook his head. Such a strong power fluctuation can be easily detected, not to mention that the power of the sword formation here can also be used to lock the other party.

"It turns out that there was a melee, but I don't know who the opponent is? Could it be from the origin of the devil?" After saying this, Black Demon also laughed.

After all, the origin of the devil is the invaded party, how could it have the power to counterattack, and it was killed to the source of the heart of origin.

"It feels like a strange force, not from the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said.

"It's not from the Demon Origin and Taisu Origin either. Could it be that there are other origins participating?" Black Demon said curiously.

"No matter what, this is our chance." Chen Feng said and saw that the sword formation that was broken up by him turned into sword light and wanted to escape. It was obvious that those swordsmen were taking back their power.

"How could such a good opportunity let you leave?" Chen Feng said with a smile, and then he broke up the sword light with a sword, and directly used the Sword of Shensu to swallow up all the sword light.

This is a tonic. Although Chen Feng did not absorb it himself, it was the same to put it into the Sword of Shensu, and it could also consume the opponent's strength.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng and Black Demon to find the place, and then the two saw a war.

Because there were many masters involved.

Under normal circumstances, this level of war should take place on the edge of the origin.

Now it has come to the heart of the origin.

Either it means that the opponent is stronger than the human heart, or it means that the opponent has special means to enter this place.

And seeing that the opponent is so blatant, it is obvious that he is well prepared.

Above the powerful Hunyuan, the existence above the origin level that suppressed the four directions stirred up a storm here, causing the entire Origin Heart to shake.

Chen Feng could even imagine that the war in the Origin Heart might have been affected, and perhaps it was withdrawing forces to return.

Because Chen Feng thought that if he continued like this, it was hard to say whether the Origin Heart would be blown up.

Chen Feng noticed a special portal, which did not participate in the war, but Chen Feng instinctively felt something and wanted to conduct further exploration, but was blocked by a powerful force.

"So that's it." Black Demon said at this time.

"Daoyou know the origin of these powerful beings." Chen Feng was curious.

He didn't know.

"They should be from the origin of reincarnation." Black Demon said.

"I haven't heard of the Origin of Turning, but it looks very powerful, and it can come to the Heart of Origin to cause trouble." Chen Feng said.

"I have only heard a little bit about it, I don't know the details, but they should have come through this kind of portal, which seems to be constructed by the reincarnation wheel. Besides, that huge mountain, if I am not mistaken, should be the most powerful mountain in the reincarnation universe, which can suppress the entire Origin." Black Demon said.

"It looks really powerful, even more powerful than the mountain I control." Chen Feng said.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend, not to mention that we also need to thank each other. If it weren't for these powerful beings, we would still be suppressed in the sword formation." Black Demon said, and then looked at Chen Feng: "Did you know this before?"

"How is it possible? In fact, I am waiting for the Gate of Origin to take action." Chen Feng shook his head.

"So what should we do now? Join the war? I am still a little worried that the two sides will attack us at the same time." Black Demon said.

"So we have to decide our position in advance." Chen Feng said as he punched out, and the punches shuttled through the opponent's side in a series of movements, aiming at the Hunyuan on the side of the Heart of Origin.

This is the simplest and most useful method.

Seeing Chen Feng's move, the Black Demon was not idle either.

For the two of them, this is also a good opportunity.

Since the Reincarnation Origin has participated, Chen Feng and the Black Demon are no longer as embarrassed as before.

The two no longer need to face as many opponents as before.

Single-on-single is too easy for the two of them.

What's more, the two of them deliberately chose slightly weaker opponents in order to make a quick decision, so that they can better inform the Reincarnation Origin of their position.

Sure enough, the Reincarnation Origin was a little wary of the appearance of Chen Feng and the Black Demon at first.

But after seeing Chen Feng and the Black Demon attack the Heart of Origin, they realized that these two were helpers.

Although I don't know where these two came from? Since they attacked the Heart of Origin, they are friends.

Chen Feng still considered it more comprehensively. While making his move, he said, "Dear Daoists, we are from the Gate of Origin and the Origin of Demons. We are now at war with the Heart of Origin. We are the vanguard."

Chen Feng said this to show his position, and on the other hand, he also told the origins of the two of them, using the two origins to shock.

Although both sides are fighting with the Heart of Origin at this time, Chen Feng and the Black Demon are the weakest among the three parties. The Heart of Origin is needless to say. Who knows whether the Reincarnation Origin will attack the two of them?

After all, everyone has no friendship, and everything must be considered from their own side. If there is no opportunity, it's okay. If there is an opportunity, the other party may take action.

"So it's a friend from the Gate of Origin. In this case, let's join forces to fight against the Heart of Origin." A person above the Hunyuan on the Reincarnation Origin side responded, which made Lin Feng feel a little relieved and gave rise to some ideas.

The other party did not mention the Origin of Demons. What does this mean? It means that they don't look down on the Origin of Demons.

Under this situation, the other party did not hide this attitude, and also clearly stated their own arrogance and affirmation of their own strength.

Chen Feng looked at the Black Demon, who had no expression on his face, as if he had not heard the other party's response, but Chen Feng knew that the Black Demon must be upset.

"After all, he is a very powerful Hunyuan Above. Even verbal enticement is not enough. These guys from the origin of reincarnation are very arrogant." Chen Feng thought to himself.

However, Chen Feng and the Black Demon were not slow in their actions. They soon severely injured their opponents. Chen Feng directly put them into the vortex origin. Although the Black Demon had the upper hand, he did not use the power of the origin, so he was not as fast as Chen Feng.

So Chen Feng stepped forward and joined forces with the Black Demon to smash the Hunyuan Above, and also put him in the vortex origin.

Seeing that Chen Feng and the Black Demon solved the two Hunyuan Above so quickly, the beings from the origin of reincarnation could not help but look at them a few more times, and paid more attention to Chen Feng and the Black Demon.

Being able to quickly solve the opponent in a confrontation of the same level can play a big role at a critical moment, and it can also cause a chain reaction even in a war.

For example, now Chen Feng and Hei Mo have solved two Hun Yuan Above, which means that the Reincarnation Origin has reduced two opponents, plus two more helpers.

However, the change of things is not so smooth. Chen Feng and Hei Mo were surprised at first, and thought they could continue to kill the opponents. Who knew that a huge sword formation rushed in, and a Hun Yuan Above from the Reincarnation Origin was directly torn into pieces by the sword energy.

Before, the sword formation had been unable to do anything to Chen Feng and Hei Mo, but now it finally showed its power and killed a Hun Yuan Above under the watchful eyes of Chen Feng and Hei Mo.

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