Eternal Existence

Chapter 4866 Where to Go

"Don't be careless. This Shenshan is extremely powerful. Even if we are prepared, I am not absolutely sure." Hunyuan Shangshang, who was with Chen Feng before, said.

"At this point, even if we can't defeat the opponent, we have to go to the end. Even if we fail, we have to gain some experience. But I am still somewhat confident. We have prepared so much, there is no need to fail to defeat the opponent, not to mention that this side of the origin will be swallowed up by Guixu sooner or later."

"That's right, the power of this side of the origin is constantly weakening, and it will also cause the power of this side of the immortal to weaken. This is a good opportunity for us, so we must fight quickly to avoid being snatched away by others. This time, it's not just a few of us who are coming. Some guys are still very powerful."

The other Hunyuan Shangshang kept saying.

Then the two sides had a fierce fight.

The three Hunyuan Shangshang also wanted to fight quickly and continuously burst out with powerful attack power.

The Shenshan also knew that the situation was not good, so it was also attacking frantically, trying to kill a way out.

Under normal circumstances, this Shenshan did not take some Hunyuan Shangshang seriously.

But now the situation is not right.

On the one hand, the origin area itself is being invaded by Guixu, so the local advantage of this deep mountain is not great.

Although this origin area is also sending out some power from time to time to bless, it is completely aimed at those who rush into Guixu to fight.

In addition to being well prepared, these few Hunyuan Above also have the support of Guixu. In this way, the situation of this sacred mountain is really not good.

"Haha, it's quite lively here. I see you are struggling. Do you want us to help?" During the battle, other Hunyuan Above discovered the situation here. They wanted to participate.

"No need, we can handle it here, please go to other places." The four Hunyuan Above certainly would not let the other party come in to share the benefits, and chose to refuse at the first time.

However, it can be seen from this that the Guixu side has the upper hand.

That being said, two Hunyuan Above still chose to stay in the dark to watch the excitement.

Of course, the other party is not just watching the excitement, but also thinking that if there is a chance, they can fish in troubled waters and get some benefits.

These four Hunyuan Above are now fully dealing with this sacred mountain, and there is no good way to drive away those who are watching the excitement.

After all, to be honest, everyone is on the same side, and the other party did not intervene, just watching the battle from a distance.

According to the other party, we want to help.

Besides, what can we do if we know that the other party is trying to fish in troubled waters? The premise is to solve this sacred mountain first.

So the four Hunyuan above became more and more anxious. On the basis of the original full-strength burst, they also used some finale methods.

In this way, the mountain was finally gradually suppressed. Seeing that the sacred mountain was suppressed little by little, runes began to merge into the sacred mountain.

The sacred mountain did not melt all these runes at the first time, which explained the reason.

With the integration of runes, the sacred mountain was naturally affected.

This shows that the power of the four Hunyuan above is also eroding the sacred mountain.

On the one hand, it is suppressing the strength of the sacred mountain, and on the other hand, it is also thought that controlling the sacred mountain is the most stable.

Seeing that the four Hunyuan above are gradually succeeding, the two Hunyuan above who are watching the excitement not far away are a little bored, thinking that they will probably not get any benefits.

Just when the two wanted to leave, the scene changed again.

A force suddenly appeared and was absorbed by the mountain.

Then the mountain seemed to have taken a super tonic pill and became more ferocious than before.

Not only did it break the restrictions on its body, but it also forced the four Hunyuans to retreat again and again.

"Not good, the other party has been blessed by this origin area and has now directly recovered to the peak." The Hunyuan who was with Chen Feng couldn't help but change his face.

"We must keep it stable and never let the other party rush out."

Although these Hunyuans thought so and did prepare various defenses, they still didn't expect that the mountain didn't even think about leaving, as if it wanted to kill these invaders here.

As a result, the fight between the two sides became more and more intense.

With this origin area as a backing, the mountain became more and more ferocious, rushing around with a crazy momentum, and firmly locked one person to attack.

Not long after, a Hunyuan couldn't resist and was hit hard by the mountain.

The whole body collapsed directly.

Although this Hunyuan Above had reshaped his body, he had also paid a great price.

The most important thing is that this sacred mountain has begun to gain the upper hand.

"Not good, this won't work."

Although these Hunyuan Above tried hard to save the situation, their strength was there, unless they burned their origin.

And the Hunyuan Above whose body collapsed just now had already burned its origin once.

This was somewhat inconsistent with the previous plan.

It seems that the previous plan of these Hunyuan Above could not do this to take down this sacred mountain.

Now it seems that the plan has changed.

And even if the burning origin can succeed, it is still unknown. Once this sacred mountain escapes, all the previous efforts will be wasted.

But if you want to retreat now, you really can't bear it.

After making so many preparations and paying such a great price, if you choose to retreat, this action to enter this origin area will be considered a failure.

And judging from the momentum of this sacred mountain, it will not let these few Hunyuan Above choose to leave.

At this time, a wave of power came, and this immortal was blessed again.

It was incredible to receive the blessing of the origin area in such a short time.

However, these four Hunyuan Above felt a strong crisis.

The Hunyuan Above who was with Chen Feng shouted: "Two Taoist friends can't watch the excitement now, quickly join in."

This is to choose to ask for help, which is also a choice after there is no other way.

"Haha, this is not what we want to participate in, we are just here to help." The two Hunyuan Above who were watching the excitement rushed in with a big laugh.

In fact, these two people had some hesitation before, and originally wanted to fish in troubled waters and get some benefits.

Now it seems that the two sides of the war are not both injured, but it is not reasonable, and they can't choose to retreat at this time.

With the addition of the two Hunyuan Above, the six Hunyuan Above blocked the next explosion of this sacred mountain.

Then there was also a force from Guixu to bless the six Hunyuan Above.

The previous consumption was quickly replenished, and the few Hunyuans also regained their confidence.

"Everyone, now is not the time to talk. Each of us should use our own means to solve this sacred mountain. Even if the six of us divide it, it will be enough to make up for our previous losses. After solving this immortal, we will deal with other powerful beings." The Hunyuans who were with Chen Feng said this.

"You don't need to say more. We naturally understand that this origin area must be divided up. It depends on how much benefit we can get. In fact, we have already wasted some time here."

The six Hunyuans understood the situation in front of them, so they also broke out with all their strength.

The fight between the two sides caused a lot of noise, but no one had the heart to pay attention to this place, because there were wars in other places in this origin area, and there were also powerful beings like this sacred mountain coming out to fight the invaders.

There are also many powerful lives from Guixu in other places. Judging from the overall momentum, Guixu must have the upper hand.

This origin area looks like an isolated island on the seashore in front of Guixu. It will be submerged sooner or later under the impact of the sea water, but it is still struggling to hold on.


There was a violent explosion, and the energy rolled and shook the earth, as if it had directly penetrated this origin area.

The two Hunyuans rolled back and forth, their bodies were broken, and they looked extremely miserable, but some holes appeared on the sacred mountain, and some runes drilled in like water.

In addition, there were some cracks in other parts of the sacred mountain.

The sacred mountain with extremely strong defense was still broken, and it seemed that both sides would suffer losses.

Although the two Hunyuans were beaten back, the other four took this opportunity to attack the immortal in turn.

Soon another Hunyuan was beaten back, but the two injured before rushed up again.

This is the advantage of having more people. In this situation, no one is lazy, but keeps rushing up and bursting out their powerful attack power.

"It would be great if we had two more helpers at this time."

"No, if there are more people, our previous efforts will not be rewarded."

"That's right, after all, this is just a magic weapon above the origin level, and the six of us have very little."

In the end, no one agreed to this suggestion, so they could only rely on the six people to continue to fight hard.

However, after the power of Dangguixu continued to bless them, the six Hunyuan finally saw the hope of victory.

This mountain became tattered, with countless cracks, and the light on the surface had completely converged, and it looked like it was about to collapse.

The most important thing is that this sacred mountain has not received the power blessing of this origin area during this period of time.

In other words, the situation in this origin area is not very good.

"It's about to succeed, and you must be careful of the other party's self-destruction."

"Don't worry, at this point, even if the other party self-destructs, it won't be a big threat. Of course, you still can't get too close."

"Even if the other party self-destructs, the six of us can resist it together."

As he was talking about the raging flames burning in the sacred mountain in front of him, the originally somewhat withered power revived, and became stronger and stronger.

"The opponent is about to burn his origin. This is his last resort. As long as we can hold on, we can share the spoils of victory." A person above Hunyuan said loudly.

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