Eternal Existence

Chapter 4865: Get Together

"But this approach is simply dancing on the edge of a knife, or walking on a single-plank bridge, with a mountain of knives on one side and a sea of ​​fire on the other." Chen Feng said with a smile.

It seems nothing now, but in fact Chen Feng also understands that it is still very dangerous for him to enter this origin area.

No matter which powerful existence is stared at by him, he will be in trouble.

So the most important thing now is to see the situation first.

Chen Feng believes that these Hunyuan Above also understand this truth, that is, some people believe in their own strength in the face of interests.

And this time, most of the Hunyuan Above who entered this origin still represent the will of Guixu.

Wanting to cooperate with Guixu to destroy this origin, like the Hunyuan Above who joined forces with Chen Feng in front of him, because he has some of his own little thoughts, or is more cautious.

This is all normal.

Since the other party asked Chen Feng to join forces, Chen Feng saw this.

So Chen Feng said not to let the other party not be so anxious.

Seeing Chen Feng so calm, this Hunyuan Above also restrained himself, or it can be said that this Hunyuan Above himself was not so anxious to rush up.

Especially after seeing the phantom that can devour the Hunyuan, you have to be more careful.

The war broke out. Although the sunset devoured a Hunyuan, four or five Hunyuan rushed up and attacked the phantom the next moment.

On the one hand, they wanted to eliminate the threat, and on the other hand, they also wanted to get rid of the phantom and gain benefits.

It is obvious that this is an origin-level existence.

If you blow up the opponent, you will get huge benefits, which is even better than plundering the origin core of one party.

"Be careful, since there is an origin-level existence sitting in, there must be more than one. Maybe one will suddenly appear to deal with us." Chen Feng said.

"It won't be such a coincidence?" The Hunyuan said with a smile.

But the next moment, the two felt a strong crisis. Chen Feng fled from the spot in the first time with the magic of walking. The method of the Hunyuan was also good. He left a residual image, and he didn't know where he went.

A magic weapon appeared almost out of thin air, blocking time and space and suppressing the four directions.

Even though Chen Feng escaped, he still felt that danger was passing by him. The shadow left by the Hunyuan was directly shattered.

This is an origin-level magic weapon, and the energy tower in Chen Feng's body has produced some resonance.

"It's actually a sacred mountain, which looks similar to my immortal, but the other party's level is higher." Chen Feng's heart moved, and he felt a strong and strong pressure.

The immortal controlled by Chen Feng had fought with the Gate of Time and Space, and the result was that it was broken into pieces.

But in Chen Feng's view, the sacred mountain in front of him might be able to smash the Gate of Time and Space into pieces.

Chen Feng prefers this type of magic weapon, so there is a burning fire in his eyes, and he can't wait to go forward and take this sacred mountain for himself.

But then a powerful force moved.

This is not an ordinary force, but a force field similar to a field. Once it is mixed in, it may tear the body into pieces.

Chen Feng did not try it immediately, but used boxing to directly break this force.

On the other hand, Chen Feng noticed that the Hunyuan was also attacked.

The two just reacted very quickly. If they were slower, they might be suppressed by this sacred mountain.

Relying on the opponent's level and strength, once the two were suppressed, Chen Feng and this person above the Primordial Realm would really not be able to escape.

When they thought of this, they were also shocked.

Then the two quickly gathered together.

"It's true that what you fear will come true. I didn't expect that such a powerful existence would really target us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Daoyou is so relaxed. I really feel a strong threat. The two of us are probably not this person's opponent when we join forces. This is also in the opponent's territory." This person above the Primordial Realm said.

"Daoyou dare to come here. Don't you think there will be such a result? I think there must be confidence, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"How can I have confidence? Be careful and don't be careless. It would be a pity if you die here." This person above the Primordial Realm took out a weapon and released a sharp force.

It actually passed through layers of power positions and directly hit the sacred mountain.

But this sacred mountain was motionless, as if it was tickled.

"Such a strong defense, how can we fight it? Or let's run away?" said the person above the Primordial.

"I want to run away, but I'm afraid the other party won't let us go so easily." Chen Feng suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, the area where Chen Feng was was directly cut into pieces. This time, Chen Feng didn't even catch the trajectory of the other party's attack. It was only because of his sensitivity to danger that Chen Feng avoided this attack.

After a brief fight between the two sides, Chen Feng knew that he might not be able to defeat the other party this time.

This was an origin-level existence in full glory. Under normal circumstances, Chen Feng and the person above the Primordial could only run away together.

It was actually a bit of a stretch to be able to block the other party's attack.

Just like the attack launched by the person above the Primordial just now did not break the other party's defense.

Think about it, part of the power of the phantom chased Chen Feng to nowhere to escape.

But it would be a pity to let Chen Feng let go of this sacred mountain.

Such a good treasure, Chen Feng had been greedy from the beginning, and wanted to use all means to deal with the other party.

Now joining forces with this Hunyuan Shangzhi is just Chen Feng's barely suppressed ambition and impulse.

And Chen Feng also found that this Hunyuan Shangzhi didn't want to leave just like that, and it was obvious that the other party also had means.

It just seemed that he didn't have much confidence in dealing with the other party.

"I thought I could fish in troubled waters, but who knew that the other party would target us right away, which is really a depressing thing." Hunyuan Shangzhi also said so.

A bunch of extremely sharp forces kept hitting this sacred mountain, but this sacred mountain didn't dodge at all, but relied on its powerful defense to directly defeat the attack of this Hunyuan Shangzhi.

The huge body slammed into this Hunyuan Shangzhi fiercely.

Unexpectedly, this Hunyuan Shangzhi actually mobilized his own strength to resist, and the result was that he was knocked out.

Chen Feng was not idle either. He also seized the opportunity, approached the opponent, and punched him hard.

A powerful force burst out, and the power of Chen Feng's chaotic body was fully displayed at this moment, even the Hunyuan was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that Chen Feng's body could burst out such a powerful force.

But it still didn't work. Chen Feng felt a strong force of reversal, and his own burst of power was constantly defeated by the opponent. This sacred mountain also attacked Chengfeng at the same time.

The powerful force can simply crush everything. Chen Feng did not resist this time, but chose to dodge.

"The opponent's defense is too strong, let's attack in other ways." The Hunyuan said.

Just when Chen Feng thought that the opponent was going to attack with will, the Hunyuan actually used a kind of annihilation force, which directly hit the sacred mountain.

Then Chen Feng felt that the power on the surface of the sacred mountain was constantly annihilating, and later it even affected the body of the sacred mountain.

I only saw the light flickering continuously, and finally became a little dim, as if it was corroded.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. This person above the Primordial used the power that he cultivated, but it had some impact on this sacred mountain.

Moreover, Chen Feng had also studied this kind of annihilation power, but there was also the law of annihilation in the avenue that Chen Feng controlled.

However, when comparing the two, Chen Feng found that the power controlled by the other party was too strong.

There is no harm without comparison.

Chen Feng can be sure that none of the many powers he controls can match the other party in terms of control.

Even the powerful power of transcendent origin, such as the power imprint, he only made some superficial use.

Chen Feng can even imagine that if this person above the Primordial can master the power imprint in his hand, then he might be able to penetrate the sacred mountain in front of him.

"But even so, the power is still a little weak, and the attack range is not too large, which can't cause much impact on this sacred mountain." Chen Feng certainly didn't watch the fun. Since the other party could throw away some of the other party's defense, Chen Feng mainly injected his own attack instantly.

This time Chen Feng still used the power of the avenue, and the power condensed this point, and fiercely bombarded the sacred mountain.

This time it finally worked. This domineering mountain actually retreated a distance.

But it only went so far. After retreating a distance, the mountain suddenly began to rotate. Two vortices erupted out of thin air, engulfing Chen Feng and the man above the Primordial.

This was the first time Chen Feng encountered such a powerful vortex. He was actually swept dizzy. Before he could stabilize, he felt a strong crisis and quickly released the power of the avenue, but the power of the avenue collapsed.

Chen Feng quickly punched. This time he was no longer hiding his strength like before. It seemed that he had erupted the power of the origin of the volcano.

A violent collision, a violent explosion, and the area around Chen Feng was directly submerged.

Chen Feng retreated again and again, and cracks appeared on his arms, as if he would explode at any time.

This mountain did not seem to expect that Chen Feng would actually erupt with such a level of power. An attack that was originally bound to win was resolved by Chen Feng.

The man named Hunyuan also used more powerful means, and a special field emerged around him. Although it was shattered by the opponent, the man named Hunyuan also took the opportunity to escape from danger.

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