Eternal Existence

Chapter 4864: Fishing in Troubled Waters

But the situation is different now. The powerful beings in the origin are fighting outside, and part of this origin has been invaded by Guixu.

At this time, the actions of these Hunyuan Above can still play a role. If they invade the core area, or find the location of the marks of the origins that are fighting, then it may play a crucial role.

It seems that Chen Feng did not take action at this time, but was a little entangled. He originally came to watch the fun and wanted to find out which origin this belonged to.

Who knew that things would change so much.

In terms of gains, Chen Feng's best approach at this time is to fish in troubled waters.

But from the beginning, Chen Feng regarded Guixu as an enemy, and he was a little hesitant.

Another Hunyuan Above appeared.

The other party looked at him with some surprise.

Just when he was watching the fun before, this Hunyuan Above found Chen Feng, but he didn't care too much at the time, but he didn't expect Chen Feng to come to this origin area and get ahead of him.

So this Hunyuan Above admitted that he had made a mistake.

"Fellow Daoist, this is a good opportunity. How about we join forces?" The man above the Primordial took the initiative to invite Chen Feng.

"Join forces?" Chen Feng looked at the other party with some curiosity.

"Yes, let's join forces. This is a good opportunity, but it is also very dangerous. After all, this is a powerful origin area. If the other party concentrates its strength, none of us can stop it. It's just that this origin area is fighting on many fronts, so the energy is divided. This is a good opportunity for us, but we also have to be on guard against other fellow Daoists." The man above the Primordial said.

"Then fellow Daoist trusts me very much. Are you afraid that I will choose to attack from behind?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"My intuition tells me that fellow Daoist is still more reliable. Of course, if fellow Daoist is unwilling, I don't care." The man above the Primordial said with a smile.

"Since fellow Daoist invited you, it's better to obey than to be respectful." Chen Feng agreed directly.

Then the two of them joined together and walked quickly in this origin area.

Naturally, it was to find resources.

"The best thing is to find the location of those origin-level imprints. It's too dangerous to go directly to the core area of ​​this origin area." The man above the Primordial said.

"Go and raid the house directly? That's a good idea, but I'm worried that there are Origin-level beings here to testify. We won't take advantage of them if we make an account of them on their own." Chen Feng said.

"Don't worry, if I guess correctly, there will probably be many powerful beings coming to this Origin area this time. Although this Origin area is huge, it will only be covered and eroded by Guixu this time." The above-the-primordial being said with some indifference.

"I just feel that we still need to be more careful. Beings of our level look very powerful, but we are still relatively weak when encountering Origin-level beings." As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, a phantom suddenly appeared in the distance. This phantom seemed to be hiding in the dark, waiting deliberately, and suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed a above-the-primordial being from Guixu.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng and the above-the-primordial being looked at each other, and the smiles on their faces disappeared.

"Look, I said it, don't look at us as powerful, in fact, for the stronger ones, we are just snacks." Chen Feng said with some emotion.

"Since we are here, we know there will be danger. Are we going to retreat now?" The person on the Hunyuan said with a smile, not as worried as Chen Feng imagined.

"What Daoyou said makes sense, but no matter what, we still have to act carefully. It is better to hide in the dark and fish in troubled waters. There is no need to take the lead right away." Chen Feng still insisted on his point of view.

"Then we will see the situation, but it is easy for us to give the benefits to others if we do this." The person on the Hunyuan said with a smile.

Then the two of them used the invisibility technique to walk in the dark, and at the same time noticed that some powerful lives descended on this origin area.

Chen Feng was also very cautious at this time. Although this origin area is huge and can carry such a powerful existence as the River of Time, when the number of Hunyuan is large enough, it can still mess up this origin area.

Maybe it will be possible to take the opportunity to divide it up.

Chen Feng was also secretly thinking that he needed to change his previous plan.

Originally, he wanted to seize the opportunity to kill some Hunyuan people who belonged to Guixu, but now it seems that it is easy to cause more trouble.

Of course, these Hunyuans on the Guixu side are definitely rivals of each other, and Chen Feng has one next to him at this time.

Chen Feng certainly doesn't want to kill the other party, but is thinking about whether he can join hands with the other party to hunt down other Hunyuans.

In this way, he can get benefits on the one hand, and on the other hand, he can get rewards from this origin area.

Of course, if this origin area loses, Chen Feng doesn't mind taking the opportunity to divide it.

After all, this origin has nothing to do with him.

"But this approach is simply dancing on the edge of a knife, or walking on a single-plank bridge, with a mountain of knives on one side and a sea of ​​fire on the other." Chen Feng said with a smile.

It doesn't seem like anything now, but in fact, Chen Feng also understands that it is still very dangerous for him to enter this origin area.

No matter which powerful existence is stared at by him, he will be in trouble.

So the most important thing now is to take a look at the situation.

Chen Feng believes that these Hunyuan masters also understand this truth, that is, some people believe in their own strength in the face of interests.

And this time, the vast majority of Hunyuan who entered this origin still represent the will of returning to the ruins.

Wanting to cooperate with Gui Xu to destroy this origin, Hunyuan Shang, who is teaming up with Chen Feng, has some small thoughts of his own, or is more cautious.

This is all normal.

Ever since the other party approached Chen Feng to join forces, Chen Feng had noticed this.

That's why Chen Feng said not to tell the other party not to be so anxious.

Seeing Chen Feng being so calm, the Hunyuan Shang also restrained himself, or in other words, the Hunyuan Shang himself was not so anxious to rush forward.

Especially after seeing the phantom that can swallow up Hunyuan, you need to be more careful.

The war began to break out. Although the sunset swallowed up one Hunyuan Superior, the next moment four or five Hunyuan Superiors rushed forward and launched an attack on the phantom.

On the one hand, they want to eliminate the threat, and on the other hand, they also want to get rid of the phantom and gain benefits.

It was obvious that this was an origin-level existence.

If you defeat the opponent, you will get huge benefits, even better than plundering the origin core of one party's origin.

"Be careful. Since there are origin-level beings in charge, there must be more than one. Maybe one will suddenly appear to deal with us." Chen Feng said.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?" The Hunyuan Shang also said with a smile.

But the next moment, the two of them felt a strong crisis. Chen Feng immediately used the magic of divine movement to escape from the place. This Hunyuan's method was also good, leaving an afterimage, but he himself was not Know where it went.

A magic weapon appeared almost out of thin air, blocking time and space and suppressing all directions.

Even though Chen Feng escaped, he still felt that danger passed him by, and the shadow left by the Hunyuan was directly shattered.

This is an origin-level magic weapon, and the energy tower in Chen Feng's body has already resonated with it.

"It turned out to be a sacred mountain. It looks similar to my immortal, but the other party is at a higher level." Chen Feng's heart moved and he felt a strong pressure.

The immortals controlled by Chen Feng had a battle with the Gate of Time and Space, and ended up being shattered into pieces.

But in Chen Feng's opinion, the sacred mountain in front of him might be able to smash the door of time and space into pieces.

Chen Feng prefers this type of magic weapon, so his eyes are filled with hot fire, and he can't wait to step forward and take this sacred mountain as his own.

But then a powerful force came.

This is not an ordinary force, but a force field similar to a field. Once stirred into it, the body may be torn into pieces.

Chen Feng did not try immediately, but used boxing skills to directly knock this force to pieces.

On the other hand, Chen Feng noticed that the person above Hunyuan was also attacked.

The two people reacted very quickly just now. If they had been slower, they might have been suppressed by this sacred mountain.

Relying on the opponent's level and strength, once the two of them are suppressed, Chen Feng and this Hunyuan Shang really will not be able to escape.

After thinking of this, the two of them were shocked.

Then the two quickly got together.

"I'm really afraid of what will happen. I didn't expect that such a powerful existence would be targeting us." Chen Feng said with a smile.

"Fellow Taoist is so relaxed. I do feel a strong threat. If the two of us join forces, I'm afraid we are no match for this person. This is the other party's territory." The Hunyuan Shang said.

"Since fellow Taoist dared to come here, could it be possible that Cheng Cheng didn't expect such a result? I think I must have confidence, right?" Chen Feng said with a smile.

"How can I have the confidence? Be careful and don't be careless. It would be a pity if you die here." This Hunyuan Shang took out a weapon and released an extremely sharp force.

It actually passed through the layers of power and directly hit the sacred mountain with it.

It's just that this sacred mountain is motionless, as if it's being tickled.

"How can we fight with such a strong defense? Otherwise, let's escape?" the Hunyuan Shang said.

"I also want to escape, but I'm afraid the other party won't let us leave so easily." Chen Feng suddenly disappeared from the spot.

The next moment, the area where Chen Feng was was directly cut into pieces. This time, Chen Feng didn't even catch the opponent's shot trajectory. It was only because of his sensitivity to danger that Chen Feng escaped this attack.

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