Eternal Existence

Chapter 4906 Participants

After the black devil practiced for a period of time, he found that Chen Feng had changed his origin to protect himself.

There were no sword attacks outside, but the four Destruction Spiders were constantly attacking. Compared with those swordsmen, the attacks of these Destruction Spiders were even more needless, and Chen Feng could easily defend against them.

The Hunyuan Shang holding the big halberd did not attack. The opponent just stood aside, seemingly not wanting to waste his strength.

"The other party can't do anything to us, and we can't get out now. If the other party is determined to eliminate us bit by bit, they can still get rid of us, but it will take an extremely long time." Chen Feng said.

"Is it possible that we can only wait for some changes to occur? I'm afraid we will die before we can wait." Black Devil said.

"Don't worry, I can still hold on for a while, my fellow Taoist just needs to regain his strength." Chen Feng said.

At this time, Chen Feng was communicating with the Gate of Origin. In addition to those two channels, the connection between Chen Feng and the Gate of Origin was getting closer and closer.

If this situation continues, even if the Origin Gate doesn't want to pay attention to Chen Feng, Chen Feng will be able to return with the power of the Origin Gate.

Of course, there is still a big gap.

Suddenly, the Destruction Spiders stopped attacking, and except for being still shrouded by the sword formation, everything seemed a little calm.

"what happened?"

"It's like a sign before the storm is coming."

"Could it be that the opponent is going to use stronger means?" Chen Feng was cautious and prepared, thinking that if the opponent's attack was strong, he would use two sources of origin, or use a sacred mountain or energy tower to resist it. .

While the two of them were waiting, their opponent's attack never appeared.

But the two of them couldn't relax.

"What is the opponent trying to do? They already had the upper hand, or why did they stop attacking again?" Chen Feng waited for a while and said a little uneasily.

"Maybe the other party is also resting. Your defense is still very strong. Although the other party has good methods, the cost to break through the defense is too high. Of course, it is also possible that the other party is looking for help." Black Demon said .

No matter what the reason is, at least Chen Feng and Black Demon cannot leave here now and can only be trapped in the sword formation.

"It's possible that other things have happened, so let's wait and see. Maybe something unexpected will happen." Chen Feng said,

After hearing what Chen Feng said, there was some hope that the black devil had come. What methods did Chen Feng not use?

Who knew that Chen Feng would take no other action besides urging Origin to defend.

Just practicing quietly.

"Is there really no other way but to be trapped here?" The Black Demon actually also wants to use the power of the Sword of Flowing Wind, but it has already exhausted the power of this weapon before, and even if it is used, it can only be restored again. The previous power of origin.

It can be said that the price paid by the Black Devil was very high before, and it has not fully recovered yet.

As a powerful Hunyuan master, the Black Demon also had his own methods. He thought he could make a comeback in the Jedi, but who knew that his opponent was too powerful. Even if he used all his methods, he could not defeat his opponent.

And the gap with previous expectations is getting bigger and bigger. After all, in the previous battles, Chen Feng and the Black Demon used more and more methods.

Even though powerful origins and magic weapons above the origin level were used, the situation did not change.

So the black devil didn't have much confidence in escaping.

Black Devil had no choice but to pin his hopes on Chen Feng. Unexpectedly, Chen Feng did not take action. Black Devil had no choice but to wait helplessly, thinking of restoring his strength to its peak first.

Chen Feng really has no good solution now. Just like Chen Feng said, wait for a while, maybe the Gate of Origin will bring him some surprises.

And Chen Feng did not place all his hopes on the Gate of Origin. He was constantly mobilizing his own power and using the methods he learned from the Gate of Origin to control other origins.

After all, the number of origins controlled by Chen Feng is relatively large. If Chen Feng improves his control skills, the combat power he unleashes will increase.

This is also a method you can try.

After all, this is the power that you can explode. Instead of waiting for that elusive opportunity, it is better to fight for it yourself.

After a while, Chen Feng spoke: "Maybe we can fight and maybe we can open a way."

"Are you going to take action now?" Black Devil couldn't wait any longer.

"I'm not sure, but I can give it a try." Chen Feng thought that he should be able to poke a hole in the sword formation with the Rigelian Sword, which would be enough.

The only thing you need to worry about is that you will still be hunted by them after you escape. When the time comes to fight, you may still be trapped.

If we don't take action, we will be trapped here. When will it end?

"Then let's give it a try. Maybe we can get out this time." Black Devil said.

Before Chen Feng could take action, both of them felt the fluctuations of the sword formation. At first, they thought the other party was about to attack, but then they realized that it was not like that.

The power of the sword formation is being extracted.

Generally speaking, the swordsmen who found this situation took the initiative to draw, possibly to cope with other situations.

"Is this the opportunity you have been waiting for?" Black Devil looked at Chen Feng curiously.

Chen Feng shook his head: "It's different from what I imagined, but since something unexpected happened, this is indeed a good opportunity."

So Chen Feng thrust out his sword, and a big hole appeared in the sword array. The black devil wanted to rush out, but when he saw that Chen Feng didn't move, he had to endure it.

"Sure enough, the power of the sword array has become weaker." Chen Feng understood, and went out in no hurry. Instead, he slashed out with his sword, this time directly creating a long crack.

"Let's go out and see what's going on?" This time the two of them didn't delay. When they came outside, they discovered that the eight swordsmen were not here at all.

All that was left was the sword formation, and with Chen Feng's attacks, the power of the sword formation was constantly weakening.

"It seems that other changes have occurred." Black Demon said.

"I should have gone out if I had known this. It seems that those swordsmen have gone to deal with other opponents." Chen Feng said.

"I'm here to find out where the other party has gone." The black devil used various means to find out where the other party was.

"No need to look for it, I've already felt it." Chen Feng shook his head. Such a powerful power fluctuation can be easily detected, not to mention that the opponent can be locked on through the power of the sword formation here.

"It turns out there was a melee, but I don't know who the opponent is? Couldn't it be from the origin of the devil?" After saying this, the Black Demon also laughed.

After all, Mo Shi Origin was the party that was invaded. How could it have the strength to counterattack, and it still managed to reach the source of the Heart of Origin.

"It feels like a strange power, not from the Gate of Origin." Chen Feng said.

"It doesn't come from the origin of Moshi and Taisu. Could it be said that there are other origins participating?" Black Demon said curiously.

"No matter what, this is our chance." Chen Feng said as he saw the sword array that he had broken up turn into sword light and try to escape. It was obvious that these swordsmen were taking back their power.

"How could I let you leave with such a good opportunity?" Chen Feng said with a smile, then scattered the sword light with a sword, and directly used the Rigellian Sword to swallow up the sword light.

This is a tonic. Although Chen Feng cannot absorb it himself, it is the same if he absorbs the Rigel Sword, and it can also consume the opponent's strength.

It didn't take long for Chen Feng and the black devil to find the place, and then the two saw a war.

Because there are many experts involved.

Normally, a war of this level should occur on the edge of origin.

Now we have arrived inside the Heart of Origin.

Either it means that the opponent is stronger than the human heart, or it means that the opponent has special means to enter this place.

And seeing how blatant the other party looked, it was obvious that he was well prepared.

The existence above the origin level of the powerful Hunyuan, which suppresses all directions, stirs up the storm here, making the entire heart of origin shake.

Chen Feng can even imagine that the war in the Heart of Origin may have been affected, and perhaps it is mobilizing strength to return.

Because Chen Feng thought that if he continued like this, it was hard to say whether the Heart of Origin would be destroyed.

Chen Feng noticed a special portal. This portal did not participate in the war, but Chen Feng instinctively felt something. He wanted to conduct further exploration, but was blocked by a powerful force.

"That's it." Black Devil said at this time.

"Fellow Taoist knows the origin of these powerful beings." Chen Feng was curious.

I don’t know.

"They should be from the reincarnated universe." said the black devil.

"I've never heard of the Turning Universe, but it seems to be very powerful, and it can come to the Heart of Origin to cause trouble." Chen Feng said.

"I've only heard about it a little bit. I don't know the details, but they should have come through this kind of portal. It seems to be made of a reincarnation wheel. And that huge mountain, if I guessed it right It should be the most powerful mountain in the reincarnated universe, capable of suppressing the entire origin," the black devil said.

"It does seem to be quite powerful, even more powerful than the mountains I control." Chen Feng said.

"The enemy of our enemy is our friend. What's more, we also need to thank each other. If it weren't for these powerful beings, we would still be suppressed in the sword formation." Black Demon said, and then looked at Chen Feng: "Did you do it before? That’s all you know.”

"How is that possible? In fact, I was waiting for the Gate of Origin to take action." Chen Feng shook his head.

"So what are we going to do now? Are we going to join the war? I'm still a little worried about whether the two parties will attack us at the same time." Black Devil said.

"So we have to decide our stance in advance." After Chen Feng said, he punched out, a series of punches flying back and forth, the target was on the Hunyuan on the side of the Heart of Origin.

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